/*! * @file * @brief Camera Controller * @author Gus Grubba <gus@auterion.com> * */ #include "QGCCameraControl.h" #include "QGCCameraIO.h" #include "SettingsManager.h" #include "VideoManager.h" #include "QGCMapEngine.h" #include "QGCCameraManager.h" #include <QDir> #include <QStandardPaths> #include <QDomDocument> #include <QDomNodeList> QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(CameraControlLog, "CameraControlLog") QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(CameraControlVerboseLog, "CameraControlVerboseLog") static const char* kCondition = "condition"; static const char* kControl = "control"; static const char* kDefault = "default"; static const char* kDefnition = "definition"; static const char* kDescription = "description"; static const char* kExclusion = "exclude"; static const char* kExclusions = "exclusions"; static const char* kLocale = "locale"; static const char* kLocalization = "localization"; static const char* kMax = "max"; static const char* kMin = "min"; static const char* kModel = "model"; static const char* kName = "name"; static const char* kOption = "option"; static const char* kOptions = "options"; static const char* kOriginal = "original"; static const char* kParameter = "parameter"; static const char* kParameterrange = "parameterrange"; static const char* kParameterranges = "parameterranges"; static const char* kParameters = "parameters"; static const char* kReadOnly = "readonly"; static const char* kWriteOnly = "writeonly"; static const char* kRoption = "roption"; static const char* kStep = "step"; static const char* kDecimalPlaces = "decimalPlaces"; static const char* kStrings = "strings"; static const char* kTranslated = "translated"; static const char* kType = "type"; static const char* kUnit = "unit"; static const char* kUpdate = "update"; static const char* kUpdates = "updates"; static const char* kValue = "value"; static const char* kVendor = "vendor"; static const char* kVersion = "version"; static const char* kPhotoMode = "PhotoMode"; static const char* kPhotoLapse = "PhotoLapse"; static const char* kPhotoLapseCount = "PhotoLapseCount"; static const char* kThermalOpacity = "ThermalOpacity"; static const char* kThermalMode = "ThermalMode"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Known Parameters const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_EV = "CAM_EV"; const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_EXPMODE = "CAM_EXPMODE"; const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_ISO = "CAM_ISO"; const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_SHUTTERSPD = "CAM_SHUTTERSPD"; const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_APERTURE = "CAM_APERTURE"; const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_WBMODE = "CAM_WBMODE"; const char* QGCCameraControl::kCAM_MODE = "CAM_MODE"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCCameraOptionExclusion::QGCCameraOptionExclusion(QObject* parent, QString param_, QString value_, QStringList exclusions_) : QObject(parent) , param(param_) , value(value_) , exclusions(exclusions_) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCCameraOptionRange::QGCCameraOptionRange(QObject* parent, QString param_, QString value_, QString targetParam_, QString condition_, QStringList optNames_, QStringList optValues_) : QObject(parent) , param(param_) , value(value_) , targetParam(targetParam_) , condition(condition_) , optNames(optNames_) , optValues(optValues_) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool read_attribute(QDomNode& node, const char* tagName, bool& target) { QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = node.attributes(); if(!attrs.count()) { return false; } QDomNode subNode = attrs.namedItem(tagName); if(subNode.isNull()) { return false; } target = subNode.nodeValue() != "0"; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool read_attribute(QDomNode& node, const char* tagName, int& target) { QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = node.attributes(); if(!attrs.count()) { return false; } QDomNode subNode = attrs.namedItem(tagName); if(subNode.isNull()) { return false; } target = subNode.nodeValue().toInt(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool read_attribute(QDomNode& node, const char* tagName, QString& target) { QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = node.attributes(); if(!attrs.count()) { return false; } QDomNode subNode = attrs.namedItem(tagName); if(subNode.isNull()) { return false; } target = subNode.nodeValue(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool read_value(QDomNode& element, const char* tagName, QString& target) { QDomElement de = element.firstChildElement(tagName); if(de.isNull()) { return false; } target = de.text(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCCameraControl::QGCCameraControl(const mavlink_camera_information_t *info, Vehicle* vehicle, int compID, QObject* parent) : FactGroup(0, parent) , _vehicle(vehicle) , _compID(compID) { QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(this, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); memcpy(&_info, info, sizeof(mavlink_camera_information_t)); connect(this, &QGCCameraControl::dataReady, this, &QGCCameraControl::_dataReady); _vendor = QString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(info->vendor_name)); _modelName = QString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(info->model_name)); int ver = static_cast<int>(_info.cam_definition_version); _cacheFile.sprintf("%s/%s_%s_%03d.xml", qgcApp()->toolbox()->settingsManager()->appSettings()->parameterSavePath().toStdString().c_str(), _vendor.toStdString().c_str(), _modelName.toStdString().c_str(), ver); if(info->cam_definition_uri[0] != 0) { //-- Process camera definition file _handleDefinitionFile(info->cam_definition_uri); } else { _initWhenReady(); } QSettings settings; _photoMode = static_cast<PhotoMode>(settings.value(kPhotoMode, static_cast<int>(PHOTO_CAPTURE_SINGLE)).toInt()); _photoLapse = settings.value(kPhotoLapse, 1.0).toDouble(); _photoLapseCount = settings.value(kPhotoLapseCount, 0).toInt(); _thermalOpacity = settings.value(kThermalOpacity, 85.0).toDouble(); _thermalMode = static_cast<ThermalViewMode>(settings.value(kThermalMode, static_cast<uint32_t>(THERMAL_BLEND)).toUInt()); _recTimer.setSingleShot(false); _recTimer.setInterval(333); connect(&_recTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCCameraControl::_recTimerHandler); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCCameraControl::~QGCCameraControl() { delete _netManager; _netManager = nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_initWhenReady() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "_initWhenReady()"; if(isBasic()) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Basic, MAVLink only messages."; _requestCameraSettings(); QTimer::singleShot(250, this, &QGCCameraControl::_checkForVideoStreams); //-- Basic cameras have no parameters _paramComplete = true; emit parametersReady(); } else { _requestAllParameters(); //-- Give some time to load the parameters before going after the camera settings QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestCameraSettings); } connect(_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavCommandResult, this, &QGCCameraControl::_mavCommandResult); connect(&_captureStatusTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestCaptureStatus); _captureStatusTimer.setSingleShot(true); QTimer::singleShot(2500, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestStorageInfo); _captureStatusTimer.start(2750); emit infoChanged(); delete _netManager; _netManager = nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QGCCameraControl::firmwareVersion() { int major = (_info.firmware_version >> 24) & 0xFF; int minor = (_info.firmware_version >> 16) & 0xFF; int build = _info.firmware_version & 0xFFFF; QString ver; ver.sprintf("%d.