<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Generated by Aero-Matic v 1.1 Inputs: horsepower: 0.250767 pitch: fixed max engine rpm: 9435 prop diameter (ft): 0.83333333333333 Outputs: max prop rpm: 22515.60 gear ratio: 0.42 Cp0: 0.002731 Ct0: 0.003823 static thrust (lbs): 0.66 --> <propeller name="prop"> <!--<ixx> 0.00 </ixx>--> <ixx> 0.000041666666 </ixx> <!--assuming solid rod of mass 8 g--> <diameter unit="IN"> 10.0 </diameter> <numblades> 2 </numblades> <gearratio> 1.0 </gearratio> <p_factor> 0.79 </p_factor> <table name="C_THRUST" type="internal"> <tableData><!--experimentally measured--> 0.0 0.0054513 1.4 0.0054513 <!--aeromatic generated--> <!--0.0 0.0042--> <!--0.1 0.0040--> <!--0.2 0.0038--> <!--0.3 0.0035--> <!--0.4 0.0032--> <!--0.5 0.0028--> <!--0.6 0.0023--> <!--0.7 0.0017--> <!--0.8 0.0009--> <!--1.0 -0.0003--> <!--1.2 -0.0016--> <!--1.4 -0.0030--> </tableData> </table> <table name="C_POWER" type="internal"> <tableData> 0.0 0.0028 0.1 0.0028 0.2 0.0027 0.3 0.0027 0.4 0.0025 0.5 0.0023 0.6 0.0021 0.7 0.0018 0.8 0.0015 1.0 0.0005 1.2 -0.0008 1.4 -0.0025 1.6 -0.0042 </tableData> </table> <!-- thrust effects of helical tip Mach --> <table name="CT_MACH" type="internal"> <tableData> 0.85 1.0 1.05 0.8 </tableData> </table> <!-- power-required effects of helical tip Mach --> <table name="CP_MACH" type="internal"> <tableData> 0.85 1.0 1.05 1.8 2.00 1.4 </tableData> </table> </propeller>