/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ // vim: expandtab #include #include "qwt_plot.h" #include "qwt_plot_grid.h" #include "qwt_plot_curve.h" #include "qwt_plot_marker.h" #include "qwt_symbol.h" #include "qwt_legend.h" #include "qwt_legend_item.h" #include "qwt_scale_widget.h" #include "qwt_text_label.h" #include "qwt_plot_printfilter.h" #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 typedef QColorGroup Palette; #else typedef QPalette Palette; #endif class QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrivateData { public: PrivateData(): options(QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrintAll), cache(NULL) { } ~PrivateData() { delete cache; } class Cache { public: QColor titleColor; QFont titleFont; QwtText scaleTitle[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; QColor scaleColor[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; QFont scaleFont[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; QColor scaleTitleColor[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; QFont scaleTitleFont[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; QMap legendFonts; QColor widgetBackground; QColor canvasBackground; QColor gridColors[2]; QMap curveColors; QMap curveSymbolBrushColors; QMap curveSymbolPenColors; QMap markerFonts; QMap markerLabelColors; QMap markerLineColors; QMap markerSymbolBrushColors; QMap markerSymbolPenColors; }; int options; mutable Cache *cache; }; /*! Sets filter options to PrintAll */ QwtPlotPrintFilter::QwtPlotPrintFilter() { d_data = new PrivateData; } //! Destructor QwtPlotPrintFilter::~QwtPlotPrintFilter() { delete d_data; } /*! \brief Set plot print options \param options Or'd QwtPlotPrintFilter::Options values \sa options() */ void QwtPlotPrintFilter::setOptions(int options) { d_data->options = options; } /*! \brief Get plot print options \sa setOptions() */ int QwtPlotPrintFilter::options() const { return d_data->options; } /*! \brief Modifies a color for printing \param c Color to be modified \param item Type of item where the color belongs \return Modified color. In case of !(QwtPlotPrintFilter::options() & PrintBackground) MajorGrid is modified to Qt::darkGray, MinorGrid to Qt::gray. All other colors are returned unmodified. */ QColor QwtPlotPrintFilter::color(const QColor &c, Item item) const { if ( !(options() & PrintBackground)) { switch(item) { case MajorGrid: return Qt::darkGray; case MinorGrid: return Qt::gray; default:; } } return c; } /*! \brief Modifies a font for printing \param f Font to be modified \param item Type of item where the font belongs All fonts are returned unmodified */ QFont QwtPlotPrintFilter::font(const QFont &f, Item) const { return f; } /*! Change color and fonts of a plot \sa apply */ void QwtPlotPrintFilter::apply(QwtPlot *plot) const { const bool doAutoReplot = plot->autoReplot(); plot->setAutoReplot(false); delete d_data->cache; d_data->cache = new PrivateData::Cache; PrivateData::Cache &cache = *d_data->cache; if ( plot->titleLabel() ) { QPalette palette = plot->titleLabel()->palette(); cache.titleColor = palette.color( QPalette::Active, Palette::Text); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, Palette::Text, color(cache.titleColor, Title)); plot->titleLabel()->setPalette(palette); cache.titleFont = plot->titleLabel()->font(); plot->titleLabel()->setFont(font(cache.titleFont, Title)); } if ( plot->legend() ) { #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 QValueList list = plot->legend()->legendItems(); for ( QValueListIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) #else QList list = plot->legend()->legendItems(); for ( QList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) #endif { QWidget *w = *it; cache.legendFonts.insert(w, w->font()); w->setFont(font(w->font(), Legend)); if ( w->inherits("QwtLegendItem") ) { QwtLegendItem *label = (QwtLegendItem *)w; QwtSymbol symbol = label->symbol(); QPen pen = symbol.pen(); QBrush brush = symbol.brush(); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), CurveSymbol)); brush.setColor(color(brush.color(), CurveSymbol)); symbol.setPen(pen); symbol.setBrush(brush); label->setSymbol(symbol); pen = label->curvePen(); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), Curve)); label->setCurvePen(pen); } } } for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) { QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget(axis); if ( scaleWidget ) { cache.scaleColor[axis] = scaleWidget->palette().color( QPalette::Active, Palette::Foreground); QPalette palette = scaleWidget->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, Palette::Foreground, color(cache.scaleColor[axis], AxisScale)); scaleWidget->setPalette(palette); cache.scaleFont[axis] = scaleWidget->font(); scaleWidget->setFont(font(cache.scaleFont[axis], AxisScale)); cache.scaleTitle[axis] = scaleWidget->title(); QwtText scaleTitle = scaleWidget->title(); if ( scaleTitle.testPaintAttribute(QwtText::PaintUsingTextColor) ) { cache.scaleTitleColor[axis] = scaleTitle.color(); scaleTitle.setColor( color(cache.scaleTitleColor[axis], AxisTitle)); } if ( scaleTitle.testPaintAttribute(QwtText::PaintUsingTextFont) ) { cache.scaleTitleFont[axis] = scaleTitle.font(); scaleTitle.setFont( font(cache.scaleTitleFont[axis], AxisTitle)); } scaleWidget->setTitle(scaleTitle); int startDist, endDist; scaleWidget->getBorderDistHint(startDist, endDist); scaleWidget->setBorderDist(startDist, endDist); } } QPalette p = plot->palette(); cache.widgetBackground = plot->palette().color( QPalette::Active, Palette::Background); p.setColor(QPalette::Active, Palette::Background, color(cache.widgetBackground, WidgetBackground)); plot->setPalette(p); cache.canvasBackground = plot->canvasBackground(); plot->setCanvasBackground(color(cache.canvasBackground, CanvasBackground)); const QwtPlotItemList& itmList = plot->itemList(); for ( QwtPlotItemIterator it = itmList.begin(); it != itmList.end(); ++it ) { apply(*it); } plot->setAutoReplot(doAutoReplot); } void QwtPlotPrintFilter::apply(QwtPlotItem *item) const { PrivateData::Cache &cache = *d_data->cache; switch(item->rtti()) { case QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid: { QwtPlotGrid *grid = (QwtPlotGrid *)item; QPen pen = grid->majPen(); cache.gridColors[0] = pen.color(); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), MajorGrid)); grid->setMajPen(pen); pen = grid->minPen(); cache.gridColors[1] = pen.color(); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), MinorGrid)); grid->setMinPen(pen); break; } case QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve: { QwtPlotCurve *c = (QwtPlotCurve *)item; QwtSymbol symbol = c->symbol(); QPen pen = symbol.pen(); cache.curveSymbolPenColors.insert(c, pen.color()); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), CurveSymbol)); symbol.setPen(pen); QBrush brush = symbol.brush(); cache.curveSymbolBrushColors.insert(c, brush.color()); brush.setColor(color(brush.color(), CurveSymbol)); symbol.setBrush(brush); c->setSymbol(symbol); pen = c->pen(); cache.curveColors.insert(c, pen.color()); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), Curve)); c->setPen(pen); break; } case QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotMarker: { QwtPlotMarker *m = (QwtPlotMarker *)item; QwtText label = m->label(); cache.markerFonts.insert(m, label.font()); label.setFont(font(label.font(), Marker)); cache.markerLabelColors.insert(m, label.color()); label.setColor(color(label.color(), Marker)); m->setLabel(label); QPen pen = m->linePen(); cache.markerLineColors.insert(m, pen.color()); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), Marker)); m->setLinePen(pen); QwtSymbol symbol = m->symbol(); pen = symbol.pen(); cache.markerSymbolPenColors.insert(m, pen.color()); pen.setColor(color(pen.color(), MarkerSymbol)); symbol.setPen(pen); QBrush brush = symbol.brush(); cache.markerSymbolBrushColors.insert(m, brush.color()); brush.setColor(color(brush.color(), MarkerSymbol)); symbol.setBrush(brush); m->setSymbol(symbol); break; } default: break; } } /*! Reset color and fonts of a plot \sa apply */ void QwtPlotPrintFilter::reset(QwtPlot *plot) const { if ( d_data->cache == 0 ) return; const bool doAutoReplot = plot->autoReplot(); plot->setAutoReplot(false); const PrivateData::Cache &cache = *d_data->cache; if ( plot->titleLabel() ) { QwtTextLabel* title = plot->titleLabel(); if ( title->text().testPaintAttribute(QwtText::PaintUsingTextFont) ) { QwtText text = title->text(); text.setColor(cache.titleColor); title->setText(text); } else { QPalette palette = title->palette(); palette.setColor( QPalette::Active, Palette::Text, cache.titleColor); title->setPalette(palette); } if ( title->text().testPaintAttribute(QwtText::PaintUsingTextFont) ) { QwtText text = title->text(); text.setFont(cache.titleFont); title->setText(text); } else { title->setFont(cache.titleFont); } } if ( plot->legend() ) { #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 QValueList list = plot->legend()->legendItems(); for ( QValueListIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) #else QList list = plot->legend()->legendItems(); for ( QList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) #endif { QWidget *w = *it; if ( cache.legendFonts.contains(w) ) w->setFont(cache.legendFonts[w]); if ( w->inherits("QwtLegendItem") ) { QwtLegendItem *label = (QwtLegendItem *)w; const QwtPlotItem *plotItem = (const QwtPlotItem*)plot->legend()->find(label); QwtSymbol symbol = label->symbol(); if ( cache.curveSymbolPenColors.contains(plotItem) ) { QPen pen = symbol.pen(); pen.setColor(cache.curveSymbolPenColors[plotItem]); symbol.setPen(pen); } if ( cache.curveSymbolBrushColors.contains(plotItem) ) { QBrush brush = symbol.brush(); brush.setColor(cache.curveSymbolBrushColors[plotItem]); symbol.setBrush(brush); } label->setSymbol(symbol); if ( cache.curveColors.contains(plotItem) ) { QPen pen = label->curvePen(); pen.setColor(cache.curveColors[plotItem]); label->setCurvePen(pen); } } } } for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) { QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget(axis); if ( scaleWidget ) { QPalette palette = scaleWidget->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, Palette::Foreground, cache.scaleColor[axis]); scaleWidget->setPalette(palette); scaleWidget->setFont(cache.scaleFont[axis]); scaleWidget->setTitle(cache.scaleTitle[axis]); int startDist, endDist; scaleWidget->getBorderDistHint(startDist, endDist); scaleWidget->setBorderDist(startDist, endDist); } } QPalette p = plot->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Active, Palette::Background, cache.widgetBackground); plot->setPalette(p); plot->setCanvasBackground(cache.canvasBackground); const QwtPlotItemList& itmList = plot->itemList(); for ( QwtPlotItemIterator it = itmList.begin(); it != itmList.end(); ++it ) { reset(*it); } delete d_data->cache; d_data->cache = 0; plot->setAutoReplot(doAutoReplot); } void QwtPlotPrintFilter::reset(QwtPlotItem *item) const { if ( d_data->cache == 0 ) return; const PrivateData::Cache &cache = *d_data->cache; switch(item->rtti()) { case QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid: { QwtPlotGrid *grid = (QwtPlotGrid *)item; QPen pen = grid->majPen(); pen.setColor(cache.gridColors[0]); grid->setMajPen(pen); pen = grid->minPen(); pen.setColor(cache.gridColors[1]); grid->setMinPen(pen); break; } case QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve: { QwtPlotCurve *c = (QwtPlotCurve *)item; QwtSymbol symbol = c->symbol(); if ( cache.curveSymbolPenColors.contains(c) ) { symbol.setPen(cache.curveSymbolPenColors[c]); } if ( cache.curveSymbolBrushColors.contains(c) ) { QBrush brush = symbol.brush(); brush.setColor(cache.curveSymbolBrushColors[c]); symbol.setBrush(brush); } c->setSymbol(symbol); if ( cache.curveColors.contains(c) ) { QPen pen = c->pen(); pen.setColor(cache.curveColors[c]); c->setPen(pen); } break; } case QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotMarker: { QwtPlotMarker *m = (QwtPlotMarker *)item; if ( cache.markerFonts.contains(m) ) { QwtText label = m->label(); label.setFont(cache.markerFonts[m]); m->setLabel(label); } if ( cache.markerLabelColors.contains(m) ) { QwtText label = m->label(); label.setColor(cache.markerLabelColors[m]); m->setLabel(label); } if ( cache.markerLineColors.contains(m) ) { QPen pen = m->linePen(); pen.setColor(cache.markerLineColors[m]); m->setLinePen(pen); } QwtSymbol symbol = m->symbol(); if ( cache.markerSymbolPenColors.contains(m) ) { QPen pen = symbol.pen(); pen.setColor(cache.markerSymbolPenColors[m]); symbol.setPen(pen); } if ( cache.markerSymbolBrushColors.contains(m) ) { QBrush brush = symbol.brush(); brush.setColor(cache.markerSymbolBrushColors[m]); symbol.setBrush(brush); } m->setSymbol(symbol); break; } default: break; } }