%d.%d", major, minor, build); return ver; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QGCCameraControl::recordTimeStr() { return QTime(0, 0).addMSecs(static_cast<int>(recordTime())).toString("hh:mm:ss"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCCameraControl::VideoStatus QGCCameraControl::videoStatus() { return _video_status; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCCameraControl::PhotoStatus QGCCameraControl::photoStatus() { return _photo_status; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QGCCameraControl::storageFreeStr() { return QGCMapEngine::storageFreeSizeToString(static_cast<quint64>(_storageFree)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QGCCameraControl::batteryRemainingStr() { if(_batteryRemaining >= 0) { return QGCMapEngine::numberToString(static_cast<quint64>(_batteryRemaining)) + " %"; } return ""; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setCameraMode(CameraMode mode) { if(!_resetting) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "setCameraMode(" << mode << ")"; if(mode == CAM_MODE_VIDEO) { setVideoMode(); } else if(mode == CAM_MODE_PHOTO) { setPhotoMode(); } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "setCameraMode() Invalid mode:" << mode; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setPhotoMode(PhotoMode mode) { if(!_resetting) { _photoMode = mode; QSettings settings; settings.setValue(kPhotoMode, static_cast<int>(mode)); emit photoModeChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setPhotoLapse(qreal interval) { _photoLapse = interval; QSettings settings; settings.setValue(kPhotoLapse, interval); emit photoLapseChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setPhotoLapseCount(int count) { _photoLapseCount = count; QSettings settings; settings.setValue(kPhotoLapseCount, count); emit photoLapseCountChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_setCameraMode(CameraMode mode) { if(_cameraMode != mode) { _cameraMode = mode; emit cameraModeChanged(); //-- Update stream status _streamStatusTimer.start(1000); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::toggleMode() { if(!_resetting) { if(cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_PHOTO || cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_SURVEY) { setVideoMode(); } else if(cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_VIDEO) { setPhotoMode(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::toggleVideo() { if(!_resetting) { if(videoStatus() == VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING) { return stopVideo(); } else { return startVideo(); } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::takePhoto() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "takePhoto()"; //-- Check if camera can capture photos or if it can capture it while in Video Mode if(!capturesPhotos()) { qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Camera does not handle image capture"; return false; } if(cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_VIDEO && !photosInVideoMode()) { qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Camera does not handle image capture while in video mode"; return false; } if(photoStatus() != PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE) { qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Camera not idle"; return false; } if(!_resetting) { if(capturesPhotos()) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE, // Command id false, // ShowError 0, // Reserved (Set to 0) static_cast<float>(_photoMode == PHOTO_CAPTURE_SINGLE ? 0 : _photoLapse), // Duration between two consecutive pictures (in seconds--ignored if single image) _photoMode == PHOTO_CAPTURE_SINGLE ? 1 : _photoLapseCount); // Number of images to capture total - 0 for unlimited capture _setPhotoStatus(PHOTO_CAPTURE_IN_PROGRESS); _captureInfoRetries = 0; //-- Capture local image as well if(qgcApp()->toolbox()->videoManager()) { QString photoPath = qgcApp()->toolbox()->settingsManager()->appSettings()->savePath()->rawValue().toString() + QStringLiteral("/Photo"); QDir().mkpath(photoPath); photoPath += + "/" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh.mm.ss.zzz") + ".jpg"; qgcApp()->toolbox()->videoManager()->grabImage(photoPath); } return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::stopTakePhoto() { if(!_resetting) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "stopTakePhoto()"; if(photoStatus() == PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE || (photoStatus() != PHOTO_CAPTURE_INTERVAL_IDLE && photoStatus() != PHOTO_CAPTURE_INTERVAL_IN_PROGRESS)) { return false; } if(capturesPhotos()) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE, // Command id false, // ShowError 0); // Reserved (Set to 0) _setPhotoStatus(PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE); _captureInfoRetries = 0; return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::startVideo() { if(!_resetting) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "startVideo()"; //-- Check if camera can capture videos or if it can capture it while in Photo Mode if(!capturesVideo() || (cameraMode() == CAM_MODE_PHOTO && !videoInPhotoMode())) { return false; } if(videoStatus() != VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE, // Command id false, // Don't Show Error (handle locally) 0, // Reserved (Set to 0) 0); // CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS Frequency return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::stopVideo() { if(!_resetting) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "stopVideo()"; if(videoStatus() == VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE, // Command id false, // Don't Show Error (handle locally) 0); // Reserved (Set to 0) return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setVideoMode() { if(!_resetting && hasModes()) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "setVideoMode()"; //-- Does it have a mode parameter? Fact* pMode = mode(); if(pMode) { if(cameraMode() != CAM_MODE_VIDEO) { pMode->setRawValue(CAM_MODE_VIDEO); _setCameraMode(CAM_MODE_VIDEO); } } else { //-- Use MAVLink Command if(_cameraMode != CAM_MODE_VIDEO) { //-- Use basic MAVLink message _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE, // Command id true, // ShowError 0, // Reserved (Set to 0) CAM_MODE_VIDEO); // Camera mode (0: photo, 1: video) _setCameraMode(CAM_MODE_VIDEO); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setPhotoMode() { if(!_resetting && hasModes()) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "setPhotoMode()"; //-- Does it have a mode parameter? Fact* pMode = mode(); if(pMode) { if(cameraMode() != CAM_MODE_PHOTO) { pMode->setRawValue(CAM_MODE_PHOTO); _setCameraMode(CAM_MODE_PHOTO); } } else { //-- Use MAVLink Command if(_cameraMode != CAM_MODE_PHOTO) { //-- Use basic MAVLink message _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE, // Command id true, // ShowError 0, // Reserved (Set to 0) CAM_MODE_PHOTO); // Camera mode (0: photo, 1: video) _setCameraMode(CAM_MODE_PHOTO); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setThermalMode(ThermalViewMode mode) { QSettings settings; settings.setValue(kThermalMode, static_cast<uint32_t>(mode)); _thermalMode = mode; emit thermalModeChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setThermalOpacity(double val) { if(val < 0.0) val = 0.0; if(val > 100.0) val = 100.0; if(fabs(_thermalOpacity - val) > 0.1) { _thermalOpacity = val; QSettings settings; settings.setValue(kThermalOpacity, val); emit thermalOpacityChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setZoomLevel(qreal level) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "setZoomLevel()" << level; if(hasZoom()) { //-- Limit level = std::min(std::max(level, 0.0), 100.0); if(_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_ZOOM, // Command id false, // ShowError ZOOM_TYPE_RANGE, // Zoom type static_cast<float>(level)); // Level } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setFocusLevel(qreal level) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "setFocusLevel()" << level; if(hasFocus()) { //-- Limit level = std::min(std::max(level, 0.0), 100.0); if(_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_FOCUS, // Command id false, // ShowError FOCUS_TYPE_RANGE, // Focus type static_cast<float>(level)); // Level } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::resetSettings() { if(!