/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @brief PX4 Firmware Upgrade UI /// @author Don Gagne #include "PX4FirmwareUpgrade.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QGCFileDialog.h" /// @Brief Constructs a new PX4FirmwareUpgrade Widget. This widget is used within the PX4VehicleConfig set of screens. PX4FirmwareUpgrade::PX4FirmwareUpgrade(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), _upgradeState(upgradeStateBegin), _downloadManager(NULL), _downloadNetworkReply(NULL) { _ui = new Ui::PX4FirmwareUpgrade; _ui->setupUi(this); _threadController = new PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController(this); Q_CHECK_PTR(_threadController); // Connect standard ui elements connect(_ui->tryAgain, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_tryAgainButton); connect(_ui->cancel, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelButton); connect(_ui->next, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_nextButton); connect(_ui->firmwareCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(_firmwareSelected(int))); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::foundBoard, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_foundBoard); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::foundBootloader, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_foundBootloader); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::bootloaderSyncFailed, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_bootloaderSyncFailed); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::error, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_error); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::complete, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_complete); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::findTimeout, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_findTimeout); connect(_threadController, &PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController::updateProgress, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_updateProgress); connect(&_eraseTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_eraseProgressTick); _setupState(upgradeStateBegin); } PX4FirmwareUpgrade::~PX4FirmwareUpgrade() { } /// @brief Returns the state machine entry for the specified state. const PX4FirmwareUpgrade::stateMachineEntry* PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_getStateMachineEntry(enum PX4FirmwareUpgrade::upgradeStates state) { static const char* msgBegin = "If you are currently connected to your Pixhawk board via QGroundControl, you must 'Disconnect' from the board. " "If your board is connected via USB, you must unplug the USB cable.\n\n" "Click 'Next' when these two steps are complete to begin upgrading."; static const char* msgBoardSearch = "Plug in your board via USB now..."; static const char* msgBoardNotFound = "Unable to detect your board. If the board is currently connected via USB. Disconnect it, and click 'Try Again'."; static const char* msgBootloaderSearch = "Searching for Bootloader..."; static const char* msgBootloaderNotFound = "Unable to connect to Bootloader. If the board is currently connected via USB. Disconnect it, and click 'Try Again'."; static const char* msgBootloaderError = "An error occured while communicating with the Bootloader."; static const char* msgFirmwareSelect = "Please select the firmware you would like to upload to the board from the dropdown to the right."; static const char* msgFirmwareDownloading = "Firmware downloading..."; static const char* msgFirmwareDownloadFailed = "Firmware download failed"; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardErasing = "Erasing old firmware from board..."; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardEraseFailed = "Board erase failed."; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardFlashing = "Flashing new firmware onto board..."; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardFlashError = "A failure has occured while flashing the new firmware to your board. " "This has left the board in an inconsistent state.\n\n" "There currently is an known issue which does not yet have a fix which may cause this.\n\n" "You should click 'Try Again' to attempt the upgrade process again."; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardVerifying = "Verifying firmware on board..."; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardVerifyError = "Verification of flash memory on board failed. " "This has left the board in an inconsistent state. " "You should click 'Try Again' to attempt the upgrade process again."; static const char* msgFirmwareBoardUpgraded = "Your board has been upgraded successfully.