/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSGDB_DATABASEPAGER #define OSGDB_DATABASEPAGER 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osgDB { /** Database paging class which manages the loading of files in a background thread, * and synchronizing of loaded models with the main scene graph.*/ class OSGDB_EXPORT DatabasePager : public osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler { public : typedef OpenThreads::Thread::ThreadPriority ThreadPriority; DatabasePager(); DatabasePager(const DatabasePager& rhs); virtual const char* className() const { return "DatabasePager"; } /** Create a shallow copy on the DatabasePager.*/ virtual DatabasePager* clone() const { return new DatabasePager(*this); } /** get the prototype singleton used by DatabasePager::create().*/ static osg::ref_ptr& prototype(); /** create a DatabasePager by cloning DatabasePager::prototype().*/ static DatabasePager* create(); /** Add a request to load a node file to end the the database request list.*/ virtual void requestNodeFile(const std::string& fileName, osg::NodePath& nodePath, float priority, const osg::FrameStamp* framestamp, osg::ref_ptr& databaseRequest, const osg::Referenced* options); /** Set the priority of the database pager thread(s).*/ int setSchedulePriority(OpenThreads::Thread::ThreadPriority priority); /** Cancel the database pager thread(s).*/ virtual int cancel(); virtual bool isRunning() const; /** Clear all internally cached structures.*/ virtual void clear(); class OSGDB_EXPORT DatabaseThread : public osg::Referenced, public OpenThreads::Thread { public: enum Mode { HANDLE_ALL_REQUESTS, HANDLE_NON_HTTP, HANDLE_ONLY_HTTP }; DatabaseThread(DatabasePager* pager, Mode mode, const std::string& name); DatabaseThread(const DatabaseThread& dt, DatabasePager* pager); void setName(const std::string& name) { _name = name; } const std::string& getName() const { return _name; } void setDone(bool done) { _done.exchange(done?1:0); } bool getDone() const { return _done!=0; } void setActive(bool active) { _active = active; } bool getActive() const { return _active; } virtual int cancel(); virtual void run(); protected: virtual ~DatabaseThread(); OpenThreads::Atomic _done; volatile bool _active; DatabasePager* _pager; Mode _mode; std::string _name; }; void setUpThreads(unsigned int totalNumThreads=2, unsigned int numHttpThreads=1); unsigned int addDatabaseThread(DatabaseThread::Mode mode, const std::string& name); DatabaseThread* getDatabaseThread(unsigned int i) { return _databaseThreads[i].get(); } const DatabaseThread* getDatabaseThread(unsigned int i) const { return _databaseThreads[i].get(); } unsigned int getNumDatabaseThreads() const { return _databaseThreads.size(); } /** Set whether the database pager thread should be paused or not.*/ void setDatabasePagerThreadPause(bool pause); /** Get whether the database pager thread should is paused or not.*/ bool getDatabasePagerThreadPause() const { return _databasePagerThreadPaused; } /** Set whether new database request calls are accepted or ignored.*/ void setAcceptNewDatabaseRequests(bool acceptNewRequests) { _acceptNewRequests = acceptNewRequests; } /** Get whether new database request calls are accepted or ignored.*/ bool getAcceptNewDatabaseRequests() const { return _acceptNewRequests; } /** Get the number of frames that are currently active.*/ int getNumFramesActive() const { return _numFramesActive; } /** Signal the database thread that the update, cull and draw has begun for a new frame. * Note, this is called by the application so that the database pager can go to sleep while the CPU is busy on the main rendering threads. */ virtual void signalBeginFrame(const osg::FrameStamp* framestamp); /** Signal the database thread that the update, cull and draw dispatch has completed. * Note, this is called by the application so that the database pager can go to wake back up now the main rendering threads are iddle waiting for the next frame.*/ virtual void signalEndFrame(); /** Find all PagedLOD nodes in a subgraph and register them with * the DatabasePager so it can keep track of expired nodes. * note, should be only be called from the update thread. */ virtual void registerPagedLODs(osg::Node* subgraph, unsigned int frameNumber = 0); /** Set the incremental compile operation. * Used to manage the OpenGL object compilation and merging of subgraphs in a way that avoids overloading * the rendering of frame with too many new objects in one frame. */ void setIncrementalCompileOperation(osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation* ico); /** Get the incremental compile operation. */ osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation* getIncrementalCompileOperation() { return _incrementalCompileOperation.get(); } /** Set whether the database pager should pre compile OpenGL objects before allowing * them to be merged into the scene graph. * Pre compilation helps reduce the chances of frame drops, but also slows the * speed at which tiles are merged as they have to be compiled first.