# VideoReceiverApp ## Application This is a simple test application developed to make VideoReceiver library development and testing easier. It can also be used as part of CI for system tests. ## Use cases and options Application's behaviour depends on the executable name. There are two modes - QML and console. QML mode is enabled by renaming application executable to something that starts with **Q** (for example QVideoReceiverApp). In this case **video-sink** option is not available and application always tries to use **qmlglsink** for video rendering. In regular case (executable name does not start with **Q**) **autovideosink** or **fakesink** are used, depending on options. ### Available options and required arguments ```VideoReceiverApp [options] url``` for example: ```VideoReceiverApp -d --stop-decoding 30 rtsp://``` #### Options ```-h, --help``` - displays help ```-t, --timeout <seconds>``` - specifies source timeout ```-c, --connect <attempts>``` - specifies number of connection attempts ```-d, --decode``` - enables or disables video decoding and rendering ```--no-decode``` - disables video decoding and rendering if it was enabled by default ```--stop-decoding <seconds>``` - specifies amount of seconds after which decoding should be stopped ```-r, --record <file>``` - enables record video into file ```-f, --format <format>``` - specifies recording file format, where format 0 - MKV, 1 - MOV, 2 - MP4 ```--stop-recording <seconds>``` - specifies amount of seconds after which recording should be stopped ```--video-sink <sink>``` - specifies which video sink to use : 0 - autovideosink, 1 - fakesink #### Arguments ```url``` - required, specifies video URL. Following URLs are supported: ```rtsp://<host>:<port>/mount/point``` - usual RTSP URL ```udp://<interface>:<port>``` - H.264 over RTP/UDP ```udp265://<interface>:<port>``` - H.265 over RTP/UDP ```tsusb://<interface>:<port>``` - Taisync's forwarded H.264 byte aligned NALU stream over UDP ```tcp://<host>:<port>``` - MPEG-2 TS over TCP ```mpegts://<interface>:<port>``` - MPEG-2 TS over UDP