FROM AS env RUN yum -y update \ && yum -y install \ autoconf \ curl wget \ gawk \ gcc-c++ \ git \ libtool \ make \ openssl-devel \ patch \ pcre-devel \ redhat-lsb \ subversion \ which \ zlib-devel \ unzip zip \ && yum clean all \ && rm -rf /var/cache/yum # Install CMake 3.17.2 RUN wget "" \ && chmod a+x \ && ./ --prefix=/usr --skip-license \ && rm # Install Swig RUN curl --location-trusted \ --remote-name "" \ -o swig-4.0.1.tar.gz \ && tar xvf swig-4.0.1.tar.gz \ && rm swig-4.0.1.tar.gz \ && cd swig-4.0.1 \ && ./configure --prefix=/usr \ && make -j 4 \ && make install \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf swig-4.0.1 ENV TZ=America/Los_Angeles RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone ENV BUILD_ROOT /root/build ENV EXPORT_ROOT /export # The build of Python 2.6.x bindings is known to be broken. # Python3.4 include conflict with abseil-cpp dynamic_annotation.h ENV SKIP_PLATFORMS "cp27-cp27m cp27-cp27mu cp34-cp34m" COPY "$BUILD_ROOT/" RUN chmod a+x "${BUILD_ROOT}/" ################ ## OR-TOOLS ## ################ FROM env AS devel ENV SRC_GIT_URL ENV SRC_ROOT /root/src WORKDIR "$BUILD_ROOT" ARG SRC_GIT_BRANCH ENV SRC_GIT_BRANCH ${SRC_GIT_BRANCH:-master} ARG SRC_GIT_SHA1 ENV SRC_GIT_SHA1 ${SRC_GIT_SHA1:-unknown} RUN git clone -b "$SRC_GIT_BRANCH" --single-branch "$SRC_GIT_URL" "$SRC_ROOT" FROM devel AS third_party WORKDIR "$SRC_ROOT" RUN make third_party FROM third_party as build RUN make cc