/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ // Code by: Jeremy Moles (cubicool) 2007-2008 #ifndef OSGWIDGET_WINDOW_MANAGER #define OSGWIDGET_WINDOW_MANAGER #include <osg/Switch> #include <osg/Uniform> #include <osg/Drawable> #include <osgGA/GUIEventAdapter> #include <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector> #include <osgViewer/View> #include <osgWidget/ScriptEngine> #include <osgWidget/StyleManager> #include <osgWidget/Window> namespace osgWidget { // TODO: It should be possible to use something other than osgWidget/ViewerEventHandlers // to handle all of these events. In fact, I need to create an SDL example showing this. // A private typedef that we use for pickAtXY() below. typedef osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections Intersections; // A WindowManager performs pointer interaction with the topmost (highest Z) Widget, // and performs keyboard input on the currently focused Window->Widget. class OSGWIDGET_EXPORT WindowManager: public osg::Switch, public UIObjectParent<Window> { public: enum WmFlags { WM_USE_LUA = 0x00000001, WM_USE_PYTHON = 0x00000002, WM_USE_RENDERBINS = 0x00000004, WM_PICK_DEBUG = 0x00000008 }; enum PointerDirection { PD_NONE = 0x00000000, PD_LEFT = 0x00000001, PD_RIGHT = 0x00000002, PD_UP = 0x00000004, PD_DOWN = 0x00000008 }; enum PointerFocusMode { PFM_FOCUS = 0x00000000, PFM_UNFOCUS = 0x00000001, PFM_SLOPPY = 0x00000002 }; public: META_Object(osgWidget, WindowManager); WindowManager( osgViewer::View* = 0, point_type = 0.0f, point_type = 0.0f, unsigned int = 0, unsigned int = 0 ); WindowManager(const WindowManager&, const osg::CopyOp&); virtual ~WindowManager(); // A static method that will set both the _widget and _window data of an Event // reference from a passed-in Interface. static void setEventFromInterface(Event&, EventInterface*); // A static template method that will iterate over a container and return a // properly formed EventInterface*. template<typename T> static EventInterface* getFirstEventInterface(T&, Event&); bool pickAtXY (float, float, WidgetList&); bool setFocused (Window*); void setPointerXY (float, float); void setStyleManager (StyleManager*); void resizeAllWindows (bool = true); XYCoord windowXY (double, double) const; XYCoord localXY (double, double) const; // Methods all called by the ViewerEventHandlers::MouseHandler object, or // by some customer caller of your own. Examples of this to come... bool pointerMove (float, float); bool pointerDrag (float, float); bool mouseScroll (float, float); osg::Camera* createParentOrthoCamera(); unsigned int getNodeMask() const { return _nodeMask; } point_type getWidth() const { return _width; } point_type getHeight() const { return _height; } bool isUsingLua() const { return (_flags & WM_USE_LUA) != 0; } bool isUsingPython() const { return (_flags & WM_USE_PYTHON) != 0; } bool isUsingRenderBins() const { return (_flags & WM_USE_RENDERBINS) != 0; } int getMouseKeysDown() const { int flag = 0; flag |= _leftDown ? osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON : 0; flag |= _middleDown ? osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON: 0; flag |= _rightDown ? osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON : 0; return flag; } ScriptEngine* getLuaEngine() { return _lua.get(); } const ScriptEngine* getLuaEngine() const { return _lua.get(); } ScriptEngine* getPythonEngine() { return _python.get(); } const ScriptEngine* getPythonEngine() const { return _python.get(); } StyleManager* getStyleManager() { return _styleManager.get(); } const StyleManager* getStyleManager() const { return _styleManager.get(); } PointerDirection getPointerVerticalDirection() const { return _lastVertical; } PointerDirection getPointerHorizontalDirection() const { return _lastHorizontal; } PointerFocusMode getPointerFocusMode() const { return _focusMode; } int getPointerDirectionVector() const { return _lastVertical | _lastHorizontal; } bool isPointerMovingUp() const { return _lastVertical == PD_UP; } bool isPointerMovingDown() const { return _lastVertical == PD_DOWN; } bool isPointerMovingLeft() const { return _lastHorizontal == PD_LEFT; } bool isPointerMovingRight() const { return _lastHorizontal == PD_RIGHT; } bool isPointerMovingVertically() const { return _lastVertical != PD_NONE; } bool isPointerMovingHorizontally() const { return _lastHorizontal != PD_NONE; } bool isLeftMouseButtonDown() const { return _leftDown; } bool isMiddleMouseButtonDown() const { return _middleDown; } bool isRightMouseButtonDown() const { return _rightDown; } bool isMouseScrollingUp() const { return _scrolling == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::SCROLL_UP; } bool isMouseScrollingDown() const { return _scrolling == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::SCROLL_DOWN; } bool setFocusedByName(const std::string& name) { return setFocused(getByName(name)); } void setScrollingMotion(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::ScrollingMotion sm) { _scrolling = sm; } void setPointerFocusMode(PointerFocusMode pfm) { _focusMode = pfm; } void setWidth(point_type w) { _width = w; } void setHeight(point_type h) { _height = h; } void setSize(point_type w, point_type h) { _width = w; _height = h; } void setWindowSize(point_type w, point_type h) { _windowWidth = w; _windowHeight = h; } // Wrappers around the real calls. These only pertains to mouse buttons, // particularly 3-button mice, although there are other more generic // "pointer" API methods. bool mousePushedLeft(float x, float y) { return _handleMousePushed(x, y, _leftDown); } bool mousePushedMiddle(float x, float y) { return _handleMousePushed(x, y, _middleDown); } bool mousePushedRight(float x, float y) { return _handleMousePushed(x, y, _rightDown); } bool mouseReleasedLeft(float x, float y) { return _handleMouseReleased(x, y, _leftDown); } bool mouseReleasedMiddle(float x, float y) { return _handleMouseReleased(x, y, _middleDown); } bool mouseReleasedRight(float x, float y) { return _handleMouseReleased(x, y, _rightDown); } // Keyboards wrappers, as above; takes the key and key's mask code, which // can be compared to osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::{KeySymbol,KeyModMask}. bool keyDown (int, int); bool keyUp (int, int); osgViewer::View* getView() { return _view; } const osgViewer::View* getView() const { return _view; } private: // A functor used to sort the Windows by their Z component in descending order. struct WindowZCompare: public std::binary_function<ptr_type, ptr_type, bool> { bool operator()(const ptr_type& x, const ptr_type& y) { return x.get()->getZ() > y.get()->getZ(); } }; // A functor used to sort the Windows by their BinNum component in descending order. struct WindowBinNumberCompare: public std::binary_function<ptr_type, ptr_type, bool> { bool operator()(const ptr_type& x, const ptr_type& y) { return x.get()->getOrCreateStateSet()->getBinNumber() > y.get()->getOrCreateStateSet()->getBinNumber() ; } }; point_type _width; point_type _height; point_type _windowWidth; point_type _windowHeight; unsigned int _flags; unsigned int _nodeMask; osgViewer::View* _view; float _lastX; float _lastY; EventInterface* _lastEvent; EventInterface* _lastPush; PointerDirection _lastVertical; PointerDirection _lastHorizontal; PointerFocusMode _focusMode; bool _leftDown; bool _middleDown; bool _rightDown; osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::ScrollingMotion _scrolling; osg::ref_ptr<ScriptEngine> _lua; osg::ref_ptr<ScriptEngine> _python; osg::ref_ptr<StyleManager> _styleManager; osg::observer_ptr<Widget> _widget; osg::observer_ptr<Window> _focused; osg::observer_ptr<Window> _pickWindow; void childInserted (unsigned int); void childRemoved (unsigned int, unsigned int); bool _handleMousePushed (float, float, bool&); bool _handleMouseReleased (float, float, bool&); bool _handleMouseScrolled (float, float, bool = false); void _getPointerXYDiff (float&, float&); void _updatePickWindow (const WidgetList*, point_type, point_type); }; // We use a template here because the container could be a list or a vector; or something // else that supports iteration! template<typename T> EventInterface* WindowManager::getFirstEventInterface(T& container, Event& ev) { if(!container.size()) return 0; // See if we can find a Widget that responds to this event... for(typename T::iterator i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); i++) { Widget* widget = i->get(); // If so, set the _widget/_window members and return it. if(widget->getEventMask() & ev.type) { ev._window = widget->getParent(); ev._widget = widget; return widget; } } // If we can't find a Widget that will accept this event, try and recurse all // of the parent Windows and find one that can. WindowList windowList; Window* parent = container.back()->getParent(); if(parent) { parent->getParentList(windowList); // A WindowList from getParentList includes the Window the method was called // on, and the entire tree of parentage. for(WindowList::iterator i = windowList.begin(); i != windowList.end(); i++) { Window* window = i->get(); if(window->getEventMask() & ev.type) { ev._window = window; return window; } } } return 0; } } #endif