_resetting) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "resetSettings()"; _resetting = true; _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_RESET_CAMERA_SETTINGS, // Command id true, // ShowError 1); // Do Reset } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::formatCard(int id) { if(!_resetting) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "formatCard()"; if(_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_STORAGE_FORMAT, // Command id true, // ShowError id, // Storage ID (1 for first, 2 for second, etc.) 1); // Do Format } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::stepZoom(int direction) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "stepZoom()" << direction; if(_vehicle && hasZoom()) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_ZOOM, // Command id false, // ShowError ZOOM_TYPE_STEP, // Zoom type direction); // Direction (-1 wide, 1 tele) } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::startZoom(int direction) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "startZoom()" << direction; if(_vehicle && hasZoom()) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_ZOOM, // Command id false, // ShowError ZOOM_TYPE_CONTINUOUS, // Zoom type direction); // Direction (-1 wide, 1 tele) } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::stopZoom() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "stopZoom()"; if(_vehicle && hasZoom()) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_ZOOM, // Command id false, // ShowError ZOOM_TYPE_CONTINUOUS, // Zoom type 0); // Direction (-1 wide, 1 tele) } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestCaptureStatus() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "_requestCaptureStatus()"; _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // target component MAV_CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS, // command id false, // showError 1); // Do Request } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::factChanged(Fact* pFact) { _updateActiveList(); _updateRanges(pFact); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_mavCommandResult(int vehicleId, int component, int command, int result, bool noReponseFromVehicle) { //-- Is this ours? if(_vehicle->id() != vehicleId || compID() != component) { return; } if(!noReponseFromVehicle && result == MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS) { //-- Do Nothing qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "In progress response for" << command; }else if(!noReponseFromVehicle && result == MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED) { switch(command) { case MAV_CMD_RESET_CAMERA_SETTINGS: _resetting = false; if(isBasic()) { _requestCameraSettings(); } else { QTimer::singleShot(500, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestAllParameters); QTimer::singleShot(2500, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestCameraSettings); } break; case MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE: _setVideoStatus(VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING); _captureStatusTimer.start(1000); break; case MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE: _setVideoStatus(VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_STOPPED); _captureStatusTimer.start(1000); break; case MAV_CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS: _captureInfoRetries = 0; break; case MAV_CMD_REQUEST_STORAGE_INFORMATION: _storageInfoRetries = 0; break; case MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE: _captureStatusTimer.start(1000); break; } } else { if(noReponseFromVehicle || result == MAV_RESULT_TEMPORARILY_REJECTED || result == MAV_RESULT_FAILED) { if(noReponseFromVehicle) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "No response for" << command; } else if (result == MAV_RESULT_TEMPORARILY_REJECTED) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Command temporarily rejected for" << command; } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Command failed for" << command; } switch(command) { case MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE: case MAV_CMD_IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE: if(++_captureInfoRetries < 3) { _captureStatusTimer.start(1000); } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Giving up start/stop image capture"; _setPhotoStatus(PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE); } break; case MAV_CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS: if(++_captureInfoRetries < 3) { _captureStatusTimer.start(500); } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Giving up requesting capture status"; } break; case MAV_CMD_REQUEST_STORAGE_INFORMATION: if(++_storageInfoRetries < 3) { QTimer::singleShot(500, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestStorageInfo); } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Giving up requesting storage status"; } break; } } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Bad response for" << command << result; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_setVideoStatus(VideoStatus status) { if(_video_status != status) { _video_status = status; emit videoStatusChanged(); if(status == VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING) { _recordTime = 0; _recTime.start(); _recTimer.start(); } else { _recTimer.stop(); _recordTime = 0; emit recordTimeChanged(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_recTimerHandler() { _recordTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(_recTime.elapsed()); emit recordTimeChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_setPhotoStatus(PhotoStatus status) { if(_photo_status != status) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Set Photo Status:" << status; _photo_status = status; emit photoStatusChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_loadCameraDefinitionFile(QByteArray& bytes) { QByteArray originalData(bytes); //-- Handle localization if(!_handleLocalization(bytes)) { return false; } int errorLine; QString errorMsg; QDomDocument doc; if(!doc.setContent(bytes, false, &errorMsg, &errorLine)) { qCritical() << "Unable to parse camera definition file on line:" << errorLine; qCritical() << errorMsg; return false; } //-- Load camera constants QDomNodeList defElements = doc.elementsByTagName(kDefnition); if(!defElements.size() || !_loadConstants(defElements)) { qWarning() << "Unable to load camera constants from camera definition"; return false; } //-- Load camera parameters QDomNodeList paramElements = doc.elementsByTagName(kParameters); if(!paramElements.size() || !_loadSettings(paramElements)) { qWarning() << "Unable to load camera parameters from camera definition"; return false; } //-- If this is new, cache it if(!