*/ void setDoPreCompile(bool flag) { _doPreCompile = flag; } /** Get whether the database pager should pre compile OpenGL objects before allowing * them to be merged into the scene graph.*/ bool getDoPreCompile() const { return _doPreCompile; } /** Set the target maximum number of PagedLOD to maintain in memory. * Note, if more than the target number are required for rendering of a frame then these active PagedLOD are excempt from being expiried. * But once the number of active drops back below the target the inactive PagedLOD will be trimmed back to the target number.*/ void setTargetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD(unsigned int target) { _targetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD = target; } /** Get the target maximum number of PagedLOD to maintain in memory.*/ unsigned int getTargetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD() const { return _targetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD; } /** Set whether the removed subgraphs should be deleted in the database thread or not.*/ void setDeleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread(bool flag) { _deleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread = flag; } /** Get whether the removed subgraphs should be deleted in the database thread or not.*/ bool getDeleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread() const { return _deleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread; } enum DrawablePolicy { DO_NOT_MODIFY_DRAWABLE_SETTINGS, USE_DISPLAY_LISTS, USE_VERTEX_BUFFER_OBJECTS, USE_VERTEX_ARRAYS }; /** Set how loaded drawables should be handled w.r.t their display list/vertex buffer object/vertex array settings.*/ void setDrawablePolicy(DrawablePolicy policy) { _drawablePolicy = policy; } /** Get how loaded drawables should be handled w.r.t their display list/vertex buffer object/vertex array settings.*/ DrawablePolicy getDrawablePolicy() const { return _drawablePolicy; } /** Set whether newly loaded textures should have a PixelBufferObject assigned to them to aid download to the GPU.*/ void setApplyPBOToImages(bool assignPBOToImages) { _assignPBOToImages = assignPBOToImages; } /** Get whether newly loaded textures should have a PixelBufferObject assigned to them..*/ bool getApplyPBOToImages() const { return _assignPBOToImages; } /** Set whether newly loaded textures should have their UnrefImageDataAfterApply set to a specified value.*/ void setUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy(bool changeAutoUnRef, bool valueAutoUnRef) { _changeAutoUnRef = changeAutoUnRef; _valueAutoUnRef = valueAutoUnRef; } /** Get whether newly loaded textures should have their UnrefImageDataAfterApply set to a specified value.*/ void getUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy(bool& changeAutoUnRef, bool& valueAutoUnRef) const { changeAutoUnRef = _changeAutoUnRef; valueAutoUnRef = _valueAutoUnRef; } /** Set whether newly loaded textures should have their MaxAnisotopy set to a specified value.*/ void setMaxAnisotropyPolicy(bool changeAnisotropy, float valueAnisotropy) { _changeAnisotropy = changeAnisotropy; _valueAnisotropy = valueAnisotropy; } /** Set whether newly loaded textures should have their MaxAnisotopy set to a specified value.*/ void getMaxAnisotropyPolicy(bool& changeAnisotropy, float& valueAnisotropy) const { changeAnisotropy = _changeAnisotropy; valueAnisotropy = _valueAnisotropy; } /** Return true if there are pending updates to the scene graph that require a call to updateSceneGraph(double). */ bool requiresUpdateSceneGraph() const; /** Merge the changes to the scene graph by calling calling removeExpiredSubgraphs then addLoadedDataToSceneGraph. * Note, must only be called from single thread update phase. */ virtual void updateSceneGraph(const osg::FrameStamp& frameStamp); /** Report how many items are in the _fileRequestList queue */ unsigned int getFileRequestListSize() const { return _fileRequestQueue->size() + _httpRequestQueue->size(); } /** Report how many items are in the _dataToCompileList queue */ unsigned int getDataToCompileListSize() const { return _dataToCompileList->size(); } /** Report how many items are in the _dataToMergeList queue */ unsigned int getDataToMergeListSize() const { return _dataToMergeList->size(); } /** Report whether any requests are in the pager.*/ bool getRequestsInProgress() const; /** Get the minimum time between the first request for a tile to be loaded and the time of its merge into the main scene graph.*/ double getMinimumTimeToMergeTile() const { return _minimumTimeToMergeTile; } /** Get the maximum time between the first request for a tile to be loaded and the time of its merge into the main scene graph.*/ double getMaximumTimeToMergeTile() const { return _maximumTimeToMergeTile; } /** Get the average time between the first request for a tile to be loaded and the time of its merge into the main scene graph.