/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2011 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Definition of UDP connection (server) for unmanned vehicles * @see Flightgear Manual http://mapserver.flightgear.org/getstart.pdf * @author Lorenz Meier * @author Thomas Gubler * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QGCFlightGearLink.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "QGCFileDialog.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" // FlightGear _fgProcess start and connection is quite fragile. Uncomment the define below to get higher level of debug output // for tracking down problems. //#define DEBUG_FLIGHTGEAR_CONNECT QGCFlightGearLink::QGCFlightGearLink(UASInterface* mav, QString startupArguments, QString remoteHost, QHostAddress host, quint16 port) : flightGearVersion(3), startupArguments(startupArguments), _sensorHilEnabled(true), barometerOffsetkPa(0.0f), _udpCommSocket(NULL), _fgProcess(NULL) { // We're doing it wrong - because the Qt folks got the API wrong: // http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/ moveToThread(this); this->host = host; this->port = port+mav->getUASID(); this->connectState = false; this->currentPort = 49000+mav->getUASID(); this->mav = mav; this->name = tr("FlightGear 3.0+ Link (port:%1)").arg(port); setRemoteHost(remoteHost); // We need a mechanism so show error message from our FGLink thread on the UI thread. This signal connection will do that for us. connect(this, &QGCFlightGearLink::showCriticalMessageFromThread, qgcApp(), &QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread); } QGCFlightGearLink::~QGCFlightGearLink() { //do not disconnect unless it is connected. //disconnectSimulation will delete the memory that was allocated for proces, terraSync and _udpCommSocket if(connectState){ disconnectSimulation(); } } /// @brief Runs the simulation thread. We do setup work here which needs to happen in the seperate thread. void QGCFlightGearLink::run() { Q_ASSERT(mav); Q_ASSERT(!_fgProcessName.isEmpty()); // We communicate with FlightGear over a UDP _udpCommSocket _udpCommSocket = new QUdpSocket(this); Q_CHECK_PTR(_udpCommSocket); _udpCommSocket->moveToThread(this); _udpCommSocket->bind(host, port); QObject::connect(_udpCommSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readBytes())); // Connect to the various HIL signals that we use to then send information across the UDP protocol to FlightGear. connect(mav, SIGNAL(hilControlsChanged(quint64, float, float, float, float, quint8, quint8)), this, SLOT(updateControls(quint64,float,float,float,float,quint8,quint8))); connect(this, SIGNAL(hilStateChanged(quint64, float, float, float, float,float, float, double, double, double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)), mav, SLOT(sendHilState(quint64, float, float, float, float,float, float, double, double, double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float))); connect(this, SIGNAL(sensorHilGpsChanged(quint64, double, double, double, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int)), mav, SLOT(sendHilGps(quint64, double, double, double, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(sensorHilRawImuChanged(quint64,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,quint32)), mav, SLOT(sendHilSensors(quint64,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,quint32))); connect(this, SIGNAL(sensorHilOpticalFlowChanged(quint64, qint16, qint16, float,float, quint8, float)), mav, SLOT(sendHilOpticalFlow(quint64, qint16, qint16, float, float, quint8, float))); // Start a new QProcess to run FlightGear in _fgProcess = new QProcess(this); Q_CHECK_PTR(_fgProcess); _fgProcess->moveToThread(this); connect(_fgProcess, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError))); #ifdef DEBUG_FLIGHTGEAR_CONNECT connect(_fgProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(_printFgfsOutput())); connect(_fgProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(_printFgfsError())); #endif if (!