#ifndef QGCPX4VehicleConfig_H #define QGCPX4VehicleConfig_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QGCToolWidget.h" #include "UASInterface.h" #include "px4_configuration/QGCPX4AirframeConfig.h" class UASParameterCommsMgr; class DialogBare; class QGCPX4SensorCalibration; namespace Ui { class QGCPX4VehicleConfig; } class QGCPX4VehicleConfig : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QGCPX4VehicleConfig(QWidget *parent = 0); ~QGCPX4VehicleConfig(); enum RC_MODE { RC_MODE_1 = 1, RC_MODE_2 = 2, RC_MODE_3 = 3, RC_MODE_4 = 4, RC_MODE_NONE = 5 }; public slots: void rcMenuButtonClicked(); void sensorMenuButtonClicked(); void generalMenuButtonClicked(); void advancedMenuButtonClicked(); void airframeMenuButtonClicked(); void firmwareMenuButtonClicked(); void identifyChannelMapping(int aert_index); /** Set the MAV currently being calibrated */ void setActiveUAS(UASInterface* active); /** Fallback function, automatically called by loadConfig() upon failure to find and xml file*/ void loadQgcConfig(bool primary); /** Load configuration from xml file */ void loadConfig(); /** Start the RC calibration routine */ void startCalibrationRC(); /** Stop the RC calibration routine */ void stopCalibrationRC(); /** Start/stop the RC calibration routine */ void toggleCalibrationRC(bool enabled); /** Set trim positions */ void setTrimPositions(); /** Detect which channels need to be inverted */ void detectChannelInversion(int aert_index); /** Render the data updated */ void updateView(); void handleRcParameterChange(QString parameterName, QVariant value); /** Set the RC channel */ void setRollChan(int channel) { rcMapping[0] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(0); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setPitchChan(int channel) { rcMapping[1] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(1); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setYawChan(int channel) { rcMapping[2] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(2); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setThrottleChan(int channel) { rcMapping[3] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(3); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setModeChan(int channel) { rcMapping[4] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(4); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setAssistChan(int channel) { rcMapping[5] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(5); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setMissionChan(int channel) { rcMapping[6] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(6); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setReturnChan(int channel) { rcMapping[7] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(7); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setFlapsChan(int channel) { rcMapping[8] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(8); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setAux1Chan(int channel) { rcMapping[9] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(9); } /** Set the RC channel */ void setAux2Chan(int channel) { rcMapping[10] = channel - 1; updateMappingView(10); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setRollInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[0]] = inverted; updateMappingView(0); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setPitchInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[1]] = inverted; updateMappingView(1); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setYawInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[2]] = inverted; updateMappingView(2); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setThrottleInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[3]] = inverted; updateMappingView(3); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setModeInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[4]] = inverted; updateMappingView(4); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setAssistInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[5]] = inverted; updateMappingView(5); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setMissionInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[6]] = inverted; updateMappingView(6); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setReturnInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[7]] = inverted; updateMappingView(7); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setFlapsInverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[8]] = inverted; updateMappingView(8); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setAux1Inverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[9]] = inverted; updateMappingView(9); } /** Set channel inversion status */ void setAux2Inverted(bool inverted) { rcRev[rcMapping[10]] = inverted; updateMappingView(10); } /** Identify roll */ void identifyRollChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(0); } /** Identify pitch */ void identifyPitchChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(1); } /** Identify yaw */ void identifyYawChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(2); } /** Identify throttle */ void identifyThrottleChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(3); } /** Identify