/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_PLANE #define OSG_PLANE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osg { /** @brief A plane class. It can be used to represent an infinite plane. * * The infinite plane is described by an implicit plane equation a*x+b*y+c*z+d = 0. Though it is not mandatory that * a^2+b^2+c^2 = 1 is fulfilled in general some methods require it (@see osg::Plane::distance). */ class OSG_EXPORT Plane { public: #ifdef OSG_USE_FLOAT_PLANE /** Type of Plane class.*/ typedef float value_type; typedef Vec3f Vec3_type; typedef Vec4f Vec4_type; #else /** Type of Plane class.*/ typedef double value_type; typedef Vec3d Vec3_type; typedef Vec4d Vec4_type; #endif /** Number of vector components. */ enum { num_components = 3 }; /// Default constructor /** The default constructor initializes all values to zero. * @warning Although the method osg::Plane::valid() will return true after the default constructors call the plane * is mathematically invalid! Default data do not describe a valid plane. */ inline Plane() { _fv[0]=0.0; _fv[1]=0.0; _fv[2]=0.0; _fv[3]=0.0; _lowerBBCorner = 0; _upperBBCorner = 0; } inline Plane(const Plane& pl) { set(pl); } /// Constructor /** The plane is described as a*x+b*y+c*z+d = 0. * @remark You may call osg::Plane::MakeUnitLength afterwards if the passed values are not normalized. */ inline Plane(value_type a,value_type b,value_type c,value_type d) { set(a,b,c,d); } /// Constructor /** The plane can also be described as vec*[x,y,z,1]. * @remark You may call osg::Plane::MakeUnitLength afterwards if the passed values are not normalized. */ inline Plane(const Vec4f& vec) { set(vec); } /// Constructor /** The plane can also be described as vec*[x,y,z,1]. * @remark You may call osg::Plane::MakeUnitLength afterwards if the passed values are not normalized. */ inline Plane(const Vec4d& vec) { set(vec); } /// Constructor /** This constructor initializes the internal values directly without any checking or manipulation. * @param norm The normal of the plane. * @param d The negative distance from the point of origin to the plane. * @remark You may call osg::Plane::MakeUnitLength afterwards if the passed normal was not normalized. */ inline Plane(const Vec3_type& norm,value_type d) { set(norm,d); } /// Constructor /** This constructor calculates from the three points describing an infinite plane the internal values. * @param v1 Point in the plane. * @param v2 Point in the plane. * @param v3 Point in the plane. * @remark After this constructor call the plane's normal is normalized in case the three points described a mathematically * valid plane. * @remark The normal is determined by building the cross product of (v2-v1) ^ (v3-v2). */ inline Plane(const Vec3_type& v1, const Vec3_type& v2, const Vec3_type& v3) { set(v1,v2,v3); } /// Constructor /** This constructor initializes the internal values directly without any checking or manipulation. * @param norm The normal of the plane. * @param point A point of the plane. * @remark You may call osg::Plane::MakeUnitLength afterwards if the passed normal was not normalized. */ inline Plane(const Vec3_type& norm, const Vec3_type& point) { set(norm,point); } inline Plane& operator = (const Plane& pl) { if (&pl==this) return *this; set(pl); return *this; } inline void set(const Plane& pl) { _fv[0]=pl._fv[0]; _fv[1]=pl._fv[1]; _fv[2]=pl._fv[2]; _fv[3]=pl._fv[3]; calculateUpperLowerBBCorners(); } inline void set(value_type a, value_type b, value_type c, value_type d) { _fv[0]=a; _fv[1]=b; _fv[2]=c; _fv[3]=d; calculateUpperLowerBBCorners(); } inline void set(const Vec4f& vec) { set(vec[0],vec[1],vec[2],vec[3]); } inline void set(const Vec4d& vec) { set(vec[0],vec[1],vec[2],vec[3]); } inline void set(const Vec3_type& norm, double d) { set(norm[0],norm[1],norm[2],d); } inline void set(const Vec3_type& v1, const Vec3_type& v2, const Vec3_type& v3) { Vec3_type norm = (v2-v1)^(v3-v2); value_type length = norm.length(); if (length>1e-6) norm/= length; else norm.set(0.0,0.0,0.0); set(norm[0],norm[1],norm[2],-(v1*norm)); } inline void set(const Vec3_type& norm, const Vec3_type& point) { value_type d = -norm[0]*point[0] - norm[1]*point[1] - norm[2]*point[2]; set(norm[0],norm[1],norm[2],d); } /** flip/reverse the orientation of the plane.*/ inline void flip() { _fv[0] = -_fv[0]; _fv[1] = -_fv[1]; _fv[2] = -_fv[2]; _fv[3] = -_fv[3]; calculateUpperLowerBBCorners(); } /** This method multiplies the coefficients of the plane equation with a constant factor so that the * equation a^2+b^2+c^2 = 1 holds. */ inline void makeUnitLength() { value_type inv_length = 1.0 / sqrt(_fv[0]*_fv[0] + _fv[1]*_fv[1]+ _fv[2]*_fv[2]); _fv[0] *= inv_length; _fv[1] *= inv_length; _fv[2] *= inv_length; _fv[3] *= inv_length; } /** calculate the upper and lower bounding box corners to be used * in the intersect(BoundingBox&) method for speeding calculations.