/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_plot_textlabel.h" #include "qwt_painter.h" #include "qwt_scale_map.h" #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qmath.h> static QRect qwtItemRect( int renderFlags, const QRectF &rect, const QSizeF &itemSize ) { int x; if ( renderFlags & Qt::AlignLeft ) { x = rect.left(); } else if ( renderFlags & Qt::AlignRight ) { x = rect.right() - itemSize.width(); } else { x = rect.center().x() - 0.5 * itemSize.width(); } int y; if ( renderFlags & Qt::AlignTop ) { y = rect.top(); } else if ( renderFlags & Qt::AlignBottom ) { y = rect.bottom() - itemSize.height(); } else { y = rect.center().y() - 0.5 * itemSize.height(); } return QRect( x, y, itemSize.width(), itemSize.height() ); } class QwtPlotTextLabel::PrivateData { public: PrivateData(): margin( 5 ) { } QwtText text; int margin; QPixmap pixmap; }; /*! \brief Constructor Initializes an text label with an empty text Sets the following item attributes: - QwtPlotItem::AutoScale: true - QwtPlotItem::Legend: false The z value is initialized by 150 \sa QwtPlotItem::setItemAttribute(), QwtPlotItem::setZ() */ QwtPlotTextLabel::QwtPlotTextLabel(): QwtPlotItem( QwtText( "Label" ) ) { d_data = new PrivateData; setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::AutoScale, false ); setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false ); setZ( 150 ); } //! Destructor QwtPlotTextLabel::~QwtPlotTextLabel() { delete d_data; } //! \return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotTextLabel int QwtPlotTextLabel::rtti() const { return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotTextLabel; } /*! Set the text The label will be aligned to the plot canvas according to the alignment flags of text. \param text Text to be displayed \sa text(), QwtText::renderFlags() */ void QwtPlotTextLabel::setText( const QwtText &text ) { if ( d_data->text != text ) { d_data->text = text; invalidateCache(); itemChanged(); } } /*! \return Text to be displayed \sa setText() */ QwtText QwtPlotTextLabel::text() const { return d_data->text; } /*! Set the margin The margin is the distance between the contentsRect() of the plot canvas and the rectangle where the label can be displayed. \param margin Margin \sa margin(), textRect() */ void QwtPlotTextLabel::setMargin( int margin ) { margin = qMax( margin, 0 ); if ( d_data->margin != margin ) { d_data->margin = margin; itemChanged(); } } /*! \return Margin added to the contentsMargins() of the canvas \sa setMargin() */ int QwtPlotTextLabel::margin() const { return d_data->margin; } /*! Draw the text label \param painter Painter \param xMap x Scale Map \param yMap y Scale Map \param canvasRect Contents rectangle of the canvas in painter coordinates \sa textRect() */ void QwtPlotTextLabel::draw( QPainter *painter, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QRectF &canvasRect ) const { Q_UNUSED( xMap ); Q_UNUSED( yMap ); const int m = d_data->margin; const QRectF rect = textRect( canvasRect.adjusted( m, m, -m, -m ), d_data->text.textSize( painter->font() ) ); bool doCache = QwtPainter::roundingAlignment( painter ); if ( doCache ) { switch( painter->paintEngine()->type() ) { case QPaintEngine::Picture: case QPaintEngine::User: // usually QwtGraphic { // don't use a cache for record/replay devices doCache = false; break; } default:; } } if ( doCache ) { // when the paint device is aligning it is not one // where scalability matters ( PDF, SVG ). // As rendering a text label is an expensive operation // we use a cache. int pw = 0; if ( d_data->text.borderPen().style() != Qt::NoPen ) pw = qMax( d_data->text.borderPen().width(), 1 ); QRect pixmapRect; pixmapRect.setLeft( qFloor( rect.left() ) - pw ); pixmapRect.setTop( qFloor( rect.top() ) - pw ); pixmapRect.setRight( qCeil( rect.right() ) + pw ); pixmapRect.setBottom( qCeil( rect.bottom() ) + pw ); if ( d_data->pixmap.isNull() || ( pixmapRect.size() != d_data->pixmap.size() ) ) { d_data->pixmap = QPixmap( pixmapRect.size() ); d_data->pixmap.fill( Qt::transparent ); const QRect r( pw, pw, pixmapRect.width() - 2 * pw, pixmapRect.height() - 2 * pw ); QPainter pmPainter( &d_data->pixmap ); d_data->text.draw( &pmPainter, r ); } painter->drawPixmap( pixmapRect, d_data->pixmap ); } else { d_data->text.draw( painter, rect ); } } /*! \brief Align the text label \param rect Canvas rectangle with margins subtracted \param textSize Size required to draw the text \return A rectangle aligned according the the alignment flags of the text. \sa setMargin(), QwtText::renderFlags(), QwtText::textSize() */ QRectF QwtPlotTextLabel::textRect( const QRectF &rect, const QSizeF &textSize ) const { return qwtItemRect( d_data->text.renderFlags(), rect, textSize ); } //! Invalidate all internal cache void QwtPlotTextLabel::invalidateCache() { d_data->pixmap = QPixmap(); }