mode */ void identifyModeChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(4); } /** Identify assist channel */ void identifyAssistChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(5); } /** Identify mission channel */ void identifyMissionChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(6); } /** Identify return channel */ void identifyReturnChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(7); } /** Identify flaps channel */ void identifyFlapsChannel() { identifyChannelMapping(8); } /** Identify aux 1 */ void identifyAux1Channel() { identifyChannelMapping(9); } /** Identify aux 2 */ void identifyAux2Channel() { identifyChannelMapping(10); } protected slots: void menuButtonClicked(); /** Reset the RC calibration */ void resetCalibrationRC(); /** Write the RC calibration */ void writeCalibrationRC(); /** Request the RC calibration */ void requestCalibrationRC(); /** Store all parameters in onboard EEPROM */ void writeParameters(); /** Receive remote control updates from MAV */ void remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val); /** Parameter changed onboard */ void parameterChanged(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value); void updateStatus(const QString& str); void updateError(const QString& str); /** Check timeouts */ void checktimeOuts(); /** Update checkbox status */ void updateAllInvertedCheckboxes(); /** Update mapping view state */ void updateMappingView(int index); /** Update the displayed values */ void updateRcWidgetValues(); /** update the channel labels */ void updateRcChanLabels(); QString labelForRcValue(float val) { return QString("%1").arg(val, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' ')); } protected: void setChannelToFunctionMapping(int function, int channel); bool doneLoadingConfig; UASInterface* mav; ///< The current MAV QGCUASParamManager* paramMgr; ///< params mgr for the mav static const unsigned int chanMax = 14; ///< Maximum number of channels static const unsigned int chanMappedMax = 16; ///< Maximum number of mapped channels (can be higher than input channel count) unsigned int chanCount; ///< Actual channels float rcMin[chanMax]; ///< Minimum values float rcMax[chanMax]; ///< Maximum values float rcTrim[chanMax]; ///< Zero-position (center for roll/pitch/yaw, 0 throttle for throttle) int rcMapping[chanMappedMax]; ///< PWM to function mappings int rcToFunctionMapping[chanMax]; float rcScaling[chanMax]; ///< Scaling of channel input to control commands bool rcRev[chanMax]; ///< Channel reverse int rcValue[chanMax]; ///< Last values, RAW float rcValueReversed[chanMax]; ///< Last values, accounted for reverse float rcMappedMin[chanMappedMax]; ///< Mapped channels in default order float rcMappedMax[chanMappedMax]; ///< Mapped channels in default order float rcMappedValue[chanMappedMax]; ///< Mapped channels in default order float rcMappedNormalizedValue[chanMappedMax]; ///< Mapped channels in default order int channelWanted; ///< During channel assignment search the requested default index int channelReverseStateWanted; float channelWantedList[chanMax]; ///< During channel assignment search the start values float channelReverseStateWantedList[chanMax]; QStringList channelNames; ///< List of channel names in standard order float rcRoll; ///< PPM input channel used as roll control input float rcPitch; ///< PPM input channel used as pitch control input float rcYaw; ///< PPM input channel used as yaw control input float rcThrottle; ///< PPM input channel used as throttle control input float rcMode; ///< PPM input channel used as mode switch control input float rcAssist; ///< PPM input channel used as assist switch control input float rcMission; ///< PPM input channel used as mission switch control input float rcReturn; ///< PPM input channel used as return switch control input float rcFlaps; ///< PPM input channel used as flaps control input float rcAux1; ///< PPM input channel used as aux 1 input float rcAux2; ///< PPM input channel used as aux 2 input bool rcCalChanged; ///< Set if the calibration changes (and needs to be written) bool dataModelChanged; ///< Set if any of the input data changed QTimer updateTimer; ///< Controls update intervals QList toolWidgets; ///< Configurable widgets QMap toolWidgetsByName; ///< bool calibrationEnabled; ///< calibration mode on / off bool configEnabled; ///< config mode on / off QMap paramToWidgetMap; ///< Holds the current active MAV's parameter widgets. QList additionalTabs; ///< Stores additional tabs loaded for this vehicle/autopilot configuration. Used for cleaning up. QMap libParamToWidgetMap; ///< Holds the library parameter widgets QMap > systemTypeToParamMap; ///< Holds all loaded MAV specific parameter widgets, for every MAV. QMap toolToBoxMap; ///< Easy method of figuring out which QGroupBox is tied to which ToolWidget. QMap paramTooltips; ///< Tooltips for the ? button next to a parameter. QGCPX4AirframeConfig* px4AirframeConfig; DialogBare* firmwareDialog; QGCPX4SensorCalibration* px4SensorCalibration; QMessageBox msgBox; QPushButton* skipActionButton; private: Ui::QGCPX4VehicleConfig *ui; QMap buttonToWidgetMap; signals: void visibilityChanged(bool visible); }; #endif // QGCPX4VehicleConfig_H