/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ /// @file /// @author Don Gagne #include "PlanManager.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "FirmwarePlugin.h" #include "MAVLinkProtocol.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "MissionCommandTree.h" #include "MissionCommandUIInfo.h" QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(PlanManagerLog, "PlanManagerLog") PlanManager::PlanManager(Vehicle* vehicle, MAV_MISSION_TYPE planType) : _vehicle (vehicle) , _missionCommandTree (qgcApp()->toolbox()->missionCommandTree()) , _planType (planType) , _dedicatedLink (nullptr) , _ackTimeoutTimer (nullptr) , _expectedAck (AckNone) , _transactionInProgress (TransactionNone) , _resumeMission (false) , _lastMissionRequest (-1) , _missionItemCountToRead (-1) , _currentMissionIndex (-1) , _lastCurrentIndex (-1) { _ackTimeoutTimer = new QTimer(this); _ackTimeoutTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_ackTimeoutTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PlanManager::_ackTimeout); } PlanManager::~PlanManager() { } void PlanManager::_writeMissionItemsWorker(void) { _lastMissionRequest = -1; emit progressPct(0); qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("writeMissionItems %1 count:").arg(_planTypeString()) << _writeMissionItems.count(); // Prime write list _itemIndicesToWrite.clear(); for (int i=0; i<_writeMissionItems.count(); i++) { _itemIndicesToWrite << i; } _retryCount = 0; _setTransactionInProgress(TransactionWrite); _connectToMavlink(); _writeMissionCount(); } void PlanManager::writeMissionItems(const QList& missionItems) { if (_vehicle->isOfflineEditingVehicle()) { return; } if (inProgress()) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("writeMissionItems %1 called while transaction in progress").arg(_planTypeString()); return; } _clearAndDeleteWriteMissionItems(); bool skipFirstItem = _planType == MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION && !_vehicle->firmwarePlugin()->sendHomePositionToVehicle(); int firstIndex = skipFirstItem ? 1 : 0; for (int i=firstIndex; isetIsCurrentItem(i == firstIndex); if (skipFirstItem) { // Home is in sequence 0, remainder of items start at sequence 1 item->setSequenceNumber(item->sequenceNumber() - 1); if (item->command() == MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP) { item->setParam1((int)item->param1() - 1); } } } _writeMissionItemsWorker(); } /// This begins the write sequence with the vehicle. This may be called during a retry. void PlanManager::_writeMissionCount(void) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_writeMissionCount %1 count:_retryCount").arg(_planTypeString()) << _writeMissionItems.count() << _retryCount; mavlink_message_t message; _dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink(); mavlink_msg_mission_count_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, _writeMissionItems.count(), _planType); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_dedicatedLink, message); _startAckTimeout(AckMissionRequest); } void PlanManager::loadFromVehicle(void) { if (_vehicle->isOfflineEditingVehicle()) { return; } qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("loadFromVehicle %1 read sequence").arg(_planTypeString()); if (inProgress()) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("loadFromVehicle %1 called while transaction in progress").arg(_planTypeString()); return; } _retryCount = 0; _setTransactionInProgress(TransactionRead); _connectToMavlink(); _requestList(); } /// Internal call to request list of mission items. May be called during a retry sequence. void PlanManager::_requestList(void) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_requestList %1 _planType:_retryCount").arg(_planTypeString()) << _planType << _retryCount; mavlink_message_t message; _itemIndicesToRead.clear(); _clearMissionItems(); _dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink(); mavlink_msg_mission_request_list_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, _planType); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_dedicatedLink, message); _startAckTimeout(AckMissionCount); } void PlanManager::_ackTimeout(void) { if (_expectedAck == AckNone) { return; } switch (_expectedAck) { case AckNone: qCWarning(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_ackTimeout %1 timeout with AckNone").arg(_planTypeString()); _sendError(InternalError, tr("Internal error occurred during Mission Item communication: _ackTimeOut:_expectedAck == AckNone")); break; case AckMissionCount: // MISSION_COUNT message expected if (_retryCount > _maxRetryCount) { _sendError(MaxRetryExceeded, tr("Mission request list failed, maximum retries exceeded.")); _finishTransaction(false); } else { _retryCount++; qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << tr("Retrying %1 REQUEST_LIST retry Count").arg(_planTypeString()) << _retryCount; _requestList(); } break; case AckMissionItem: // MISSION_ITEM expected if (_retryCount > _maxRetryCount) { _sendError(MaxRetryExceeded, tr("Mission