/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @author Don Gagne #include "SensorsComponentController.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" #include #include SensorsComponentController::SensorsComponentController(AutoPilotPlugin* autopilot, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), _statusLog(NULL), _progressBar(NULL), _showGyroCalArea(false), _showAccelCalArea(false), _gyroCalInProgress(false), _accelCalDownSideDone(false), _accelCalUpsideDownSideDone(false), _accelCalLeftSideDone(false), _accelCalRightSideDone(false), _accelCalNoseDownSideDone(false), _accelCalTailDownSideDone(false), _accelCalDownSideInProgress(false), _accelCalUpsideDownSideInProgress(false), _accelCalLeftSideInProgress(false), _accelCalRightSideInProgress(false), _accelCalNoseDownSideInProgress(false), _accelCalTailDownSideInProgress(false), _textLoggingStarted(false), _autopilot(autopilot) { Q_ASSERT(autopilot); } /// Appends the specified text to the status log area in the ui void SensorsComponentController::_appendStatusLog(const QString& text) { Q_ASSERT(_statusLog); QVariant returnedValue; QVariant varText = text; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_statusLog, "append", Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, returnedValue), Q_ARG(QVariant, varText)); } void SensorsComponentController::_startCalibration(void) { _beginTextLogging(); _hideAllCalAreas(); _compassButton->setEnabled(false); _gyroButton->setEnabled(false); _accelButton->setEnabled(false); _airspeedButton->setEnabled(false); } void SensorsComponentController::_stopCalibration(bool failed) { _compassButton->setEnabled(true); _gyroButton->setEnabled(true); _accelButton->setEnabled(true); _airspeedButton->setEnabled(true); _progressBar->setProperty("value", failed ? 0 : 1); _updateAndEmitGyroCalInProgress(false); _refreshParams(); if (failed) { QGCMessageBox::warning("Calibration", "Calibration failed. Calibration log will be displayed."); _hideAllCalAreas(); } } void SensorsComponentController::calibrateGyro(void) { _startCalibration(); UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); uas->executeCommand(MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, 1, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0); } void SensorsComponentController::calibrateCompass(void) { _startCalibration(); UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); uas->executeCommand(MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, 1, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0); } void SensorsComponentController::calibrateAccel(void) { _startCalibration(); UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); uas->executeCommand(MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0); } void SensorsComponentController::calibrateAirspeed(void) { _startCalibration(); UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); uas->executeCommand(MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0); } void SensorsComponentController::_beginTextLogging(void) { if (!_textLoggingStarted) { _textLoggingStarted = true; UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); connect(uas, &UASInterface::textMessageReceived, this, &SensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage); } } void SensorsComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId, int severity, QString text) { QString startingSidePrefix("Hold still, starting to measure "); QString sideDoneSuffix(" side done, rotate to a different side"); Q_UNUSED(compId); Q_UNUSED(severity); UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); if (uasId != uas->getUASID()) { return; } QStringList ignorePrefixList; ignorePrefixList << "[cmd]" << "[mavlink pm]" << "[ekf check]" << "[pm]" << "[inav]" << "IN AIR MODE" << "LANDED MODE"; foreach (QString ignorePrefix, ignorePrefixList) { if (text.startsWith(ignorePrefix)) { return; } } if (text.contains("progress <")) { QString percent = text.split("<").last().split(">").first(); bool ok; int p = percent.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { Q_ASSERT(_progressBar); _progressBar->setProperty("value", (float)(p / 100.0)); } return; } _appendStatusLog(text); if (text == "gyro calibration: started") { _updateAndEmitShowGyroCalArea(true); _updateAndEmitGyroCalInProgress(true); } else if (text == "accel calibration: started") { _accelCalDownSideDone = false; _accelCalUpsideDownSideDone = false; _accelCalLeftSideDone = false; _accelCalRightSideDone = false; _accelCalTailDownSideDone = false; _accelCalNoseDownSideDone = false; _accelCalDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalUpsideDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalLeftSideInProgress = false; _accelCalRightSideInProgress = false; _accelCalNoseDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalTailDownSideInProgress = false; emit accelCalSidesDoneChanged(); emit accelCalSidesInProgressChanged(); _updateAndEmitShowAccelCalArea(true); } else if (text.startsWith(startingSidePrefix)) { QString side = text.right(text.length() - startingSidePrefix.length()).section(" ", 0, 0); qDebug() << "Side started" << side; if (side == "down") { _accelCalDownSideInProgress = true; } else if (side == "up") { _accelCalUpsideDownSideInProgress = true; } else if (side == "left") { _accelCalLeftSideInProgress = true; } else if (side == "right") { _accelCalRightSideInProgress = true; } else if (side == "front") { _accelCalNoseDownSideInProgress = true; } else if (side == "back") { _accelCalTailDownSideInProgress = true; } emit accelCalSidesInProgressChanged(); } else if (text.endsWith(sideDoneSuffix)) { QString side = text.section(" ", 0, 0); qDebug() << "Side finished" << side; if (side == "down") { _accelCalDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalDownSideDone = true; } else if (side == "up") { _accelCalUpsideDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalUpsideDownSideDone = true; } else if (side == "left") { _accelCalLeftSideInProgress = false; _accelCalLeftSideDone = true; } else if (side == "right") { _accelCalRightSideInProgress = false; _accelCalRightSideDone = true; } else if (side == "front") { _accelCalNoseDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalNoseDownSideDone = true; } else if (side == "back") { _accelCalTailDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalTailDownSideDone = true; } emit accelCalSidesInProgressChanged(); emit accelCalSidesDoneChanged(); } else if (text == "accel calibration: done") { _progressBar->setProperty("value", 1); _accelCalDownSideDone = true; _accelCalUpsideDownSideDone = true; _accelCalLeftSideDone = true; _accelCalRightSideDone = true; _accelCalTailDownSideDone = true; _accelCalNoseDownSideDone = true; _accelCalDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalUpsideDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalLeftSideInProgress = false; _accelCalRightSideInProgress = false; _accelCalNoseDownSideInProgress = false; _accelCalTailDownSideInProgress = false; emit accelCalSidesDoneChanged(); emit accelCalSidesInProgressChanged(); _stopCalibration(false /* success */); } else if (text == "gyro calibration: done") { _stopCalibration(false /* success */); } else if (text == "mag calibration: done" || text == "dpress calibration: done") { _stopCalibration(false /* success */); } else if (text.endsWith(" calibration: failed")) { _stopCalibration(true /* failed */); } } void SensorsComponentController::_refreshParams(void) { _autopilot->refreshParameter("CAL_MAG0_ID"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("CAL_GYRO0_ID"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("CAL_ACC0_ID"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("SENS_DPRES_OFF"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("CAL_MAG0_ROT"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("CAL_MAG1_ROT"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("CAL_MAG2_ROT"); _autopilot->refreshParameter("SENS_BOARD_ROT"); } bool SensorsComponentController::fixedWing(void) { UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); return uas->getSystemType() == MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING; } void SensorsComponentController::_updateAndEmitGyroCalInProgress(bool inProgress) { _gyroCalInProgress = inProgress; emit gyroCalInProgressChanged(); } void SensorsComponentController::_updateAndEmitShowGyroCalArea(bool show) { _showGyroCalArea = show; emit showGyroCalAreaChanged(); } void SensorsComponentController::_updateAndEmitShowAccelCalArea(bool show) { _showAccelCalArea = show; emit showAccelCalAreaChanged(); } void SensorsComponentController::_hideAllCalAreas(void) { _updateAndEmitShowGyroCalArea(false); _updateAndEmitShowAccelCalArea(false); }