_fgProcessWorkingDirPath.isEmpty()) { _fgProcess->setWorkingDirectory(_fgProcessWorkingDirPath); qDebug() << "Working directory" << _fgProcess->workingDirectory(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // On Windows we need to full qualify the location of the excecutable. The call to setWorkingDirectory only // sets the QProcess context, not the QProcess::start context. For some strange reason this is not the case on // OSX. QDir fgProcessFullyQualified(_fgProcessWorkingDirPath); _fgProcessName = fgProcessFullyQualified.absoluteFilePath(_fgProcessName); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FLIGHTGEAR_CONNECT qDebug() << "\nStarting FlightGear" << _fgProcessWorkingDirPath << _fgProcessName << _fgArgList << "\n"; #endif _fgProcess->start(_fgProcessName, _fgArgList); connectState = true; emit simulationConnected(connectState); emit simulationConnected(); exec(); } void QGCFlightGearLink::setPort(int port) { this->port = port; disconnectSimulation(); connectSimulation(); } void QGCFlightGearLink::processError(QProcess::ProcessError err) { switch(err) { case QProcess::FailedToStart: emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear Failed to Start"), _fgProcess->errorString()); break; case QProcess::Crashed: emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear Crashed"), tr("This is a FlightGear-related problem. Please upgrade FlightGear")); break; case QProcess::Timedout: emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear Start Timed Out"), tr("Please check if the path and command is correct")); break; case QProcess::WriteError: emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("Could not Communicate with FlightGear"), tr("Please check if the path and command is correct")); break; case QProcess::ReadError: emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("Could not Communicate with FlightGear"), tr("Please check if the path and command is correct")); break; case QProcess::UnknownError: default: emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear Error"), tr("Please check if the path and command is correct.")); break; } } /** * @param host Hostname in standard formatting, e.g. localhost:14551 or */ void QGCFlightGearLink::setRemoteHost(const QString& host) { if (host.contains(":")) { //qDebug() << "HOST: " << host.split(":").first(); QHostInfo info = QHostInfo::fromName(host.split(":").first()); if (info.error() == QHostInfo::NoError) { // Add host QList hostAddresses = info.addresses(); QHostAddress address; for (int i = 0; i < hostAddresses.size(); i++) { // Exclude loopback IPv4 and all IPv6 addresses if (!hostAddresses.at(i).toString().contains(":")) { address = hostAddresses.at(i); } } currentHost = address; //qDebug() << "Address:" << address.toString(); // Set port according to user input currentPort = host.split(":").last().toInt(); } } else { QHostInfo info = QHostInfo::fromName(host); if (info.error() == QHostInfo::NoError) { // Add host currentHost = info.addresses().first(); } } } void QGCFlightGearLink::updateActuators(quint64 time, float act1, float act2, float act3, float act4, float act5, float act6, float act7, float act8) { Q_UNUSED(time); Q_UNUSED(act1); Q_UNUSED(act2); Q_UNUSED(act3); Q_UNUSED(act4); Q_UNUSED(act5); Q_UNUSED(act6); Q_UNUSED(act7); Q_UNUSED(act8); } void QGCFlightGearLink::updateControls(quint64 time, float rollAilerons, float pitchElevator, float yawRudder, float throttle, quint8 systemMode, quint8 navMode) { // magnetos,aileron,elevator,rudder,throttle\n //float magnetos = 3.0f; Q_UNUSED(time); Q_UNUSED(systemMode); Q_UNUSED(navMode); if(!isnan(rollAilerons) && !isnan(pitchElevator) && !isnan(yawRudder) && !isnan(throttle)) { QString state("%1\t%2\t%3\t%4\t%5\n"); state = state.arg(rollAilerons).arg(pitchElevator).arg(yawRudder).arg(true).arg(throttle); writeBytes(state.toLatin1().constData(), state.length()); //qDebug() << "Updated controls" << rollAilerons << pitchElevator << yawRudder << throttle; //qDebug() << "Updated controls" << state; } else { qDebug() << "HIL: Got NaN values from the hardware: isnan output: roll: " << isnan(rollAilerons) << ", pitch: " << isnan(pitchElevator) << ", yaw: " << isnan(yawRudder) << ", throttle: " << isnan(throttle); } } void QGCFlightGearLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size) { //#define QGCFlightGearLink_DEBUG #ifdef QGCFlightGearLink_DEBUG QString bytes; QString ascii; for (int i=0; i 31 && data[i] < 127) { ascii.append(data[i]); } else { ascii.append(219); } } qDebug() << "Sent" << size << "bytes to" << currentHost.toString() << ":" << currentPort << "data:"; qDebug() << bytes; qDebug() << "ASCII:" << ascii; #endif if (connectState && _udpCommSocket) _udpCommSocket->writeDatagram(data, size, currentHost, currentPort); } /** * @brief Read a number of bytes from the interface. * * @param data Pointer to the data byte array to write the bytes to * @param maxLength The maximum number of bytes to write **/ void QGCFlightGearLink::readBytes() { const qint64 maxLength = 65536; char data[maxLength]; QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; unsigned int s = _udpCommSocket->pendingDatagramSize(); if (s > maxLength) std::cerr << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << " UDP datagram overflow, allowed to read less bytes than datagram size" << std::endl; _udpCommSocket->readDatagram(data, maxLength, &sender, &senderPort); QByteArray b(data, s); // Print string QString state(b); //qDebug() << "FG LINK GOT:" << state; QStringList values = state.split("\t"); // Check length const int nValues = 22; if (values.size() != nValues) { qDebug() << "RETURN LENGTH MISMATCHING EXPECTED" << nValues << "BUT GOT" << values.size(); qDebug() << state; emit showCriticalMessageFromThread(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Flight Gear protocol file '%1' is out of date. Quit QGroundControl. Delete the file and restart QGroundControl to fix.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified)); disconnectSimulation(); return; } // Parse string float roll, pitch, yaw, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed; double lat, lon, alt; float ind_airspeed; float true_airspeed; float vx, vy, vz, xacc, yacc, zacc; float diff_pressure; float temperature; float abs_pressure; float mag_variation, mag_dip, xmag_ned, ymag_ned, zmag_ned, xmag_body, ymag_body, zmag_body; float alt_agl; lat = values.at(1).toDouble(); lon = values.at(2).toDouble(); alt = values.at(3).toDouble(); roll = values.at(4).toFloat(); pitch = values.at(5).toFloat(); yaw = values.at(6).toFloat(); rollspeed = values.at(7).toFloat(); pitchspeed = values.at(8).toFloat(); yawspeed = values.at(9).toFloat(); xacc = values.at(10).toFloat(); yacc = values.at(11).toFloat(); zacc = values.at(12).toFloat(); vx = values.at(13).toFloat(); vy = values.at(14).toFloat(); vz = values.at(15).toFloat(); true_airspeed = values.at(16).toFloat(); mag_variation = values.at(17).toFloat(); mag_dip = values.at(18).toFloat(); temperature = values.at(19).toFloat(); abs_pressure = values.at(20).toFloat() * 1e2f; //convert to Pa from hPa abs_pressure += barometerOffsetkPa * 1e3f; //add offset, convert from kPa to Pa alt_agl = values.at(21).toFloat(); //calculate differential pressure const float air_gas_constant = 287.1f; // J/(kg * K) const float absolute_null_celsius = -273.15f; // °C float density = abs_pressure / (air_gas_constant * (temperature - absolute_null_celsius)); diff_pressure = true_airspeed * true_airspeed * density / 2.0f; //qDebug() << "diff_pressure: " << diff_pressure << "abs_pressure: " << abs_pressure; /* Calculate indicated airspeed */ const float air_density_sea_level_15C = 1.225f; //kg/m^3 if (diff_pressure > 0) { ind_airspeed = sqrtf((2.0f*diff_pressure) / air_density_sea_level_15C); } else { ind_airspeed = -sqrtf((2.0f*fabsf(diff_pressure)) / air_density_sea_level_15C); } //qDebug() << "ind_airspeed: " << ind_airspeed << "true_airspeed: " << true_airspeed; // Send updated state //qDebug() << "sensorHilEnabled: " << sensorHilEnabled; if (_sensorHilEnabled) { quint16 fields_changed = 0xFFF; //set all 12 used bits float pressure_alt = alt; xmag_ned = cosf(mag_variation); ymag_ned = sinf(mag_variation); zmag_ned = sinf(mag_dip); float tempMagLength = sqrtf(xmag_ned*xmag_ned + ymag_ned*ymag_ned + zmag_ned*zmag_ned); xmag_ned = xmag_ned / tempMagLength; ymag_ned = ymag_ned / tempMagLength; zmag_ned = zmag_ned / tempMagLength; //transform magnetic measurement to body frame coordinates double cosPhi = cos(roll); double sinPhi = sin(roll); double cosThe = cos(pitch); double sinThe = sin(pitch); double cosPsi = cos(yaw); double sinPsi = sin(yaw); float R_B_N[3][3]; R_B_N[0][0] = cosThe * cosPsi; R_B_N[0][1] = -cosPhi * sinPsi + sinPhi * sinThe * cosPsi; R_B_N[0][2] = sinPhi * sinPsi + cosPhi * sinThe * cosPsi; R_B_N[1][0] = cosThe * sinPsi; R_B_N[1][1] = cosPhi * cosPsi + sinPhi * sinThe * sinPsi; R_B_N[1][2] = -sinPhi * cosPsi + cosPhi * sinThe * sinPsi; R_B_N[2][0] = -sinThe; R_B_N[2][1] = sinPhi * cosThe; R_B_N[2][2] = cosPhi * cosThe; Eigen::Matrix3f R_B_N_M = Eigen::Map((float*)R_B_N).eval(); Eigen::Vector3f mag_ned(xmag_ned, ymag_ned, zmag_ned); Eigen::Vector3f mag_body = R_B_N_M * mag_ned; xmag_body = mag_body(0); ymag_body = mag_body(1); zmag_body = mag_body(2); emit sensorHilRawImuChanged(QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), xacc, yacc, zacc, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed, xmag_body, ymag_body, zmag_body, abs_pressure*1e-2f, diff_pressure*1e-2f, pressure_alt, temperature, fields_changed); //Pressure in hPa for mavlink // qDebug() << "sensorHilRawImuChanged " << xacc << yacc << zacc << rollspeed << pitchspeed << yawspeed << xmag << ymag << zmag << abs_pressure << diff_pressure << pressure_alt << temperature; int