/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QGroundControl 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0 import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0 import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0 import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0 import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0 QGCViewDialog { id: root property Fact fact property bool showRCToParam: false property bool validate: false property string validateValue property real _editFieldWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 20 property bool _longDescriptionAvailable: fact.longDescription != "" property bool _editingParameter: fact.componentId != 0 property bool _allowForceSave: QGroundControl.corePlugin.showAdvancedUI || !_editingParameter property bool _allowDefaultReset: fact.defaultValueAvailable && (QGroundControl.corePlugin.showAdvancedUI || !_editingParameter) ParameterEditorController { id: controller; factPanel: parent } QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true } function accept() { if (bitmaskColumn.visible && !manualEntry.checked) { fact.value = bitmaskValue(); fact.valueChanged(fact.value) hideDialog(); } else if (factCombo.visible && !manualEntry.checked) { fact.enumIndex = factCombo.currentIndex hideDialog() } else { var errorString = fact.validate(valueField.text, forceSave.checked) if (errorString === "") { fact.value = valueField.text fact.valueChanged(fact.value) hideDialog() } else { validationError.text = errorString if (_allowForceSave) { forceSave.visible = true } } } } function reject() { fact.valueChanged(fact.value) hideDialog(); } function bitmaskValue() { var value = 0; for (var i = 0; i < fact.bitmaskValues.length; ++i) { var checkbox = bitmaskRepeater.itemAt(i) if (checkbox.checked) { value |= fact.bitmaskValues[i]; } } return value } Component.onCompleted: { if (validate) { validationError.text = fact.validate(validateValue, false /* convertOnly */) if (_allowForceSave) { forceSave.visible = true } } } // set focus to the text field when becoming visible (in case of an Enum, // the valueField is not visible, but it's not an issue because the combo // box cannot have a focus) onVisibleChanged: if (visible && !ScreenTools.isMobile) valueField.forceActiveFocus() QGCFlickable { anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: _column.y + _column.height flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick Column { id: _column spacing: defaultTextHeight anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right QGCLabel { id: validationError width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap color: qgcPal.warningText } RowLayout { spacing: defaultTextWidth anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right QGCTextField { id: valueField text: validate ? validateValue : fact.valueString visible: fact.enumStrings.length == 0 || validate || manualEntry.checked unitsLabel: fact.units showUnits: fact.units != "" Layout.fillWidth: true inputMethodHints: ScreenTools.isiOS ? Qt.ImhNone : // iOS numeric keyboard has not done button, we can't use it Qt.ImhFormattedNumbersOnly // Forces use of virtual numeric keyboard } QGCButton { anchors.baseline: valueField.baseline visible: _allowDefaultReset text: qsTr("Reset to default") onClicked: { fact.value = fact.defaultValue fact.valueChanged(fact.value) hideDialog() } } } QGCComboBox { id: factCombo anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right visible: _showCombo model: fact.enumStrings property bool _showCombo: fact.enumStrings.length != 0 && fact.bitmaskStrings.length == 0 && !validate Component.onCompleted: { // We can't bind directly to fact.enumIndex since that would add an unknown value // if there are no enum strings. if (_showCombo) { currentIndex = fact.enumIndex } } onCurrentIndexChanged: { if (currentIndex >=0 && currentIndex < model.length) { valueField.text = fact.enumValues[currentIndex] } } } Column { id: bitmaskColumn spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2 visible: fact.bitmaskStrings.length > 0 ? true : false; Repeater { id: bitmaskRepeater model: fact.bitmaskStrings delegate : QGCCheckBox { text : modelData checked : fact.value & fact.bitmaskValues[index] onClicked: { valueField.text = bitmaskValue() } } } } QGCLabel { width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap visible: !longDescriptionLabel.visible text: fact.shortDescription } QGCLabel { id: longDescriptionLabel width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap visible: fact.longDescription != "" text: fact.longDescription } Row { spacing: defaultTextWidth QGCLabel { id: minValueDisplay text: qsTr("Min: ") + fact.minString visible: !fact.minIsDefaultForType } QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Max: ") + fact.maxString visible: !fact.maxIsDefaultForType } QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Default: ") + fact.defaultValueString visible: _allowDefaultReset } } QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Parameter name: ") + fact.name visible: fact.componentId > 0 // > 0 means it's a parameter fact } QGCLabel { visible: fact.rebootRequired text: "Reboot required after change" } QGCLabel { width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: qsTr("Warning: Modifying values while vehicle is in flight can lead to vehicle instability and possible vehicle loss. ") + qsTr("Make sure you know what you are doing and double-check your values before Save!") visible: fact.componentId != -1 } QGCCheckBox { id: forceSave visible: false text: qsTr("Force save (dangerous!)") } Row { width: parent.width spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2 visible: showRCToParam || factCombo.visible || bitmaskColumn.visible Rectangle { height: 1 width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 5 color: qgcPal.text anchors.verticalCenter: _advanced.verticalCenter } QGCCheckBox { id: _advanced text: qsTr("Advanced settings") } Rectangle { height: 1 width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 5 color: qgcPal.text anchors.verticalCenter: _advanced.verticalCenter } } // Checkbox to allow manual entry of enumerated or bitmask parameters QGCCheckBox { id: manualEntry visible: _advanced.checked && (factCombo.visible || bitmaskColumn.visible) text: qsTr("Manual Entry") onClicked: { valueField.text = fact.valueString } } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Set RC to Param...") width: _editFieldWidth visible: _advanced.checked && !validate && showRCToParam onClicked: controller.setRCToParam(fact.name) } } // Column } } // QGCViewDialog