/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_DisplaySettings #define OSG_DisplaySettings 1 #include #include #include #include namespace osg { // forward declare class ArgumentParser; class ApplicationUsage; /** DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and * have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing.*/ class OSG_EXPORT DisplaySettings : public osg::Referenced { public: /** Maintain a DisplaySettings singleton for objects to query at runtime.*/ static ref_ptr& instance(); DisplaySettings(): Referenced(true) { setDefaults(); readEnvironmentalVariables(); } DisplaySettings(ArgumentParser& arguments): Referenced(true) { setDefaults(); readEnvironmentalVariables(); readCommandLine(arguments); } DisplaySettings(const DisplaySettings& vs); DisplaySettings& operator = (const DisplaySettings& vs); void setDisplaySettings(const DisplaySettings& vs); void merge(const DisplaySettings& vs); void setDefaults(); /** read the environmental variables.*/ void readEnvironmentalVariables(); /** read the commandline arguments.*/ void readCommandLine(ArgumentParser& arguments); enum DisplayType { MONITOR, POWERWALL, REALITY_CENTER, HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY }; void setDisplayType(DisplayType type) { _displayType = type; } DisplayType getDisplayType() const { return _displayType; } void setStereo(bool on) { _stereo = on; } bool getStereo() const { return _stereo; } enum StereoMode { QUAD_BUFFER, ANAGLYPHIC, HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, VERTICAL_SPLIT, LEFT_EYE, RIGHT_EYE, HORIZONTAL_INTERLACE, VERTICAL_INTERLACE, CHECKERBOARD }; void setStereoMode(StereoMode mode) { _stereoMode = mode; } StereoMode getStereoMode() const { return _stereoMode; } void setEyeSeparation(float eyeSeparation) { _eyeSeparation = eyeSeparation; } float getEyeSeparation() const { return _eyeSeparation; } enum SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping { LEFT_EYE_LEFT_VIEWPORT, LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_VIEWPORT }; void setSplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping(SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping m) { _splitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping = m; } SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping getSplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping() const { return _splitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping; } void setSplitStereoHorizontalSeparation(int s) { _splitStereoHorizontalSeparation = s; } int getSplitStereoHorizontalSeparation() const { return _splitStereoHorizontalSeparation; } enum SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping { LEFT_EYE_TOP_VIEWPORT, LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_VIEWPORT }; void setSplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping(SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping m) { _splitStereoVerticalEyeMapping = m; } SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping getSplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping() const { return _splitStereoVerticalEyeMapping; } void setSplitStereoVerticalSeparation(int s) { _splitStereoVerticalSeparation = s; } int getSplitStereoVerticalSeparation() const { return _splitStereoVerticalSeparation; } void setSplitStereoAutoAdjustAspectRatio(bool flag) { _splitStereoAutoAdjustAspectRatio=flag; } bool getSplitStereoAutoAdjustAspectRatio() const { return _splitStereoAutoAdjustAspectRatio; } void setScreenWidth(float width) { _screenWidth = width; } float getScreenWidth() const { return _screenWidth; } void setScreenHeight(float height) { _screenHeight = height; } float getScreenHeight() const { return _screenHeight; } void setScreenDistance(float distance) { _screenDistance = distance; } float getScreenDistance() const { return _screenDistance; } void setDoubleBuffer(bool flag) { _doubleBuffer = flag; } bool getDoubleBuffer() const { return _doubleBuffer; } void setRGB(bool flag) { _RGB = flag; } bool getRGB() const { return _RGB; } void setDepthBuffer(bool flag) { _depthBuffer = flag; } bool getDepthBuffer() const { return _depthBuffer; } void setMinimumNumAlphaBits(unsigned int bits) { _minimumNumberAlphaBits = bits; } unsigned int getMinimumNumAlphaBits() const { return _minimumNumberAlphaBits; } bool getAlphaBuffer() const { return _minimumNumberAlphaBits!=0; } void setMinimumNumStencilBits(unsigned int bits) { _minimumNumberStencilBits = bits; } unsigned int getMinimumNumStencilBits() const { return _minimumNumberStencilBits; } bool getStencilBuffer() const { return _minimumNumberStencilBits!=0; } void setMinimumNumAccumBits(unsigned int red, unsigned int green, unsigned int blue, unsigned int alpha); unsigned int getMinimumNumAccumRedBits() const { return _minimumNumberAccumRedBits; } unsigned int getMinimumNumAccumGreenBits() const { return _minimumNumberAccumGreenBits; } unsigned int getMinimumNumAccumBlueBits() const { return _minimumNumberAccumBlueBits; } unsigned int getMinimumNumAccumAlphaBits() const { return _minimumNumberAccumAlphaBits; } bool getAccumBuffer() const { return (_minimumNumberAccumRedBits+_minimumNumberAccumGreenBits+_minimumNumberAccumBlueBits+_minimumNumberAccumAlphaBits)!=0; } void setMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts(unsigned int num); unsigned int getMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts() const; void setNumMultiSamples(unsigned int samples) { _numMultiSamples = samples; } unsigned int getNumMultiSamples() const { return _numMultiSamples; } bool getMultiSamples() const { return _numMultiSamples!=0; } void setCompileContextsHint(bool useCompileContexts) { _compileContextsHint = useCompileContexts; } bool getCompileContextsHint() const { return _compileContextsHint; } void setSerializeDrawDispatch(bool serializeDrawDispatch) { _serializeDrawDispatch = serializeDrawDispatch; } bool getSerializeDrawDispatch() const { return _serializeDrawDispatch; } /** Set the hint for the total number of threads in the DatbasePager set up, inclusive of the number of http dedicated threads.*/ void setNumOfDatabaseThreadsHint(unsigned int numThreads) { _numDatabaseThreadsHint = numThreads; } /** Get the hint for total number of threads in the DatbasePager set up, inclusive of the number of http dedicated threads.*/ unsigned int getNumOfDatabaseThreadsHint() const { return _numDatabaseThreadsHint; } /** Set the hint for number of threads in the DatbasePager to dedicate to reading http requests.