gps_fix_type = 3; float eph = 0.3f; float epv = 0.6f; float vel = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz); float cog = yaw; int satellites = 8; emit sensorHilGpsChanged(QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), lat, lon, alt, gps_fix_type, eph, epv, vel, vx, vy, vz, cog, satellites); // qDebug() << "sensorHilGpsChanged " << lat << lon << alt << vel; // Send Optical Flow message. For now we set the flow quality to 0 and just write the ground_distance field float distanceMeasurement = -1.0; // -1 means invalid value if (fabsf(roll) < 0.87 && fabsf(pitch) < 0.87) // return a valid value only for decent angles { distanceMeasurement = fabsf((float)(1.0/cosPhi * 1.0/cosThe * alt_agl)); // assuming planar ground } emit sensorHilOpticalFlowChanged(QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), 0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, distanceMeasurement); } else { emit hilStateChanged(QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), roll, pitch, yaw, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed, lat, lon, alt, vx, vy, vz, ind_airspeed, true_airspeed, xacc, yacc, zacc); //qDebug() << "hilStateChanged " << (qint32)lat << (qint32)lon << (qint32)alt; } // // Echo data for debugging purposes // std::cerr << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "Received datagram:" << std::endl; // int i; // for (i=0; ipendingDatagramSize(); } /** * @brief Disconnect the connection. * * @return True if connection has been disconnected, false if connection couldn't be disconnected. **/ bool QGCFlightGearLink::disconnectSimulation() { disconnect(_fgProcess, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError))); disconnect(mav, SIGNAL(hilControlsChanged(quint64, float, float, float, float, quint8, quint8)), this, SLOT(updateControls(quint64,float,float,float,float,quint8,quint8))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(hilStateChanged(quint64, float, float, float, float,float, float, double, double, double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)), mav, SLOT(sendHilState(quint64, float, float, float, float,float, float, double, double, double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sensorHilGpsChanged(quint64, double, double, double, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int)), mav, SLOT(sendHilGps(quint64, double, double, double, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sensorHilRawImuChanged(quint64,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,quint32)), mav, SLOT(sendHilSensors(quint64,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,quint32))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sensorHilOpticalFlowChanged(quint64, qint16, qint16, float,float, quint8, float)), mav, SLOT(sendHilOpticalFlow(quint64, qint16, qint16, float, float, quint8, float))); if (_fgProcess) { _fgProcess->close(); delete _fgProcess; _fgProcess = NULL; } if (_udpCommSocket) { _udpCommSocket->close(); delete _udpCommSocket; _udpCommSocket = NULL; } connectState = false; emit simulationDisconnected(); emit simulationConnected(false); // Exit the thread quit(); return !connectState; } /// @brief Splits a space seperated set of command line arguments into a QStringList. /// Quoted strings are allowed and handled correctly. /// @param uiArgs Arguments to parse /// @param argList Returned argument list /// @return Returns false if the argument list has mistmatced quotes within in. bool QGCFlightGearLink::parseUIArguments(QString uiArgs, QStringList& argList) { // FYI: The only reason this routine is public is so that we can reference it from a unit test. // This is not as easy as it seams since some options can be quoted to preserve spaces within things like // directories. There is likely some crazed regular expression which can do this. But after trying that // route I gave up and instead here is the code which does it the hard way. Another thing to be aware of // is that the QStringList passed to QProces::start is similar to what you would get in argv after the // command line is processed. This means that quoted strings have the quotes removed before making it to argv. bool inQuotedString = false; bool previousSpace = false; QString currentArg; for (int i=0; i as an additional command line parameter from ui."); } QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), errMsg); return false; } if (!fgRootDirOverride) { _fgArgList += "--fg-root=" + fgRootPath; } // Add --fg-scenery command line arg. If --fg-scenery is specified from the ui we use that instead. // On Windows --fg-scenery is