_cached) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Saving camera definition file" << _cacheFile; QFile file(_cacheFile); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qWarning() << QString("Could not save cache file %1. Error: %2").arg(_cacheFile).arg(file.errorString()); } else { file.write(originalData); } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_loadConstants(const QDomNodeList nodeList) { QDomNode node = nodeList.item(0); if(!read_attribute(node, kVersion, _version)) { return false; } if(!read_value(node, kModel, _modelName)) { return false; } if(!read_value(node, kVendor, _vendor)) { return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_loadSettings(const QDomNodeList nodeList) { QDomNode node = nodeList.item(0); QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList parameters = elem.elementsByTagName(kParameter); //-- Pre-process settings (maintain order and skip non-controls) for(int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { QDomNode parameterNode = parameters.item(i); QString name; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kName, name)) { bool control = true; read_attribute(parameterNode, kControl, control); if(control) { _settings << name; } } else { qCritical() << "Parameter entry missing parameter name"; return false; } } //-- Load parameters for(int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { QDomNode parameterNode = parameters.item(i); QString factName; read_attribute(parameterNode, kName, factName); QString type; if(!read_attribute(parameterNode, kType, type)) { qCritical() << QString("Parameter %1 missing parameter type").arg(factName); return false; } //-- Does it have a control? bool control = true; read_attribute(parameterNode, kControl, control); //-- Is it read only? bool readOnly = false; read_attribute(parameterNode, kReadOnly, readOnly); //-- Is it write only? bool writeOnly = false; read_attribute(parameterNode, kWriteOnly, writeOnly); //-- It can't be both if(readOnly && writeOnly) { qCritical() << QString("Parameter %1 cannot be both read only and write only").arg(factName); } //-- Param type bool unknownType; FactMetaData::ValueType_t factType = FactMetaData::stringToType(type, unknownType); if (unknownType) { qCritical() << QString("Unknown type for parameter %1").arg(factName); return false; } //-- By definition, custom types do not have control if(factType == FactMetaData::valueTypeCustom) { control = false; } //-- Description QString description; if(!read_value(parameterNode, kDescription, description)) { qCritical() << QString("Parameter %1 missing parameter description").arg(factName); return false; } //-- Check for updates QStringList updates = _loadUpdates(parameterNode); if(updates.size()) { qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Parameter" << factName << "requires updates for:" << updates; _requestUpdates[factName] = updates; } //-- Build metadata FactMetaData* metaData = new FactMetaData(factType, factName, this); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(metaData, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); metaData->setShortDescription(description); metaData->setLongDescription(description); metaData->setHasControl(control); metaData->setReadOnly(readOnly); metaData->setWriteOnly(writeOnly); //-- Options (enums) QDomElement optionElem = parameterNode.toElement(); QDomNodeList optionsRoot = optionElem.elementsByTagName(kOptions); if(optionsRoot.size()) { //-- Iterate options QDomNode node = optionsRoot.item(0); QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList options = elem.elementsByTagName(kOption); for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { QDomNode option = options.item(i); QString optName; QString optValue; QVariant optVariant; if(!_loadNameValue(option, factName, metaData, optName, optValue, optVariant)) { delete metaData; return false; } metaData->addEnumInfo(optName, optVariant); _originalOptNames[factName] << optName; _originalOptValues[factName] << optVariant; //-- Check for exclusions QStringList exclusions = _loadExclusions(option); if(exclusions.size()) { qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "New exclusions:" << factName << optValue << exclusions; QGCCameraOptionExclusion* pExc = new QGCCameraOptionExclusion(this, factName, optValue, exclusions); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(pExc, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); _valueExclusions.append(pExc); } //-- Check for range rules if(!_loadRanges(option, factName, optValue)) { delete metaData; return false; } } } QString defaultValue; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kDefault, defaultValue)) { QVariant defaultVariant; QString errorString; if (metaData->convertAndValidateRaw(defaultValue, false, defaultVariant, errorString)) { metaData->setRawDefaultValue(defaultVariant); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid default value for" << factName << " type:" << metaData->type() << " value:" << defaultValue << " error:" << errorString; } } //-- Set metadata and Fact if (_nameToFactMetaDataMap.contains(factName)) { qWarning() << QStringLiteral("Duplicate fact name:") << factName; delete metaData; } else { { //-- Check for Min Value QString attr; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kMin, attr)) { QVariant typedValue; QString errorString; if (metaData->convertAndValidateRaw(attr, true /* convertOnly */, typedValue, errorString)) { metaData->setRawMin(typedValue); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid min value for" << factName << " type:" << metaData->type() << " value:" << attr << " error:" << errorString; } } } { //-- Check for Max Value QString attr; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kMax, attr)) { QVariant typedValue; QString errorString; if (metaData->convertAndValidateRaw(attr, true /* convertOnly */, typedValue, errorString)) { metaData->setRawMax(typedValue); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid max value for" << factName << " type:" << metaData->type() << " value:" << attr << " error:" << errorString; } } } { //-- Check for Step Value QString attr; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kStep, attr)) { QVariant typedValue; QString errorString; if (metaData->convertAndValidateRaw(attr, true /* convertOnly */, typedValue, errorString)) { metaData->setRawIncrement(typedValue.toDouble()); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid step value for" << factName << " type:" << metaData->type() << " value:" << attr << " error:" << errorString; } } } { //-- Check for Decimal Places QString attr; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kDecimalPlaces, attr)) { QVariant typedValue; QString errorString; if (metaData->convertAndValidateRaw(attr, true /* convertOnly */, typedValue, errorString)) { metaData->setDecimalPlaces(typedValue.toInt()); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid decimal places value for" << factName << " type:" << metaData->type() << " value:" << attr << " error:" << errorString; } } } { //-- Check for Units QString attr; if(read_attribute(parameterNode, kUnit, attr)) { metaData->setRawUnits(attr); } } qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "New parameter:" << factName << (readOnly ? "ReadOnly" : "Writable") << (writeOnly ? "WriteOnly" : "Readable"); _nameToFactMetaDataMap[factName] = metaData; Fact* pFact = new Fact(_compID, factName, factType, this); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(pFact, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); pFact->setMetaData(metaData); pFact->_containerSetRawValue(metaData->rawDefaultValue()); QGCCameraParamIO* pIO = new QGCCameraParamIO(this, pFact, _vehicle); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(pIO, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); _paramIO[factName] = pIO; _addFact(pFact, factName); } } if(_nameToFactMetaDataMap.size() > 0) { _addFactGroup(this, "camera"); _processRanges(); _activeSettings = _settings; emit activeSettingsChanged(); return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_handleLocalization(QByteArray& bytes) { QString errorMsg; int errorLine; QDomDocument doc; if(!doc.setContent(bytes, false, &errorMsg, &errorLine)) { qCritical() << "Unable to parse camera definition file on line:" << errorLine; qCritical() << errorMsg; return false; } //-- Find out where we are QLocale locale = QLocale::system(); #if