\n\nYou can now connect to your board via QGroundControl\n\nClick 'Try Again' to do another upgrade."; static const stateMachineEntry rgStateMachine[] = { //State Next command Cancel command Try Again command State Text { upgradeStateBegin, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_findBoard, NULL, NULL, msgBegin }, { upgradeStateBoardSearch, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelFind, NULL, msgBoardSearch }, { upgradeStateBoardNotFound, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancel, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_findBoard, msgBoardNotFound }, { upgradeStateBootloaderSearch, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelFind, NULL, msgBootloaderSearch }, { upgradeStateBootloaderNotFound, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancel, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_restart, msgBootloaderNotFound }, { upgradeStateBootloaderError, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancel, NULL, msgBootloaderError }, { upgradeStateFirmwareSelect, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_getFirmwareFile, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancel, NULL, msgFirmwareSelect }, { upgradeStateFirmwareDownloading, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelDownload, NULL, msgFirmwareDownloading }, { upgradeStateDownloadFailed, NULL, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_restart, msgFirmwareDownloadFailed }, { upgradeStateErasing, NULL, NULL, NULL, msgFirmwareBoardErasing }, { upgradeStateEraseError, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancel, NULL, msgFirmwareBoardEraseFailed }, { upgradeStateFlashing, NULL, NULL, NULL, msgFirmwareBoardFlashing }, { upgradeStateFlashError, NULL, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_restart, msgFirmwareBoardFlashError }, { upgradeStateVerifying, NULL, NULL, NULL, msgFirmwareBoardVerifying }, { upgradeStateVerifyError, NULL, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_restart, msgFirmwareBoardVerifyError }, { upgradeStateBoardUpgraded, NULL, NULL, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_restart, msgFirmwareBoardUpgraded }, }; const stateMachineEntry* entry = &rgStateMachine[state]; // Validate that our state array has not gotten out of sync for (size_t i=0; itryAgain->setEnabled(stateMachine->tryAgain != NULL); _ui->skip->setEnabled(false); _ui->cancel->setEnabled(stateMachine->cancel != NULL); _ui->next->setEnabled(stateMachine->next != NULL); _ui->statusLog->setText(stateMachine->msg); if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateDownloadFailed) { // Bootloader is still open, reboot to close and heopfully get back to FMU _threadController->sendBootloaderReboot(); } _updateIndicatorUI(); } /// @brief Updates the Indicator UI which is to the right of the Wizard area to match the current /// upgrade state. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_updateIndicatorUI(void) { if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBegin) { // Reset to intial state. All check boxes unchecked, all additional information hidden. _ui->statusLabel->clear(); _ui->progressBar->setValue(0); _ui->progressBar->setTextVisible(false); _ui->boardFoundCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); _ui->port->setVisible(false); _ui->description->setVisible(false); _ui->bootloaderFoundCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); _ui->bootloaderVersion->setVisible(false); _ui->boardID->setVisible(false); _ui->icon->setVisible(false); _ui->firmwareCombo->setVisible(false); _ui->firmwareCombo->setEnabled(true); _ui->selectFirmwareCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); _ui->firmwareDownloadedCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); _ui->boardUpgradedCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBootloaderSearch){ // We have found the board _ui->statusLabel->clear(); _ui->progressBar->setValue(0); _ui->boardFoundCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); _ui->port->setText("Port: " + _portName); _ui->description->setText("Name: " +_portDescription); _ui->port->setVisible(true); _ui->description->setVisible(true); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateFirmwareSelect) { // We've found the bootloader and need to set up firmware selection _ui->statusLabel->clear(); _ui->progressBar->setValue(0); _ui->bootloaderFoundCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); _ui->bootloaderVersion->setText(QString("Version: %1").arg(_bootloaderVersion)); _ui->boardID->setText(QString("Board ID: %1").arg(_boardID)); _setBoardIcon(_boardID); _setFirmwareCombo(_boardID); _ui->bootloaderVersion->setVisible(true); _ui->boardID->setVisible(true); _ui->icon->setVisible(true); _ui->firmwareCombo->setVisible(true); _ui->firmwareCombo->setEnabled(true); _ui->firmwareCombo->setCurrentIndex(0); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateFirmwareDownloading) { _ui->statusLabel->clear(); _ui->selectFirmwareCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); _ui->firmwareCombo->setEnabled(false); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateFlashing) { _ui->statusLabel->clear(); _ui->progressBar->setValue(0); _ui->firmwareDownloadedCheck->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBoardUpgraded) { _ui->statusLabel->clear(); _ui->progressBar->setValue(0); _ui->boardUpgradedCheck->setCheckState((_upgradeState >= upgradeStateBoardUpgraded) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); } } /// @brief Responds to a click on the Next Button calling the appropriate method as specified by the state machine. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_nextButton(void) { const stateMachineEntry* stateMachine = _getStateMachineEntry(_upgradeState); Q_ASSERT(stateMachine->next != NULL); (this->*stateMachine->next)(); } /// @brief Responds to a click on the Cancel Button calling the appropriate method as specified by the state machine. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelButton(void) { const stateMachineEntry* stateMachine = _getStateMachineEntry(_upgradeState); Q_ASSERT(stateMachine->cancel != NULL); (this->*stateMachine->cancel)(); } /// @brief Responds to a click on the Try Again Button calling the appropriate method as specified by the state machine. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_tryAgainButton(void) { const stateMachineEntry* stateMachine = _getStateMachineEntry(_upgradeState); Q_ASSERT(stateMachine->tryAgain != NULL); (this->*stateMachine->tryAgain)(); } /// @brief Cancels a findBoard or findBootloader operation. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelFind(void) { _threadController->cancelFind(); } /// @brief Cancels the current state and returns to the begin start void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancel(void) { _setupState(upgradeStateBegin); } /// @brief Begins the process or searching for the board void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_findBoard(void) { _setupState(upgradeStateBoardSearch); _threadController->findBoard(_findBoardTimeoutMsec); } /// @brief Called when board has been found by the findBoard process void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_foundBoard(bool firstTry, const QString portName, QString portDescription) { if (firstTry) { // Board is still plugged QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Firmware Upgrade"), tr("You must unplug you board before beginning the Firmware Upgrade process.")); _cancel(); } else { _portName = portName; _portDescription = portDescription; _setupState(upgradeStateBootloaderSearch); _findBootloader(); } } /// @brief Begins the findBootloader process to connect to the bootloader void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_findBootloader(void) { _setupState(upgradeStateBootloaderSearch); _threadController->findBootloader(_portName, _findBootloaderTimeoutMsec); } /// @brief Called when the bootloader is connected to by the findBootloader process. Moves the state machine /// to the next step. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_foundBootloader(int bootloaderVersion, int boardID, int flashSize) { _bootloaderVersion = bootloaderVersion; _boardID = boardID; _boardFlashSize = flashSize; _setupState(upgradeStateFirmwareSelect); } /// @brief Called when the findBootloader process is unable to sync to the bootloader. Moves the state /// machine to the appropriate error state. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_bootloaderSyncFailed(void) { if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBootloaderSearch) { // We can connect to the board, but we still can't talk to the bootloader. qDebug() << "Bootloader sync failed"; _setupState(upgradeStateBootloaderNotFound); } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } /// @brief Called when the findBoard or findBootloader process times out. Moves the state machine to the /// appropriate error state. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_findTimeout(void) { if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBoardSearch) { qDebug() << "Timeout on board search"; _setupState(upgradeStateBoardNotFound); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBootloaderSearch) { qDebug() << "Timeout on bootloader search"; _setupState(upgradeStateBoardNotFound); } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } /// @brief Sets the board image into the icon label according to the board id. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_setBoardIcon(int boardID) { QString imageFile; switch (boardID) { case _boardIDPX4FMUV1: imageFile = ":/files/images/px4/boards/px4fmu_1.x.png"; break; case _boardIDPX4Flow: imageFile = ":/files/images/px4/boards/px4flow_1.x.png"; break; case _boardIDPX4FMUV2: imageFile = ":/files/images/px4/boards/px4fmu_2.x.png"; break; } if (!imageFile.isEmpty()) { bool success = _boardIcon.load(imageFile); Q_ASSERT(success); Q_UNUSED(success); int w = _ui->icon->width(); int h = _ui->icon->height(); _ui->icon->setPixmap(_boardIcon.scaled(w, h, Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); } } /// @brief Sets up the selections in the firmware combox box associated with the specified /// board id. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_setFirmwareCombo(int boardID) { _ui->firmwareCombo->clear(); static const char* rgPX4FMUV1Firmware[3] = { "http://px4.oznet.ch/stable/px4fmu-v1_default.px4", "http://px4.oznet.ch/beta/px4fmu-v1_default.px4", "http://px4.oznet.ch/continuous/px4fmu-v1_default.px4" }; static const char* rgPX4FMUV2Firmware[3] = { "http://px4.oznet.ch/stable/px4fmu-v2_default.px4", "http://px4.oznet.ch/beta/px4fmu-v2_default.px4", "http://px4.oznet.ch/continuous/px4fmu-v2_default.px4" }; static const char* rgPX4FlowFirmware[3] = { "http://px4.oznet.ch/stable/px4flow.px4", "http://px4.oznet.ch/beta/px4flow.px4", "http://px4.oznet.ch/continuous/px4flow.px4" }; const char** prgFirmware; switch (boardID) { case _boardIDPX4FMUV1: prgFirmware = rgPX4FMUV1Firmware; break; case _boardIDPX4Flow: prgFirmware = rgPX4FlowFirmware; break; case _boardIDPX4FMUV2: prgFirmware = rgPX4FMUV2Firmware; break; default: prgFirmware = NULL; break; } if (prgFirmware) { _ui->firmwareCombo->addItem(tr("Standard Version (stable)"), prgFirmware[0]); _ui->firmwareCombo->addItem(tr("Beta Testing (beta)"), prgFirmware[1]); _ui->firmwareCombo->addItem(tr("Developer Build (master)"), prgFirmware[2]); } _ui->firmwareCombo->addItem(tr("Custom firmware file..."), "selectfile"); } /// @brief Called when the selection in the firmware combo box changes. Updates the wizard /// text appropriately with licensing and possibly warning information. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_firmwareSelected(int index) { #define SELECT_FIRMWARE_LICENSE "By clicking Next you agree to the terms and disclaimer of the BSD open source license, as redistributed with the source code." if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateFirmwareSelect) { switch (index) { case 0: case 3: _ui->statusLog->setText(tr(SELECT_FIRMWARE_LICENSE)); break; case 1: _ui->statusLog->setText(tr("WARNING: BETA FIRMWARE\n" "This firmware version is ONLY intended for beta testers. " "Although it has received FLIGHT TESTING, it represents actively changed code. Do NOT use for normal operation.\n\n" SELECT_FIRMWARE_LICENSE)); break; case 2: _ui->statusLog->setText(tr("WARNING: CONTINUOUS BUILD FIRMWARE\n" "This firmware has NOT BEEN FLIGHT TESTED. " "It is only intended for DEVELOPERS. Run bench tests without props first. " "Do NOT fly this without addional safety precautions. Follow the mailing " "list actively when using it.\n\n" SELECT_FIRMWARE_LICENSE)); break; } _ui->next->setEnabled(!_ui->firmwareCombo->itemData(index).toString().isEmpty()); } } /// @brief Prompts the user to select a firmware file if needed and moves the state machine to the /// download firmware state. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_getFirmwareFile(void) { int index = _ui->firmwareCombo->currentIndex(); _firmwareFilename = _ui->firmwareCombo->itemData(index).toString(); Q_ASSERT(!_firmwareFilename.isEmpty()); if (_firmwareFilename == "selectfile") { _firmwareFilename = QGCFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select Firmware File"), // Dialog title QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation), // Initial directory tr("Firmware Files (*.px4 *.bin)")); // File filter } if (!_firmwareFilename.isEmpty()) { _downloadFirmware(); } } /// @brief Begins the process of downloading the selected firmware file. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadFirmware(void) { // Split out filename from path Q_ASSERT(!_firmwareFilename.isEmpty()); QString firmwareFilename = QFileInfo(_firmwareFilename).fileName(); Q_ASSERT(!firmwareFilename.isEmpty()); // Determine location to download file to QString downloadFile = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation); if (downloadFile.isEmpty()) { downloadFile = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); if (downloadFile.isEmpty()) { _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Unabled to find writable download location. Tried downloads and temp directory.")); return; } } Q_ASSERT(!downloadFile.isEmpty()); downloadFile += "/" + firmwareFilename; QUrl firmwareUrl; if (_firmwareFilename.startsWith("http:")) { firmwareUrl.setUrl(_firmwareFilename); } else { firmwareUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(_firmwareFilename); } Q_ASSERT(firmwareUrl.isValid()); QNetworkRequest networkRequest(firmwareUrl); // Store download file location in user attribute so we can retrieve when the download finishes networkRequest.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User, downloadFile); _downloadManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); Q_CHECK_PTR(_downloadManager); _downloadNetworkReply = _downloadManager->get(networkRequest); Q_ASSERT(_downloadNetworkReply); connect(_downloadNetworkReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadProgress); connect(_downloadNetworkReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadFinished); // FIXME //connect(_downloadNetworkReply, &QNetworkReply::error, this, &PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadError); connect(_downloadNetworkReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(_downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); _setupState(upgradeStateFirmwareDownloading); } /// @brief Cancels a download which is in progress. