    "name":                 "SurveyInAccuracyLimit",
    "shortDescription":     "Survey in accuracy (U-blox only)",
    "longDescription":      "The maximum accuracy allowed prior to completing survey in.",
    "type":                 "double",
    "defaultValue":         2.0,
    "min":                  0.5,
    "units":                "m",
    "decimalPlaces":        1,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true
    "name":                 "SurveyInMinObservationDuration",
    "shortDescription":     "Minimum observation time",
    "longDescription":      "Defines the minimum amount of observation time for the position calculation.",
    "type":                 "Uint32",
    "defaultValue":         180,
    "min":                  1,
    "units":                "secs",
    "decimalPlaces":        0,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true
    "name":                 "UseFixedBasePosition",
    "shortDescription":     "Use specified base position",
    "longDescription":      "Specify the values for the RTK base position without having to do a survey in.",
    "type":                 "bool",
    "defaultValue":         false,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true
    "name":                 "FixedBasePositionLatitude",
    "shortDescription":     "Base Position Latitude",
    "longDescription":      "Defines the latitude of the fixed RTK base position.",
    "type":                 "double",
    "defaultValue":         0,
    "min":                  -90,
    "max":                  90,
    "decimalPlaces":        9,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true
    "name":                 "FixedBasePositionLongitude",
    "shortDescription":     "Base Position Longitude",
    "longDescription":      "Defines the longitude of the fixed RTK base position.",
    "type":                 "double",
    "defaultValue":         0,
    "min":                  -180,
    "max":                  180,
    "decimalPlaces":        9,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true
    "name":                 "FixedBasePositionAltitude",
    "shortDescription":     "Base Position Altitude",
    "longDescription":      "Defines the altitude of the fixed RTK base position.",
    "type":                 "float",
    "defaultValue":         0,
    "units":                "m",
    "decimalPlaces":        2,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true
    "name":                 "FixedBasePositionAccuracy",
    "shortDescription":     "Base Position Accuracy",
    "longDescription":      "Defines the accuracy of the fixed RTK base position.",
    "type":                 "float",
    "defaultValue":         0,
    "units":                "m",
    "decimalPlaces":        2,
    "qgcRebootRequired":    true