#include "qwt_date.h"
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qlocale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits>
#include <limits.h>

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000

typedef qint64 QwtJulianDay;
static const QwtJulianDay minJulianDayD = Q_INT64_C( -784350574879 );
static const QwtJulianDay maxJulianDayD = Q_INT64_C( 784354017364 );


// QDate stores the Julian day as unsigned int, but
// but it is QDate::fromJulianDay( int ). That's why
// we have the range [ 1, INT_MAX ]
typedef int QwtJulianDay;
static const QwtJulianDay minJulianDayD = 1;
static const QwtJulianDay maxJulianDayD = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();


static inline Qt::DayOfWeek qwtFirstDayOfWeek()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
    return QLocale().firstDayOfWeek();

    switch( QLocale().country() )
        case QLocale::Maldives:
            return Qt::Friday;

        case QLocale::Afghanistan:
        case QLocale::Algeria:
        case QLocale::Bahrain:
        case QLocale::Djibouti:
        case QLocale::Egypt:
        case QLocale::Eritrea:
        case QLocale::Ethiopia:
        case QLocale::Iran:
        case QLocale::Iraq:
        case QLocale::Jordan:
        case QLocale::Kenya:
        case QLocale::Kuwait:
        case QLocale::LibyanArabJamahiriya:
        case QLocale::Morocco:
        case QLocale::Oman:
        case QLocale::Qatar:
        case QLocale::SaudiArabia:
        case QLocale::Somalia:
        case QLocale::Sudan:
        case QLocale::Tunisia:
        case QLocale::Yemen:
            return Qt::Saturday;

        case QLocale::AmericanSamoa:
        case QLocale::Argentina:
        case QLocale::Azerbaijan:
        case QLocale::Botswana:
        case QLocale::Canada:
        case QLocale::China:
        case QLocale::FaroeIslands:
        case QLocale::Georgia:
        case QLocale::Greenland:
        case QLocale::Guam:
        case QLocale::HongKong:
        case QLocale::Iceland:
        case QLocale::India:
        case QLocale::Ireland:
        case QLocale::Israel:
        case QLocale::Jamaica:
        case QLocale::Japan:
        case QLocale::Kyrgyzstan:
        case QLocale::Lao:
        case QLocale::Malta:
        case QLocale::MarshallIslands:
        case QLocale::Macau:
        case QLocale::Mongolia:
        case QLocale::NewZealand:
        case QLocale::NorthernMarianaIslands:
        case QLocale::Pakistan:
        case QLocale::Philippines:
        case QLocale::RepublicOfKorea:
        case QLocale::Singapore:
        case QLocale::SyrianArabRepublic:
        case QLocale::Taiwan:
        case QLocale::Thailand:
        case QLocale::TrinidadAndTobago:
        case QLocale::UnitedStates:
        case QLocale::UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands:
        case QLocale::USVirginIslands:
        case QLocale::Uzbekistan:
        case QLocale::Zimbabwe:
            return Qt::Sunday;

            return Qt::Monday;

static inline void qwtFloorTime( 
    QwtDate::IntervalType intervalType, QDateTime &dt )
    // when dt is inside the special hour where DST is ending
    // an hour is no unique. Therefore we have to
    // use UTC time.

    const Qt::TimeSpec timeSpec = dt.timeSpec();

    if ( timeSpec == Qt::LocalTime )
        dt = dt.toTimeSpec( Qt::UTC );

    const QTime t = dt.time();
    switch( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Second:
            dt.setTime( QTime( t.hour(), t.minute(), t.second() ) );
        case QwtDate::Minute:
            dt.setTime( QTime( t.hour(), t.minute(), 0 ) );
        case QwtDate::Hour:
            dt.setTime( QTime( t.hour(), 0, 0 ) );

    if ( timeSpec == Qt::LocalTime )
        dt = dt.toTimeSpec( Qt::LocalTime );

static inline QDateTime qwtToTimeSpec( 
    const QDateTime &dt, Qt::TimeSpec spec )
    if ( dt.timeSpec() == spec )
        return dt;

    const qint64 jd = dt.date().toJulianDay();
    if ( jd < 0 || jd >= INT_MAX )
        // the conversion between local time and UTC
        // is internally limited. To avoid
        // overflows we simply ignore the difference
        // for those dates

