/* libxbee - a C library to aid the use of Digi's Series 1 XBee modules running in API mode (AP=2). Copyright (C) 2009 Attie Grande (attie@attie.co.uk) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ const char *SVN_REV = "$Id: api.c 508 2011-06-12 23:22:34Z attie@attie.co.uk $"; char svn_rev[128] = "\0"; #include "api.h" const char *xbee_svn_version(void) { if (svn_rev[0] == '\0') { char *t; sprintf(svn_rev,"r%s",&SVN_REV[11]); t = strrchr(svn_rev,' '); if (t) { t[0] = '\0'; } } return svn_rev; } const char *xbee_build_info(void) { return "Built on " __DATE__ " @ " __TIME__ " for " HOST_OS; } /* ################################################################# */ /* ### Memory Handling ############################################# */ /* ################################################################# */ /* malloc wrapper function */ static void *Xmalloc2(xbee_hnd xbee, size_t size) { void *t; t = malloc(size); if (!t) { /* uhoh... thats pretty bad... */ xbee_perror("libxbee:malloc()"); exit(1); } return t; } /* calloc wrapper function */ static void *Xcalloc2(xbee_hnd xbee, size_t size) { void *t; t = calloc(1, size); if (!t) { /* uhoh... thats pretty bad... */ xbee_perror("libxbee:calloc()"); exit(1); } return t; } /* realloc wrapper function */ static void *Xrealloc2(xbee_hnd xbee, void *ptr, size_t size) { void *t; t = realloc(ptr,size); if (!t) { /* uhoh... thats pretty bad... */ fprintf(stderr,"libxbee:realloc(): Returned NULL\n"); exit(1); } return t; } /* free wrapper function (uses the Xfree macro and sets the pointer to NULL after freeing it) */ static void Xfree2(void **ptr) { if (!*ptr) return; free(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; } /* ################################################################# */ /* ### Helper Functions ############################################ */ /* ################################################################# */ /* ################################################################# returns 1 if the packet has data for the digital input else 0 */ int xbee_hasdigital(xbee_pkt *pkt, int sample, int input) { int mask = 0x0001; if (input < 0 || input > 7) return 0; if (sample >= pkt->samples) return 0; mask <<= input; return !!(pkt->IOdata[sample].IOmask & mask); } /* ################################################################# returns 1 if the digital input is high else 0 (or 0 if no digital data present) */ int xbee_getdigital(xbee_pkt *pkt, int sample, int input) { int mask = 0x0001; if (!xbee_hasdigital(pkt,sample,input)) return 0; mask <<= input; return !!(pkt->IOdata[sample].IOdigital & mask); } /* ################################################################# returns 1 if the packet has data for the analog input else 0 */ int xbee_hasanalog(xbee_pkt *pkt, int sample, int input) { int mask = 0x0200; if (input < 0 || input > 5) return 0; if (sample >= pkt->samples) return 0; mask <<= input; return !!(pkt->IOdata[sample].IOmask & mask); } /* ################################################################# returns analog input as a voltage if vRef is non-zero, else raw value (or 0 if no analog data present) */ double xbee_getanalog(xbee_pkt *pkt, int sample, int input, double Vref) { if (!xbee_hasanalog(pkt,sample,input)) return 0; if (Vref) return (Vref / 1023) * pkt->IOdata[sample].IOanalog[input]; return pkt->IOdata[sample].IOanalog[input]; } /* ################################################################# */ /* ### XBee Functions ############################################## */ /* ################################################################# */ static void xbee_logf(xbee_hnd xbee, const char *logformat, const char *file, const int line, const char *function, char *format, ...) { char buf[128]; va_list ap; if (!xbee) return; if (!xbee->log) return; va_start(ap,format); vsnprintf(buf,127,format,ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(xbee->log,logformat,file,line,function,buf); } void xbee_logitf(char *format, ...) { char buf[128]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); vsnprintf(buf,127,format,ap); va_end(ap); xbee_logit(buf); } void _xbee_logitf(xbee_hnd xbee, char *format, ...) { char buf[128]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); vsnprintf(buf,127,format,ap); va_end(ap); _xbee_logit(xbee, buf); } void xbee_logit(char *str) { _xbee_logit(default_xbee, str); } void _xbee_logit(xbee_hnd xbee, char *str) { if (!xbee) return; if (!xbee->log) return; xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->logmutex); fprintf(xbee->log,LOG_FORMAT"\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,str); xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->logmutex); } /* ################################################################# xbee_sendAT - INTERNAL allows for an at command to be send, and the reply to be captured */ static int xbee_sendAT(xbee_hnd xbee, char *command, char *retBuf, int retBuflen) { return xbee_sendATdelay(xbee, 0, command, retBuf, retBuflen); } static int xbee_sendATdelay(xbee_hnd xbee, int guardTime, char *command, char *retBuf, int retBuflen) { struct timeval to; int ret; int bufi = 0; /* if there is a guardTime given, then use it and a bit more */ if (guardTime) usleep(guardTime * 1200); /* get rid of any pre-command sludge... */ memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to)); ret = xbee_select(xbee,&to); if (ret > 0) { char t[128]; while (xbee_read(xbee,t,127)); } /* send the requested command */ xbee_log("sendATdelay: Sending '%s'", command); xbee_write(xbee,command, strlen(command)); /* if there is a guardTime, then use it */ if (guardTime) { usleep(guardTime * 900); /* get rid of any post-command sludge... */ memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to)); ret = xbee_select(xbee,&to); if (ret > 0) { char t[128]; while (xbee_read(xbee,t,127)); } } /* retrieve the data */ memset(retBuf, 0, retBuflen); memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to)); if (guardTime) { /* select on the xbee fd... wait at most 0.2 the guardTime for the response */ to.tv_usec = guardTime * 200; } else { /* or 250ms */ to.tv_usec = 250000; } if ((ret = xbee_select(xbee,&to)) == -1) { xbee_perror("libxbee:xbee_sendATdelay()"); exit(1); } if (!ret) { /* timed out, and there is nothing to be read */ xbee_log("sendATdelay: No Data to read - Timeout..."); return 1; } /* check for any dribble... */ do { /* if there is actually no space in the retBuf then break out */ if (bufi >= retBuflen - 1) { break; } /* read as much data as is possible into retBuf */ if ((ret = xbee_read(xbee,&retBuf[bufi], retBuflen - bufi - 1)) == 0) { break; } /* advance the 'end of string' pointer */ bufi += ret; /* wait at most 150ms for any more data */ memset(&to, 0, sizeof(to)); to.tv_usec = 150000; if ((ret = xbee_select(xbee,&to)) == -1) { xbee_perror("libxbee:xbee_sendATdelay()"); exit(1); } /* loop while data was read */ } while (ret); if (!bufi) { xbee_log("sendATdelay: No response..."); return 1; } /* terminate the string */ retBuf[bufi] = '\0'; xbee_log("sendATdelay: Recieved '%s'",retBuf); return 0; } /* ################################################################# xbee_start sets up the correct API mode for the xbee cmdSeq = CC cmdTime = GT */ static int xbee_startAPI(xbee_hnd xbee) { char buf[256]; if (xbee->cmdSeq == 0 || xbee->cmdTime == 0) return 1; /* setup the command sequence string */ memset(buf,xbee->cmdSeq,3); buf[3] = '\0'; /* try the command sequence */ if (xbee_sendATdelay(xbee, xbee->cmdTime, buf, buf, sizeof(buf))) { /* if it failed... try just entering 'AT' which should return OK */ if (xbee_sendAT(xbee, "AT\r", buf, 4) || strncmp(buf,"OK\r",3)) return 1; } else if (strncmp(&buf[strlen(buf)-3],"OK\r",3)) { /* if data was returned, but it wasn't OK... then something went wrong! */ return 1; } /* get the current API mode */ if (xbee_sendAT(xbee, "ATAP\r", buf, 3)) return 1; buf[1] = '\0'; xbee->oldAPI = atoi(buf); if (xbee->oldAPI != 2) { /* if it wasnt set to mode 