read failed, maximum retries exceeded.")); _finishTransaction(false); } else { _retryCount++; qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << tr("Retrying %1 MISSION_REQUEST retry Count").arg(_planTypeString()) << _retryCount; _requestNextMissionItem(); } break; case AckMissionRequest: // MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MISSION_ACK to end sequence if (_itemIndicesToWrite.count() == 0) { // Vehicle did not send final MISSION_ACK at end of sequence _sendError(ProtocolError, tr("Mission write failed, vehicle failed to send final ack.")); _finishTransaction(false); } else if (_itemIndicesToWrite[0] == 0) { // Vehicle did not respond to MISSION_COUNT, try again if (_retryCount > _maxRetryCount) { _sendError(MaxRetryExceeded, tr("Mission write mission count failed, maximum retries exceeded.")); _finishTransaction(false); } else { _retryCount++; qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("Retrying %1 MISSION_COUNT retry Count").arg(_planTypeString()) << _retryCount; _writeMissionCount(); } } else { // Vehicle did not request all items from ground station _sendError(ProtocolError, tr("Vehicle did not request all items from ground station: %1").arg(_ackTypeToString(_expectedAck))); _expectedAck = AckNone; _finishTransaction(false); } break; case AckMissionClearAll: // MISSION_ACK expected if (_retryCount > _maxRetryCount) { _sendError(MaxRetryExceeded, tr("Mission remove all, maximum retries exceeded.")); _finishTransaction(false); } else { _retryCount++; qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << tr("Retrying %1 MISSION_CLEAR_ALL retry Count").arg(_planTypeString()) << _retryCount; _removeAllWorker(); } break; case AckGuidedItem: // MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MISSION_ACK to end sequence default: _sendError(AckTimeoutError, tr("Vehicle did not respond to mission item communication: %1").arg(_ackTypeToString(_expectedAck))); _expectedAck = AckNone; _finishTransaction(false); } } void PlanManager::_startAckTimeout(AckType_t ack) { switch (ack) { case AckMissionItem: // We are actively trying to get the mission item, so we don't want to wait as long. _ackTimeoutTimer->setInterval(_retryTimeoutMilliseconds); break; case AckNone: // FALLTHROUGH case AckMissionCount: // FALLTHROUGH case AckMissionRequest: // FALLTHROUGH case AckMissionClearAll: // FALLTHROUGH case AckGuidedItem: _ackTimeoutTimer->setInterval(_ackTimeoutMilliseconds); break; } _expectedAck = ack; _ackTimeoutTimer->start(); } /// Checks the received ack against the expected ack. If they match the ack timeout timer will be stopped. /// @return true: received ack matches expected ack bool PlanManager::_checkForExpectedAck(AckType_t receivedAck) { if (receivedAck == _expectedAck) { _expectedAck = AckNone; _ackTimeoutTimer->stop(); return true; } else { if (_expectedAck == AckNone) { // Don't worry about unexpected mission commands, just ignore them; ArduPilot updates home position using // spurious MISSION_ITEMs. } else { // We just warn in this case, this could be crap left over from a previous transaction or the vehicle going bonkers. // Whatever it is we let the ack timeout handle any error output to the user. qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QString("Out of sequence ack %1 expected:received %2:%3").arg(_planTypeString().arg(_ackTypeToString(_expectedAck)).arg(_ackTypeToString(receivedAck))); } return false; } } void PlanManager::_readTransactionComplete(void) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << "_readTransactionComplete read sequence complete"; mavlink_message_t message; mavlink_msg_mission_ack_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED, _planType); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_dedicatedLink, message); _finishTransaction(true); } void PlanManager::_handleMissionCount(const mavlink_message_t& message) { mavlink_mission_count_t missionCount; mavlink_msg_mission_count_decode(&message, &missionCount); if (missionCount.mission_type != _planType) { // if there was a previous transaction with a different mission_type, it can happen that we receive // a stale message here, for example when the MAV ran into a timeout and sent a message twice qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionCount %1 Incorrect mission_type received expected:actual").arg(_planTypeString()) << _planType << missionCount.mission_type; return; } if (!