required on the command line otherwise FlightGear won't boot. fgSceneryDirOverride = _findUIArgument(_fgArgList, "--fg-scenery", argValue); if (fgSceneryDirOverride) { fgSceneryPath = argValue; qDebug() << "--fg-scenery override" << argValue; } else if (!fgSceneryPath.isEmpty()) { _fgArgList += "--fg-scenery=" + fgSceneryPath; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // Windows won't start without an --fg-scenery set. We don't validate the directory in the path since // it can be multiple paths. if (fgSceneryPath.isEmpty()) { QString errMsg; if (fgSceneryDirOverride) { errMsg = tr("--fg-scenery directory specified from ui option not found: %1").arg(fgSceneryPath); } else { errMsg = tr("Unable to automatically determine --fg-scenery directory location. You will need to specify --fg-scenery=directory as an additional command line parameter from ui."); } QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), errMsg); return false; } #else Q_UNUSED(fgSceneryDirOverride); #endif // Setup and verify directory which contains QGC provided aircraft files QString qgcAircraftDir(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/flightgear/Aircraft"); if (!QFileInfo(qgcAircraftDir).isDir()) { QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect QGroundControl installation. Aircraft directory is missing: '%1'.").arg(qgcAircraftDir)); return false; } _fgArgList += "--fg-aircraft=" + qgcAircraftDir; // Setup protocol we will be using to communicate with FlightGear QString fgProtocol(mav->getSystemType() == MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR ? "qgroundcontrol-quadrotor" : "qgroundcontrol-fixed-wing"); QString fgProtocolArg("--generic=socket,%1,300,,%2,udp,%3"); _fgArgList << fgProtocolArg.arg("out").arg(port).arg(fgProtocol); _fgArgList << fgProtocolArg.arg("in").arg(currentPort).arg(fgProtocol); // Verify directory where FlightGear stores communicaton protocols. QDir fgProtocolDir(fgRootPath); if (!fgProtocolDir.cd("Protocol")) { QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect FlightGear setup. Protocol directory is missing: '%1'. Command line parameter for --fg-root may be set incorrectly.").arg(fgProtocolDir.path())); return false; } // Verify directory which contains QGC provided FlightGear communication protocol files QDir qgcProtocolDir(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/flightgear/Protocol/"); if (!qgcProtocolDir.isReadable()) { QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect QGroundControl installation. Protocol directory is missing (%1).").arg(qgcProtocolDir.path())); return false; } // Make sure we can find the communication protocol file in QGC install QString fgProtocolXmlFile = fgProtocol + ".xml"; QString qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified = qgcProtocolDir.absoluteFilePath(fgProtocolXmlFile); if (!QFileInfo(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) { QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Incorrect QGroundControl installation. FlightGear protocol file missing: %1").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified)); return false; } // Communication protocol must be in FlightGear protocol directory. There does not appear to be any way // around this by specifying something on the FlightGear command line. FG code does direct append // of protocol xml file to $FG_ROOT and $FG_ROOT only allows a single directory to be specified. _fgProtocolFileFullyQualified = fgProtocolDir.absoluteFilePath(fgProtocolXmlFile); if (QFileInfo(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) { // Verify that the file is current by comparing it against the one in QGC QFile fgFile(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified); QFile qgcFile(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified); if (!fgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) || !qgcFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Unable to verify that protocol file %1 is current. " "If file is out of date, you may experience problems. " "Safest approach is to delete the file manually and allow QGroundControl install the latest file.