/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0 import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controllers 1.0 import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0 QGCView { id: qgcView viewPanel: panel QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: panel.enabled } QGCViewPanel { id: panel anchors.fill: parent Text { id: _textMeasure text: "X" color: qgcPal.window font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } GridLayout { anchors.margins: 20 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left columns: 3 Text { text: qsTr("Qt Platform:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: Qt.platform.os color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 10") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 10 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Default font width:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: _textMeasure.contentWidth color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 10.5") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 10.5 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Default font height:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: _textMeasure.contentHeight color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 11") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 11 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Default font pixel size:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: _textMeasure.font.pointSize color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 11.5") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 11.5 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Default font point size:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: _textMeasure.font.pointSize color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 12") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 12 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("QML Screen Desktop:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: Screen.desktopAvailableWidth + " x " + Screen.desktopAvailableHeight color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 12.5") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 12.5 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("QML Screen Size:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: Screen.width + " x " + Screen.height color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 13") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 13 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("QML Pixel Density:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: Screen.pixelDensity.toFixed(4) color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 13.5") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 13.5 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("QML Pixel Ratio:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: Screen.devicePixelRatio color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 14") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 14 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Default Point:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 14.5") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 14.5 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Computed Font Height:") color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight color: qgcPal.text font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } Text { text: qsTr("Font Point Size 15") color: qgcPal.text font.pointSize: 15 font.family: ScreenTools.normalFontFamily } } Rectangle { width: 100 height: 100 color: qgcPal.text anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.margins: 10 Text { text: "100x100" anchors.centerIn: parent color: qgcPal.window } } } }