#ifndef PRIMARYFLIGHTDISPLAY_H #define PRIMARYFLIGHTDISPLAY_H #include <QWidget> #include <QPen> #include "UASInterface.h" class PrimaryFlightDisplay : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: PrimaryFlightDisplay(int width = 640, int height = 480, QWidget* parent = NULL); ~PrimaryFlightDisplay(); public slots: /** @brief Attitude from main autopilot / system state */ void updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 timestamp); /** @brief Attitude from one specific component / redundant autopilot */ void updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, int component, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 timestamp); void updatePrimarySpeed(UASInterface* uas, double speed, quint64 timstamp); void updateGPSSpeed(UASInterface* uas, double speed, quint64 timstamp); void updateClimbRate(UASInterface* uas, double altitude, quint64 timestamp); void updatePrimaryAltitude(UASInterface* uas, double altitude, quint64 timestamp); void updateGPSAltitude(UASInterface* uas, double altitude, quint64 timestamp); void updateNavigationControllerErrors(UASInterface* uas, double altitudeError, double speedError, double xtrackError); /** @brief Set the currently monitored UAS */ //void addUAS(UASInterface* uas); void forgetUAS(UASInterface* uas); void setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas); protected: enum Layout { COMPASS_INTEGRATED, COMPASS_SEPARATED // For a very high container. Feature panels are at bottom. }; enum Style { NO_OVERLAYS, // Hzon not visible through tapes nor through feature panels. Frames with margins between. OVERLAY_HORIZONTAL, // Hzon visible through tapes and (frameless) feature panels. OVERLAY_HSI // Hzon visible through everything except bottom feature panels. }; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); // from HUD.h: /** @brief Preferred Size */ QSize sizeHint() const; /** @brief Start updating widget */ void showEvent(QShowEvent* event); /** @brief Stop updating widget */ void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event); // dongfang: We have no context menu. Viewonly. // void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* event); // dongfang: What is that? // dongfang: OK it's for UI interaction. Presently, there is none. void createActions(); signals: void visibilityChanged(bool visible); private: /* enum AltimeterMode { PRIMARY_MAIN_GPS_SUB, // Show the primary alt. on tape and GPS as extra info GPS_MAIN // Show GPS on tape and no extra info }; enum AltimeterFrame { ASL, // Show ASL altitudes (plane pilots' normal preference) RELATIVE_TO_HOME // Show relative-to-home altitude (copter pilots) }; enum SpeedMode { PRIMARY_MAIN_GROUND_SUB,// Show primary speed (often airspeed) on tape and groundspeed as extra GROUND_MAIN // Show groundspeed on tape and no extra info }; */ /* * There are at least these differences between airplane and copter PDF view: * - Airplane show absolute altutude in altimeter, copter shows relative to home */ bool isAirplane(); bool shouldDisplayNavigationData(); void drawTextCenter(QPainter& painter, QString text, float fontSize, float x, float y); void drawTextLeftCenter(QPainter& painter, QString text, float fontSize, float x, float y); void drawTextRightCenter(QPainter& painter, QString text, float fontSize, float x, float y); void drawTextCenterBottom(QPainter& painter, QString text, float fontSize, float x, float y); void drawTextCenterTop(QPainter& painter, QString text, float fontSize, float x, float y); void drawAIGlobalFeatures(QPainter& painter, QRectF mainArea, QRectF paintArea); void drawAIAirframeFixedFeatures(QPainter& painter, QRectF area); void drawPitchScale(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, float intrusion, bool drawNumbersLeft, bool drawNumbersRight); void drawRollScale(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, bool drawTicks, bool drawNumbers); void drawAIAttitudeScales(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, float intrusion); void drawAICompassDisk(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, float halfspan); void drawSeparateCompassDisk(QPainter& painter, QRectF area); void drawAltimeter(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, float altitude, float secondaryAltitude, float vv); void drawVelocityMeter(QPainter& painter, QRectF area, float speed, float secondarySpeed); void fillInstrumentBackground(QPainter& painter, QRectF edge); void fillInstrumentOpagueBackground(QPainter& painter, QRectF edge); void drawInstrumentBackground(QPainter& painter, QRectF edge); /* This information is not currently included. These headers left in as a memo for restoration later. void drawLinkStatsPanel(QPainter& painter, QRectF area); void drawSysStatsPanel(QPainter& painter, QRectF area); void drawMissionStatsPanel(QPainter& painter, QRectF area); void drawSensorsStatsPanel(QPainter& painter, QRectF area); */ void doPaint(); UASInterface* uas; ///< The uas currently monitored /* AltimeterMode altimeterMode; AltimeterFrame altimeterFrame; SpeedMode speedMode; */ bool didReceivePrimaryAltitude; bool didReceivePrimarySpeed; float roll; float pitch; float heading; float primaryAltitude; float GPSAltitude; // APM: GPS and baro mix above home (GPS) altitude. This value comes from the GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message. // Do !!!NOT!!! ever do altitude calculations at the ground station. There are enough pitfalls already. // If the MP "set home altitude" button is migrated to here, it must set the UAS home altitude, not a GS-local one. float aboveHomeAltitude; float primarySpeed; float groundspeed; float verticalVelocity; float navigationAltitudeError; float navigationSpeedError; float navigationCrosstrackError; float navigationTargetBearing; Layout layout; // The display layout. Style style; // The AI style (tapes translucent or opague) // TODO: Use stylesheet colors? QColor redColor; QColor amberColor; QColor greenColor; qreal lineWidth; qreal fineLineWidth; qreal smallTextSize; qreal mediumTextSize; qreal largeTextSize; // Globally used stuff only. QPen instrumentEdgePen; QBrush instrumentBackground; QBrush instrumentOpagueBackground; QFont font; QTimer* refreshTimer; ///< The main timer, controls the update rate static const int tickValues[]; static const QString compassWindNames[]; static const int updateInterval = 40; }; #endif // PRIMARYFLIGHTDISPLAY_H