/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ #ifndef MOCKQGCUASPARAMMANAGER_H #define MOCKQGCUASPARAMMANAGER_H #include "QGCUASParamManagerInterface.h" /// @file /// @brief This is a mock implementation of QGCUASParamManager for writing Unit Tests. /// /// @author Don Gagne class MockQGCUASParamManager : public QGCUASParamManagerInterface { Q_OBJECT signals: // The following QGCSUASParamManagerInterface signals are supported void parameterListUpToDate(); // You can connect to this signal, but it will never be emitted public: // Implemented QGCSUASParamManager overrides virtual bool getParameterValue(int component, const QString& parameter, QVariant& value) const; virtual int getDefaultComponentId(void) { return 0; } virtual int countOnboardParams(void) { return _mapParams.count(); } public slots: // Implemented QGCSUASParamManager overrides void setParameter(int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value); virtual void setPendingParam(int componentId, const QString& key, const QVariant& value, bool forceSend = false) { Q_UNUSED(forceSend); setParameter(componentId, key, value); } virtual void sendPendingParameters(bool persistAfterSend = false, bool forceSend = false) { Q_UNUSED(persistAfterSend); Q_UNUSED(forceSend); } public: // MockQGCUASParamManager methods MockQGCUASParamManager(void); /// QMap of parameters, QString key is paremeter name, QVariant value is parameter value typedef QMap ParamMap_t; /// Sets current set of parameters to support calls like getParameterValue void setMockParameters(ParamMap_t& map) { _mapParams = map; } /// Returns the parameters which were set by calls to setParameter calls ParamMap_t getMockSetParameters(void) { return _mapParamsSet; } /// Clears the set of parameters set by setParameter calls void clearMockSetParameters(void) { _mapParamsSet.clear(); } public: // Unimplemented QGCUASParamManagerInterface overrides virtual QList getComponentForParam(const QString& parameter) const { Q_ASSERT(false); Q_UNUSED(parameter); return _bogusQListInt; } virtual void setParamDescriptions(const QMap& paramDescs) { Q_ASSERT(false); Q_UNUSED(paramDescs); } virtual int countPendingParams() { Q_ASSERT(false); return 0; } virtual UASParameterDataModel* dataModel() { Q_ASSERT(false); return NULL; } public slots: // Unimplemented QGCUASParamManagerInterface overrides virtual void requestParameterList() { Q_ASSERT(false); } virtual void requestParameterListIfEmpty() { Q_ASSERT(false); } virtual void clearAllPendingParams() { Q_ASSERT(false); } virtual void requestParameterUpdate(int component, const QString& parameter) { Q_ASSERT(false); Q_UNUSED(component); Q_UNUSED(parameter); } virtual void writeOnboardParamsToStream(QTextStream &stream, const QString& uasName) { Q_ASSERT(false); Q_UNUSED(stream); Q_UNUSED(uasName); } virtual void readPendingParamsFromStream(QTextStream &stream) { Q_ASSERT(false); Q_UNUSED(stream); } virtual void requestRcCalibrationParamsUpdate() { Q_ASSERT(false); } virtual void copyVolatileParamsToPersistent() { Q_ASSERT(false); } virtual void copyPersistentParamsToVolatile() { Q_ASSERT(false); } private: ParamMap_t _mapParams; ParamMap_t _mapParamsSet; // Bogus variables used for return types of NYI methods QList _bogusQListInt; }; #endif