*/ inline void calculateUpperLowerBBCorners() { _upperBBCorner = (_fv[0]>=0.0?1:0) | (_fv[1]>=0.0?2:0) | (_fv[2]>=0.0?4:0); _lowerBBCorner = (~_upperBBCorner)&7; } /// Checks if all internal values describing the plane have valid numbers /** @warning This method does not check if the plane is mathematically correctly described! * @remark The only case where all elements have valid numbers and the plane description is invalid occurs if the plane's normal * is zero. */ inline bool valid() const { return !isNaN(); } inline bool isNaN() const { return osg::isNaN(_fv[0]) || osg::isNaN(_fv[1]) || osg::isNaN(_fv[2]) || osg::isNaN(_fv[3]); } inline bool operator == (const Plane& plane) const { return _fv[0]==plane._fv[0] && _fv[1]==plane._fv[1] && _fv[2]==plane._fv[2] && _fv[3]==plane._fv[3]; } inline bool operator != (const Plane& plane) const { return _fv[0]!=plane._fv[0] || _fv[1]!=plane._fv[1] || _fv[2]!=plane._fv[2] || _fv[3]!=plane._fv[3]; } /** A plane is said to be smaller than another plane if the first non-identical element of the internal array is smaller than the * corresponding element of the other plane. */ inline bool operator < (const Plane& plane) const { if (_fv[0]plane._fv[0]) return false; else if (_fv[1]plane._fv[1]) return false; else if (_fv[2]plane._fv[2]) return false; else return (_fv[3]& vertices) const { if (vertices.empty()) return -1; int noAbove = 0; int noBelow = 0; int noOn = 0; for(std::vector::const_iterator itr=vertices.begin(); itr != vertices.end(); ++itr) { float d = distance(*itr); if (d>0.0f) ++noAbove; else if (d<0.0f) ++noBelow; else ++noOn; } if (noAbove>0) { if (noBelow>0) return 0; else return 1; } return -1; // treat points on line as outside... } /** intersection test between plane and vertex list return 1 if the bs is completely above plane, return 0 if the bs intersects the plane, return -1 if the bs is completely below the plane.*/ inline int intersect(const std::vector& vertices) const { if (vertices.empty()) return -1; int noAbove = 0; int noBelow = 0; int noOn = 0; for(std::vector::const_iterator itr=vertices.begin(); itr != vertices.end(); ++itr) { double d = distance(*itr); if (d>0.0) ++noAbove; else if (d<0.0) ++noBelow; else ++noOn; } if (noAbove>0) { if (noBelow>0) return 0; else return 1; } return -1; // treat points on line as outside... } /** intersection test between plane and bounding sphere. return 1 if the bs is completely above plane, return 0 if the bs intersects the plane, return -1 if the bs is completely below the plane.*/ inline int intersect(const BoundingSphere& bs) const { float d = distance(bs.center()); if (d>bs.radius()) return 1; else if (d<-bs.radius()) return -1; else return 0; } /** intersection test between plane and bounding sphere. return 1 if the bs is completely above plane, return 0 if the bs intersects the plane, return -1 if the bs is completely below the plane.*/ inline int intersect(const BoundingBox& bb) const { // if lowest point above plane than all above. if (distance(bb.corner(_lowerBBCorner))>0.0f) return 1; // if highest point is below plane then all below. if (distance(bb.corner(_upperBBCorner))<0.0f) return -1; // d_lower<=0.0f && d_upper>=0.0f // therefore must be crossing plane. return 0; } /** Transform the plane by matrix. Note, this operation carries out * the calculation of the inverse of the matrix since a plane * must be multiplied by the inverse transposed to transform it. This * make this operation expensive. If the inverse has been already * calculated elsewhere then use transformProvidingInverse() instead. * See http://www.worldserver.com/turk/computergraphics/NormalTransformations.pdf*/ inline void transform(const osg::Matrix& matrix) { osg::Matrix inverse; inverse.invert(matrix); transformProvidingInverse(inverse); } /** Transform the plane by providing a pre inverted matrix. * see transform for details. */ inline void transformProvidingInverse(const osg::Matrix& matrix) { // note pre multiplications, which effectively transposes matrix. Vec4_type vec(_fv[0],_fv[1],_fv[2],_fv[3]); vec = matrix * vec; set(vec); makeUnitLength(); } protected: /** Vec member variable. */ value_type _fv[4]; // variables cached to optimize calcs against bounding boxes. unsigned int _upperBBCorner; unsigned int _lowerBBCorner; }; } // end of namespace #endif