/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @author Don Gagne #include "FactLoader.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(FactLoaderLog, "FactLoaderLog") FactLoader::FactLoader(UASInterface* uas, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), _lastSeenComponent(-1), _paramMgr(NULL), _factsReady(false) { Q_ASSERT(uas); _uasId = uas->getUASID(); _paramMgr = uas->getParamManager(); Q_ASSERT(_paramMgr); // We need to be initialized before param mgr starts sending parameters so we catch each one Q_ASSERT(!_paramMgr->parametersReady()); // We need to know when the param mgr is done sending the initial set of paramters connect(_paramMgr, SIGNAL(parameterListUpToDate()), this, SLOT(_paramMgrParameterListUpToDate())); // We track parameters changes to keep Facts up to date. connect(uas, &UASInterface::parameterUpdate, this, &FactLoader::_parameterUpdate); } FactLoader::~FactLoader() { foreach(Fact* fact, _mapFact2ParameterName.keys()) { delete fact; } _mapParameterName2Variant.clear(); _mapFact2ParameterName.clear(); } /// Called whenever a parameter is updated or first seen. void FactLoader::_parameterUpdate(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, int mavType, QVariant value) { // Is this for our uas? if (uas != _uasId) { return; } if (_lastSeenComponent == -1) { _lastSeenComponent = component; } else { // Code cannot handle parameters coming form different components yets Q_ASSERT(component == _lastSeenComponent); } bool setMetaData = false; if (!_mapParameterName2Variant.contains(parameterName)) { qCDebug(FactLoaderLog) << "Adding new fact" << parameterName; FactMetaData::ValueType_t factType; switch (mavType) { case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT8: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeUint8; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT8: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeUint8; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT16: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeUint16; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT16: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeInt16; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeUint32; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT32: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeInt32; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeFloat; break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL64: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble; break; default: factType = FactMetaData::valueTypeInt32; qCritical() << "Unsupported fact type" << mavType; break; } Fact* fact = new Fact(parameterName, factType, this); setMetaData = true; _mapParameterName2Variant[parameterName] = QVariant::fromValue(fact); _mapFact2ParameterName[fact] = parameterName; // We need to know when the fact changes from QML so that we can send the new value to the parameter manager connect(fact, &Fact::_containerValueChanged, this, &FactLoader::_valueUpdated); } Q_ASSERT(_mapParameterName2Variant.contains(parameterName)); qCDebug(FactLoaderLog) << "Updating fact value" << parameterName << value; Fact* fact = _mapParameterName2Variant[parameterName].value(); Q_ASSERT(fact); fact->_containerSetValue(value); if (setMetaData) { _addMetaDataToFact(fact); } } /// Connected to Fact::valueUpdated /// /// Sets the new value into the Parameter Manager. Parameter is persisted after send. void FactLoader::_valueUpdated(QVariant value) { Fact* fact = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(fact); Q_ASSERT(_lastSeenComponent != -1); Q_ASSERT(_paramMgr); Q_ASSERT(_mapFact2ParameterName.contains(fact)); QVariant typedValue; switch (fact->type()) { case FactMetaData::valueTypeInt8: case FactMetaData::valueTypeInt16: case FactMetaData::valueTypeInt32: typedValue.setValue(QVariant(value.toInt())); break; case FactMetaData::valueTypeUint8: case FactMetaData::valueTypeUint16: case FactMetaData::valueTypeUint32: typedValue.setValue(value.toUInt()); break; case FactMetaData::valueTypeFloat: typedValue.setValue(value.toFloat()); break; case FactMetaData::valueTypeDouble: typedValue.setValue(value.toDouble()); break; } qCDebug(FactLoaderLog) << "Set parameter" << fact->name() << typedValue; _paramMgr->setParameter(_lastSeenComponent, _mapFact2ParameterName[fact], typedValue); _paramMgr->sendPendingParameters(true /* persistAfterSend */, false /* forceSend */); } // Called when param mgr list is up to date void FactLoader::_paramMgrParameterListUpToDate(void) { if (!_factsReady) { _factsReady = true; // We don't need this any more disconnect(_paramMgr, SIGNAL(parameterListUpToDate()), this, SLOT(_paramMgrParameterListUpToDate())); // There may be parameterUpdated signals still in our queue. Flush them out. qgcApp()->processEvents(); // We should have all paramters now so we can signal ready emit factsReady(); } } void FactLoader::_addMetaDataToFact(Fact* fact) { FactMetaData* metaData = new FactMetaData(this); metaData->initFromTypeOnly(fact->type()); }