2 already, then set it to mode 2 */ if (xbee_sendAT(xbee, "ATAP2\r", buf, 4) || strncmp(buf,"OK\r",3)) return 1; } /* quit from command mode, ready for some packets! :) */ if (xbee_sendAT(xbee, "ATCN\r", buf, 4) || strncmp(buf,"OK\r",3)) return 1; return 0; } /* ################################################################# xbee_end resets the API mode to the saved value - you must have called xbee_setup[log]API */ int xbee_end(void) { return _xbee_end(default_xbee); } int _xbee_end(xbee_hnd xbee) { int ret = 1; xbee_con *con, *ncon; xbee_pkt *pkt, *npkt; xbee_hnd xbeet; ISREADYR(0); xbee_log("Stopping libxbee instance..."); /* unlink the instance from list... */ xbee_log("Unlinking instance from list..."); xbee_mutex_lock(xbee_hnd_mutex); if (xbee == default_xbee) { default_xbee = default_xbee->next; if (!default_xbee) { xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee_hnd_mutex); } } else { xbeet = default_xbee; while (xbeet) { if (xbeet->next == xbee) { xbeet->next = xbee->next; break; } xbeet = xbeet->next; } } if (default_xbee) xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee_hnd_mutex); /* if the api mode was not 2 to begin with then put it back */ if (xbee->oldAPI == 2) { xbee_log("XBee was already in API mode 2, no need to reset"); ret = 0; } else { int to = 5; con = _xbee_newcon(xbee,'I',xbee_localAT); con->callback = NULL; con->waitforACK = 1; _xbee_senddata(xbee,con,"AP%c",xbee->oldAPI); pkt = NULL; while (!pkt && to--) { pkt = _xbee_getpacketwait(xbee,con); } if (pkt) { ret = pkt->status; Xfree(pkt); } _xbee_endcon(xbee,con); } /* xbee_* functions may no longer run... */ xbee->xbee_ready = 0; /* nullify everything */ /* stop listening for data... either after timeout or next char read which ever is first */ xbee->run = 0; xbee_thread_cancel(xbee->listent,0); xbee_thread_join(xbee->listent); xbee_thread_cancel(xbee->threadt,0); xbee_thread_join(xbee->threadt); /* free all connections */ con = xbee->conlist; xbee->conlist = NULL; while (con) { ncon = con->next; Xfree(con); con = ncon; } /* free all packets */ xbee->pktlast = NULL; pkt = xbee->pktlist; xbee->pktlist = NULL; while (pkt) { npkt = pkt->next; Xfree(pkt); pkt = npkt; } /* destroy mutexes */ xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->sendmutex); /* close the serial port */ Xfree(xbee->path); if (xbee->tty) xbee_close(xbee->tty); /* close log and tty */ if (xbee->log) { fflush(xbee->log); xbee_close(xbee->log); } xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->logmutex); Xfree(xbee); return ret; } /* ################################################################# xbee_setup opens xbee serial port & creates xbee listen thread the xbee must be configured for API mode 2 THIS MUST BE CALLED BEFORE ANY OTHER XBEE FUNCTION */ int xbee_setup(char *path, int baudrate) { return xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,0,0,0); } xbee_hnd _xbee_setup(char *path, int baudrate) { return _xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,0,0,0); } int xbee_setuplog(char *path, int baudrate, int logfd) { return xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,logfd,0,0); } xbee_hnd _xbee_setuplog(char *path, int baudrate, int logfd) { return _xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,logfd,0,0); } int xbee_setupAPI(char *path, int baudrate, char cmdSeq, int cmdTime) { return xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,0,cmdSeq,cmdTime); } xbee_hnd _xbee_setupAPI(char *path, int baudrate, char cmdSeq, int cmdTime) { return _xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,0,cmdSeq,cmdTime); } int xbee_setuplogAPI(char *path, int baudrate, int logfd, char cmdSeq, int cmdTime) { if (default_xbee) return 0; default_xbee = _xbee_setuplogAPI(path,baudrate,logfd,cmdSeq,cmdTime); return (default_xbee?0:-1); } xbee_hnd _xbee_setuplogAPI(char *path, int baudrate, int logfd, char cmdSeq, int cmdTime) { int ret; xbee_hnd xbee = NULL; /* create a new instance */ xbee = Xcalloc(sizeof(struct xbee_hnd)); xbee->next = NULL; xbee_mutex_init(xbee->logmutex); #ifdef DEBUG if (!logfd) logfd = 2; #endif if (logfd) { xbee->logfd = dup(logfd); xbee->log = fdopen(xbee->logfd,"w"); if (!xbee->log) { /* errno == 9 is bad file descriptor (probrably not provided) */ if (errno != 9) xbee_perror("xbee_setup(): Failed opening logfile"); xbee->logfd = 0; } else { #ifdef __GNUC__ /* ---- */ /* set to line buffer - ensure lines are written to file when complete */ setvbuf(xbee->log,NULL,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ); #else /* -------------- */ /* Win32 is rubbish... so we have to completely disable buffering... */ setvbuf(xbee->log,NULL,_IONBF,BUFSIZ); #endif /* ------------- */ } } xbee_logS("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); xbee_logI("libxbee Starting..."); xbee_logI("SVN Info: %s",xbee_svn_version()); xbee_logI("Build Info: %s",xbee_build_info()); xbee_logE("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); /* setup the connection stuff */ xbee->conlist = NULL; /* setup the packet stuff */ xbee->pktlist = NULL; xbee->pktlast = NULL; xbee->pktcount = 0; xbee->run = 1; /* setup the mutexes */ if (xbee_mutex_init(xbee->conmutex)) { xbee_perror("xbee_setup():xbee_mutex_init(conmutex)"); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } if (xbee_mutex_init(xbee->pktmutex)) { xbee_perror("xbee_setup():xbee_mutex_init(pktmutex)"); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } if (xbee_mutex_init(xbee->sendmutex)) { xbee_perror("xbee_setup():xbee_mutex_init(sendmutex)"); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } /* take a copy of the XBee device path */ if ((xbee->path = Xmalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(path) + 1))) == NULL) { xbee_perror("xbee_setup():Xmalloc(path)"); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->sendmutex); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } strcpy(xbee->path,path); if (xbee->log) xbee_log("Opening serial port '%s'...",xbee->path); /* call the relevant init function */ if ((ret = init_serial(xbee,baudrate)) != 0) { xbee_log("Something failed while opening the serial port..."); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->sendmutex); Xfree(xbee->path); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } /* when xbee_end() is called, if this is not 2 then ATAP will be set to this value */ xbee->oldAPI = 2; xbee->cmdSeq = cmdSeq; xbee->cmdTime = cmdTime; if (xbee->cmdSeq && xbee->cmdTime) { if (xbee_startAPI(xbee)) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_log("Couldn't communicate with XBee..."); xbee_close(xbee->log); } xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->sendmutex); Xfree(xbee->path); #ifdef __GNUC__ /* ---- */ close(xbee->ttyfd); #endif /* ------------- */ xbee_close(xbee->tty); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } } /* allow the listen thread to start */ xbee->xbee_ready = -1; /* can start xbee_listen thread now */ if (xbee_thread_create(xbee->listent, xbee_listen_wrapper, xbee)) { xbee_perror("xbee_setup():xbee_thread_create(listent)"); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->sendmutex); Xfree(xbee->path); #ifdef __GNUC__ /* ---- */ close(xbee->ttyfd); #endif /* ------------- */ xbee_close(xbee->tty); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } /* can start xbee_thread_watch thread thread now */ if (xbee_thread_create(xbee->threadt, xbee_thread_watch, xbee)) { xbee_perror("xbee_setup():xbee_thread_create(threadt)"); if (xbee->log) xbee_close(xbee->log); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->conmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->sendmutex); Xfree(xbee->path); #ifdef __GNUC__ /* ---- */ close(xbee->ttyfd); #endif /* ------------- */ xbee_close(xbee->tty); Xfree(xbee); return NULL; } usleep(500); while (xbee->xbee_ready != -2) { usleep(500); xbee_log("Waiting for xbee_listen() to be ready..."); } /* allow other functions to be used! */ xbee->xbee_ready = 1; xbee_log("Linking xbee instance..."); if (!default_xbee) { xbee_mutex_init(xbee_hnd_mutex); xbee_mutex_lock(xbee_hnd_mutex); default_xbee = xbee; xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee_hnd_mutex); } else { xbee_hnd xbeet; xbee_mutex_lock(xbee_hnd_mutex); xbeet = default_xbee; while (xbeet->next) { xbeet = xbeet->next; } xbeet->next = xbee; xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee_hnd_mutex); } xbee_log("libxbee: Started!"); return xbee; } /* ################################################################# xbee_con produces a connection to the specified device and frameID if a connection had already been made, then this connection will be returned */ xbee_con *xbee_newcon(unsigned char frameID, xbee_types type, ...) { xbee_con *ret; va_list ap; /* xbee_vnewcon() wants a va_list... */ va_start(ap, type); /* hand it over :) */ ret = _xbee_vnewcon(default_xbee, frameID, type, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } xbee_con *_xbee_newcon(xbee_hnd xbee, unsigned char frameID, xbee_types type, ...) { xbee_con *ret; va_list ap; /* xbee_vnewcon() wants a va_list... */ va_start(ap, type); /* hand it over :) */ ret = _xbee_vnewcon(xbee, frameID, type, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } xbee_con *_xbee_vnewcon(xbee_hnd xbee, unsigned char frameID, xbee_types type, va_list ap) { xbee_con *con, *ocon; unsigned char tAddr[8]; int t; int i; ISREADYR(NULL); if (!type || type == xbee_unknown) type = xbee_localAT; /* default to local AT */ else if (type == xbee_remoteAT) type = xbee_64bitRemoteAT; /* if remote AT, default to 64bit */ /* if: 64 bit address expected (2 ints) */ if ((type == xbee_64bitRemoteAT) || (type == xbee_64bitData) || (type == xbee_64bitIO) || (type == xbee2_data)) { t = va_arg(ap, int); tAddr[0] = (t >> 24) & 0xFF; tAddr[1] = (t >> 16) & 0xFF; tAddr[2] = (t >> 8) & 0xFF; tAddr[3] = (t ) & 0xFF; t = va_arg(ap, int); tAddr[4] = (t >> 24) & 0xFF; tAddr[5] = (t >> 16) & 0xFF; tAddr[6] = (t >> 8) & 0xFF; tAddr[7] = (t ) & 0xFF; /* if: 16 bit address expected (1 int) */ } else if ((type == xbee_16bitRemoteAT) || (type == xbee_16bitData) || (type == xbee_16bitIO)) { t = va_arg(ap, int); tAddr[0] = (t >> 8) & 0xFF; tAddr[1] = (t ) & 0xFF; tAddr[2] = 0; tAddr[3] = 0; tAddr[4] = 0; tAddr[5] = 0; tAddr[6] = 0; tAddr[7] = 0; /* otherwise clear the address */ } else { memset(tAddr,0,8); } /* lock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->conmutex); /* are there any connections? */ if (xbee->conlist) { con = xbee->conlist; while (con) { /* if: looking for a modemStatus, and the types match! */ if ((type == xbee_modemStatus) && (con->type == type)) { xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); return con; /* if: looking for a txStatus and frameIDs match! */ } else if ((type == xbee_txStatus) && (con->type == type) && (frameID == con->frameID)) { xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); return con; /* if: looking for a localAT, and the frameIDs match! */ } else if ((type == xbee_localAT) && (con->type == type) && (frameID == con->frameID)) { xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); return con; /* if: connection types match, the frameIDs match, and the addresses match! */ } else if ((type == con->type) && (frameID == con->frameID) && (!memcmp(tAddr,con->tAddr,8))) { xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); return con; } /* if there are more, move along, dont want to loose that last item! */ if (con->next == NULL) break; con = con->next; } /* keep hold of the last connection... we will need to link it up later */ ocon = con; } /* unlock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); /* create a new connection and set its attributes */ con = Xcalloc(sizeof(xbee_con)); con->type = type; /* is it a 64bit connection? */ if ((type == xbee_64bitRemoteAT) || (type == xbee_64bitData) || (type == xbee_64bitIO) || (type == xbee2_data)) { con->tAddr64 = TRUE; } con->atQueue = 0; /* queue AT commands? */ con->txDisableACK = 0; /* disable ACKs? */ con->txBroadcastPAN = 0; /* broadcast? */ con->frameID = frameID; con->waitforACK = 0; memcpy(con->tAddr,tAddr,8); /* copy in the remote address */ xbee_mutex_init(con->callbackmutex); xbee_mutex_init(con->callbackListmutex); xbee_mutex_init(con->Txmutex); xbee_sem_init(con->waitforACKsem); if (xbee->log) { switch(type) { case xbee_localAT: xbee_log("New local AT connection!"); break; case xbee_16bitRemoteAT: case xbee_64bitRemoteAT: xbee_logc("New %d-bit remote AT connection! (to: ",(con->tAddr64?64:16)); for (i=0;i<(con->tAddr64?8:2);i++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(i?":%02X":"%02X"),tAddr[i]); } fprintf(xbee->log,")"); xbee_logcf(); break; case xbee_16bitData: case xbee_64bitData: xbee_logc("New %d-bit data connection! (to: ",(con->tAddr64?64:16)); for (i=0;i<(con->tAddr64?8:2);i++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(i?":%02X":"%02X"),tAddr[i]); } fprintf(xbee->log,")"); xbee_logcf(); break; case xbee_16bitIO: case xbee_64bitIO: xbee_logc("New %d-bit IO connection! (to: ",(con->tAddr64?64:16)); for (i=0;i<(con->tAddr64?8:2);i++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(i?":%02X":"%02X"),tAddr[i]); } fprintf(xbee->log,")"); xbee_logcf(); break; case xbee2_data: xbee_logc("New Series 2 data connection! (to: "); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(i?":%02X":"%02X"),tAddr[i]); } fprintf(xbee->log,")"); xbee_logcf(); break; case xbee_txStatus: xbee_log("New Tx status connection!"); break; case xbee_modemStatus: xbee_log("New modem status connection!"); break; case xbee_unknown: default: xbee_log("New unknown connection!"); } } /* lock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->conmutex); /* make it the last in the list */ con->next = NULL; /* add it to the list */ if (xbee->conlist) { ocon->next = con; } else { xbee->conlist = con; } /* unlock the mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); return con; } /* ################################################################# xbee_conflush removes any packets that have been collected for the specified connection */ void xbee_purgecon(xbee_con *con) { _xbee_purgecon(default_xbee, con); } void _xbee_purgecon(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con *con) { xbee_pkt *r, *p, *n; ISREADYP(); /* lock the packet mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->pktmutex); /* if: there are packets */ if ((p = xbee->pktlist) != NULL) { r = NULL; /* get all packets for this connection */ do { /* does the packet match the connection? */ if (xbee_matchpktcon(xbee,p,con)) { /* if it was the first packet */ if (!r) { /* move the chain along */ xbee->pktlist = p->next; } else { /* otherwise relink the list */ r->next = p->next; } xbee->pktcount--; /* free this packet! */ n = p->next; Xfree(p); /* move on */ p = n; } else { /* move on */ r = p; p = p->next; } } while (p); xbee->pktlast = r; } /* unlock the packet mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->pktmutex); } /* ################################################################# xbee_endcon close the unwanted connection free wrapper function (uses the Xfree macro and sets the pointer to NULL after freeing it) */ void xbee_endcon2(xbee_con **con, int alreadyUnlinked) { _xbee_endcon2(default_xbee, con, alreadyUnlinked); } void _xbee_endcon2(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con **con, int alreadyUnlinked) { xbee_con *t, *u; ISREADYP(); /* lock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->conmutex); u = t = xbee->conlist; while (t && t != *con) { u = t; t = t->next; } if (!t) { /* this could be true if comming from the destroySelf signal... */ if (!alreadyUnlinked) { /* invalid connection given... */ if (xbee->log) { xbee_log("Attempted to close invalid connection..."); } /* unlock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); return; } } else { /* extract this connection from the list */ if (t == xbee->conlist) { xbee->conlist = t->next; } else { u->next = t->next; } } /* unlock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); /* check if a callback thread is running... */ if (t->callback && xbee_mutex_trylock(t->callbackmutex)) { /* if it is running... tell it to destroy the connection on completion */ xbee_log("Attempted to close a connection with active callbacks... " "Connection will be destroyed when callbacks have completeted..."); t->destroySelf = 1; return; } /* remove all packets for this connection */ _xbee_purgecon(xbee,t); /* destroy the callback mutex */ xbee_mutex_destroy(t->callbackmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(t->callbackListmutex); xbee_mutex_destroy(t->Txmutex); xbee_sem_destroy(t->waitforACKsem); /* free the connection! */ Xfree(*con); } /* ################################################################# xbee_senddata send the specified data to the provided connection */ int xbee_senddata(xbee_con *con, char *format, ...) { int ret; va_list ap; /* xbee_vsenddata() wants a va_list... */ va_start(ap, format); /* hand it over :) */ ret = _xbee_vsenddata(default_xbee, con, format, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } int _xbee_senddata(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con *con, char *format, ...) { int ret; va_list ap; /* xbee_vsenddata() wants a va_list... */ va_start(ap, format); /* hand it over :) */ ret = _xbee_vsenddata(xbee, con, format, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } int xbee_vsenddata(xbee_con *con, char *format, va_list ap) { return _xbee_vsenddata(default_xbee, con, format, ap); } int _xbee_vsenddata(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con *con, char *format, va_list ap) { unsigned char data[128]; /* max payload is 100 bytes... plus a bit of fluff... */ int length; /* make up the data and keep the length, its possible there are nulls in there */ length = vsnprintf((char *)data, 128, format, ap); /* hand it over :) */ return _xbee_nsenddata(xbee, con, (char *)data, length); } /* returns: 1 - if NAC was recieved 0 - if packet was successfully sent (or just sent if waitforACK is off) -1 - if there was an error building the packet -2 - if the connection type was unknown */ int xbee_nsenddata(xbee_con *con, char *data, int length) { return _xbee_nsenddata(default_xbee, con, data, length); } int _xbee_nsenddata(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con *con, char *data, int length) { t_data *pkt; int i; unsigned char buf[128]; /* max payload is 100 bytes... plus a bit for the headers etc... */ ISREADYR(-1); if (!con) return -1; if (con->type == xbee_unknown) return -1; if (length > 127) return -1; if (xbee->log) { xbee_logS("--== TX Packet ============--"); xbee_logIc("Connection Type: "); switch (con->type) { case xbee_unknown: fprintf(xbee->log,"Unknown"); break; case xbee_localAT: fprintf(xbee->log,"Local AT"); break; case xbee_remoteAT: fprintf(xbee->log,"Remote AT"); break; case xbee_16bitRemoteAT: fprintf(xbee->log,"Remote AT (16-bit)"); break; case xbee_64bitRemoteAT: fprintf(xbee->log,"Remote AT (64-bit)"); break; case xbee_16bitData: fprintf(xbee->log,"Data (16-bit)"); break; case xbee_64bitData: fprintf(xbee->log,"Data (64-bit)"); break; case xbee_16bitIO: fprintf(xbee->log,"IO (16-bit)"); break; case xbee_64bitIO: fprintf(xbee->log,"IO (64-bit)"); break; case xbee2_data: fprintf(xbee->log,"Series 2 Data"); break; case xbee2_txStatus: fprintf(xbee->log,"Series 2 Tx Status"); break; case xbee_txStatus: fprintf(xbee->log,"Tx Status"); break; case xbee_modemStatus: fprintf(xbee->log,"Modem Status"); break; } xbee_logIcf(); switch (con->type) { case xbee_localAT: case xbee_remoteAT: case xbee_txStatus: case xbee_modemStatus: break; default: xbee_logIc("Destination: "); for (i=0;i<(con->tAddr64?8:2);i++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(i?":%02X":"%02X"),con->tAddr[i]); } xbee_logIcf(); } xbee_logI("Length: %d",length); for (i=0;i<length;i++) { xbee_logIc("%3d | 0x%02X ",i,(unsigned char)data[i]); if ((data[i] > 32) && (data[i] < 127)) { fprintf(xbee->log,"'%c'",data[i]); } else{ fprintf(xbee->log," _"); } xbee_logIcf(); } xbee_logEf(); } /* ########################################## */ /* if: local AT */ if (con->type == xbee_localAT) { /* AT commands are 2 chars long (plus optional parameter) */ if (length < 2) return -1; if (length > 32) return -1; /* use the command? */ buf[0] = ((!con->atQueue)?XBEE_LOCAL_ATREQ:XBEE_LOCAL_ATQUE); buf[1] = con->frameID; /* copy in the data */ for (i=0;i<length;i++) { buf[i+2] = data[i]; } /* setup the packet */ pkt = xbee_make_pkt(xbee, buf, i+2); /* send it on */ return _xbee_send_pkt(xbee, pkt, con); /* ########################################## */ /* if: remote AT */ } else if ((con->type == xbee_16bitRemoteAT) || (con->type == xbee_64bitRemoteAT)) { if (length < 2) return -1; /* at commands are 2 chars long (plus optional parameter) */ if (length > 32) return -1; buf[0] = XBEE_REMOTE_ATREQ; buf[1] = con->frameID; /* copy in the relevant address */ if (con->tAddr64) { memcpy(&buf[2],con->tAddr,8); buf[10] = 0xFF; buf[11] = 0xFE; } else { memset(&buf[2],0,8); memcpy(&buf[10],con->tAddr,2); } /* queue the command? */ buf[12] = ((!con->atQueue)?0x02:0x00); /* copy in the data */ for (i=0;i<length;i++) { buf[i+13] = data[i]; } /* setup the packet */ pkt = xbee_make_pkt(xbee, buf, i+13); /* send it on */ return _xbee_send_pkt(xbee, pkt, con); /* ########################################## */ /* if: 16 or 64bit Data */ } else if ((con->type == xbee_16bitData) || (con->type == xbee_64bitData)) { int offset; if (length > 100) return -1; /* if: 16bit Data */ if (con->type == xbee_16bitData) { buf[0] = XBEE_16BIT_DATATX; offset = 5; /* copy in the address */ memcpy(&buf[2],con->tAddr,2); /* if: 64bit Data */ } else { /* 64bit Data */ buf[0] = XBEE_64BIT_DATATX; offset = 11; /* copy in the address */ memcpy(&buf[2],con->tAddr,8); } /* copy frameID */ buf[1] = con->frameID; /* disable ack? broadcast? */ buf[offset-1] = ((con->txDisableACK)?0x01:0x00) | ((con->txBroadcastPAN)?0x04:0x00); /* copy in the data */ for (i=0;i<length;i++) { buf[i+offset] = data[i]; } /* setup the packet */ pkt = xbee_make_pkt(xbee, buf, i+offset); /* send it on */ return _xbee_send_pkt(xbee, pkt, con); /* ########################################## */ /* if: I/O */ } else if ((con->type == xbee_64bitIO) || (con->type == xbee_16bitIO)) { /* not currently implemented... is it even allowed? */ if (xbee->log) { xbee_log("******* TODO ********\n"); } /* ########################################## */ /* if: Series 2 Data */ } else if (con->type == xbee2_data) { if (length > 72) return -1; buf[0] = XBEE2_DATATX; buf[1] = con->frameID; /* copy in the relevant address */ memcpy(&buf[2],con->tAddr,8); buf[10] = 0xFF; buf[11] = 0xFE; /* Maximum Radius/hops */ buf[12] = 0x00; /* Options */ buf[13] = 0x00; /* copy in the data */ for (i=0;i<length;i++) { buf[i+14] = data[i]; } /* setup the packet */ pkt = xbee_make_pkt(xbee, buf, i+14); /* send it on */ return _xbee_send_pkt(xbee, pkt, con); } return -2; } /* ################################################################# xbee_getpacket retrieves the next packet destined for the given connection once the packet has been retrieved, it is removed for the list! */ xbee_pkt *xbee_getpacketwait(xbee_con *con) { return _xbee_getpacketwait(default_xbee, con); } xbee_pkt *_xbee_getpacketwait(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con *con) { xbee_pkt *p = NULL; int i = 20; /* 50ms * 20 = 1 second */ for (; i; i--) { p = _xbee_getpacket(xbee, con); if (p) break; usleep(50000); /* 50ms */ } return p; } xbee_pkt *xbee_getpacket(xbee_con *con) { return _xbee_getpacket(default_xbee, con); } xbee_pkt *_xbee_getpacket(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_con *con) { xbee_pkt *l, *p, *q; ISREADYR(NULL); /* lock the packet mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->pktmutex); /* if: there are no packets */ if ((p = xbee->pktlist) == NULL) { xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->pktmutex); /*if (xbee->log) { xbee_log("No packets avaliable..."); }*/ return NULL; } l = NULL; q = NULL; /* get the first avaliable packet for this connection */ do { /* does the packet match the connection? */ if (xbee_matchpktcon(xbee, p, con)) { q = p; break; } /* move on */ l = p; p = p->next; } while (p); /* if: no packet was found */ if (!q) { xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->pktmutex); if (xbee->log) { struct timeval tv; xbee_logS("--== Get Packet ==========--"); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); xbee_logE("Didn't get a packet @ %ld.