        QDateTime dt2 = dt;
        dt2.setTimeSpec( spec );
        return dt2;

    return dt.toTimeSpec( spec );

static inline double qwtToJulianDay( int year, int month, int day )
    // code from QDate but using doubles to avoid overflows
    // for large values

    const int m1 = ( month - 14 ) / 12;
    const int m2 = ( 367 * ( month - 2 - 12 * m1 ) ) / 12;
    const double y1 = ::floor( ( 4900.0 + year + m1 ) / 100 );

    return ::floor( ( 1461.0 * ( year + 4800 + m1 ) ) / 4 ) + m2
            - ::floor( ( 3 * y1 ) / 4 ) + day - 32075;

static inline qint64 qwtFloorDiv64( qint64 a, int b )
    if ( a < 0 )
        a -= b - 1;

    return a / b;

static inline qint64 qwtFloorDiv( int a, int b )
    if ( a < 0 )
        a -= b - 1;
    return a / b;

static inline QDate qwtToDate( int year, int month = 1, int day = 1 )
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
    return QDate( year, month, day );
    if ( year > 100000 )
        // code from QDate but using doubles to avoid overflows
        // for large values

        const int m1 = ( month - 14 ) / 12;
        const int m2 = ( 367 * ( month - 2 - 12 * m1 ) ) / 12;
        const double y1 = ::floor( ( 4900.0 + year + m1 ) / 100 );

        const double jd = ::floor( ( 1461.0 * ( year + 4800 + m1 ) ) / 4 ) + m2
            - ::floor( ( 3 * y1 ) / 4 ) + day - 32075;

        if ( jd > maxJulianDayD )
            qWarning() << "qwtToDate: overflow";
            return QDate();

        return QDate::fromJulianDay( static_cast<QwtJulianDay>( jd ) );
        return QDate( year, month, day );

  Translate from double to QDateTime

  \param value Number of milliseconds since the epoch, 
               1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC
  \param timeSpec Time specification
  \return Datetime value

  \sa toDouble(), QDateTime::setMSecsSinceEpoch()
  \note The return datetime for Qt::OffsetFromUTC will be Qt::UTC
QDateTime QwtDate::toDateTime( double value, Qt::TimeSpec timeSpec )
    const int msecsPerDay = 86400000;

    const double days = static_cast<qint64>( ::floor( value / msecsPerDay ) );

    const double jd = QwtDate::JulianDayForEpoch + days;
    if ( ( jd > maxJulianDayD ) || ( jd < minJulianDayD ) )
        qWarning() << "QwtDate::toDateTime: overflow";
        return QDateTime();

    const QDate d = QDate::fromJulianDay( static_cast<QwtJulianDay>( jd ) );

    const int msecs = static_cast<int>( value - days * msecsPerDay );

    static const QTime timeNull( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    QDateTime dt( d, timeNull.addMSecs( msecs ), Qt::UTC );

    if ( timeSpec == Qt::LocalTime )
        dt = qwtToTimeSpec( dt, timeSpec );

    return dt;

  Translate from QDateTime to double

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \return Number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC has passed.

  \sa toDateTime(), QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch()
  \warning For values very far below or above 1970-01-01 UTC rounding errors
           will happen due to the limited significance of a double.
double QwtDate::toDouble( const QDateTime &dateTime )
    const int msecsPerDay = 86400000;

    const QDateTime dt = qwtToTimeSpec( dateTime, Qt::UTC );

    const double days = dt.date().toJulianDay() - QwtDate::JulianDayForEpoch;

    const QTime time = dt.time();
    const double secs = 3600.0 * time.hour() + 
        60.0 * time.minute() + time.second();

    return days * msecsPerDay + time.msec() + 1000.0 * secs;

  Ceil a datetime according the interval type

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \param intervalType Interval type, how to ceil. 
                      F.e. when intervalType = QwtDate::Months, the result
                      will be ceiled to the next beginning of a month
  \return Ceiled datetime
  \sa floor()
QDateTime QwtDate::ceil( const QDateTime &dateTime, IntervalType intervalType )
    if ( dateTime.date() >= QwtDate::maxDate() )
        return dateTime;

    QDateTime dt = dateTime;

    switch ( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Millisecond:
        case QwtDate::Second:
            qwtFloorTime( QwtDate::Second, dt );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addSecs( 1 );

        case QwtDate::Minute:
            qwtFloorTime( QwtDate::Minute, dt );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addSecs( 60 );

        case QwtDate::Hour:
            qwtFloorTime( QwtDate::Hour, dt );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addSecs( 3600 );

        case QwtDate::Day:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt = dt.addDays( 1 );

        case QwtDate::Week:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt = dt.addDays( 1 );

            int days = qwtFirstDayOfWeek() - dt.date().dayOfWeek();
            if ( days < 0 )
                days += 7;

            dt = dt.addDays( days );

        case QwtDate::Month:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
            dt.setDate( qwtToDate( dateTime.date().year(), 
                dateTime.date().month() ) );

            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addMonths( 1 );

        case QwtDate::Year:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            const QDate d = dateTime.date();

            int year = d.year();
            if ( d.month() > 1 || d.day() > 1 || !dateTime.time().isNull() )

            if ( year == 0 )
                year++; // there is no year 0

            dt.setDate( qwtToDate( year ) );

    return dt;

  Floor a datetime according the interval type

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \param intervalType Interval type, how to ceil. 
                      F.e. when intervalType = QwtDate::Months,
                      the result will be ceiled to the next 
                      beginning of a month
  \return Floored datetime
  \sa floor()
QDateTime QwtDate::floor( const QDateTime &dateTime, 
    IntervalType intervalType )
    if ( dateTime.date() <= QwtDate::minDate() )
        return dateTime;