_checkForExpectedAck(AckMissionCount)) { return; } qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionCount %1 count:").arg(_planTypeString()) << missionCount.count; _retryCount = 0; if (missionCount.count == 0) { _readTransactionComplete(); } else { // Prime read list for (int i=0; icapabilityBits() & MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MISSION_INT) { mavlink_msg_mission_request_int_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, _itemIndicesToRead[0], _planType); } else { mavlink_msg_mission_request_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, _itemIndicesToRead[0], _planType); } _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_dedicatedLink, message); _startAckTimeout(AckMissionItem); } void PlanManager::_handleMissionItem(const mavlink_message_t& message, bool missionItemInt) { MAV_CMD command; MAV_FRAME frame; double param1; double param2; double param3; double param4; double param5; double param6; double param7; bool autoContinue; bool isCurrentItem; int seq; if (missionItemInt) { mavlink_mission_item_int_t missionItem; mavlink_msg_mission_item_int_decode(&message, &missionItem); command = (MAV_CMD)missionItem.command, frame = (MAV_FRAME)missionItem.frame, param1 = missionItem.param1; param2 = missionItem.param2; param3 = missionItem.param3; param4 = missionItem.param4; param5 = (double)missionItem.x / qPow(10.0, 7.0); param6 = (double)missionItem.y / qPow(10.0, 7.0); param7 = (double)missionItem.z; autoContinue = missionItem.autocontinue; isCurrentItem = missionItem.current; seq = missionItem.seq; } else { mavlink_mission_item_t missionItem; mavlink_msg_mission_item_decode(&message, &missionItem); command = (MAV_CMD)missionItem.command, frame = (MAV_FRAME)missionItem.frame, param1 = missionItem.param1; param2 = missionItem.param2; param3 = missionItem.param3; param4 = missionItem.param4; param5 = missionItem.x; param6 = missionItem.y; param7 = missionItem.z; autoContinue = missionItem.autocontinue; isCurrentItem = missionItem.current; seq = missionItem.seq; } // We don't support editing ALT_INT frames so change on the way in. if (frame == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT) { frame = MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL; } else if (frame == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT) { frame = MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT; } bool ardupilotHomePositionUpdate = false; if (!_checkForExpectedAck(AckMissionItem)) { if (_vehicle->apmFirmware() && seq == 0 && _planType == MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) { ardupilotHomePositionUpdate = true; } else { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionItem %1 dropping spurious item seq:command:current").arg(_planTypeString()) << seq << command << isCurrentItem; return; } } qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionItem %1 seq:command:current:ardupilotHomePositionUpdate").arg(_planTypeString()) << seq << command << isCurrentItem << ardupilotHomePositionUpdate; if (ardupilotHomePositionUpdate) { QGeoCoordinate newHomePosition(param5, param6, param7); _vehicle->_setHomePosition(newHomePosition); return; } if (_itemIndicesToRead.contains(seq)) { _itemIndicesToRead.removeOne(seq); MissionItem* item = new MissionItem(seq, command, frame, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, autoContinue, isCurrentItem, this); if (item->command() == MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP && !_vehicle->firmwarePlugin()->sendHomePositionToVehicle()) { // Home is in position 0 item->setParam1((int)item->param1() + 1); } _missionItems.append(item); } else { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionItem %1 mission item received item index which was not requested, disregrarding:").arg(_planTypeString()) << seq; // We have to put the ack timeout back since it was removed above _startAckTimeout(AckMissionItem); return; } emit progressPct((double)seq / (double)_missionItemCountToRead); _retryCount = 0; if (_itemIndicesToRead.count() == 0) { _readTransactionComplete(); } else { _requestNextMissionItem(); } } void PlanManager::_clearMissionItems(void) { _itemIndicesToRead.clear(); _clearAndDeleteMissionItems(); } void PlanManager::_handleMissionRequest(const mavlink_message_t& message, bool missionItemInt) { MAV_MISSION_TYPE missionRequestMissionType; uint16_t missionRequestSeq; if (missionItemInt) { mavlink_mission_request_int_t missionRequest; mavlink_msg_mission_request_int_decode(&message, &missionRequest); missionRequestMissionType = static_cast(missionRequest.mission_type); missionRequestSeq = missionRequest.seq; } else { mavlink_mission_request_t missionRequest; mavlink_msg_mission_request_decode(&message, &missionRequest); missionRequestMissionType = static_cast(missionRequest.mission_type); missionRequestSeq = missionRequest.seq; } if (missionRequestMissionType != _planType) { // if there was a previous transaction with a different mission_type, it can happen that we receive // a stale message here, for example when the MAV ran into a timeout and sent a message twice qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionRequest %1 Incorrect mission_type received expected:actual").arg(_planTypeString()) << _planType << missionRequestMissionType; return; } if (!_checkForExpectedAck(AckMissionRequest)) { return; } qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionRequest %1 sequenceNumber").arg(_planTypeString()) << missionRequestSeq; if (missionRequestSeq > _writeMissionItems.count() - 1) { _sendError(RequestRangeError, tr("Vehicle requested item outside range, count:request %1:%2. Send to Vehicle failed.").arg(_writeMissionItems.count()).arg(missionRequestSeq)); _finishTransaction(false); return; } emit progressPct((double)missionRequestSeq / (double)_writeMissionItems.count()); _lastMissionRequest = missionRequestSeq; if (!