%06ld",tv.tv_sec,tv.tv_usec); } return NULL; } /* if it was the first packet */ if (l) { /* relink the list */ l->next = p->next; if (!l->next) xbee->pktlast = l; } else { /* move the chain along */ xbee->pktlist = p->next; if (!xbee->pktlist) { xbee->pktlast = NULL; } else if (!xbee->pktlist->next) { xbee->pktlast = xbee->pktlist; } } xbee->pktcount--; /* unlink this packet from the chain! */ q->next = NULL; if (xbee->log) { struct timeval tv; xbee_logS("--== Get Packet ==========--"); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); xbee_logI("Got a packet @ %ld.%06ld",tv.tv_sec,tv.tv_usec); xbee_logE("Packets left: %d",xbee->pktcount); } /* unlock the packet mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->pktmutex); /* and return the packet (must be free'd by caller!) */ return q; } /* ################################################################# xbee_matchpktcon - INTERNAL checks if the packet matches the connection */ static int xbee_matchpktcon(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_pkt *pkt, xbee_con *con) { /* if: the connection type matches the packet type OR the connection is 16/64bit remote AT, and the packet is a remote AT response */ if ((pkt->type == con->type) || /* -- */ ((pkt->type == xbee_remoteAT) && /* -- */ ((con->type == xbee_16bitRemoteAT) || (con->type == xbee_64bitRemoteAT)))) { /* if: is a modem status (there can only be 1 modem status connection) */ if (pkt->type == xbee_modemStatus) return 1; /* if: the packet is a txStatus or localAT and the frameIDs match */ if ((pkt->type == xbee_txStatus) || (pkt->type == xbee_localAT)) { if (pkt->frameID == con->frameID) { return 1; } /* if: the packet was sent as a 16bit remoteAT, and the 16bit addresss match */ } else if ((pkt->type == xbee_remoteAT) && (con->type == xbee_16bitRemoteAT) && !memcmp(pkt->Addr16,con->tAddr,2)) { return 1; /* if: the packet was sent as a 64bit remoteAT, and the 64bit addresss match */ } else if ((pkt->type == xbee_remoteAT) && (con->type == xbee_64bitRemoteAT) && !memcmp(pkt->Addr64,con->tAddr,8)) { return 1; /* if: the packet is 64bit addressed, and the addresses match */ } else if (pkt->sAddr64 && !memcmp(pkt->Addr64,con->tAddr,8)) { return 1; /* if: the packet is 16bit addressed, and the addresses match */ } else if (!pkt->sAddr64 && !memcmp(pkt->Addr16,con->tAddr,2)) { return 1; } else if (con->type == pkt->type && (con->type == xbee_16bitData || con->type == xbee_64bitData) && (pkt->isBroadcastADR || pkt->isBroadcastPAN)) { unsigned char t[8] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; if ((con->tAddr64 && !memcmp(con->tAddr,t,8)) || (!con->tAddr64 && !memcmp(con->tAddr,t,2))) { return 1; } } } return 0; } /* ################################################################# xbee_parse_io - INTERNAL parses the data given into the packet io information */ static int xbee_parse_io(xbee_hnd xbee, xbee_pkt *p, unsigned char *d, int maskOffset, int sampleOffset, int sample) { xbee_sample *s = &(p->IOdata[sample]); /* copy in the I/O data mask */ s->IOmask = (((d[maskOffset]<<8) | d[maskOffset + 1]) & 0x7FFF); /* copy in the digital I/O data */ s->IOdigital = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x01FF); /* advance over the digital data, if its there */ sampleOffset += ((s->IOmask & 0x01FF)?2:0); /* copy in the analog I/O data */ if (s->IOmask & 0x0200) { s->IOanalog[0] = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x03FF); sampleOffset+=2; } if (s->IOmask & 0x0400) { s->IOanalog[1] = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x03FF); sampleOffset+=2; } if (s->IOmask & 0x0800) { s->IOanalog[2] = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x03FF); sampleOffset+=2; } if (s->IOmask & 0x1000) { s->IOanalog[3] = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x03FF); sampleOffset+=2; } if (s->IOmask & 0x2000) { s->IOanalog[4] = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x03FF); sampleOffset+=2; } if (s->IOmask & 0x4000) { s->IOanalog[5] = (((d[sampleOffset]<<8) | d[sampleOffset+1]) & 0x03FF); sampleOffset+=2; } if (xbee->log) { if (s->IOmask & 0x0001) xbee_logI("Digital 0: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0001)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0002) xbee_logI("Digital 1: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0002)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0004) xbee_logI("Digital 2: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0004)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0008) xbee_logI("Digital 3: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0008)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0010) xbee_logI("Digital 4: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0010)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0020) xbee_logI("Digital 5: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0020)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0040) xbee_logI("Digital 6: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0040)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0080) xbee_logI("Digital 7: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0080)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0100) xbee_logI("Digital 8: %c",((s->IOdigital & 0x0100)?'1':'0')); if (s->IOmask & 0x0200) xbee_logI("Analog 0: %d (~%.2fv)",s->IOanalog[0],(3.3/1023)*s->IOanalog[0]); if (s->IOmask & 0x0400) xbee_logI("Analog 1: %d (~%.2fv)",s->IOanalog[1],(3.3/1023)*s->IOanalog[1]); if (s->IOmask & 0x0800) xbee_logI("Analog 2: %d (~%.2fv)",s->IOanalog[2],(3.3/1023)*s->IOanalog[2]); if (s->IOmask & 0x1000) xbee_logI("Analog 3: %d (~%.2fv)",s->IOanalog[3],(3.3/1023)*s->IOanalog[3]); if (s->IOmask & 0x2000) xbee_logI("Analog 4: %d (~%.2fv)",s->IOanalog[4],(3.3/1023)*s->IOanalog[4]); if (s->IOmask & 0x4000) xbee_logI("Analog 5: %d (~%.2fv)",s->IOanalog[5],(3.3/1023)*s->IOanalog[5]); } return sampleOffset; } /* ################################################################# xbee_listen_stop stops the listen thread after the current packet has been processed */ void xbee_listen_stop(xbee_hnd xbee) { ISREADYP(); xbee->run = 0; } /* ################################################################# xbee_listen_wrapper - INTERNAL the xbee_listen wrapper. Prints an error when xbee_listen ends */ static void xbee_listen_wrapper(xbee_hnd xbee) { int ret; /* just falls out if the proper 'go-ahead' isn't given */ if (xbee->xbee_ready != -1) return; /* now allow the parent to continue */ xbee->xbee_ready = -2; #ifdef _WIN32 /* ---- */ /* win32 requires this delay... no idea why */ usleep(1000000); #endif /* ----------- */ while (xbee->run) { ret = xbee_listen(xbee); if (!xbee->run) break; xbee_log("xbee_listen() returned [%d]... Restarting in 25ms!",ret); usleep(25000); } } /* xbee_listen - INTERNAL the xbee xbee_listen thread reads data from the xbee and puts it into a linked list to keep the xbee buffers free */ static int xbee_listen(xbee_hnd xbee) { #define LISTEN_BUFLEN 1024 unsigned char c, t, d[LISTEN_BUFLEN]; unsigned int l, i, chksum, o; int j; xbee_pkt *p = NULL, *q; xbee_con *con; int hasCon; /* do this forever :) */ while (xbee->run) { /* clean up any undesired storage */ if (p) Xfree(p); /* wait for a valid start byte */ if ((c = xbee_getrawbyte(xbee)) != 0x7E) { if (xbee->log) xbee_log("***** Unexpected byte (0x%02X)... *****",c); continue; } if (!xbee->run) return 0; xbee_logSf(); if (xbee->log) { struct timeval tv; xbee_logI("--== RX Packet ===========--"); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); xbee_logI("Got a packet @ %ld.