/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "TakeoffMissionItem.h" #include "FirmwarePluginManager.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "JsonHelper.h" #include "MissionCommandTree.h" #include "MissionCommandUIInfo.h" #include "QGroundControlQmlGlobal.h" #include "SettingsManager.h" #include "PlanMasterController.h" TakeoffMissionItem::TakeoffMissionItem(PlanMasterController* masterController, bool flyView, MissionSettingsItem* settingsItem, bool forLoad, QObject* parent) : SimpleMissionItem (masterController, flyView, forLoad, parent) , _settingsItem (settingsItem) { _init(forLoad); } TakeoffMissionItem::TakeoffMissionItem(MAV_CMD takeoffCmd, PlanMasterController* masterController, bool flyView, MissionSettingsItem* settingsItem, QObject* parent) : SimpleMissionItem (masterController, flyView, false /* forLoad */, parent) , _settingsItem (settingsItem) { setCommand(takeoffCmd); _init(false /* forLoad */); } TakeoffMissionItem::TakeoffMissionItem(const MissionItem& missionItem, PlanMasterController* masterController, bool flyView, MissionSettingsItem* settingsItem, QObject* parent) : SimpleMissionItem (masterController, flyView, missionItem, parent) , _settingsItem (settingsItem) { _init(false /* forLoad */); _wizardMode = false; } TakeoffMissionItem::~TakeoffMissionItem() { } void TakeoffMissionItem::_init(bool forLoad) { _editorQml = QStringLiteral("qrc:/qml/SimpleItemEditor.qml"); connect(_settingsItem, &MissionSettingsItem::coordinateChanged, this, &TakeoffMissionItem::launchCoordinateChanged); if (_flyView) { _initLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(); return; } QGeoCoordinate homePosition = _settingsItem->coordinate(); if (!homePosition.isValid()) { Vehicle* activeVehicle = qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager()->activeVehicle(); if (activeVehicle) { homePosition = activeVehicle->homePosition(); if (homePosition.isValid()) { _settingsItem->setCoordinate(homePosition); } } } if (forLoad) { // Load routines will set the rest up after load return; } _initLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(); if (homePosition.isValid() && coordinate().isValid()) { // Item already fully specified, most likely from mission load from storage _wizardMode = false; } else { if (_launchTakeoffAtSameLocation && homePosition.isValid()) { _wizardMode = false; SimpleMissionItem::setCoordinate(homePosition); } else { _wizardMode = true; } } setDirty(false); } void TakeoffMissionItem::setLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(bool launchTakeoffAtSameLocation) { if (launchTakeoffAtSameLocation != _launchTakeoffAtSameLocation) { _launchTakeoffAtSameLocation = launchTakeoffAtSameLocation; if (_launchTakeoffAtSameLocation) { setLaunchCoordinate(coordinate()); } emit launchTakeoffAtSameLocationChanged(_launchTakeoffAtSameLocation); setDirty(true); } } void TakeoffMissionItem::setCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) { if (coordinate != this->coordinate()) { SimpleMissionItem::setCoordinate(coordinate); if (_launchTakeoffAtSameLocation) { _settingsItem->setCoordinate(coordinate); } } } bool TakeoffMissionItem::isTakeoffCommand(MAV_CMD command) { return command == MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF || command == MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF; } void TakeoffMissionItem::_initLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(void) { if (specifiesCoordinate()) { if (_controllerVehicle->fixedWing() || _controllerVehicle->vtol()) { setLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(false); } else { // PX4 specifies a coordinate for takeoff even for multi-rotor. But it makes more sense to not have a coordinate // from and end user standpoint. So even for PX4 we try to keep launch and takeoff at the same position. Unless the // user has moved/loaded launch at a different location than takeoff. if (coordinate().isValid() && _settingsItem->coordinate().isValid()) { setLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(coordinate().latitude() == _settingsItem->coordinate().latitude() && coordinate().longitude() == _settingsItem->coordinate().longitude()); } else { setLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(true); } } } else { setLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(true); } } bool TakeoffMissionItem::load(QTextStream &loadStream) { bool success = SimpleMissionItem::load(loadStream); if (success) { _initLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(); } _wizardMode = false; // Always be off for loaded items return success; } bool TakeoffMissionItem::load(const QJsonObject& json, int sequenceNumber, QString& errorString) { bool success = SimpleMissionItem::load(json, sequenceNumber, errorString); if (success) { _initLaunchTakeoffAtSameLocation(); } _wizardMode = false; // Always be off for loaded items return success; } void TakeoffMissionItem::setLaunchCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate& launchCoordinate) { if (!launchCoordinate.isValid()) { return; } _settingsItem->setCoordinate(launchCoordinate); if (!coordinate().isValid()) { QGeoCoordinate takeoffCoordinate; if (_launchTakeoffAtSameLocation) { takeoffCoordinate = launchCoordinate; } else { double altitude = this->altitude()->rawValue().toDouble(); double distance = 0.0; if (coordinateHasRelativeAltitude()) { // Offset for fixed wing climb out of 30 degrees if (altitude != 0.0) { distance = altitude / tan(qDegreesToRadians(30.0)); } } else { distance = altitude * 1.5; } takeoffCoordinate = launchCoordinate.atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance, 0); } SimpleMissionItem::setCoordinate(takeoffCoordinate); } }