    QDateTime dt = dateTime;

    switch ( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Millisecond:
        case QwtDate::Second:
        case QwtDate::Minute:
        case QwtDate::Hour:
            qwtFloorTime( intervalType, dt );
        case QwtDate::Day:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
        case QwtDate::Week:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            int days = dt.date().dayOfWeek() - qwtFirstDayOfWeek();
            if ( days < 0 )
                days += 7;

            dt = dt.addDays( -days );

        case QwtDate::Month:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            const QDate date = qwtToDate( dt.date().year(), 
                dt.date().month() );
            dt.setDate( date );

        case QwtDate::Year:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            const QDate date = qwtToDate( dt.date().year() );
            dt.setDate( date );


    return dt;

  Minimum for the supported date range

  The range of valid dates depends on how QDate stores the 
  Julian day internally.

  - For Qt4 it is "Tue Jan 2 -4713"
  - For Qt5 it is "Thu Jan 1 -2147483648"

  \return minimum of the date range
  \sa maxDate()
QDate QwtDate::minDate()
    static QDate date;
    if ( !date.isValid() )
        date = QDate::fromJulianDay( minJulianDayD );

    return date;

  Maximum for the supported date range

  The range of valid dates depends on how QDate stores the 
  Julian day internally.

  - For Qt4 it is "Tue Jun 3 5874898"
  - For Qt5 it is "Tue Dec 31 2147483647"

  \return maximum of the date range
  \sa minDate()
  \note The maximum differs between Qt4 and Qt5
QDate QwtDate::maxDate()
    static QDate date;
    if ( !date.isValid() )
        date = QDate::fromJulianDay( maxJulianDayD );

    return date;

  \brief Date of the first day of the first week for a year

  The first day of a week depends on the current locale
  ( QLocale::firstDayOfWeek() ). 

  \param year Year
  \param type Option how to identify the first week
  \return First day of week 0

  \sa QLocale::firstDayOfWeek(), weekNumber()
QDate QwtDate::dateOfWeek0( int year, Week0Type type )
    const Qt::DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek = qwtFirstDayOfWeek();

    QDate dt0( year, 1, 1 );

    // floor to the first day of the week
    int days = dt0.dayOfWeek() - firstDayOfWeek;
    if ( days < 0 )
        days += 7;

    dt0 = dt0.addDays( -days );

    if ( type == QwtDate::FirstThursday )
        // according to ISO 8601 the first week is defined
        // by the first thursday. 

        int d = Qt::Thursday - firstDayOfWeek;
        if ( d < 0 )
            d += 7;

        if ( dt0.addDays( d ).year() < year )
            dt0 = dt0.addDays( 7 );

    return dt0;

  Find the week number of a date

  - QwtDate::FirstThursday\n
    Corresponding to ISO 8601 ( see QDate::weekNumber() ). 

  - QwtDate::FirstDay\n
    Number of weeks that have begun since dateOfWeek0().

  \param date Date
  \param type Option how to identify the first week

  \return Week number, starting with 1
int QwtDate::weekNumber( const QDate &date, Week0Type type )
    int weekNo;

    if ( type == QwtDate::FirstDay )
        const QDate day0 = dateOfWeek0( date.year(), type );
        weekNo = day0.daysTo( date ) / 7 + 1;
        weekNo = date.weekNumber();

    return weekNo;

   Offset in seconds from Coordinated Universal Time

   The offset depends on the time specification of dateTime:

   - Qt::UTC
     0, dateTime has no offset
   - Qt::OffsetFromUTC
     returns dateTime.utcOffset()
   - Qt::LocalTime:
     number of seconds from the UTC

   For Qt::LocalTime the offset depends on the timezone and
   daylight savings.

   \param dateTime Datetime value
   \return Offset in seconds
int QwtDate::utcOffset( const QDateTime &dateTime )
    int seconds = 0;

    switch( dateTime.timeSpec() )
        case Qt::UTC:
        case Qt::OffsetFromUTC:
            seconds = dateTime.utcOffset();
            const QDateTime dt1( dateTime.date(), dateTime.time(), Qt::UTC );
            seconds = dateTime.secsTo( dt1 );

    return seconds;

  Translate a datetime into a string

  Beside the format expressions documented in QDateTime::toString()
  the following expressions are supported:

  - w\n
    week number: ( 1 - 53 )
  - ww\n
    week number with a leading zero ( 01 - 53 )

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \param format Format string
  \param week0Type Specification of week 0

  \return Datetime string
  \sa QDateTime::toString(), weekNumber(), QwtDateScaleDraw
QString QwtDate::toString( const QDateTime &dateTime,
    const QString & format, Week0Type week0Type )
    QString weekNo;
    weekNo.setNum( QwtDate::weekNumber( dateTime.date(), week0Type ) );

    QString weekNoWW;
    if ( weekNo.length() == 1 )
        weekNoWW += "0";
    weekNoWW += weekNo;

    QString fmt = format;
    fmt.replace( "ww", weekNoWW );
    fmt.replace( "w", weekNo );

    return dateTime.toString( fmt );