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_cancelDownload(void) { _downloadNetworkReply->abort(); } /// @brief Updates the progress indicator while downloading void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadProgress(qint64 curr, qint64 total) { // Take care of cases where 0 / 0 is emitted as error return value if (total > 0) { _ui->progressBar->setValue((curr*100) / total); } } /// @brief Called when the firmware download completes. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadFinished(void) { QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); Q_ASSERT(reply); Q_ASSERT(_downloadNetworkReply == reply); _downloadManager->deleteLater(); _downloadManager = NULL; // When an error occurs or the user cancels the download, we still end up here. So bail out in // those cases. if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { return; } // Download file location is in user attribute QString downloadFilename = reply->request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::User).toString(); Q_ASSERT(!downloadFilename.isEmpty()); // Store downloaded file in download location QFile file(downloadFilename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Could not save downloaded file to %1. Error: %2").arg(downloadFilename).arg(file.errorString())); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } file.write(reply->readAll()); file.close(); if (downloadFilename.endsWith(".px4")) { // We need to collect information from the .px4 file as well as pull the binary image out to a seperate file. QFile px4File(downloadFilename); if (!px4File.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Unable to open firmware file %1, error: %2").arg(downloadFilename).arg(px4File.errorString())); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } QByteArray bytes = px4File.readAll(); px4File.close(); QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(bytes); if (doc.isNull()) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("supplied file is not a valid JSON document")); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } QJsonObject px4Json = doc.object(); // Make sure the keys we need are available static const char* rgJsonKeys[] = { "board_id", "image_size", "description", "git_identity" }; for (size_t i=0; istatusLabel->setText(tr("Incorrectly formatted firmware file. No %1 key.").arg(rgJsonKeys[i])); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } } uint32_t firmwareBoardID = (uint32_t)px4Json.value(QString("board_id")).toInt(); if (firmwareBoardID != _boardID) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Downloaded firmware board id does not match hardware board id: %1 != %2").arg(firmwareBoardID).arg(_boardID)); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } _imageSize = px4Json.value(QString("image_size")).toInt(); if (_imageSize == 0) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Image size of 0 in .px4 file %1").arg(downloadFilename)); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } qDebug() << "Image size from px4:" << _imageSize; // Convert image from base-64 and decompress // XXX Qt's JSON string handling is terribly broken, strings // with some length (18K / 25K) are just weirdly cut. // The code below works around this by manually 'parsing' // for the image string. Since its compressed / checksummed // this should be fine. QStringList list = QString(bytes).split("\"image\": \""); list = list.last().split("\""); // Convert String to QByteArray and unzip it QByteArray raw; // Store image size raw.append((unsigned char)((_imageSize >> 24) & 0xFF)); raw.append((unsigned char)((_imageSize >> 16) & 0xFF)); raw.append((unsigned char)((_imageSize >> 8) & 0xFF)); raw.append((unsigned char)((_imageSize >> 0) & 0xFF)); QByteArray raw64 = list.first().toUtf8(); raw.append(QByteArray::fromBase64(raw64)); QByteArray uncompressed = qUncompress(raw); QByteArray b = uncompressed; if (b.count() == 0) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Firmware file has 0 length image")); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } if (b.count() != (int)_imageSize) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Image size for decompressed image does not match stored image size: Expected(%1) Actual(%2)").arg(_imageSize).arg(b.count())); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } // Pad image to 4-byte boundary while ((b.count() % 4) != 0) { b.append(static_cast(static_cast(0xFF))); } // Store decompressed image file in same location as original download file QDir downloadDir = QFileInfo(downloadFilename).dir(); QString decompressFilename = downloadDir.filePath("PX4FlashUpgrade.bin"); QFile decompressFile(decompressFilename); if (!decompressFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Unable to open decompressed file %1 for writing, error: %2").arg(decompressFilename).arg(decompressFile.errorString())); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } qint64 bytesWritten = decompressFile.write(b); if (bytesWritten != b.count()) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Write failed for decompressed image file, error: %1").arg(decompressFile.errorString())); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } decompressFile.close(); _firmwareFilename = decompressFilename; } else if (downloadFilename.endsWith(".bin")) { uint32_t firmwareBoardID = 0; // Take some educated guesses on board id based on firmware build system file name conventions if (downloadFilename.toLower().contains("px4fmu-v1")) { firmwareBoardID = _boardIDPX4FMUV2; } else if (downloadFilename.toLower().contains("px4flow")) { firmwareBoardID = _boardIDPX4Flow; } else if (downloadFilename.toLower().contains("px4fmu-v1")) { firmwareBoardID = _boardIDPX4FMUV1; } if (firmwareBoardID != 0 && firmwareBoardID != _boardID) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Downloaded firmware board id does not match hardware board id: %1 != %2").arg(firmwareBoardID).arg(_boardID)); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } _firmwareFilename = downloadFilename; QFile binFile(_firmwareFilename); if (!binFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Unabled to open firmware file %1, %2").arg(_firmwareFilename).arg(binFile.errorString())); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); } _imageSize = (uint32_t)binFile.size(); binFile.close(); } else { // Standard firmware builds (stable/continuous/...) are always .bin or .px4. Select file dialog for custom // firmware filters to .bin and .px4. So we should never get a file that ends in anything else. Q_ASSERT(false); } if (_imageSize > _boardFlashSize) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Image size of %1 is too large for board flash size %2").arg(_imageSize).arg(_boardFlashSize)); _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); return; } _erase(); } /// @brief Called when an error occurs during download void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code) { if (code == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Download cancelled")); } else { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Error during download. Error: %1").arg(code)); } _setupState(upgradeStateDownloadFailed); } /// @brief Erase the board void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_erase(void) { // We set up our own progress bar for erase since the erase command does not provide one _eraseTickCount = 0; _eraseTimer.start(_eraseTickMsec); _setupState(upgradeStateErasing); // Erase command _threadController->erase(); } /// @brief Signals completion of one of the specified bootloader commands. Moves the state machine to the /// appropriate next step. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_complete(const int command) { if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandProgram) { _setupState(upgradeStateVerifying); _threadController->verify(_firmwareFilename); } else if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandVerify) { _setupState(upgradeStateBoardUpgraded); } else if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandErase) { _eraseTimer.stop(); _setupState(upgradeStateFlashing); _threadController->program(_firmwareFilename); } else if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandCancel) { if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBoardSearch) { _setupState(upgradeStateBoardNotFound); } else if (_upgradeState == upgradeStateBootloaderSearch) { _setupState(upgradeStateBootloaderNotFound); } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } /// @brief Signals that an error has occured with the specified bootloader commands. Moves the state machine /// to the appropriate error state. void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_error(const int command, const QString errorString) { _ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Error: %1").arg(errorString)); if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandProgram) { _setupState(upgradeStateFlashError); } else if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandErase) { _setupState(upgradeStateEraseError); } else if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandBootloader) { _setupState(upgradeStateBootloaderError); } else if (command == PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::commandVerify) { _setupState(upgradeStateVerifyError); } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } /// @brief Updates the progress bar from long running bootloader commands void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_updateProgress(int curr, int total) { _ui->progressBar->setValue((curr*100) / total); } /// @brief Resets the state machine back to the beginning void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_restart(void) { _setupState(upgradeStateBegin); } /// @brief Moves the progress bar ahead on tick while erasing the board void PX4FirmwareUpgrade::_eraseProgressTick(void) { _eraseTickCount++; _ui->progressBar->setValue((_eraseTickCount*_eraseTickMsec*100) / _eraseTotalMsec); }