/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* */ /* This file is part of the program and library */ /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum */ /* fuer Informationstechnik Berlin */ /* */ /* SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License */ /* along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org. */ /* */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /**@file struct_conflict.h * @ingroup INTERNALAPI * @brief datastructures for conflict analysis * @author Tobias Achterberg */ /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/ #ifndef __SCIP_STRUCT_CONFLICT_H__ #define __SCIP_STRUCT_CONFLICT_H__ #include "scip/def.h" #include "scip/type_clock.h" #include "scip/type_misc.h" #include "scip/type_var.h" #include "scip/type_conflict.h" #include "lpi/type_lpi.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** conflict handler */ struct SCIP_Conflicthdlr { char* name; /**< name of conflict handler */ char* desc; /**< description of conflict handler */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTCOPY((*conflictcopy)); /**< copy method of conflict handler or NULL if you don't want to copy your plugin into sub-SCIPs */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTFREE((*conflictfree)); /**< destructor of conflict handler */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINIT((*conflictinit)); /**< initialize conflict handler */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXIT((*conflictexit)); /**< deinitialize conflict handler */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTINITSOL((*conflictinitsol));/**< solving process initialization method of conflict handler */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXITSOL((*conflictexitsol));/**< solving process deinitialization method of conflict handler */ SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC((*conflictexec)); /**< conflict processing method of conflict handler */ SCIP_CONFLICTHDLRDATA* conflicthdlrdata; /**< conflict handler data */ SCIP_CLOCK* setuptime; /**< time spend for setting up this conflict handler for the next stages */ SCIP_CLOCK* conflicttime; /**< conflict handler execution time */ int priority; /**< priority of the conflict handler */ SCIP_Bool initialized; /**< is conflict handler initialized? */ }; /** set of conflicting bound changes */ struct SCIP_ConflictSet { SCIP_BDCHGINFO** bdchginfos; /**< bound change informations of the conflict set */ SCIP_BDCHGINFO* confbdchginfo; /**< a bound change at the conflict depth */ SCIP_Real* relaxedbds; /**< array of relaxed bounds which are efficient for a valid conflict */ SCIP_Real confrelaxedbd; /**< relaxed bound belonging the the bound change at the conflict depth */ int* sortvals; /**< aggregated var index/bound type values for sorting */ int bdchginfossize; /**< size of bdchginfos array */ int nbdchginfos; /**< number of bound change informations in the conflict set */ int validdepth; /**< depth in the tree where the conflict set is valid */ int insertdepth; /**< depth level where constraint should be added */ int conflictdepth; /**< depth in the tree where the conflict set yields a conflict */ int repropdepth; /**< depth at which the conflict set triggers a deduction */ unsigned int repropagate:1; /**< should the conflict constraint trigger a repropagation? */ unsigned int depthcalced:1; /**< are the conflict and repropagation depth calculated? */ unsigned int sorted:1; /**< is the conflict set sorted */ unsigned int usescutoffbound:1; /**< is the conflict based on the cutoff bound? */ SCIP_CONFTYPE conflicttype; /**< conflict type: unknown, infeasible LP, bound exceeding LP, propagation */ }; /** set of conflicting bound changes */ struct SCIP_ProofSet { SCIP_Real* vals; int* inds; SCIP_Real rhs; int nnz; int size; int validdepth; SCIP_CONFTYPE conflicttype; /**< conflict type: unknown, infeasible LP, bound exceeding LP */ }; /** set of LP bound change */ struct SCIP_LPBdChgs { int* bdchginds; /**< array of column indices */ SCIP_Real* bdchglbs; /**< array of lower bounds */ SCIP_Real* bdchgubs; /**< array of upper bounds */ int* bdchgcolinds; /**< array of ???????????? */ SCIP_Bool* usedcols; /**< array to mark if a column is used */ int nbdchgs; /**< number of stored LP bound changes */ }; /** conflict analysis data structure */ struct SCIP_Conflict { SCIP_Longint nglbchgbds; /**< total number of applied global bound changes */ SCIP_Longint nappliedglbconss; /**< total number of conflict constraints added globally to the problem */ SCIP_Longint nappliedglbliterals;/**< total number of literals in globally applied conflict constraints */ SCIP_Longint nlocchgbds; /**< total number of applied local bound changes */ SCIP_Longint nappliedlocconss; /**< total number of conflict constraints added locally to the problem */ SCIP_Longint nappliedlocliterals;/**< total number of literals in locally applied conflict constraints */ SCIP_Longint npropcalls; /**< number of calls to propagation conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npropsuccess; /**< number of calls yielding at least one conflict constraint */ SCIP_Longint npropconfconss; /**< number of valid conflict constraints detected in propagation conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npropconfliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid propagation conflict constraints */ SCIP_Longint npropreconvconss; /**< number of reconvergence constraints detected in propagation conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npropreconvliterals;/**< total number of literals in valid propagation reconvergence constraints */ SCIP_Longint ninflpcalls; /**< number of calls to infeasible LP conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint ninflpsuccess; /**< number of calls yielding at least