defined (Q_OS_MAC) locale = QLocale(locale.name()); #endif QString localeName = locale.name().toLower().replace("-", "_"); qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Current locale:" << localeName; if(localeName == "en_us") { // Nothing to do return true; } QDomNodeList locRoot = doc.elementsByTagName(kLocalization); if(!locRoot.size()) { // Nothing to do return true; } //-- Iterate locales QDomNode node = locRoot.item(0); QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList locales = elem.elementsByTagName(kLocale); for(int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) { QDomNode locale = locales.item(i); QString name; if(!read_attribute(locale, kName, name)) { qWarning() << "Localization entry is missing its name attribute"; continue; } // If we found a direct match, deal with it now if(localeName == name.toLower().replace("-", "_")) { return _replaceLocaleStrings(locale, bytes); } } //-- No direct match. Pick first matching language (if any) localeName = localeName.left(3); for(int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) { QDomNode locale = locales.item(i); QString name; read_attribute(locale, kName, name); if(name.toLower().startsWith(localeName)) { return _replaceLocaleStrings(locale, bytes); } } //-- Could not find a language to use qWarning() << "No match for" << QLocale::system().name() << "in camera definition file"; //-- Just use default, en_US return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_replaceLocaleStrings(const QDomNode node, QByteArray& bytes) { QDomElement stringElem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList strings = stringElem.elementsByTagName(kStrings); for(int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { QDomNode stringNode = strings.item(i); QString original; QString translated; if(read_attribute(stringNode, kOriginal, original)) { if(read_attribute(stringNode, kTranslated, translated)) { QString o; o = "\"" + original + "\""; QString t; t = "\"" + translated + "\""; bytes.replace(o.toUtf8(), t.toUtf8()); o = ">" + original + "<"; t = ">" + translated + "<"; bytes.replace(o.toUtf8(), t.toUtf8()); } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestAllParameters() { //-- Reset receive list for(const QString& paramName: _paramIO.keys()) { if(_paramIO[paramName]) { _paramIO[paramName]->setParamRequest(); } else { qCritical() << "QGCParamIO is NULL" << paramName; } } MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol(); mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_param_ext_request_list_pack_chan( static_cast<uint8_t>(mavlink->getSystemId()), static_cast<uint8_t>(mavlink->getComponentId()), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, static_cast<uint8_t>(_vehicle->id()), static_cast<uint8_t>(compID())); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Request all parameters"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QGCCameraControl::_getParamName(const char* param_id) { QByteArray bytes(param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); QString parameterName(bytes); return parameterName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleParamAck(const mavlink_param_ext_ack_t& ack) { QString paramName = _getParamName(ack.param_id); if(!_paramIO.contains(paramName)) { qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Received PARAM_EXT_ACK for unknown param:" << paramName; return; } if(_paramIO[paramName]) { _paramIO[paramName]->handleParamAck(ack); } else { qCritical() << "QGCParamIO is NULL" << paramName; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleParamValue(const mavlink_param_ext_value_t& value) { QString paramName = _getParamName(value.param_id); if(!_paramIO.contains(paramName)) { qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Received PARAM_EXT_VALUE for unknown param:" << paramName; return; } if(_paramIO[paramName]) { _paramIO[paramName]->handleParamValue(value); } else { qCritical() << "QGCParamIO is NULL" << paramName; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_updateActiveList() { //-- Clear out excluded parameters based on exclusion rules QStringList exclusionList; for(QGCCameraOptionExclusion* param: _valueExclusions) { Fact* pFact = getFact(param->param); if(pFact) { QString option = pFact->rawValueString(); if(param->value == option) { exclusionList << param->exclusions; } } } QStringList active; for(QString key: _settings) { if(!exclusionList.contains(key)) { active.append(key); } } if(active != _activeSettings) { qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Excluding" << exclusionList; _activeSettings = active; emit activeSettingsChanged(); //-- Force validity of "Facts" based on active set if(_paramComplete) { emit parametersReady(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_processConditionTest(const QString conditionTest) { enum { TEST_NONE, TEST_EQUAL, TEST_NOT_EQUAL, TEST_GREATER, TEST_SMALLER }; qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "_processConditionTest(" << conditionTest << ")"; int op = TEST_NONE; QStringList test; if(conditionTest.contains("!=")) { test = conditionTest.split("!=", QString::SkipEmptyParts); op = TEST_NOT_EQUAL; } else if(conditionTest.contains("=")) { test = conditionTest.split("=", QString::SkipEmptyParts); op = TEST_EQUAL; } else if(conditionTest.contains(">")) { test = conditionTest.split(">", QString::SkipEmptyParts); op = TEST_GREATER; } else if(conditionTest.contains("<")) { test = conditionTest.split("<", QString::SkipEmptyParts); op = TEST_SMALLER; } if(test.size() == 2) { Fact* pFact = getFact(test[0]); if(pFact) { switch(op) { case TEST_EQUAL: return pFact->rawValueString() == test[1]; case TEST_NOT_EQUAL: return pFact->rawValueString() != test[1]; case TEST_GREATER: return pFact->rawValueString() > test[1]; case TEST_SMALLER: return pFact->rawValueString() < test[1]; case TEST_NONE: break; } } else { qWarning() << "Invalid condition parameter:" << test[0] << "in" << conditionTest; return false; } } qWarning() << "Invalid condition" << conditionTest; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_processCondition(const QString condition) { qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "_processCondition(" << condition << ")"; bool result = true; bool andOp = true; if(!condition.isEmpty()) { QStringList scond = condition.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); while(scond.size()) { QString test = scond.first(); scond.removeFirst(); if(andOp) { result = result && _processConditionTest(test); } else { result = result || _processConditionTest(test); } if(!scond.size()) { return result; } andOp = scond.first().toUpper() == "AND"; scond.removeFirst(); } } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_updateRanges(Fact* pFact) { QMap<Fact*, QGCCameraOptionRange*> rangesSet; QMap<Fact*, QString> rangesReset; QStringList changedList; QStringList resetList; QStringList updates; //-- Iterate range sets looking for limited ranges for(QGCCameraOptionRange* pRange: _optionRanges) { //-- If this fact or one of its conditions is part of this range set if(!changedList.contains(pRange->targetParam) && (pRange->param == pFact->name() || pRange->condition.contains(pFact->name()))) { Fact* pRFact = getFact(pRange->param); //-- This parameter Fact* pTFact = getFact(pRange->targetParam); //-- The target parameter (the one its range is to change) if(pRFact && pTFact) { //qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Check new set of options for" << pTFact->name(); QString option = pRFact->rawValueString(); //-- This parameter value //-- If this value (and condition) triggers a change in the target range //qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Range value:" << pRange->value << "Current value:" << option << "Condition:" << pRange->condition; if(pRange->value == option && _processCondition(pRange->condition)) { if(pTFact->enumStrings() != pRange->optNames) { //-- Set