%06ld",tv.tv_sec,tv.tv_usec); } /* get the length */ l = xbee_getbyte(xbee) << 8; l += xbee_getbyte(xbee); /* check it is a valid length... */ if (!l) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Recived zero length packet!"); } continue; } if (l > 100) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Recived oversized packet! Length: %d",l - 1); } } if (l > LISTEN_BUFLEN) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Recived packet larger than buffer! Discarding..."); } continue; } if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Length: %d",l - 1); } /* get the packet type */ t = xbee_getbyte(xbee); /* start the checksum */ chksum = t; /* suck in all the data */ for (i = 0; l > 1 && i < LISTEN_BUFLEN; l--, i++) { /* get an unescaped byte */ c = xbee_getbyte(xbee); d[i] = c; chksum += c; if (xbee->log) { xbee_logIc("%3d | 0x%02X | ",i,c); if ((c > 32) && (c < 127)) fprintf(xbee->log,"'%c'",c); else fprintf(xbee->log," _ "); if ((t == XBEE_LOCAL_AT && i == 4) || (t == XBEE_REMOTE_AT && i == 14) || (t == XBEE_64BIT_DATARX && i == 10) || (t == XBEE_16BIT_DATARX && i == 4) || (t == XBEE_64BIT_IO && i == 13) || (t == XBEE_16BIT_IO && i == 7)) { /* mark the beginning of the 'data' bytes */ fprintf(xbee->log," <-- data starts"); } else if (t == XBEE_64BIT_IO) { if (i == 10) fprintf(xbee->log," <-- sample count"); else if (i == 11) fprintf(xbee->log," <-- mask (msb)"); else if (i == 12) fprintf(xbee->log," <-- mask (lsb)"); } else if (t == XBEE_16BIT_IO) { if (i == 4) fprintf(xbee->log," <-- sample count"); else if (i == 5) fprintf(xbee->log," <-- mask (msb)"); else if (i == 6) fprintf(xbee->log," <-- mask (lsb)"); } xbee_logIcf(); } } i--; /* it went up too many times!... */ /* add the checksum */ chksum += xbee_getbyte(xbee); /* check if the whole packet was recieved, or something else occured... unlikely... */ if (l>1) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logE("Didn't get whole packet... :("); } continue; } /* check the checksum */ if ((chksum & 0xFF) != 0xFF) { if (xbee->log) { chksum &= 0xFF; xbee_logE("Invalid Checksum: 0x%02X",chksum); } continue; } /* make a new packet */ p = Xcalloc(sizeof(xbee_pkt)); q = NULL; p->datalen = 0; /* ########################################## */ /* if: modem status */ if (t == XBEE_MODEM_STATUS) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: Modem Status (0x8A)"); xbee_logIc("Event: "); switch (d[0]) { case 0x00: fprintf(xbee->log,"Hardware reset"); break; case 0x01: fprintf(xbee->log,"Watchdog timer reset"); break; case 0x02: fprintf(xbee->log,"Associated"); break; case 0x03: fprintf(xbee->log,"Disassociated"); break; case 0x04: fprintf(xbee->log,"Synchronization lost"); break; case 0x05: fprintf(xbee->log,"Coordinator realignment"); break; case 0x06: fprintf(xbee->log,"Coordinator started"); break; } fprintf(xbee->log,"... (0x%02X)",d[0]); xbee_logIcf(); } p->type = xbee_modemStatus; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->dataPkt = FALSE; p->txStatusPkt = FALSE; p->modemStatusPkt = TRUE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; /* modem status can only ever give 1 'data' byte */ p->datalen = 1; p->data[0] = d[0]; /* ########################################## */ /* if: local AT response */ } else if (t == XBEE_LOCAL_AT) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: Local AT Response (0x88)"); xbee_logI("FrameID: 0x%02X",d[0]); xbee_logI("AT Command: %c%c",d[1],d[2]); xbee_logIc("Status: "); if (d[3] == 0x00) fprintf(xbee->log,"OK"); else if (d[3] == 0x01) fprintf(xbee->log,"Error"); else if (d[3] == 0x02) fprintf(xbee->log,"Invalid Command"); else if (d[3] == 0x03) fprintf(xbee->log,"Invalid Parameter"); fprintf(xbee->log," (0x%02X)",d[3]); xbee_logIcf(); } p->type = xbee_localAT; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->dataPkt = FALSE; p->txStatusPkt = FALSE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; p->frameID = d[0]; p->atCmd[0] = d[1]; p->atCmd[1] = d[2]; p->status = d[3]; /* copy in the data */ p->datalen = i-3; for (;i>3;i--) p->data[i-4] = d[i]; /* ########################################## */ /* if: remote AT response */ } else if (t == XBEE_REMOTE_AT) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: Remote AT Response (0x97)"); xbee_logI("FrameID: 0x%02X",d[0]); xbee_logIc("64-bit Address: "); for (j=0;j<8;j++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(j?":%02X":"%02X"),d[1+j]); } xbee_logIcf(); xbee_logIc("16-bit Address: "); for (j=0;j<2;j++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(j?":%02X":"%02X"),d[9+j]); } xbee_logIcf(); xbee_logI("AT Command: %c%c",d[11],d[12]); xbee_logIc("Status: "); if (d[13] == 0x00) fprintf(xbee->log,"OK"); else if (d[13] == 0x01) fprintf(xbee->log,"Error"); else if (d[13] == 0x02) fprintf(xbee->log,"Invalid Command"); else if (d[13] == 0x03) fprintf(xbee->log,"Invalid Parameter"); else if (d[13] == 0x04) fprintf(xbee->log,"No Response"); fprintf(xbee->log," (0x%02X)",d[13]); xbee_logIcf(); } p->type = xbee_remoteAT; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->dataPkt = FALSE; p->txStatusPkt = FALSE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = TRUE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; p->frameID = d[0]; p->Addr64[0] = d[1]; p->Addr64[1] = d[2]; p->Addr64[2] = d[3]; p->Addr64[3] = d[4]; p->Addr64[4] = d[5]; p->Addr64[5] = d[6]; p->Addr64[6] = d[7]; p->Addr64[7] = d[8]; p->Addr16[0] = d[9]; p->Addr16[1] = d[10]; p->atCmd[0] = d[11]; p->atCmd[1] = d[12]; p->status = d[13]; p->samples = 1; if (p->status == 0x00 && p->atCmd[0] == 'I' && p->atCmd[1] == 'S') { /* parse the io data */ xbee_logI("--- Sample -----------------"); xbee_parse_io(xbee, p, d, 15, 17, 0); xbee_logI("----------------------------"); } else { /* copy in the data */ p->datalen = i-13; for (;i>13;i--) p->data[i-14] = d[i]; } /* ########################################## */ /* if: TX status */ } else if (t == XBEE_TX_STATUS) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: TX Status Report (0x89)"); xbee_logI("FrameID: 0x%02X",d[0]); xbee_logIc("Status: "); if (d[1] == 0x00) fprintf(xbee->log,"Success"); else if (d[1] == 0x01) fprintf(xbee->log,"No ACK"); else if (d[1] == 0x02) fprintf(xbee->log,"CCA Failure"); else if (d[1] == 0x03) fprintf(xbee->log,"Purged"); fprintf(xbee->log," (0x%02X)",d[1]); xbee_logIcf(); } p->type = xbee_txStatus; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->dataPkt = FALSE; p->txStatusPkt = TRUE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; p->frameID = d[0]; p->status = d[1]; /* never returns data */ p->datalen = 0; /* check for any connections waiting for a status update */ /* lock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->conmutex); xbee_logI("Looking for a connection that wants a status update..."); con = xbee->conlist; while (con) { if ((con->frameID == p->frameID) && (con->ACKstatus == 0xFF)) { xbee_logI("Found @ 0x%08X!",con); con->ACKstatus = p->status; xbee_sem_post(con->waitforACKsem); } con = con->next; } /* unlock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); /* ########################################## */ /* if: 16 / 64bit data recieve */ } else if ((t == XBEE_64BIT_DATARX) || (t == XBEE_16BIT_DATARX)) { int offset; if (t == XBEE_64BIT_DATARX) { /* 64bit */ offset = 8; } else { /* 16bit */ offset = 2; } if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: %d-bit RX Data (0x%02X)",((t == XBEE_64BIT_DATARX)?64:16),t); xbee_logIc("%d-bit Address: ",((t == XBEE_64BIT_DATARX)?64:16)); for (j=0;j<offset;j++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(j?":%02X":"%02X"),d[j]); } xbee_logIcf(); xbee_logI("RSSI: -%ddB",d[offset]); if (d[offset + 1] & 0x02) xbee_logI("Options: Address Broadcast"); if (d[offset + 1] & 0x04) xbee_logI("Options: PAN Broadcast"); } p->isBroadcastADR = !!