/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSGGA_NODE_TRACKER_MANIPULATOR #define OSGGA_NODE_TRACKER_MANIPULATOR 1 #include #include namespace osgGA { class OSGGA_EXPORT NodeTrackerManipulator : public OrbitManipulator { typedef OrbitManipulator inherited; public: NodeTrackerManipulator( int flags = DEFAULT_SETTINGS ); NodeTrackerManipulator( const NodeTrackerManipulator& om, const osg::CopyOp& copyOp = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY ); META_Object( osgGA, NodeTrackerManipulator ); void setTrackNodePath(const osg::NodePath& nodePath); void setTrackNodePath(const osg::ObserverNodePath& nodePath) { _trackNodePath = nodePath; } osg::ObserverNodePath& getTrackNodePath() { return _trackNodePath; } void setTrackNode(osg::Node* node); osg::Node* getTrackNode() { osg::NodePath nodePath; return _trackNodePath.getNodePath(nodePath) && !nodePath.empty() ? nodePath.back() : 0; } const osg::Node* getTrackNode() const { osg::NodePath nodePath; return _trackNodePath.getNodePath(nodePath) && !nodePath.empty() ? nodePath.back() : 0; } enum TrackerMode { /** Track the center of the node's bounding sphere, but not rotations of the node. * For databases which have a CoordinateSystemNode, the orientation is kept relative the coordinate frame if the center of the node. */ NODE_CENTER, /** Track the center of the node's bounding sphere, and the azimuth rotation (about the z axis of the current coordinate frame). * For databases which have a CoordinateSystemNode, the orientation is kept relative the coordinate frame if the center of the node. */ NODE_CENTER_AND_AZIM, /** Tack the center of the node's bounding sphere, and the all rotations of the node. */ NODE_CENTER_AND_ROTATION }; void setTrackerMode(TrackerMode mode); TrackerMode getTrackerMode() const { return _trackerMode; } enum RotationMode { /** Use a trackball style manipulation of the view direction w.r.t the tracked orientation. */ TRACKBALL, /** Allow the elevation and azimuth angles to be adjust w.r.t the tracked orientation. */ ELEVATION_AZIM }; void setRotationMode(RotationMode mode); RotationMode getRotationMode() const; virtual void setByMatrix(const osg::Matrixd& matrix); virtual osg::Matrixd getMatrix() const; virtual osg::Matrixd getInverseMatrix() const; virtual void setNode(osg::Node*); virtual void computeHomePosition(); protected: virtual bool performMovementLeftMouseButton(const double eventTimeDelta, const double dx, const double dy); virtual bool performMovementMiddleMouseButton(const double eventTimeDelta, const double dx, const double dy); virtual bool performMovementRightMouseButton(const double eventTimeDelta, const double dx, const double dy); void computeNodeWorldToLocal(osg::Matrixd& worldToLocal) const; void computeNodeLocalToWorld(osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const; void computeNodeCenterAndRotation(osg::Vec3d& center, osg::Quat& rotation) const; void computePosition(const osg::Vec3d& eye,const osg::Vec3d& lv,const osg::Vec3d& up); osg::ObserverNodePath _trackNodePath; TrackerMode _trackerMode; }; } #endif /* OSGGA_NODE_TRACKER_MANIPULATOR */