_itemIndicesToWrite.contains(missionRequestSeq)) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionRequest %1 sequence number requested which has already been sent, sending again:").arg(_planTypeString()) << missionRequestSeq; } else { _itemIndicesToWrite.removeOne(missionRequestSeq); } MissionItem* item = _writeMissionItems[missionRequestSeq]; qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionRequest %1 sequenceNumber:command").arg(_planTypeString()) << missionRequestSeq << item->command(); mavlink_message_t messageOut; if (missionItemInt || _vehicle->apmFirmware() /* ArduPilot always expects to get MISSION_ITEM_INT no matter what */) { mavlink_msg_mission_item_int_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &messageOut, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, missionRequestSeq, item->frame(), item->command(), missionRequestSeq == 0, item->autoContinue(), item->param1(), item->param2(), item->param3(), item->param4(), item->param5() * qPow(10.0, 7.0), item->param6() * qPow(10.0, 7.0), item->param7(), _planType); } else { mavlink_msg_mission_item_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &messageOut, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, missionRequestSeq, item->frame(), item->command(), missionRequestSeq == 0, item->autoContinue(), item->param1(), item->param2(), item->param3(), item->param4(), item->param5(), item->param6(), item->param7(), _planType); } _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_dedicatedLink, messageOut); _startAckTimeout(AckMissionRequest); } void PlanManager::_handleMissionAck(const mavlink_message_t& message) { mavlink_mission_ack_t missionAck; mavlink_msg_mission_ack_decode(&message, &missionAck); if (missionAck.mission_type != _planType) { // if there was a previous transaction with a different mission_type, it can happen that we receive // a stale message here, for example when the MAV ran into a timeout and sent a message twice qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionAck %1 Incorrect mission_type received expected:actual").arg(_planTypeString()) << _planType << missionAck.mission_type; return; } if (_vehicle->apmFirmware() && missionAck.type == MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE) { // ArduPilot sends these Acks which can happen just due to noisy links causing duplicated requests being responded to. // As far as I'm concerned this is incorrect protocol implementation but we need to deal with it anyway. So we just // ignore it and if things really go haywire the timeouts will fire to fail the overall transaction. qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionAck ArduPilot sending possibly bogus MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE").arg(_planTypeString()) << _planType; return; } // Save the retry ack before calling _checkForExpectedAck since we'll need it to determine what // type of a protocol sequence we are in. AckType_t savedExpectedAck = _expectedAck; // We can get a MISSION_ACK with an error at any time, so if the Acks don't match it is not // a protocol sequence error. Call _checkForExpectedAck with _retryAck so it will succeed no // matter what. if (!_checkForExpectedAck(_expectedAck)) { return; } qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionAck %1 type:").arg(_planTypeString()) << _missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type); switch (savedExpectedAck) { case AckNone: // State machine is idle. Vehicle is confused. qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("Vehicle sent unexpected MISSION_ACK message, error: %1").arg(_missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)); break; case AckMissionCount: // MISSION_COUNT message expected // FIXME: Protocol error _sendError(VehicleAckError, _missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)); _finishTransaction(false); break; case AckMissionItem: // MISSION_ITEM expected // FIXME: Protocol error _sendError(VehicleAckError, _missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)); _finishTransaction(false); break; case AckMissionRequest: // MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED to end sequence if (missionAck.type == MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED) { if (_itemIndicesToWrite.count() == 0) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionAck write sequence complete %1").arg(_planTypeString()); _finishTransaction(true); } else { // FIXME: Protocol error _sendError(VehicleAckError, _missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)); _finishTransaction(false); } } else { _sendError(VehicleAckError, _missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)); _finishTransaction(false); } break; case AckMissionClearAll: // MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED expected if (missionAck.type != MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED) { _sendError(VehicleAckError, tr("Vehicle remove all failed. Error: %1").arg(_missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type))); } _finishTransaction(missionAck.type == MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED); break; case AckGuidedItem: // MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED to end sequence if (missionAck.type == MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("_handleMissionAck %1 guided mode item accepted").arg(_planTypeString()); _finishTransaction(true, true /* apmGuidedItemWrite */); } else { // FIXME: Protocol error _sendError(VehicleAckError, tr("Vehicle returned error: %1. %2Vehicle did not accept guided item.").arg(_missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type))); _finishTransaction(false, true /* apmGuidedItemWrite */); } break; } } /// Called when a new mavlink message for out vehicle is received void PlanManager::_mavlinkMessageReceived(const mavlink_message_t& message) { switch (message.msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_COUNT: _handleMissionCount(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM: _handleMissionItem(message, false /* missionItemInt */); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_INT: _handleMissionItem(message, true /* missionItemInt */); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST: _handleMissionRequest(message, false /* missionItemInt */); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST_INT: _handleMissionRequest(message, true /* missionItemInt */); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ACK: _handleMissionAck(message); break; } } void PlanManager::_sendError(ErrorCode_t errorCode, const QString& errorMsg) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("Sending error - _planTypeString(%1) errorCode(%2) errorMsg(%4)").arg(_planTypeString()).arg(errorCode).arg(errorMsg); emit error(errorCode, errorMsg); } QString PlanManager::_ackTypeToString(AckType_t ackType) { switch (ackType) { case AckNone: return QString("No Ack"); case AckMissionCount: return QString("MISSION_COUNT"); case AckMissionItem: return QString("MISSION_ITEM"); case AckMissionRequest: return QString("MISSION_REQUEST"); case AckGuidedItem: return QString("Guided Mode Item"); default: qWarning(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("Fell off end of switch statement %1").arg(_planTypeString()); return QString("QGC Internal Error"); } } QString PlanManager::_lastMissionReqestString(MAV_MISSION_RESULT result) { QString prefix; QString postfix; if (_lastMissionRequest >= 0 && _lastMissionRequest < _writeMissionItems.count()) { MissionItem* item = _writeMissionItems[_lastMissionRequest]; prefix = tr("Item #%1 Command: %2").arg(_lastMissionRequest).arg(_missionCommandTree->friendlyName(item->command())); switch (result) { case MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED_FRAME: postfix = tr("Frame: %1").arg(item->frame()); break; case MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED: // All we need is the prefix break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM1: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param1()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM2: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param2()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM3: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param3()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM4: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param4()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM5_X: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param5()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM6_Y: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param6()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM7: postfix = tr("Value: %1").arg(item->param7()); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE: // All we need is the prefix break; default: break; } } return prefix + (postfix.isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral("") : QStringLiteral(" ")) + postfix; } QString PlanManager::_missionResultToString(MAV_MISSION_RESULT result) { QString error; switch (result) { case MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED: error = tr("Mission accepted."); break; case MAV_MISSION_ERROR: error = tr("Unspecified error."); break; case MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED_FRAME: error = tr("Coordinate frame is not supported."); break; case MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED: error = tr("Command is not supported."); break; case MAV_MISSION_NO_SPACE: error = tr("Mission item exceeds storage space."