limited range set rangesSet[pTFact] = pRange; } changedList << pRange->targetParam; } } } } //-- Iterate range sets again looking for resets for(QGCCameraOptionRange* pRange: _optionRanges) { if(!changedList.contains(pRange->targetParam) && (pRange->param == pFact->name() || pRange->condition.contains(pFact->name()))) { Fact* pTFact = getFact(pRange->targetParam); //-- The target parameter (the one its range is to change) if(!resetList.contains(pRange->targetParam)) { if(pTFact->enumStrings() != _originalOptNames[pRange->targetParam]) { //-- Restore full option set rangesReset[pTFact] = pRange->targetParam; } resetList << pRange->targetParam; } } } //-- Update limited range set for (Fact* f: rangesSet.keys()) { f->setEnumInfo(rangesSet[f]->optNames, rangesSet[f]->optVariants); if(!updates.contains(f->name())) { _paramIO[f->name()]->optNames = rangesSet[f]->optNames; _paramIO[f->name()]->optVariants = rangesSet[f]->optVariants; emit f->enumsChanged(); qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Limited set of options for:" << f->name() << rangesSet[f]->optNames;; updates << f->name(); } } //-- Restore full range set for (Fact* f: rangesReset.keys()) { f->setEnumInfo(_originalOptNames[rangesReset[f]], _originalOptValues[rangesReset[f]]); if(!updates.contains(f->name())) { _paramIO[f->name()]->optNames = _originalOptNames[rangesReset[f]]; _paramIO[f->name()]->optVariants = _originalOptValues[rangesReset[f]]; emit f->enumsChanged(); qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "Restore full set of options for:" << f->name() << _originalOptNames[f->name()]; updates << f->name(); } } //-- Parameter update requests if(_requestUpdates.contains(pFact->name())) { for(const QString& param: _requestUpdates[pFact->name()]) { if(!_updatesToRequest.contains(param)) { _updatesToRequest << param; } } } if(_updatesToRequest.size()) { QTimer::singleShot(500, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestParamUpdates); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestParamUpdates() { for(const QString& param: _updatesToRequest) { _paramIO[param]->paramRequest(); } _updatesToRequest.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestCameraSettings() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "_requestCameraSettings()"; if(_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_SETTINGS, // command id false, // showError 1); // Do Request } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestStorageInfo() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "_requestStorageInfo()"; if(_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_REQUEST_STORAGE_INFORMATION, // command id false, // showError 0, // Storage ID (0 for all, 1 for first, 2 for second, etc.) 1); // Do Request } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleSettings(const mavlink_camera_settings_t& settings) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "handleSettings() Mode:" << settings.mode_id; _setCameraMode(static_cast<CameraMode>(settings.mode_id)); qreal z = static_cast<qreal>(settings.zoomLevel); qreal f = static_cast<qreal>(settings.focusLevel); if(std::isfinite(z) && z != _zoomLevel) { _zoomLevel = z; emit zoomLevelChanged(); } if(std::isfinite(f) && f != _focusLevel) { _focusLevel = f; emit focusLevelChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleStorageInfo(const mavlink_storage_information_t& st) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "handleStorageInfo:" << st.available_capacity << st.status << st.storage_count << st.storage_id << st.total_capacity << st.used_capacity; if(st.status == STORAGE_STATUS_READY) { uint32_t t = static_cast<uint32_t>(st.total_capacity); if(_storageTotal != t) { _storageTotal = t; emit storageTotalChanged(); } uint32_t a = static_cast<uint32_t>(st.available_capacity); if(_storageFree != a) { _storageFree = a; emit storageFreeChanged(); } } if(_storageStatus != static_cast<StorageStatus>(st.status)) { _storageStatus = static_cast<StorageStatus>(st.status); emit storageStatusChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleBatteryStatus(const mavlink_battery_status_t& bs) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "handleBatteryStatus:" << bs.battery_remaining; if(bs.battery_remaining >= 0 && _batteryRemaining != static_cast<int>(bs.battery_remaining)) { _batteryRemaining = static_cast<int>(bs.battery_remaining); emit batteryRemainingChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleCaptureStatus(const mavlink_camera_capture_status_t& cap) { //-- This is a response to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "handleCaptureStatus:" << cap.available_capacity << cap.image_interval << cap.image_status << cap.recording_time_ms << cap.video_status; //-- Disk Free Space uint32_t a = static_cast<uint32_t>(cap.available_capacity); if(_storageFree != a) { _storageFree = a; emit storageFreeChanged(); } //-- Do we have recording time? if(cap.recording_time_ms) { _recordTime = cap.recording_time_ms; _recTime = _recTime.addMSecs(_recTime.elapsed() - static_cast<int>(cap.recording_time_ms)); emit recordTimeChanged(); } //-- Video/Image Capture Status uint8_t vs = cap.video_status < static_cast<uint8_t>(VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_LAST) ? cap.video_status : static_cast<uint8_t>(VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_UNDEFINED); uint8_t ps = cap.image_status < static_cast<uint8_t>(PHOTO_CAPTURE_LAST) ? cap.image_status : static_cast<uint8_t>(PHOTO_CAPTURE_STATUS_UNDEFINED); _setVideoStatus(static_cast<VideoStatus>(vs)); _setPhotoStatus(static_cast<PhotoStatus>(ps)); //-- Keep asking for it once in a while when recording if(videoStatus() == VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING) { _captureStatusTimer.start(5000); //-- Same while (single) image capture is busy } else if(photoStatus() != PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE && photoMode() == PHOTO_CAPTURE_SINGLE) { _captureStatusTimer.start(1000); } //-- Time Lapse if(photoStatus() == PHOTO_CAPTURE_INTERVAL_IDLE || photoStatus() == PHOTO_CAPTURE_INTERVAL_IN_PROGRESS) { //-- Capture local image as well if(qgcApp()->toolbox()->videoManager()) { QString photoPath = qgcApp()->toolbox()->settingsManager()->appSettings()->savePath()->rawValue().toString() + QStringLiteral("/Photo"); QDir().mkpath(photoPath); photoPath += + "/" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh.mm.ss.zzz") + ".jpg"; qgcApp()->toolbox()->videoManager()->grabImage(photoPath); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleVideoInfo(const mavlink_video_stream_information_t* vi) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "handleVideoInfo:" << vi->stream_id << vi->uri; _expectedCount = vi->count; if(!