one conflict constraint */ SCIP_Longint ninflpconfconss; /**< number of valid conflict constraints detected in infeasible LP conflict * analysis */ SCIP_Longint ninflpconfliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid infeasible LP conflict constraints */ SCIP_Longint ninflpreconvconss; /**< number of reconvergence constraints detected in infeasible LP conflict * analysis */ SCIP_Longint ninflpreconvliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid infeasible LP reconvergence * constraints */ SCIP_Longint ninflpiterations; /**< total number of LP iterations used in infeasible LP conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpcalls; /**< number of calls to bound exceeding LP conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpsuccess; /**< number of calls yielding at least one conflict constraint */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpconfconss; /**< number of valid conflict constraints detected in bound exceeding LP * conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpconfliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid bound exceeding LP conflict * constraints */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpreconvconss;/**< number of reconvergence constraints detected in bound exceeding LP * conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpreconvliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid bound exceeding LP reconvergence * constraints */ SCIP_Longint nboundlpiterations; /**< total number of LP iterations used in bound exceeding LP conflict * analysis */ SCIP_Longint nsbcalls; /**< number of calls to infeasible strong branching conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nsbsuccess; /**< number of calls yielding at least one conflict constraint */ SCIP_Longint nsbconfconss; /**< number of conflict constraints detected in strong branching conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nsbconfliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid strong branching conflict constraints */ SCIP_Longint nsbreconvconss; /**< number of reconvergence constraints detected in strong branch conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint nsbreconvliterals; /**< total number of literals in valid strong branching reconvergence constraints */ SCIP_Longint nsbiterations; /**< total number of LP iterations used in strong branching conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npseudocalls; /**< number of calls to pseudo solution conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npseudosuccess; /**< number of calls yielding at least one conflict constraint */ SCIP_Longint npseudoconfconss; /**< number of valid conflict constraints detected in pseudo sol conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npseudoconfliterals;/**< total number of literals in valid pseudo solution conflict constraints */ SCIP_Longint npseudoreconvconss; /**< number of reconvergence constraints detected in pseudo sol conflict analysis */ SCIP_Longint npseudoreconvliterals;/**< total number of literals in valid pseudo solution reconvergence constraints */ SCIP_Longint ndualproofsinfglobal;/**< number of globally added dual proof constraints derived from infeasible LP */ SCIP_Longint ndualproofsinflocal;/**< number of locally added dual proof constraints derived from infeasible LP */ SCIP_Longint ndualproofsinfsuccess;/**< number of successfully dual proof analysis calls for infeasible LPs */ SCIP_Longint dualproofsinfnnonzeros;/**< number of non-zeros over all accepted dual proof constraints derived from infeasible LP */ SCIP_Longint ndualproofsbndglobal;/**< number of globally added dual proof constraints derived from bound exceeding LP */ SCIP_Longint ndualproofsbndlocal;/**< number of locally added dual proof constraints derived from bound exceeding LP */ SCIP_Longint ndualproofsbndsuccess;/**< number of successfully dual proof analysis calls for bound exceeding LPs */ SCIP_Longint dualproofsbndnnonzeros;/**< number of non-zeros over all accepted dual proof constraints derived from bound exceeding LPs */ SCIP_CLOCK* dIBclock; /**< time used for detect implied bounds */ SCIP_CLOCK* propanalyzetime; /**< time used for propagation conflict analysis */ SCIP_CLOCK* inflpanalyzetime; /**< time used for infeasible LP conflict analysis */ SCIP_CLOCK* boundlpanalyzetime; /**< time used for bound exceeding LP conflict analysis */ SCIP_CLOCK* sbanalyzetime; /**< time used for strong branching LP conflict analysis */ SCIP_CLOCK* pseudoanalyzetime; /**< time used for pseudo solution conflict analysis */ SCIP_PQUEUE* bdchgqueue; /**< unprocessed conflict bound changes */ SCIP_PQUEUE* forcedbdchgqueue; /**< unprocessed conflict bound changes that must be resolved */ SCIP_PROOFSET* proofset; /**< proof sets found at the current node */ SCIP_PROOFSET** proofsets; /**< proof sets found at the current node */ SCIP_CONFLICTSET* conflictset; /**< bound changes resembling the current conflict set */ SCIP_CONFLICTSET** conflictsets; /**< conflict sets found at the current node */ SCIP_Real* conflictsetscores; /**< score values of the conflict sets found at the current node */ SCIP_BDCHGINFO** tmpbdchginfos; /**< temporarily created bound change information data */ int conflictsetssize; /**< size of conflictsets array */ int nconflictsets; /**< number of available conflict sets (used slots in conflictsets array) */ int proofsetssize; /**< size of proofsets array */ int nproofsets; /**< number of available proof sets (used slots in proofsets array) */ int tmpbdchginfossize; /**< size of tmpbdchginfos array */ int ntmpbdchginfos; /**< number of temporary created bound change information data */ int count; /**< conflict set counter to label binary conflict variables with */ }; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif