#ifdef shell gcc -o ${0//.c/} $0 -lxbee exit } #endif /* libxbee - a C library to aid the use of Digi's Series 1 XBee modules running in API mode (AP=2). Copyright (C) 2009 Attie Grande (attie@attie.co.uk) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* this sample will scan all possible channels for remote nodes and return the value of a few useful settings */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <xbee.h> #define MAXNODES 100 int ATCH = 0x0C; /* origional channel number */ int ATNT = 0x19; /* node discover timeout */ int ATNTc; /* node discover timeout counter */ int BREAK = 0; xbee_con *con; void sighandler(int sig) { xbee_pkt *pkt; if (sig == SIGINT) { BREAK = 1; /* wait for the rest of the timeout... */ printf("\r%c[2KWaiting for node discover command to timeout...",27); fflush(stdout); for (; ATNTc; ATNTc--) { usleep(100000); } /* Restore the XBee's channel setting */ printf("\r%c[2KRestoring channel to 0x%02X...",27,ATCH); fflush(stdout); if (xbee_senddata(con,"CH%c",ATCH)) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); exit(1); } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\r%c[2K*** XBee didnt return a result for CH... ***\nPlease manually reset your channel to 0x%02X\n",27,ATCH); } if (pkt->status) { printf("\r%c[2K*** An error occured while restoring the channel setting... ***\nPlease manually reset your channel to 0x%02X\n",27,ATCH); } else { printf("\nDone!\n"); } free(pkt); /* Restore the terminal */ printf("%c[?25h%c[0m",27,27); fflush(stdout); exit(0); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int saidfull = 0; int ATCHc; /* current channel number */ int XBeePro = 0; /* XBee pro? */ int nodes = 0; unsigned char addrs[MAXNODES][19]; /* 0-7 : 64 bit address 8 : channel 9-10 : id 11 : baud 12 : API 13-14: HV 15-16: VR 17 : CC 18 : mask - not address */ xbee_pkt *pkt, *rpkt; time_t ttime; char stime[32]; /* handle ^C */ signal(SIGINT, sighandler); /* setup libxbee */ if (xbee_setupAPI("/dev/ttyUSB0",57600,'+',250) == -1) { return 1; } /* grab a local AT connection */ con = xbee_newcon('I',xbee_localAT); /* get the current channel */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"CH")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("XBee didnt return a result for CH\n"); return 1; } ATCH = pkt->data[0]; free(pkt); /* XBee - 0x0B - 0x1A XBee Pro - 0x0C - 0x17 */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"CH%c",0x0B)) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("XBee didnt return a result for CH\n"); return 1; } /* did that fail? */ if (pkt->status == 0) { /* nope.. its not a pro */ printf("Using XBee (not Pro) channels (0x0B - 0x1A)...\n"); XBeePro = 0; ATCHc = 0x0B; } else { /* yup... its a pro */ printf("Using XBee Pro channels (0x0C - 0x17)...\n"); XBeePro = 1; ATCHc = 0x0C; } free(pkt); /* find and print data for the local node */ printf("\n%c[31mCH:%c[32m 0x%02X ",27,27,ATCH); if (xbee_senddata(con,"ID")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for ID\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mID:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"MY")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for MY\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mMY:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"SH")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for SH\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mSH:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1],pkt->data[2],pkt->data[3]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"SL")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for SL\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mSL:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1],pkt->data[2],pkt->data[3]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"BD")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for BD\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mBD:%c[32m ",27,27); /* print the baud rate */ switch (pkt->data[3]) { case 0: printf(" 1200"); break; case 1: printf(" 2400"); break; case 2: printf(" 4800"); break; case 3: printf(" 9600"); break; case 4: printf(" 19200"); break; case 5: printf(" 38400"); break; case 6: printf(" 57600"); break; case 7: printf("115200"); break; default: printf(" other"); break; } printf(" "); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"AP")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for AP\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mAP:%c[32m 0x%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"HV")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for HV\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mHV:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"VR")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for VR\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mVR:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"CC")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for CC\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mCC:%c[32m '%c' (0x%02X) ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[0]); free(pkt); /* ### */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"NI")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for NI\n"); return 1; } printf("%c[31mNI:%c[32m %-20s ",27,27,pkt->data); free(pkt); /* ### */ printf("%c[95m* This is the lobal XBee *",27); printf("%c[34m\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%c[0m\n\n",27,27); /* get the ND timeout */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"NT")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if ((pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con)) == NULL) { printf("XBee didnt return a result for NT\n"); return 1; } ATNT = pkt->data[0]; free(pkt); printf("%c[?25l",27); fflush(stdout); usleep(100000); while (!BREAK) { /* set the channel to scan */ if (xbee_senddata(con,"CH%c",ATCHc)) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } pkt = xbee_getpacketwait(con); if (!pkt || pkt->status) { printf("\nXBee didnt return a result for CH\n"); return 1; } free(pkt); printf("%c[2KScanning channel 0x%02X...\r",27,ATCHc); fflush(stdout); /* send a ND - Node Discover request */ if (!xbee_senddata(con,"ND")) { /* only wait for a bit longer than the ND timeout */ ATNTc = ATNT + 10; /* loop until the end packet has been received or timeout reached */ while (!BREAK && ATNTc--) { /* get a packet */ pkt = xbee_getpacket(con); /* check a packet was returned, and that its one we are after... */ if (pkt && !memcmp(pkt->atCmd,"ND",2)) { /* is this the end packet? you can tell from the 0 datalen */ if (pkt->datalen == 0) { /* free the packet */ free(pkt); break; } else { /* check if we know this node already */ for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { /* the 64bit address will match one in the list */ if (!memcmp(&(pkt->data[2]),&(addrs[i][0]),8)) break; } ttime = time(NULL); strftime(stime,32,"%I:%M:%S %p",gmtime(&ttime)); /* is there space for another? */ if ((i == nodes) && (nodes == MAXNODES) && (!saidfull)) { printf("%c[2KMAXNODES reached... Can't add more...\r",27); /* flush so the change is seen! */ fflush(stdout); saidfull = 1; } else { /* is this a rewrite? */ if (i != nodes) { /* find the line to edit */ printf("%c[%dA",27,nodes-i+1); /* clear the line */ printf("%c[2K",27); } else { /* fill the blank line */ printf("%c[%dA",27,1); } /* save the channel */ addrs[i][8] = ATCHc; /* write out the info */ printf("%c[31mCH:%c[32m 0x%02X ",27,27,ATCHc); printf("%c[31mID:%c[32m 0x",27,27); if (i == nodes || !(addrs[i][18] & 0x80)) { printf("...."); } else { printf("%02X%02X",addrs[i][9],addrs[i][10]); } printf(" "); printf("%c[31mMY:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[0],pkt->data[1]); printf("%c[31mSH:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[2],pkt->data[3],pkt->data[4],pkt->data[5]); printf("%c[31mSL:%c[32m 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X ",27,27,pkt->data[6],pkt->data[7],pkt->data[8],pkt->data[9]); printf("%c[31mBD:%c[32m ",27,27); if (i == nodes || !(addrs[i][18] & 0x40)) { printf("......"); } else { switch (addrs[i][11]) { case 0: printf(" 1200"); break; case 1: printf(" 2400"); break; case 2: printf(" 4800"); break; case 3: printf(" 9600"); break; case 4: printf(" 19200"); break; case 5: printf(" 38400"); break; case 6: printf(" 57600"); break; case 7: printf("115200"); break; default: printf(" other"); break; } } printf(" "); printf("%c[31mAP:%c[32m 0x",27,27); if (i == nodes || !(addrs[i][18] & 0x20)) { printf(".."); } else { printf("%02X",addrs[i][12]); } printf(" "); printf("%c[31mHV:%c[32m 0x",27,27); if (i == nodes || !(addrs[i][18] & 0x10)) { printf("...."); } else { printf("%02X%02X",addrs[i][13],addrs[i][14]); } printf(" "); printf("%c[31mVR:%c[32m 0x",27,27); if (i == nodes || !(addrs[i][18] & 0x08)) { printf("...."); } else { printf("%02X%02X",addrs[i][15],addrs[i][16]); } printf(" "); printf("%c[31mCC:%c[32m ",27,27); if (i == nodes || !(addrs[i][18] & 0x04)) { printf(" . (0x..)"); } else { printf("'%c' (0x%02X)",addrs[i][17],addrs[i][17]); } printf(" "); printf("%c[31mNI:%c[32m %-20s ",27,27,&(pkt->data[11])); printf("%c[31mdB:%c[32m -%2d ",27,27,pkt->data[10]); printf("%c[31m@:%c[32m %s",27,27,stime); /* is this a rewrite? */ if (i != nodes) { /* go back the the bottom */ printf("%c[%dB\r",27,nodes-i+1); } else { /* if its new... save the address */ memcpy(&(addrs[nodes][0]),&(pkt->data[2]),8); /* turn off all the flags */ addrs[nodes][18] = 0; /* new line is only wanted for new nodes */ printf("\n%c[2K\n%c[0m",27,27); /* if not, then add 1 to the number of nodes! */ nodes++; } printf("%c[0m%c[2KScanning channel 0x%02X...\r",27,27,ATCHc); fflush(stdout); } /* flush so the change is seen! */ fflush(stdout); } /* free the packet */ free(pkt); } /* sleep for 100ms (same as NT steps */ usleep(100000); } } fflush(stdout); /* check for all nodes on this channel, and get thier pan id */ for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { int first = 1; if (addrs[i][8] == ATCHc) { xbee_con *tcon; unsigned int dh,dl; if (first) { printf("%c[2KGathering settings for nodes on channel 0x%02X...\r",27,ATCHc); first = 0; } /* get the address, and turn it the right way up! */ memcpy(&dh,&(addrs[i][0]),4); dh = ((dh & 0xFF) << 24) | ((dh & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((dh & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((dh & 0xFF000000) >> 24); memcpy(&dl,&(addrs[i][4]),4); dl = ((dl & 0xFF) << 24) | ((dl & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((dl & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((dl & 0xFF000000) >> 24); /* setup a connection the the remote node */ if ((tcon = xbee_newcon('I',xbee_64bitRemoteAT,dh,dl)) != NULL) { /* find the line to edit */ printf("\r%c[%dA",27,nodes-i+1); /* in this case we dont care if we dont get a response packet... */ if (xbee_senddata(tcon,"ID")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if (((rpkt = xbee_getpacketwait(tcon)) != NULL) && (rpkt->status == 0)) { /* move over the ID column */ printf("\r%c[18C",27); /* print the ID */ printf("%c[32m%02X%02X%c[0m",27,rpkt->data[0],rpkt->data[1],27); addrs[i][9] = rpkt->data[0]; addrs[i][10] = rpkt->data[1]; /* turn on the flag */ addrs[i][18] |= 0x80; free(rpkt); } /* in this case we dont care if we dont get a response packet... */ if (xbee_senddata(tcon,"BD")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if (((rpkt = xbee_getpacketwait(tcon)) != NULL) && (rpkt->status == 0)) { /* move over the BD column */ printf("\r%c[80C",27); if ((rpkt->data[0] != 0x00) || (rpkt->data[1] != 0x00) || (rpkt->data[2] != 0x00) || ((rpkt->data[3] & 0xF8) != 0x00)) { addrs[i][11] = 8; } else { addrs[i][11] = rpkt->data[3]; } /* turn on the flag */ addrs[i][18] |= 0x40; /* print the baud rate */ printf("%c[32m",27); switch (addrs[i][11]) { case 0: printf(" 1200"); break; case 1: printf(" 2400"); break; case 2: printf(" 4800"); break; case 3: printf(" 9600"); break; case 4: printf(" 19200"); break; case 5: printf(" 38400"); break; case 6: printf(" 57600"); break; case 7: printf("115200"); break; default: printf(" other"); break; } printf("%c[0m",27); free(rpkt); } /* in this case we dont care if we dont get a response packet... */ if (xbee_senddata(tcon,"AP")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if (((rpkt = xbee_getpacketwait(tcon)) != NULL) && (rpkt->status == 0)) { /* move over the AP column */ printf("\r%c[96C",27); /* print the ID */ printf("%c[32m%02X%c[0m",27,rpkt->data[0],27); addrs[i][12] = rpkt->data[0]; /* turn on the flag */ addrs[i][18] |= 0x20; free(rpkt); } /* in this case we dont care if we dont get a response packet... */ if (xbee_senddata(tcon,"HV")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if (((rpkt = xbee_getpacketwait(tcon)) != NULL) && (rpkt->status == 0)) { /* move over the HV column */ printf("\r%c[108C",27); /* print the ID */ printf("%c[32m%02X%02X%c[0m",27,rpkt->data[0],rpkt->data[1],27); addrs[i][13] = rpkt->data[0]; addrs[i][14] = rpkt->data[1]; /* turn on the flag */ addrs[i][18] |= 0x10; free(rpkt); } /* in this case we dont care if we dont get a response packet... */ if (xbee_senddata(tcon,"VR")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if (((rpkt = xbee_getpacketwait(tcon)) != NULL) && (rpkt->status == 0)) { /* move over the VR column */ printf("\r%c[122C",27); /* print the ID */ printf("%c[32m%02X%02X%c[0m",27,rpkt->data[0],rpkt->data[1],27); addrs[i][15] = rpkt->data[0]; addrs[i][16] = rpkt->data[1]; /* turn on the flag */ addrs[i][18] |= 0x08; free(rpkt); } /* in this case we dont care if we dont get a response packet... */ if (xbee_senddata(tcon,"CC")) { printf("xbee_senddata: Error\n"); return 1; } if (((rpkt = xbee_getpacketwait(tcon)) != NULL) && (rpkt->status == 0)) { /* move over the CC column */ printf("\r%c[134C",27); /* print the ID */ printf("%c[32m'%c' (0x%02X)%c[0m",27,rpkt->data[0],rpkt->data[0],27); addrs[i][17] = rpkt->data[0]; /* turn on the flag */ addrs[i][18] |= 0x04; free(rpkt); } /* go back the the bottom */ printf("%c[%dB\r",27,nodes-i+1); fflush(stdout); } } } /* fall back to the first channel if that was the last */ if (XBeePro && ATCHc == 0x17) { ATCHc = 0x0C; } else if (!XBeePro && ATCHc == 0x1A) { ATCHc = 0x0B; } else { /* else move onto next channel */ ATCHc++; } usleep(100000); } return 0; }