_findStream(vi->stream_id, false)) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Create stream handler for stream ID:" << vi->stream_id; QGCVideoStreamInfo* pStream = new QGCVideoStreamInfo(this, vi); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(pStream, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); _streams.append(pStream); //-- Thermal is handled separately and not listed if(!pStream->isThermal()) { _streamLabels.append(pStream->name()); emit streamsChanged(); emit streamLabelsChanged(); } else { emit thermalStreamChanged(); } } //-- Check for missing count if(_streams.count() < _expectedCount) { _streamInfoTimer.start(1000); } else { //-- Done qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "All stream handlers done"; _streamInfoTimer.stop(); emit autoStreamChanged(); emit _vehicle->dynamicCameras()->streamChanged(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::handleVideoStatus(const mavlink_video_stream_status_t* vs) { _streamStatusTimer.stop(); qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "handleVideoStatus:" << vs->stream_id; QGCVideoStreamInfo* pInfo = _findStream(vs->stream_id); if(pInfo) { pInfo->update(vs); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::setCurrentStream(int stream) { if(stream != _currentStream && stream >= 0 && stream < _streamLabels.count()) { if(_currentStream != stream) { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pInfo = currentStreamInstance(); if(pInfo) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Stopping stream:" << pInfo->uri(); //-- Stop current stream _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_STREAMING, // Command id false, // ShowError pInfo->streamID()); // Stream ID } _currentStream = stream; pInfo = currentStreamInstance(); if(pInfo) { //-- Start new stream qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Starting stream:" << pInfo->uri(); _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_STREAMING, // Command id false, // ShowError pInfo->streamID()); // Stream ID //-- Update stream status _requestStreamStatus(static_cast<uint8_t>(pInfo->streamID())); } emit currentStreamChanged(); emit _vehicle->dynamicCameras()->streamChanged(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::stopStream() { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pInfo = currentStreamInstance(); if(pInfo) { //-- Stop current stream _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_STREAMING, // Command id false, // ShowError pInfo->streamID()); // Stream ID } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::resumeStream() { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pInfo = currentStreamInstance(); if(pInfo) { //-- Start new stream _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_STREAMING, // Command id false, // ShowError pInfo->streamID()); // Stream ID } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::autoStream() { if(hasVideoStream()) { return _streams.count() > 0; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCVideoStreamInfo* QGCCameraControl::currentStreamInstance() { if(_currentStream < _streamLabels.count() && _streamLabels.count()) { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pStream = _findStream(_streamLabels[_currentStream]); return pStream; } return nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCVideoStreamInfo* QGCCameraControl::thermalStreamInstance() { //-- For now, it will return the first thermal listed (if any) for(int i = 0; i < _streams.count(); i++) { if(_streams[i]) { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pStream = qobject_cast<QGCVideoStreamInfo*>(_streams[i]); if(pStream) { if(pStream->isThermal()) { return pStream; } } } } return nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestStreamInfo(uint8_t streamID) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Requesting video stream info for:" << streamID; _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION, // Command id false, // ShowError streamID); // Stream ID } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_requestStreamStatus(uint8_t streamID) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Requesting video stream status for:" << streamID; _vehicle->sendMavCommand( _compID, // Target component MAV_CMD_REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_STATUS, // Command id false, // ShowError streamID); // Stream ID _streamStatusTimer.start(1000); // Wait up to a second for it } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCVideoStreamInfo* QGCCameraControl::_findStream(uint8_t id, bool report) { for(int i = 0; i < _streams.count(); i++) { if(_streams[i]) { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pStream = qobject_cast<QGCVideoStreamInfo*>(_streams[i]); if(pStream) { if(pStream->streamID() == id) { return pStream; } } else { qCritical() << "Null QGCVideoStreamInfo instance"; } } } if(report) { qWarning() << "Stream id not found:" << id; } return nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCVideoStreamInfo* QGCCameraControl::_findStream(const QString name) { for(int i = 0; i < _streams.count(); i++) { if(_streams[i]) { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pStream = qobject_cast<QGCVideoStreamInfo*>(_streams[i]); if(pStream) { if(pStream->name() == name) { return pStream; } } } } return nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_streamTimeout() { _requestCount++; int count = _expectedCount * 3; if(_requestCount > count) { qCWarning(CameraControlLog) << "Giving up requesting video stream info"; _streamInfoTimer.stop(); //-- If we have at least one stream, work with what we have. if(_streams.count()) { emit autoStreamChanged(); emit _vehicle->dynamicCameras()->streamChanged(); } return; } for(uint8_t i = 0; i < _expectedCount; i++) { //-- Stream ID starts at 1 if(!_findStream(i+1, false)) { _requestStreamInfo(i+1); return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_streamStatusTimeout() { QGCVideoStreamInfo* pStream = currentStreamInstance(); if(pStream) { _requestStreamStatus(static_cast<uint8_t>(pStream->streamID())); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QStringList QGCCameraControl::_loadExclusions(QDomNode option) { QStringList exclusionList; QDomElement optionElem = option.toElement(); QDomNodeList excRoot = optionElem.elementsByTagName(kExclusions); if(excRoot.size()) { //-- Iterate exclusions QDomNode node = excRoot.item(0); QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList exclusions = elem.elementsByTagName(kExclusion); for(int i = 0; i < exclusions.size(); i++) { QString exclude = exclusions.item(i).toElement().text(); if(!exclude.isEmpty()) { exclusionList << exclude; } } } return exclusionList; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QStringList QGCCameraControl::_loadUpdates(QDomNode option) { QStringList updateList; QDomElement optionElem = option.toElement(); QDomNodeList updateRoot = optionElem.elementsByTagName(kUpdates); if(updateRoot.size()) { //-- Iterate updates QDomNode node = updateRoot.item(0); QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList updates = elem.elementsByTagName(kUpdate); for(int i = 0; i < updates.size(); i++) { QString update = updates.item(i).toElement().text(); if(!update.isEmpty()) { updateList << update; } } } return updateList; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_loadRanges(QDomNode option, const QString factName, QString paramValue) { QDomElement optionElem = option.toElement(); QDomNodeList rangeRoot = optionElem.elementsByTagName(kParameterranges); if(rangeRoot.size()) { QDomNode node = rangeRoot.item(0); QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList parameterRanges = elem.elementsByTagName(kParameterrange); //-- Iterate parameter ranges for(int i = 0; i < parameterRanges.size(); i++) { QString param; QString condition; QDomNode paramRange = parameterRanges.item(i); if(!read_attribute(paramRange, kParameter, param)) { qCritical() << QString("Malformed option range for parameter %1").arg(factName); return false; } read_attribute(paramRange, kCondition, condition); QDomElement pelem = paramRange.toElement(); QDomNodeList rangeOptions = pelem.elementsByTagName(kRoption); QStringList optNames; QStringList optValues; //-- Iterate options for(int i = 0; i < rangeOptions.size(); i++) { QString optName; QString optValue; QDomNode roption = rangeOptions.item(i); if(!read_attribute(roption, kName, optName)) { qCritical() << QString("Malformed roption for parameter %1").arg(factName); return false; } if(!read_attribute(roption, kValue, optValue)) { qCritical() << QString("Malformed rvalue for parameter %1").arg(factName); return false; } optNames << optName; optValues << optValue; } if(optNames.size()) { QGCCameraOptionRange* pRange = new QGCCameraOptionRange(this, factName, paramValue, param, condition, optNames, optValues); _optionRanges.append(pRange); qCDebug(CameraControlVerboseLog) << "New range limit:" << factName << paramValue << param << condition << optNames << optValues; } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_processRanges() { //-- After all parameter are loaded, process parameter ranges for(QGCCameraOptionRange* pRange: _optionRanges) { Fact* pRFact = getFact(pRange->targetParam); if(pRFact) { for(int i = 0; i < pRange->optNames.size(); i++) { QVariant optVariant; QString errorString; if (!pRFact->metaData()->convertAndValidateRaw(pRange->optValues[i], false, optVariant, errorString)) { qWarning() << "Invalid roption value, name:" << pRange->targetParam << " type:" << pRFact->metaData()->type() << " value:" << pRange->optValues[i] << " error:" << errorString; } else { pRange->optVariants << optVariant; } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::_loadNameValue(QDomNode option, const QString factName, FactMetaData* metaData, QString& optName, QString& optValue, QVariant& optVariant) { if(!read_attribute(option, kName, optName)) { qCritical() << QString("Malformed option for parameter %1").arg(factName); return false; } if(!read_attribute(option, kValue, optValue)) { qCritical() << QString("Malformed value for parameter %1").arg(factName); return false; } QString errorString; if (!metaData->convertAndValidateRaw(optValue, false, optVariant, errorString)) { qWarning() << "Invalid option value, name:" << factName << " type:" << metaData->type() << " value:" << optValue << " error:" << errorString; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_handleDefinitionFile(const QString &url) { //-- First check and see if we have it cached QFile xmlFile(_cacheFile); if (!xmlFile.exists()) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "No camera definition file cached"; _httpRequest(url); return; } if (!xmlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Could not read cached camera definition file:" << _cacheFile; _httpRequest(url); return; } QByteArray bytes = xmlFile.readAll(); QDomDocument doc; if(!doc.setContent(bytes, false)) { qWarning() << "Could not parse cached camera definition file:" << _cacheFile; _httpRequest(url); return; } //-- We have it qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Using cached camera definition file:" << _cacheFile; _cached = true; emit dataReady(bytes); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_httpRequest(const QString &url) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Request camera definition:" << url; if(!_netManager) { _netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); } QNetworkProxy savedProxy = _netManager->proxy(); QNetworkProxy tempProxy; tempProxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy); _netManager->setProxy(tempProxy); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); QSslConfiguration conf = request.sslConfiguration(); conf.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyNone); request.setSslConfiguration(conf); QNetworkReply* reply = _netManager->get(request); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QGCCameraControl::_downloadFinished); _netManager->setProxy(savedProxy); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_downloadFinished() { QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender()); if(!reply) { return; } int err = reply->error(); int http_code = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); if(err == QNetworkReply::NoError && http_code == 200) { data.append("\n"); } else { data.clear(); qWarning() << QString("Camera Definition download error: %1 status: %2").arg(reply->errorString(), reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toString()); } emit dataReady(data); //reply->deleteLater(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_dataReady(QByteArray data) { if(data.size()) { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Parsing camera definition"; _loadCameraDefinitionFile(data); } else { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "No camera definition"; } _initWhenReady(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_paramDone() { for(const QString& param: _paramIO.keys()) { if(!_paramIO[param]->paramDone()) { return; } } //-- All parameters loaded (or timed out) _paramComplete = true; emit parametersReady(); //-- Check for video streaming _checkForVideoStreams(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QGCCameraControl::_checkForVideoStreams() { if(_info.flags & CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS_HAS_VIDEO_STREAM) { //-- Skip it if using Taisync as it has its own video settings if(!qgcApp()->toolbox()->videoManager()->isTaisync()) { connect(&_streamInfoTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCCameraControl::_streamTimeout); _streamInfoTimer.setSingleShot(false); connect(&_streamStatusTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCCameraControl::_streamStatusTimeout); _streamStatusTimer.setSingleShot(true); //-- Request all streams _requestStreamInfo(0); _streamInfoTimer.start(2000); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::incomingParameter(Fact* pFact, QVariant& newValue) { Q_UNUSED(pFact); Q_UNUSED(newValue); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCCameraControl::validateParameter(Fact* pFact, QVariant& newValue) { Q_UNUSED(pFact); Q_UNUSED(newValue); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QStringList QGCCameraControl::activeSettings() { qCDebug(CameraControlLog) << "Active:" << _activeSettings; return _activeSettings; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::exposureMode() { return (_paramComplete && _activeSettings.contains(kCAM_EXPMODE)) ? getFact(kCAM_EXPMODE) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::ev() { return (_paramComplete && _activeSettings.contains(kCAM_EV)) ? getFact(kCAM_EV) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::iso() { return (_paramComplete && _activeSettings.contains(kCAM_ISO)) ? getFact(kCAM_ISO) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::shutterSpeed() { return (_paramComplete && _activeSettings.contains(kCAM_SHUTTERSPD)) ? getFact(kCAM_SHUTTERSPD) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::aperture() { return (_paramComplete && _activeSettings.contains(kCAM_APERTURE)) ? getFact(kCAM_APERTURE) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::wb() { return (_paramComplete && _activeSettings.contains(kCAM_WBMODE)) ? getFact(kCAM_WBMODE) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fact* QGCCameraControl::mode() { return _paramComplete ? getFact(kCAM_MODE) : nullptr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGCVideoStreamInfo::QGCVideoStreamInfo(QObject* parent, const mavlink_video_stream_information_t *si) : QObject(parent) { memcpy(&_streamInfo, si, sizeof(mavlink_video_stream_information_t)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- qreal QGCVideoStreamInfo::aspectRatio() { qreal ar = 1.0; if(_streamInfo.resolution_h && _streamInfo.resolution_v) { ar = static_cast<double>(_streamInfo.resolution_h) / static_cast<double>(_streamInfo.resolution_v); } return ar; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QGCVideoStreamInfo::update(const mavlink_video_stream_status_t* vs) { bool changed = false; if(_streamInfo.hfov != vs->hfov) { changed = true; _streamInfo.hfov = vs->hfov; } if(_streamInfo.flags != vs->flags) { changed = true; _streamInfo.flags = vs->flags; } if(_streamInfo.bitrate != vs->bitrate) { changed = true; _streamInfo.bitrate = vs->bitrate; } if(_streamInfo.rotation != vs->rotation) { changed = true; _streamInfo.rotation = vs->rotation; } if(_streamInfo.framerate != vs->framerate) { changed = true; _streamInfo.framerate = vs->framerate; } if(_streamInfo.resolution_h != vs->resolution_h) { changed = true; _streamInfo.resolution_h = vs->resolution_h; } if(_streamInfo.resolution_v != vs->resolution_v) { changed = true; _streamInfo.resolution_v = vs->resolution_v; } if(changed) { emit infoChanged(); } return changed; }