#!/usr/bin/env python import os import json from xml.dom.minidom import parse import xml.dom.minidom import codecs import sys qgcFileTypeKey = "fileType" translateKeysKey = "translateKeys" arrayIDKeysKey = "arrayIDKeys" disambiguationPrefix = "#loc.disambiguation#" def parseJsonObjectForTranslateKeys(jsonObjectHierarchy, jsonObject, translateKeys, arrayIDKeys, locStringDict): for translateKey in translateKeys: if (translateKey in jsonObject): locStr = jsonObject[translateKey] currentHierarchy = jsonObjectHierarchy + "." + translateKey if locStr in locStringDict: # Duplicate of an existing string locStringDict[locStr].append(currentHierarchy) else: # First time we are seeing this string locStringDict[locStr] = [ currentHierarchy ] for key in jsonObject: currentHierarchy = jsonObjectHierarchy + "." + key if (type(jsonObject[key]) == type({})): parseJsonObjectForTranslateKeys(currentHierarchy, jsonObject[key], translateKeys,arrayIDKeys, locStringDict) elif (type(jsonObject[key]) == type([])): parseJsonArrayForTranslateKeys(currentHierarchy, jsonObject[key], translateKeys, arrayIDKeys, locStringDict) def parseJsonArrayForTranslateKeys(jsonObjectHierarchy, jsonArray, translateKeys, arrayIDKeys, locStringDict): for index in range(0, len(jsonArray)): jsonObject = jsonArray[index] arrayIndexStr = str(index) for arrayIDKey in arrayIDKeys: if arrayIDKey in jsonObject.keys(): arrayIndexStr = jsonObject[arrayIDKey] break currentHierarchy = jsonObjectHierarchy + "[" + arrayIndexStr + "]" parseJsonObjectForTranslateKeys(currentHierarchy, jsonObject, translateKeys, arrayIDKeys, locStringDict) def addLocKeysBasedOnQGCFileType(jsonPath, jsonDict): # Instead of having to add the same keys over and over again in a pile of files we add them here automatically based on file type if qgcFileTypeKey in jsonDict: qgcFileType = jsonDict[qgcFileTypeKey] translateKeyValue = "" arrayIDKeysKeyValue = "" if qgcFileType == "MavCmdInfo": translateKeyValue = "label,enumStrings,friendlyName,description,category" arrayIDKeysKeyValue = "rawName,comment" elif qgcFileType == "FactMetaData": translateKeyValue = "shortDescription,longDescription,enumStrings" arrayIDKeysKeyValue = "name" if translateKeysKey not in jsonDict and translateKeyValue != "": jsonDict[translateKeysKey] = translateKeyValue if arrayIDKeysKey not in jsonDict and arrayIDKeysKeyValue != "": jsonDict[arrayIDKeysKey] = arrayIDKeysKeyValue def parseJson(jsonPath, locStringDict): jsonFile = open(jsonPath) jsonDict = json.load(jsonFile) if (type(jsonDict) != type({})): return addLocKeysBasedOnQGCFileType(jsonPath, jsonDict) if (not translateKeysKey in jsonDict): return translateKeys = jsonDict[translateKeysKey].split(",") arrayIDKeys = jsonDict.get(arrayIDKeysKey, "").split(",") parseJsonObjectForTranslateKeys("", jsonDict, translateKeys, arrayIDKeys, locStringDict) def walkDirectoryTreeForJsonFiles(dir, multiFileLocArray): for filename in os.listdir(dir): path = os.path.join(dir, filename) if (os.path.isfile(path) and filename.endswith(".json")): #print "json",path singleFileLocStringDict = {} parseJson(path, singleFileLocStringDict) if len(singleFileLocStringDict.keys()): # Check for duplicate file names for entry in multiFileLocArray: if entry[0] == filename: print "Error: Duplicate filenames: %s paths: %s %s" % (filename, path, entry[1]) sys.exit(1) multiFileLocArray.append([filename, path, singleFileLocStringDict]) if (os.path.isdir(path)): walkDirectoryTreeForJsonFiles(path, multiFileLocArray) def writeJsonTSFile(multiFileLocArray): jsonTSFile = codecs.open('qgc-json.ts', 'w', "utf-8") for entry in multiFileLocArray: jsonTSFile.write("\n") jsonTSFile.write(" %s\n" % entry[0]) singleFileLocStringDict = entry[2] for locStr in singleFileLocStringDict.keys(): disambiguation = "" if locStr.startswith(disambiguationPrefix): workStr = locStr[len(disambiguationPrefix):] terminatorIndex = workStr.find("#") if terminatorIndex == -1: print "Bad disambiguation %1 '%2'" % (entry[0], locStr) sys.exit(1) disambiguation = workStr[:terminatorIndex] locStr = workStr[terminatorIndex+1:] jsonTSFile.write(" \n") if len(disambiguation): jsonTSFile.write(" %s\n" % disambiguation) extraCommentStr = "" for jsonHierachy in singleFileLocStringDict[locStr]: extraCommentStr += "%s, " % jsonHierachy jsonTSFile.write(" %s\n" % extraCommentStr) jsonTSFile.write(" \n" % entry[1]) jsonTSFile.write(unicode(" %s\n") % locStr) jsonTSFile.write(" \n") jsonTSFile.write(" \n") jsonTSFile.write("\n") jsonTSFile.write("\n") jsonTSFile.close() def main(): multiFileLocArray = [] walkDirectoryTreeForJsonFiles("../src", multiFileLocArray) writeJsonTSFile(multiFileLocArray) if __name__ == '__main__': main()