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID: error = tr("One of the parameters has an invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM1: error = tr("Param 1 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM2: error = tr("Param 2 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM3: error = tr("Param 3 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM4: error = tr("Param 4 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM5_X: error = tr("Param 5 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM6_Y: error = tr("Param 6 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM7: error = tr("Param 7 invalid value."); break; case MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE: error = tr("Received mission item out of sequence."); break; case MAV_MISSION_DENIED: error = tr("Not accepting any mission commands."); break; default: qWarning(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("Fell off end of switch statement %1 %2").arg(_planTypeString()).arg(result); error = tr("Unknown error: %1.").arg(result); break; } QString lastRequestString = _lastMissionReqestString(result); if (!lastRequestString.isEmpty()) { error += QStringLiteral(" ") + lastRequestString; } return error; } void PlanManager::_finishTransaction(bool success, bool apmGuidedItemWrite) { emit progressPct(1); _disconnectFromMavlink(); _itemIndicesToRead.clear(); _itemIndicesToWrite.clear(); // First thing we do is clear the transaction. This way inProgesss is off when we signal transaction complete. TransactionType_t currentTransactionType = _transactionInProgress; _setTransactionInProgress(TransactionNone); switch (currentTransactionType) { case TransactionRead: if (!success) { // Read from vehicle failed, clear partial list _clearAndDeleteMissionItems(); } emit newMissionItemsAvailable(false); break; case TransactionWrite: // No need to do anything for ArduPilot guided go to waypoint write if (!apmGuidedItemWrite) { if (success) { // Write succeeded, update internal list to be current if (_planType == MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) { _currentMissionIndex = -1; _lastCurrentIndex = -1; emit currentIndexChanged(-1); emit lastCurrentIndexChanged(-1); } _clearAndDeleteMissionItems(); for (int i=0; i<_writeMissionItems.count(); i++) { _missionItems.append(_writeMissionItems[i]); } _writeMissionItems.clear(); } else { // Write failed, throw out the write list _clearAndDeleteWriteMissionItems(); } emit sendComplete(!success /* error */); } break; case TransactionRemoveAll: emit removeAllComplete(!success /* error */); break; default: break; } if (_resumeMission) { _resumeMission = false; if (success) { emit resumeMissionReady(); } else { emit resumeMissionUploadFail(); } } } bool PlanManager::inProgress(void) const { return _transactionInProgress != TransactionNone; } void PlanManager::_removeAllWorker(void) { mavlink_message_t message; qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << "_removeAllWorker"; emit progressPct(0); _connectToMavlink(); _dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink(); mavlink_msg_mission_clear_all_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, _planType); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), message); _startAckTimeout(AckMissionClearAll); } void PlanManager::removeAll(void) { if (inProgress()) { return; } qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << QStringLiteral("removeAll %1").arg(_planTypeString()); _clearAndDeleteMissionItems(); if (_planType == MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) { _currentMissionIndex = -1; _lastCurrentIndex = -1; emit currentIndexChanged(-1); emit lastCurrentIndexChanged(-1); } _retryCount = 0; _setTransactionInProgress(TransactionRemoveAll); _removeAllWorker(); } void PlanManager::_clearAndDeleteMissionItems(void) { for (int i=0; i<_missionItems.count(); i++) { // Using deleteLater here causes too much transient memory to stack up delete _missionItems[i]; } _missionItems.clear(); } void PlanManager::_clearAndDeleteWriteMissionItems(void) { for (int i=0; i<_writeMissionItems.count(); i++) { // Using deleteLater here causes too much transient memory to stack up delete _writeMissionItems[i]; } _writeMissionItems.clear(); } void PlanManager::_connectToMavlink(void) { connect(_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkMessageReceived, this, &PlanManager::_mavlinkMessageReceived); } void PlanManager::_disconnectFromMavlink(void) { disconnect(_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkMessageReceived, this, &PlanManager::_mavlinkMessageReceived); } QString PlanManager::_planTypeString(void) { switch (_planType) { case MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION: return QStringLiteral("T:Mission"); case MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE: return QStringLiteral("T:GeoFence"); case MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY: return QStringLiteral("T:Rally"); default: qWarning() << "Unknown plan type" << _planType; return QStringLiteral("T:Unknown"); } } void PlanManager::_setTransactionInProgress(TransactionType_t type) { if (_transactionInProgress != type) { qCDebug(PlanManagerLog) << "_setTransactionInProgress" << _planTypeString() << type; _transactionInProgress = type; emit inProgressChanged(inProgress()); } }