*/ double getAverageTimeToMergeTiles() const { return (_numTilesMerges > 0) ? _totalTimeToMergeTiles/static_cast(_numTilesMerges) : 0; } /** Reset the Stats variables.*/ void resetStats(); typedef std::set< osg::ref_ptr > StateSetList; typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > DrawableList; class ExpirePagedLODsVisitor; typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr > ObjectList; struct PagedLODList : public osg::Referenced { virtual PagedLODList* clone() = 0; virtual void clear() = 0; virtual unsigned int size() = 0; virtual void removeExpiredChildren(int numberChildrenToRemove, double expiryTime, unsigned int expiryFrame, ObjectList& childrenRemoved, bool visitActive) = 0; virtual void removeNodes(osg::NodeList& nodesToRemove) = 0; virtual void insertPagedLOD(const osg::observer_ptr& plod) = 0; virtual bool containsPagedLOD(const osg::observer_ptr& plod) const = 0; }; protected: virtual ~DatabasePager(); friend class DatabaseThread; friend struct DatabaseRequest; struct RequestQueue; struct OSGDB_EXPORT DatabaseRequest : public osg::Referenced { DatabaseRequest(): osg::Referenced(true), _valid(false), _frameNumberFirstRequest(0), _timestampFirstRequest(0.0), _priorityFirstRequest(0.f), _frameNumberLastRequest(0), _timestampLastRequest(0.0), _priorityLastRequest(0.0f), _numOfRequests(0), _groupExpired(false) {} void invalidate(); bool valid() const { return _valid; } bool _valid; std::string _fileName; unsigned int _frameNumberFirstRequest; double _timestampFirstRequest; float _priorityFirstRequest; unsigned int _frameNumberLastRequest; double _timestampLastRequest; float _priorityLastRequest; unsigned int _numOfRequests; osg::observer_ptr _terrain; osg::observer_ptr _group; osg::ref_ptr _loadedModel; osg::ref_ptr _loadOptions; osg::observer_ptr _compileSet; bool _groupExpired; // flag used only in update thread bool isRequestCurrent (int frameNumber) const { return _valid && (frameNumber - _frameNumberLastRequest <= 1); } }; struct OSGDB_EXPORT RequestQueue : public osg::Referenced { public: RequestQueue(DatabasePager* pager); void add(DatabaseRequest* databaseRequest); void remove(DatabaseRequest* databaseRequest); void addNoLock(DatabaseRequest* databaseRequest); void takeFirst(osg::ref_ptr& databaseRequest); /// prune all the old requests and then return true if requestList left empty bool pruneOldRequestsAndCheckIfEmpty(); virtual void updateBlock() {} void invalidate(DatabaseRequest* dr); bool empty(); unsigned int size(); void clear(); typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr > RequestList; void swap(RequestList& requestList); DatabasePager* _pager; RequestList _requestList; OpenThreads::Mutex _requestMutex; unsigned int _frameNumberLastPruned; protected: virtual ~RequestQueue(); }; typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr > DatabaseThreadList; struct OSGDB_EXPORT ReadQueue : public RequestQueue { ReadQueue(DatabasePager* pager, const std::string& name); void block() { _block->block(); } void release() { _block->release(); } virtual void updateBlock(); osg::ref_ptr _block; std::string _name; OpenThreads::Mutex _childrenToDeleteListMutex; ObjectList _childrenToDeleteList; }; // forward declare inner helper classes class FindCompileableGLObjectsVisitor; friend class FindCompileableGLObjectsVisitor; struct DatabasePagerCompileCompletedCallback; friend struct DatabasePagerCompileCompletedCallback; class FindPagedLODsVisitor; friend class FindPagedLODsVisitor; struct SortFileRequestFunctor; friend struct SortFileRequestFunctor; OpenThreads::Mutex _run_mutex; OpenThreads::Mutex _dr_mutex; bool _startThreadCalled; void compileCompleted(DatabaseRequest* databaseRequest); /** Iterate through the active PagedLOD nodes children removing * children which havn't been visited since specified expiryTime. * note, should be only be called from the update thread. */ virtual void removeExpiredSubgraphs(const osg::FrameStamp &frameStamp); /** Add the loaded data to the scene graph.*/ void addLoadedDataToSceneGraph(const osg::FrameStamp &frameStamp); bool _done; bool _acceptNewRequests; bool _databasePagerThreadPaused; DatabaseThreadList _databaseThreads; int _numFramesActive; mutable OpenThreads::Mutex _numFramesActiveMutex; OpenThreads::Atomic _frameNumber; osg::ref_ptr _fileRequestQueue; osg::ref_ptr _httpRequestQueue; osg::ref_ptr _dataToCompileList; osg::ref_ptr _dataToMergeList; DrawablePolicy _drawablePolicy; bool _assignPBOToImages; bool _changeAutoUnRef; bool _valueAutoUnRef; bool _changeAnisotropy; float _valueAnisotropy; bool _deleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread; osg::ref_ptr _activePagedLODList; unsigned int _targetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD; bool _doPreCompile; osg::ref_ptr _incrementalCompileOperation; double _minimumTimeToMergeTile; double _maximumTimeToMergeTile; double _totalTimeToMergeTiles; unsigned int _numTilesMerges; }; } #endif