#include "OpalLink.h" OpalLink::OpalLink() : connectState(false), heartbeatTimer(new QTimer(this)), heartbeatRate(MAVLINK_HEARTBEAT_DEFAULT_RATE), m_heartbeatsEnabled(true), getSignalsTimer(new QTimer(this)), getSignalsPeriod(1000), receiveBuffer(new QQueue()), systemID(1), componentID(1) { start(QThread::LowPriority); // Set unique ID and add link to the list of links this->id = getNextLinkId(); this->name = tr("OpalRT link ") + QString::number(getId()); LinkManager::instance()->add(this); // Start heartbeat timer, emitting a heartbeat at the configured rate QObject::connect(heartbeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(heartbeat())); QObject::connect(getSignalsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getSignals())); } /* * Communication * */ qint64 OpalLink::bytesAvailable() { return 0; } void OpalLink::writeBytes(const char *bytes, qint64 length) { } void OpalLink::readBytes(char *bytes, qint64 maxLength) { receiveDataMutex.lock(); qDebug() << "OpalLink::readBytes(): Reading a message. size of buffer: " << receiveBuffer->count(); QByteArray message = receiveBuffer->dequeue(); if (maxLength < message.size()) { qDebug() << "OpalLink::readBytes:: Buffer Overflow"; memcpy(bytes, message.data(), maxLength); } else { memcpy(bytes, message.data(), message.size()); } emit bytesReceived(this, message); receiveDataMutex.unlock(); } void OpalLink::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message) { // Create buffer char buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; // Write message into buffer, prepending start sign int len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer((uint8_t*)(buffer), &message); // If link is connected if (isConnected()) { receiveBuffer->enqueue(QByteArray(buffer, len)); emit bytesReady(this); } } void OpalLink::heartbeat() { if (m_heartbeatsEnabled) { qDebug() << "OpalLink::heartbeat(): Generate a heartbeat"; mavlink_message_t beat; mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(systemID, componentID,&beat, MAV_HELICOPTER, MAV_AUTOPILOT_GENERIC); receiveMessage(beat); } } void OpalLink::getSignals() { qDebug() << "OpalLink::getSignals(): Attempting to acquire signals"; unsigned long timeout = 0; unsigned short acqGroup = 0; //this is actually group 1 in the model unsigned short allocatedSignals = NUM_OUTPUT_SIGNALS; unsigned short *numSignals = new unsigned short(0); double *timestep = new double(0); double values[NUM_OUTPUT_SIGNALS] = {}; unsigned short *lastValues = new unsigned short(false); unsigned short *decimation = new unsigned short(0); int returnVal = OpalGetSignals(timeout, acqGroup, allocatedSignals, numSignals, timestep, values, lastValues, decimation); if (returnVal == EOK ) { qDebug() << "OpalLink::getSignals: Timestep=" << *timestep;// << ", Last? " << (bool)(*lastValues); } else if (returnVal == EAGAIN) { qDebug() << "OpalLink::getSignals: Data was not ready"; } // if returnVal == EAGAIN => data just wasn't ready else if (returnVal != EAGAIN) { getSignalsTimer->stop(); displayErrorMsg(); } /* deallocate used memory */ delete timestep; delete lastValues; delete lastValues; delete decimation; } /* * Administrative * */ void OpalLink::run() { qDebug() << "OpalLink::run():: Starting the thread"; } int OpalLink::getId() { return id; } QString OpalLink::getName() { return name; } void OpalLink::setName(QString name) { this->name = name; emit nameChanged(this->name); } bool OpalLink::isConnected() { //qDebug() << "OpalLink::isConnected:: connectState: " << connectState; return connectState; } bool OpalLink::connect() { short modelState; /// \todo allow configuration of instid in window if (OpalConnect(101, false, &modelState) == EOK) { connectState = true; emit connected(); heartbeatTimer->start(1000/heartbeatRate); getSignalsTimer->start(getSignalsPeriod); } else { connectState = false; displayErrorMsg(); } emit connected(connectState); return connectState; } bool OpalLink::disconnect() { return false; } void OpalLink::displayErrorMsg() { setLastErrorMsg(); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(lastErrorMsg); msgBox.exec(); } void OpalLink::setLastErrorMsg() { char buf[512]; unsigned short len; OpalGetLastErrMsg(buf, sizeof(buf), &len); lastErrorMsg.clear(); lastErrorMsg.append(buf); } /* * Statisctics * */ qint64 OpalLink::getNominalDataRate() { return 0; //unknown } int OpalLink::getLinkQuality() { return -1; //not supported } qint64 OpalLink::getTotalUpstream() { statisticsMutex.lock(); qint64 totalUpstream = bitsSentTotal / ((MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - connectionStartTime) / 1000); statisticsMutex.unlock(); return totalUpstream; } qint64 OpalLink::getTotalDownstream() { statisticsMutex.lock(); qint64 totalDownstream = bitsReceivedTotal / ((MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - connectionStartTime) / 1000); statisticsMutex.unlock(); return totalDownstream; } qint64 OpalLink::getCurrentUpstream() { return 0; //unknown } qint64 OpalLink::getMaxUpstream() { return 0; //unknown } qint64 OpalLink::getBitsSent() { return bitsSentTotal; } qint64 OpalLink::getBitsReceived() { return bitsReceivedTotal; } bool OpalLink::isFullDuplex() { return false; }