# AirMap Monitor Service {#monitord} The AirMap monitor service monitors the state of vehicles and takes action based on changes to this state: - when the state of a vehicle changes to active: - create a flight with the AirMap services - start flight communications - transmit telemetry updates to AirMap - receive updates for manned and unmanned aerial traffic relevant to a flight - when the state of a vehicle changes to inactive: - stop flight communications - end flight The daemon exposes its functionality via a gRPC interface (see `${AIRMAPD_ROOT}/interfaces/grpc/airmap/monitor/monitor.proto`). Client applications can either rely on the C++-API avaiable in `${AIRMAPD_ROOT}/include/airmap/monitor/client.h` or rely on the gRPC ecosystem to easily connect to the daemon in their choice of language and runtime. Please see `${AIRMAPD_ROOT/examples/monitor/client.cpp` for an example of using the C++-API. The following diagram summarizes the overall setup: ![monitord](doc/images/monitord.png) # Service Configuration The service is executed with the following command: ``` $ airmap daemon ``` Please note that the service needs exactly one MavLink endpoint to be configured on the command line. The following endpoint types are supported: - TCP: Provide `--tcp-endpoint-ip=IP` and `--tcp-endpoint-port=PORT` to `airmap daemon`. - UDP: Provide `--udp-endpoint-port=PORT` to `airmap daemon`. - Serial: Provide `--serial-device=PATH/TO/DEVICE` to `airmap daemon`. The gRPC endpoint exported by the service can be specified with `--grpc-endpoint=ENDPOINT`, defaulting to ``. The overall daemon configuration for accessing the AirMap services can be specified with `--config-file=PATH/TO/CONFIG/FILE`. By default, the config file is expected in `~/.config/airmap/production/config.json`.