*/ void setNumOfHttpDatabaseThreadsHint(unsigned int numThreads) { _numHttpDatabaseThreadsHint = numThreads; } /** Get the hint for number of threads in the DatbasePager dedicated to reading http requests.*/ unsigned int getNumOfHttpDatabaseThreadsHint() const { return _numHttpDatabaseThreadsHint; } void setApplication(const std::string& application) { _application = application; } const std::string& getApplication() { return _application; } void setMaxTexturePoolSize(unsigned int size) { _maxTexturePoolSize = size; } unsigned int getMaxTexturePoolSize() const { return _maxTexturePoolSize; } void setMaxBufferObjectPoolSize(unsigned int size) { _maxBufferObjectPoolSize = size; } unsigned int getMaxBufferObjectPoolSize() const { return _maxBufferObjectPoolSize; } /** Methods used to set and get defaults for Cameras implicit buffer attachments. For more info: See description of Camera::setImplicitBufferAttachment method DisplaySettings implicit buffer attachment selection defaults to: DEPTH and COLOR for both primary (Render) FBO and seconday Multisample (Resolve) FBO ie: IMPLICT_DEPTH_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT | IMPLICIT_COLOR_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT **/ enum ImplicitBufferAttachment { IMPLICIT_DEPTH_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT = (1 << 0), IMPLICIT_STENCIL_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT = (1 << 1), IMPLICIT_COLOR_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT = (1 << 2), DEFAULT_IMPLICIT_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT = IMPLICIT_COLOR_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT | IMPLICIT_DEPTH_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT }; typedef int ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask; void setImplicitBufferAttachmentMask(ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask renderMask = DisplaySettings::DEFAULT_IMPLICIT_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT, ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask resolveMask = DisplaySettings::DEFAULT_IMPLICIT_BUFFER_ATTACHMENT ) { _implicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask = renderMask; _implicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask = resolveMask; } void setImplicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask(ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask implicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask) { _implicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask = implicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask; } void setImplicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask(ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask implicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask) { _implicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask = implicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask; } /** Get mask selecting default implict buffer attachments for Cameras primary FBOs. */ ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask getImplicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask() const { return _implicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask; } /** Get mask selecting default implict buffer attachments for Cameras secondary MULTISAMPLE FBOs. */ ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask getImplicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask() const { return _implicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask;} enum SwapMethod { SWAP_DEFAULT, // Leave swap method at default returned by choose Pixel Format. SWAP_EXCHANGE, // Flip front / back buffer. SWAP_COPY, // Copy back to front buffer. SWAP_UNDEFINED // Move back to front buffer leaving contents of back buffer undefined. }; /** Select preferred swap method */ void setSwapMethod( SwapMethod swapMethod ) { _swapMethod = swapMethod; } /** Get preferred swap method */ SwapMethod getSwapMethod( void ) { return _swapMethod; } /** Set the hint of which OpenGL version to attempt to create a graphics context for.*/ void setGLContextVersion(const std::string& version) { _glContextVersion = version; } /** Get the hint of which OpenGL version to attempt to create a graphics context for.*/ const std::string getGLContextVersion() const { return _glContextVersion; } /** Set the hint of the flags to use in when creating graphic contexts.*/ void setGLContextFlags(unsigned int flags) { _glContextFlags = flags; } /** Get the hint of the flags to use in when creating graphic contexts.*/ unsigned int getGLContextFlags() const { return _glContextFlags; } /** Set the hint of the profile mask to use in when creating graphic contexts.*/ void setGLContextProfileMask(unsigned int mask) { _glContextProfileMask = mask; } /** Get the hint of the profile mask to use in when creating graphic contexts.*/ unsigned int getGLContextProfileMask() const { return _glContextProfileMask; } protected: virtual ~DisplaySettings(); DisplayType _displayType; bool _stereo; StereoMode _stereoMode; float _eyeSeparation; float _screenWidth; float _screenHeight; float _screenDistance; SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping _splitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping; int _splitStereoHorizontalSeparation; SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping _splitStereoVerticalEyeMapping; int _splitStereoVerticalSeparation; bool _splitStereoAutoAdjustAspectRatio; bool _doubleBuffer; bool _RGB; bool _depthBuffer; unsigned int _minimumNumberAlphaBits; unsigned int _minimumNumberStencilBits; unsigned int _minimumNumberAccumRedBits; unsigned int _minimumNumberAccumGreenBits; unsigned int _minimumNumberAccumBlueBits; unsigned int _minimumNumberAccumAlphaBits; unsigned int _maxNumOfGraphicsContexts; unsigned int _numMultiSamples; bool _compileContextsHint; bool _serializeDrawDispatch; unsigned int _numDatabaseThreadsHint; unsigned int _numHttpDatabaseThreadsHint; std::string _application; unsigned int _maxTexturePoolSize; unsigned int _maxBufferObjectPoolSize; ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask _implicitBufferAttachmentRenderMask; ImplicitBufferAttachmentMask _implicitBufferAttachmentResolveMask; std::string _glContextVersion; unsigned int _glContextFlags; unsigned int _glContextProfileMask; SwapMethod _swapMethod; }; } # endif