MainWindow 0 0 1024 600 640 400 1100 800 false MGMainWindow 0 0 200 150 0 0 1024 22 File Help View Advanced Tool Widgets Exit Ctrl+Q true :/res/Launch :/res/Launch:/res/Launch Liftoff :/res/Land:/res/Land Land :/res/Kill:/res/Kill Emergency Land Ctrl+L :/res/Kill:/res/Kill Kill UAS Ctrl+K Manage Communication Links true Simulate Simulate one vehicle to test and evaluate this application Online Documentation Project Roadmap Developer Credits true Plan true Analyze true Fly New Custom Widget true Mute Audio Output :/res/Shutdown:/res/Shutdown Shutdown MAV Shutdown the onboard computer - works not during flight Shutdown the onboard computer - works not during flight Settings Application settings QAction::PreferencesRole true false Fullscreen true false Normal Esc Load Custom Widget File true Setup Setup of the vehicle QAction::NoRole true Advanced Mode true HIL Simulation true Terminal true Local 3D View true Status Bar actionExit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 299 199 actionFullscreen triggered() MainWindow showFullScreen() -1 -1 399 249 actionNormal triggered() MainWindow showNormal() -1 -1 399 249