/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2017 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "QGCToolbox.h" #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include "QmlObjectListModel.h" #include "MissionItem.h" #include "MultiVehicleManager.h" #include "AirspaceManagement.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(AirMapManagerLog) /** * @class LifetimeChecker * Base class which helps to check if an object instance still exists. * A subclass can take a weak pointer from _instance and then check if the object was deleted. * This is used in callbacks that access 'this', but the instance might already be deleted (e.g. vehicle disconnect). */ class LifetimeChecker { public: LifetimeChecker() : _instance(this, [](void*){}) { } virtual ~LifetimeChecker() = default; protected: std::shared_ptr _instance; }; /** * @class AirMapSharedState * contains state & settings that need to be shared (such as login) */ class AirMapSharedState : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: struct Settings { QString apiKey; // login credentials QString clientID; QString userName; ///< use anonymous login if empty QString password; }; void setSettings(const Settings& settings); const Settings& settings() const { return _settings; } void setClient(airmap::qt::Client* client) { _client = client; } /** * Get the current client instance. It can be NULL. If not NULL, it implies * there's an API key set. */ airmap::qt::Client* client() const { return _client; } bool hasAPIKey() const { return _settings.apiKey != ""; } bool isLoggedIn() const { return _loginToken != ""; } using Callback = std::function; /** * Do a request that requires user login: if not yet logged in, the request is queued and * processed after successful login, otherwise it's executed directly. */ void doRequestWithLogin(const Callback& callback); void login(); void logout(); const QString& loginToken() const { return _loginToken; } signals: void error(const QString& what, const QString& airmapdMessage, const QString& airmapdDetails); private: void _processPendingRequests(); bool _isLoginInProgress = false; QString _loginToken; ///< login token: empty when not logged in airmap::qt::Client* _client = nullptr; Settings _settings; QQueue _pendingRequests; ///< pending requests that are processed after a successful login }; /// class to download polygons from AirMap class AirMapRestrictionManager : public AirspaceRestrictionProvider, public LifetimeChecker { Q_OBJECT public: AirMapRestrictionManager(AirMapSharedState& shared); void setROI(const QGeoCoordinate& center, double radiusMeters) override; signals: void error(const QString& what, const QString& airmapdMessage, const QString& airmapdDetails); private: static void _addPolygonToList(const airmap::Geometry::Polygon& polygon, QList& list); enum class State { Idle, RetrieveItems, }; State _state = State::Idle; AirMapSharedState& _shared; }; /// class to upload a flight class AirMapFlightManager : public QObject, public LifetimeChecker { Q_OBJECT public: AirMapFlightManager(AirMapSharedState& shared); /// Send flight path to AirMap void createFlight(const QList& missionItems); AirspaceAuthorization::PermitStatus flightPermitStatus() const { return _flightPermitStatus; } const QString& flightID() const { return _currentFlightId; } public slots: void endFlight(); signals: void error(const QString& what, const QString& airmapdMessage, const QString& airmapdDetails); void flightPermitStatusChanged(); private slots: void _pollBriefing(); private: /** * upload flight stored in _flight */ void _uploadFlight(); /** * query the active flights and end the first one (because only a single flight can be active at a time). */ void _endFirstFlight(); /** * implementation of endFlight() */ void _endFlight(const QString& flightID); /** * check if the briefing response is valid and call _submitPendingFlightPlan() if it is. */ void _checkForValidBriefing(); void _submitPendingFlightPlan(); enum class State { Idle, GetPilotID, FlightUpload, FlightBrief, FlightSubmit, FlightPolling, // poll & check for approval FlightEnd, EndFirstFlight, // get a list of open flights & end the first one (because there can only be 1 active at a time) }; struct Flight { QList coords; QGeoCoordinate takeoffCoord; float maxAltitude = 0; void reset() { coords.clear(); maxAltitude = 0; } }; Flight _flight; ///< flight pending to be uploaded State _state = State::Idle; AirMapSharedState& _shared; QString _currentFlightId; ///< Flight ID, empty if there is none QString _pendingFlightId; ///< current flight ID, not necessarily accepted yet (once accepted, it's equal to _currentFlightId) QString _pendingFlightPlan; ///< current flight plan, waiting to be submitted AirspaceAuthorization::PermitStatus _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitUnknown; QString _pilotID; ///< Pilot ID in the form "auth0|abc123" bool _noFlightCreatedYet = true; QTimer _pollTimer; ///< timer to poll for approval check }; /// class to send telemetry data to AirMap class AirMapTelemetry : public QObject, public LifetimeChecker { Q_OBJECT public: AirMapTelemetry(AirMapSharedState& shared); virtual ~AirMapTelemetry() = default; /** * Setup the connection to start sending telemetry */ void startTelemetryStream(const QString& flightID); void stopTelemetryStream(); bool isTelemetryStreaming() const; signals: void error(const QString& what, const QString& airmapdMessage, const QString& airmapdDetails); public slots: void vehicleMavlinkMessageReceived(const mavlink_message_t& message); private: void _handleGlobalPositionInt(const mavlink_message_t& message); void _handleGPSRawInt(const mavlink_message_t& message); enum class State { Idle, StartCommunication, EndCommunication, Streaming, }; State _state = State::Idle; AirMapSharedState& _shared; std::string _key; ///< key for AES encryption (16 bytes) QString _flightID; float _lastHdop = 1.f; }; class AirMapTrafficMonitor : public QObject, public LifetimeChecker { Q_OBJECT public: AirMapTrafficMonitor(AirMapSharedState& shared) : _shared(shared) { } virtual ~AirMapTrafficMonitor(); void startConnection(const QString& flightID); void stop(); signals: void trafficUpdate(QString traffic_id, QString vehicle_id, QGeoCoordinate location, float heading); private: void _update(airmap::Traffic::Update::Type type, const std::vector& update); private: QString _flightID; AirMapSharedState& _shared; std::shared_ptr _monitor; std::shared_ptr _subscriber; }; /// AirMap per vehicle management class. class AirMapManagerPerVehicle : public AirspaceManagerPerVehicle { Q_OBJECT public: AirMapManagerPerVehicle(AirMapSharedState& shared, const Vehicle& vehicle, QGCToolbox& toolbox); virtual ~AirMapManagerPerVehicle() = default; void createFlight(const QList& missionItems) override; AirspaceAuthorization::PermitStatus flightPermitStatus() const override; void startTelemetryStream() override; void stopTelemetryStream() override; bool isTelemetryStreaming() const override; signals: void networkError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code, const QString& errorString, const QString& serverErrorMessage); public slots: void endFlight() override; protected slots: virtual void vehicleMavlinkMessageReceived(const mavlink_message_t& message) override; private slots: void _flightPermitStatusChanged(); private: AirMapSharedState& _shared; AirMapFlightManager _flightManager; AirMapTelemetry _telemetry; AirMapTrafficMonitor _trafficMonitor; QGCToolbox& _toolbox; }; class AirMapManager : public AirspaceManager { Q_OBJECT public: AirMapManager(QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox); virtual ~AirMapManager(); void setToolbox(QGCToolbox* toolbox) override; AirspaceManagerPerVehicle* instantiateVehicle(const Vehicle& vehicle) override; AirspaceRestrictionProvider* instantiateRestrictionProvider() override; QString name() const override { return "AirMap"; } void requestWeatherUpdate(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) override; private slots: void _error(const QString& what, const QString& airmapdMessage, const QString& airmapdDetails); void _settingsChanged(); private: AirMapSharedState _shared; std::shared_ptr _logger; std::shared_ptr _dispatchingLogger; };