/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSGUTIL_SIMPLIFIER #define OSGUTIL_SIMPLIFIER 1 #include #include #include #include namespace osgUtil { /** A simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in osg::Geometry. */ class OSGUTIL_EXPORT Simplifier : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: Simplifier(double sampleRatio=1.0, double maximumError=FLT_MAX, double maximumLength=0.0); META_NodeVisitor("osgUtil","Simplifier") void setSampleRatio(float sampleRatio) { _sampleRatio = sampleRatio; } float getSampleRatio() const { return _sampleRatio; } /** Set the maximum point error that all point removals must be less than to permit removal of a point. * Note, Only used when down sampling. i.e. sampleRatio < 1.0*/ void setMaximumError(float error) { _maximumError = error; } float getMaximumError() const { return _maximumError; } /** Set the maximum length target that all edges must be shorted than. * Note, Only used when up sampling i.e. sampleRatio > 1.0.*/ void setMaximumLength(float length) { _maximumLength = length; } float getMaximumLength() const { return _maximumLength; } void setDoTriStrip(bool on) { _triStrip = on; } bool getDoTriStrip() const { return _triStrip; } void setSmoothing(bool on) { _smoothing = on; } bool getSmoothing() const { return _smoothing; } class ContinueSimplificationCallback : public osg::Referenced { public: /** return true if mesh should be continued to be simplified, return false to stop simplification.*/ virtual bool continueSimplification(const Simplifier& simplifier, float nextError, unsigned int numOriginalPrimitives, unsigned int numRemainingPrimitives) const { return simplifier.continueSimplificationImplementation(nextError, numOriginalPrimitives, numRemainingPrimitives); } protected: virtual ~ContinueSimplificationCallback() {} }; void setContinueSimplificationCallback(ContinueSimplificationCallback* cb) { _continueSimplificationCallback = cb; } ContinueSimplificationCallback* getContinueSimplificationCallback() { return _continueSimplificationCallback.get(); } const ContinueSimplificationCallback* getContinueSimplificationCallback() const { return _continueSimplificationCallback.get(); } bool continueSimplification(float nextError, unsigned int numOriginalPrimitives, unsigned int numRemainingPrimitives) const { if (_continueSimplificationCallback.valid()) return _continueSimplificationCallback->continueSimplification(*this, nextError, numOriginalPrimitives, numRemainingPrimitives); else return continueSimplificationImplementation(nextError, numOriginalPrimitives, numRemainingPrimitives); } virtual bool continueSimplificationImplementation(float nextError, unsigned int numOriginalPrimitives, unsigned int numRemainingPrimitives) const { if (getSampleRatio()<1.0) return ((float)numRemainingPrimitives > ((float)numOriginalPrimitives) * getSampleRatio()) && nextError<=getMaximumError(); else return ((float)numRemainingPrimitives < ((float)numOriginalPrimitives) * getSampleRatio()) && nextError>getMaximumLength(); } virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode) { for(unsigned int i=0;iasGeometry(); if (geometry) { simplify(*geometry); } } } /** simply the geometry.*/ void simplify(osg::Geometry& geometry); typedef std::vector IndexList; /// a list of point indices /** simply the geometry, whilst protecting key points from being modified.*/ void simplify(osg::Geometry& geometry, const IndexList& protectedPoints); protected: double _sampleRatio; double _maximumError; double _maximumLength; bool _triStrip; bool _smoothing; osg::ref_ptr _continueSimplificationCallback; }; } #endif