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified)); } QByteArray fgBytes = fgFile.readAll(); QByteArray qgcBytes = qgcFile.readAll(); fgFile.close(); qgcFile.close(); if (fgBytes != qgcBytes) { QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("FlightGear protocol file %1 is out of date. It will be deleted, which will cause QGroundControl to install the latest version of the file.").arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified)); if (!QFile::remove(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified)) { QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("FlightGear HIL"), tr("Delete of protocol file failed. You will have to manually delete the file.")); return false; } } } if (!QFileInfo(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified).exists()) { QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("FlightGear Failed to Start"), tr("FlightGear Failed to Start. QGroundControl protocol (%1) not installed to FlightGear Protocol directory (%2)").arg(fgProtocolXmlFile).arg(fgProtocolDir.path()), QMessageBox::Cancel, MainWindow::instance()); msgBox.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); msgBox.addButton(tr("Fix it for me"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Cancel) { return false; } // Now that we made it this far, we should be able to try to copy the protocol file to FlightGear. bool succeeded = QFile::copy(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified, _fgProtocolFileFullyQualified); if (!succeeded) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QString copyCmd = QString("copy \"%1\" \"%2\"").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified); copyCmd.replace("/", "\\"); #else QString copyCmd = QString("sudo cp %1 %2").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified); #endif QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Copy failed"), #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 tr("Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a Command Prompt which was started with Run as Administrator:\n\n").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified) + copyCmd, #else tr("Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a shell:\n\n").arg(qgcProtocolFileFullyQualified).arg(_fgProtocolFileFullyQualified) + copyCmd, #endif QMessageBox::Cancel, MainWindow::instance()); msgBox.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); msgBox.addButton(tr("Copy to Clipboard"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (msgBox.exec() != QMessageBox::Cancel) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(copyCmd); } return false; } } // Start the engines to save a startup step if (mav->getSystemType() == MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR) { // Start all engines of the quad _fgArgList << "--prop:/engines/engine[0]/running=true"; _fgArgList << "--prop:/engines/engine[1]/running=true"; _fgArgList << "--prop:/engines/engine[2]/running=true"; _fgArgList << "--prop:/engines/engine[3]/running=true"; } else { _fgArgList << "--prop:/engines/engine/running=true"; } // We start out at our home position _fgArgList << QString("--lat=%1").arg(UASManager::instance()->getHomeLatitude()); _fgArgList << QString("--lon=%1").arg(UASManager::instance()->getHomeLongitude()); // The altitude is not set because an altitude not equal to the ground altitude leads to a non-zero default throttle in flightgear // Without the altitude-setting the aircraft is positioned on the ground //_fgArgList << QString("--altitude=%1").arg(UASManager::instance()->getHomeAltitude()); #ifdef DEBUG_FLIGHTGEAR_CONNECT // This tell FlightGear to output highest debug level of log output. Handy for debuggin failures by looking at the FG // log files. _fgArgList << "--log-level=debug"; #endif start(HighPriority); return true; } void QGCFlightGearLink::_printFgfsOutput(void) { qDebug() << "fgfs stdout:"; QByteArray byteArray = _fgProcess->readAllStandardOutput(); QStringList strLines = QString(byteArray).split("\n"); foreach (QString line, strLines){ qDebug() << line; } } void QGCFlightGearLink::_printFgfsError(void) { qDebug() << "fgfs stderr:"; QByteArray byteArray = _fgProcess->readAllStandardError(); QStringList strLines = QString(byteArray).split("\n"); foreach (QString line, strLines){ qDebug() << line; } } /** * @brief Set the startup arguments used to start flightgear * **/ void QGCFlightGearLink::setStartupArguments(QString startupArguments) { this->startupArguments = startupArguments; } /** * @brief Check if connection is active. * * @return True if link is connected, false otherwise. **/ bool QGCFlightGearLink::isConnected() { return connectState; } QString QGCFlightGearLink::getName() { return name; } QString QGCFlightGearLink::getRemoteHost() { return QString("%1:%2").arg(currentHost.toString(), currentPort); } void QGCFlightGearLink::setName(QString name) { this->name = name; // emit nameChanged(this->name); } void QGCFlightGearLink::setBarometerOffset(float barometerOffsetkPa) { this->barometerOffsetkPa = barometerOffsetkPa; }