    "name":             "TurnAroundDistance",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of additional distance to add outside the survey area for vehicle turn around.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "m",
    "defaultValue":     30
    "name":             "TurnAroundDistanceMultiRotor",
    "shortDescription": "Amount of additional distance to add outside the survey area for vehicle turn around.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "m",
    "defaultValue":     10
    "name":             "CameraTriggerInTurnAround",
    "shortDescription": "Camera continues taking images in turn arounds.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "HoverAndCapture",
    "shortDescription": "Stop and Hover at each image point before taking image",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "Refly90Degrees",
    "shortDescription": "Refly the pattern at a 90 degree angle",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "TerrainAdjustTolerance",
    "shortDescription": "If adjacent terrain waypoints are within this tolerence they will be removed.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "m",
    "defaultValue":     10
    "name":             "TerrainAdjustMaxClimbRate",
    "shortDescription": "The maximum climb rate from one waypoint to another when adjusting for terrain. Set to 0 for no max.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "m/s",
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "TerrainAdjustMaxDescentRate",
    "shortDescription": "The maximum descent rate from one waypoint to another when adjusting for terrain. Set to 0 for no max.",
    "type":             "double",
    "decimalPlaces":    2,
    "min":              0,
    "units":            "m/s",
    "defaultValue":     0