(d[offset+1] & 0x02); p->isBroadcastPAN = !!(d[offset+1] & 0x04); p->dataPkt = TRUE; p->txStatusPkt = FALSE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; if (t == XBEE_64BIT_DATARX) { /* 64bit */ p->type = xbee_64bitData; p->sAddr64 = TRUE; p->Addr64[0] = d[0]; p->Addr64[1] = d[1]; p->Addr64[2] = d[2]; p->Addr64[3] = d[3]; p->Addr64[4] = d[4]; p->Addr64[5] = d[5]; p->Addr64[6] = d[6]; p->Addr64[7] = d[7]; } else { /* 16bit */ p->type = xbee_16bitData; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->Addr16[0] = d[0]; p->Addr16[1] = d[1]; } /* save the RSSI / signal strength this can be used with printf as: printf("-%ddB\n",p->RSSI); */ p->RSSI = d[offset]; p->status = d[offset + 1]; /* copy in the data */ p->datalen = i-(offset + 1); for (;i>offset + 1;i--) p->data[i-(offset + 2)] = d[i]; /* ########################################## */ /* if: 16 / 64bit I/O recieve */ } else if ((t == XBEE_64BIT_IO) || (t == XBEE_16BIT_IO)) { int offset,i2; if (t == XBEE_64BIT_IO) { /* 64bit */ p->type = xbee_64bitIO; p->sAddr64 = TRUE; p->Addr64[0] = d[0]; p->Addr64[1] = d[1]; p->Addr64[2] = d[2]; p->Addr64[3] = d[3]; p->Addr64[4] = d[4]; p->Addr64[5] = d[5]; p->Addr64[6] = d[6]; p->Addr64[7] = d[7]; offset = 8; p->samples = d[10]; } else { /* 16bit */ p->type = xbee_16bitIO; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->Addr16[0] = d[0]; p->Addr16[1] = d[1]; offset = 2; p->samples = d[4]; } if (p->samples > 1) { p = Xrealloc(p, sizeof(xbee_pkt) + (sizeof(xbee_sample) * (p->samples - 1))); } if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: %d-bit RX I/O Data (0x%02X)",((t == XBEE_64BIT_IO)?64:16),t); xbee_logIc("%d-bit Address: ",((t == XBEE_64BIT_IO)?64:16)); for (j = 0; j < offset; j++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(j?":%02X":"%02X"),d[j]); } xbee_logIcf(); xbee_logI("RSSI: -%ddB",d[offset]); xbee_logI("Samples: %d",d[offset + 2]); } i2 = offset + 5; /* never returns data */ p->datalen = 0; p->dataPkt = FALSE; p->txStatusPkt = FALSE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = TRUE; /* save the RSSI / signal strength this can be used with printf as: printf("-%ddB\n",p->RSSI); */ p->RSSI = d[offset]; p->status = d[offset + 1]; /* each sample is split into its own packet here, for simplicity */ for (o = 0; o < p->samples; o++) { if (i2 >= i) { xbee_logI("Invalid I/O data! Actually contained %d samples...",o); p = Xrealloc(p, sizeof(xbee_pkt) + (sizeof(xbee_sample) * ((o>1)?o:1))); p->samples = o; break; } xbee_logI("--- Sample %3d -------------", o); /* parse the io data */ i2 = xbee_parse_io(xbee, p, d, offset + 3, i2, o); } xbee_logI("----------------------------"); /* ########################################## */ /* if: Series 2 Transmit status */ } else if (t == XBEE2_TX_STATUS) { if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: Series 2 Transmit Status (0x%02X)", t); xbee_logI("FrameID: 0x%02X",d[0]); xbee_logI("16-bit Delivery Address: %02X:%02X",d[1],d[2]); xbee_logI("Transmit Retry Count: %02X",d[3]); xbee_logIc("Delivery Status: "); if (d[4] == 0x00) fprintf(xbee->log,"Success"); else if (d[4] == 0x02) fprintf(xbee->log,"CCA Failure"); else if (d[4] == 0x15) fprintf(xbee->log,"Invalid Destination"); else if (d[4] == 0x21) fprintf(xbee->log,"Network ACK Failure"); else if (d[4] == 0x22) fprintf(xbee->log,"Not Joined to Network"); else if (d[4] == 0x23) fprintf(xbee->log,"Self-Addressed"); else if (d[4] == 0x24) fprintf(xbee->log,"Address Not Found"); else if (d[4] == 0x25) fprintf(xbee->log,"Route Not Found"); else if (d[4] == 0x74) fprintf(xbee->log,"Data Payload Too Large"); /* ??? */ fprintf(xbee->log," (0x%02X)",d[4]); xbee_logIcf(); xbee_logIc("Discovery Status: "); if (d[5] == 0x00) fprintf(xbee->log,"No Discovery Overhead"); else if (d[5] == 0x01) fprintf(xbee->log,"Address Discovery"); else if (d[5] == 0x02) fprintf(xbee->log,"Route Discovery"); else if (d[5] == 0x03) fprintf(xbee->log,"Address & Route Discovery"); fprintf(xbee->log," (0x%02X)",d[5]); xbee_logIcf(); } p->type = xbee2_txStatus; p->sAddr64 = FALSE; p->dataPkt = FALSE; p->txStatusPkt = TRUE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; p->frameID = d[0]; p->status = d[4]; /* never returns data */ p->datalen = 0; /* ########################################## */ /* if: Series 2 data recieve */ } else if (t == XBEE2_DATARX) { int offset; offset = 10; if (xbee->log) { xbee_logI("Packet type: Series 2 Data Rx (0x%02X)", t); xbee_logIc("64-bit Address: "); for (j=0;j<8;j++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(j?":%02X":"%02X"),d[j]); } xbee_logIcf(); xbee_logIc("16-bit Address: "); for (j=0;j<2;j++) { fprintf(xbee->log,(j?":%02X":"%02X"),d[j+8]); } xbee_logIcf(); if (d[offset] & 0x01) xbee_logI("Options: Packet Acknowledged"); if (d[offset] & 0x02) xbee_logI("Options: Packet was a broadcast packet"); if (d[offset] & 0x20) xbee_logI("Options: Packet Encrypted"); /* ??? */ if (d[offset] & 0x40) xbee_logI("Options: Packet from end device"); /* ??? */ } p->dataPkt = TRUE; p->txStatusPkt = FALSE; p->modemStatusPkt = FALSE; p->remoteATPkt = FALSE; p->IOPkt = FALSE; p->type = xbee2_data; p->sAddr64 = TRUE; p->Addr64[0] = d[0]; p->Addr64[1] = d[1]; p->Addr64[2] = d[2]; p->Addr64[3] = d[3]; p->Addr64[4] = d[4]; p->Addr64[5] = d[5]; p->Addr64[6] = d[6]; p->Addr64[7] = d[7]; p->Addr16[0] = d[8]; p->Addr16[1] = d[9]; p->status = d[offset]; /* copy in the data */ p->datalen = i - (offset + 1); for (;i>offset;i--) { p->data[i-(offset + 1)] = d[i]; } /* ########################################## */ /* if: Unknown */ } else { xbee_logE("Packet type: Unknown (0x%02X)",t); continue; } p->next = NULL; /* lock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->conmutex); hasCon = 0; if (p->isBroadcastADR || p->isBroadcastPAN) { unsigned char t[8] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; /* if the packet was broadcast, search for a broadcast accepting connection */ con = xbee->conlist; while (con) { if (con->type == p->type && (con->type == xbee_16bitData || con->type == xbee_64bitData) && ((con->tAddr64 && !memcmp(con->tAddr,t,8)) || (!con->tAddr64 && !memcmp(con->tAddr,t,2)))) { hasCon = 1; xbee_logI("Found broadcasting connection @ 0x%08X",con); break; } con = con->next; } } if (!hasCon || !con) { con = xbee->conlist; while (con) { if (xbee_matchpktcon(xbee, p, con)) { hasCon = 1; break; } con = con->next; } } /* unlock the connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->conmutex); /* if the packet doesn't have a connection, don't add it! */ if (!hasCon) { xbee_logE("Connectionless packet... discarding!"); continue; } /* if the connection has a callback function then it is passed the packet and the packet is not added to the list */ if (con && con->callback) { t_callback_list *l, *q; xbee_mutex_lock(con->callbackListmutex); l = con->callbackList; q = NULL; while (l) { q = l; l = l->next; } l = Xcalloc(sizeof(t_callback_list)); l->pkt = p; if (!con->callbackList || q == NULL) { con->callbackList = l; } else { q->next = l; } xbee_mutex_unlock(con->callbackListmutex); xbee_logI("Using callback function!"); xbee_logI(" info block @ 0x%08X",l); xbee_logI(" function @ 0x%08X",con->callback); xbee_logI(" connection @ 0x%08X",con); xbee_logE(" packet @ 0x%08X",p); /* if the callback thread not still running, then start a new one! */ if (!xbee_mutex_trylock(con->callbackmutex)) { xbee_thread_t t; int ret; t_threadList *p, *q; t_CBinfo info; info.xbee = xbee; info.con = con; xbee_log("Starting new callback thread!"); if ((ret = xbee_thread_create(t,xbee_callbackWrapper,&info)) != 0) { xbee_mutex_unlock(con->callbackmutex); /* this MAY help with future attempts... */ xbee_sem_post(xbee->threadsem); xbee_logS("An error occured while starting thread (%d)... Out of resources?", ret); xbee_logE("This packet has been lost!"); continue; } xbee_log("Started thread 0x%08X!", t); xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->threadmutex); p = xbee->threadList; q = NULL; while (p) { q = p; p = p->next; } p = Xcalloc(sizeof(t_threadList)); if (q == NULL) { xbee->threadList = p; } else { q->next = p; } p->thread = t; p->next = NULL; xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->threadmutex); } else { xbee_logE("Using existing callback thread... callback has been scheduled."); } /* prevent the packet from being free'd */ p = NULL; continue; } /* lock the packet mutex, so we can safely add the packet to the list */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->pktmutex); /* if: the list is empty */ if (!xbee->pktlist) { /* start the list! */ xbee->pktlist = p; } else if (xbee->pktlast) { /* add the packet to the end */ xbee->pktlast->next = p; } else { /* pktlast wasnt set... look for the end and then set it */ i = 0; q = xbee->pktlist; while (q->next) { q = q->next; i++; } q->next = p; xbee->pktcount = i; } xbee->pktlast = p; xbee->pktcount++; /* unlock the packet mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->pktmutex); xbee_logI("--========================--"); xbee_logE("Packets: %d",xbee->pktcount); p = q = NULL; } return 0; } static void xbee_callbackWrapper(t_CBinfo *info) { xbee_hnd xbee; xbee_con *con; xbee_pkt *pkt; t_callback_list *temp; xbee = info->xbee; con = info->con; /* dont forget! the callback mutex is already locked... by the parent thread :) */ xbee_mutex_lock(con->callbackListmutex); while (con->callbackList) { /* shift the list along 1 */ temp = con->callbackList; con->callbackList = temp->next; xbee_mutex_unlock(con->callbackListmutex); /* get the packet */ pkt = temp->pkt; xbee_logS("Starting callback function..."); xbee_logI(" info block @ 0x%08X",temp); xbee_logI(" function @ 0x%08X",con->callback); xbee_logI(" connection @ 0x%08X",con); xbee_logE(" packet @ 0x%08X",pkt); Xfree(temp); if (con->callback) { con->callback(con,pkt); xbee_log("Callback complete!"); if (!con->noFreeAfterCB) Xfree(pkt); } else { xbee_pkt *q; int i; xbee_log("Callback function was removed! Appending packet to main list..."); /* lock the packet mutex, so we can safely add the packet to the list */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->pktmutex); /* if: the list is empty */ if (!xbee->pktlist) { /* start the list! */ xbee->pktlist = pkt; } else if (xbee->pktlast) { /* add the packet to the end */ xbee->pktlast->next = pkt; } else { /* pktlast wasnt set... look for the end and then set it */ i = 0; q = xbee->pktlist; while (q->next) { q = q->next; i++; } q->next = pkt; xbee->pktcount = i; } xbee->pktlast = pkt; xbee->pktcount++; /* unlock the packet mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->pktmutex); } xbee_mutex_lock(con->callbackListmutex); } xbee_mutex_unlock(con->callbackListmutex); xbee_log("Callback thread ending..."); /* releasing the thread mutex is the last thing we do! */ xbee_mutex_unlock(con->callbackmutex); if (con->destroySelf) { _xbee_endcon2(xbee,&con,1); } xbee_sem_post(xbee->threadsem); } /* ################################################################# xbee_thread_watch - INTERNAL watches for dead threads and tidies up */ static void xbee_thread_watch(xbee_hnd xbee) { #ifdef _WIN32 /* ---- */ /* win32 requires this delay... no idea why */ usleep(1000000); #endif /* ----------- */ xbee_mutex_init(xbee->threadmutex); xbee_sem_init(xbee->threadsem); while (xbee->run) { t_threadList *p, *q, *t; xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->threadmutex); p = xbee->threadList; q = NULL; while (p) { t = p; p = p->next; if (!(xbee_thread_tryjoin(t->thread))) { xbee_log("Joined with thread 0x%08X...",t->thread); if (t == xbee->threadList) { xbee->threadList = t->next; } else if (q) { q->next = t->next; } free(t); } else { q = t; } } xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->threadmutex); xbee_sem_wait(xbee->threadsem); usleep(100000); /* 100ms to allow the thread to end before we try to join */ } xbee_mutex_destroy(xbee->threadmutex); xbee_sem_destroy(xbee->threadsem); } /* ################################################################# xbee_getbyte - INTERNAL waits for an escaped byte of data */ static unsigned char xbee_getbyte(xbee_hnd xbee) { unsigned char c; /* take a byte */ c = xbee_getrawbyte(xbee); /* if its escaped, take another and un-escape */ if (c == 0x7D) c = xbee_getrawbyte(xbee) ^ 0x20; return (c & 0xFF); } /* ################################################################# xbee_getrawbyte - INTERNAL waits for a raw byte of data */ static unsigned char xbee_getrawbyte(xbee_hnd xbee) { int ret; unsigned char c = 0x00; /* the loop is just incase there actually isnt a byte there to be read... */ do { /* wait for a read to be possible */ if ((ret = xbee_select(xbee,NULL)) == -1) { xbee_perror("libxbee:xbee_getrawbyte()"); exit(1); } if (!xbee->run) break; if (ret == 0) continue; /* read 1 character */ if (xbee_read(xbee,&c,1) == 0) { /* for some reason no characters were read... */ if (xbee_ferror(xbee) || xbee_feof(xbee)) { xbee_log("Error or EOF detected"); fprintf(stderr,"libxbee:xbee_read(): Error or EOF detected\n"); exit(1); /* this should have something nicer... */ } /* no error... try again */ usleep(10); continue; } } while (0); return (c & 0xFF); } /* ################################################################# _xbee_send_pkt - INTERNAL sends a complete packet of data */ static int _xbee_send_pkt(xbee_hnd xbee, t_data *pkt, xbee_con *con) { int retval = 0; /* lock connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(con->Txmutex); /* lock the send mutex */ xbee_mutex_lock(xbee->sendmutex); /* write and flush the data */ xbee_write(xbee,pkt->data,pkt->length); /* unlock the mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(xbee->sendmutex); xbee_logSf(); if (xbee->log) { int i,x,y; /* prints packet in hex byte-by-byte */ xbee_logIc("TX Packet:"); for (i=0,x=0,y=0;i<pkt->length;i++,x--) { if (x == 0) { fprintf(xbee->log,"\n 0x%04X | ",y); x = 0x8; y += x; } if (x == 4) { fprintf(xbee->log," "); } fprintf(xbee->log,"0x%02X ",pkt->data[i]); } xbee_logIcf(); } xbee_logEf(); if (con->waitforACK && ((con->type == xbee_16bitData) || (con->type == xbee_64bitData))) { con->ACKstatus = 0xFF; /* waiting */ xbee_log("Waiting for ACK/NAK response..."); xbee_sem_wait1sec(con->waitforACKsem); switch (con->ACKstatus) { case 0: xbee_log("ACK recieved!"); break; case 1: xbee_log("NAK recieved..."); break; case 2: xbee_log("CCA failure..."); break; case 3: xbee_log("Purged..."); break; case 255: default: xbee_log("Timeout..."); } if (con->ACKstatus) retval = 1; /* error */ } /* unlock connection mutex */ xbee_mutex_unlock(con->Txmutex); /* free the packet */ Xfree(pkt); return retval; } /* ################################################################# xbee_make_pkt - INTERNAL adds delimiter field calculates length and checksum escapes bytes */ static t_data *xbee_make_pkt(xbee_hnd xbee, unsigned char *data, int length) { t_data *pkt; unsigned int l, i, o, t, x, m; char d = 0; /* check the data given isnt too long 100 bytes maximum payload + 12 bytes header information */ if (length > 100 + 12) return NULL; /* calculate the length of the whole packet start, length (MSB), length (LSB), DATA, checksum */ l = 3 + length + 1; /* prepare memory */ pkt = Xcalloc(sizeof(t_data)); /* put start byte on */ pkt->data[0] = 0x7E; /* copy data into packet */ for (t = 0, i = 0, o = 1, m = 1; i <= length; o++, m++) { /* if: its time for the checksum */ if (i == length) d = M8((0xFF - M8(t))); /* if: its time for the high length byte */ else if (m == 1) d = M8(length >> 8); /* if: its time for the low length byte */ else if (m == 2) d = M8(length); /* if: its time for the normal data */ else if (m > 2) d = data[i]; x = 0; /* check for any escapes needed */ if ((d == 0x11) || /* XON */ (d == 0x13) || /* XOFF */ (d == 0x7D) || /* Escape */ (d == 0x7E)) { /* Frame Delimiter */ l++; pkt->data[o++] = 0x7D; x = 1; } /* move data in */ pkt->data[o] = ((!x)?d:d^0x20); if (m > 2) { i++; t += d; } } /* remember the length */ pkt->length = l; return pkt; }