#include #include #include "QGCVehicleConfig.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "QGCToolWidget.h" #include "ui_QGCVehicleConfig.h" QGCVehicleConfig::QGCVehicleConfig(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), mav(NULL), changed(true), rc_mode(RC_MODE_2), rcRoll(0.0f), rcPitch(0.0f), rcYaw(0.0f), rcThrottle(0.0f), rcMode(0.0f), rcAux1(0.0f), rcAux2(0.0f), rcAux3(0.0f), ui(new Ui::QGCVehicleConfig) { setObjectName("QGC_VEHICLECONFIG"); ui->setupUi(this); requestCalibrationRC(); if (mav) mav->requestParameter(0, "RC_TYPE"); ui->rcModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex((int)rc_mode - 1); connect(ui->rcCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleCalibrationRC(bool))); connect(ui->storeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeParameters())); connect(ui->rcModeComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setRCModeIndex(int))); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*))); setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanMax; i++) { rcValue[i] = 1500; } updateTimer.setInterval(150); connect(&updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateView())); updateTimer.start(); } QGCVehicleConfig::~QGCVehicleConfig() { delete ui; } void QGCVehicleConfig::setRCModeIndex(int newRcMode) { if (newRcMode > 0 && newRcMode < 5) { rc_mode = (enum RC_MODE) (newRcMode+1); changed = true; } } void QGCVehicleConfig::toggleCalibrationRC(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { startCalibrationRC(); } else { stopCalibrationRC(); } } void QGCVehicleConfig::startCalibrationRC() { ui->rcTypeComboBox->setEnabled(false); ui->rcCalibrationButton->setText(tr("Stop RC Calibration")); resetCalibrationRC(); } void QGCVehicleConfig::stopCalibrationRC() { ui->rcTypeComboBox->setEnabled(true); ui->rcCalibrationButton->setText(tr("Start RC Calibration")); } void QGCVehicleConfig::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* active) { // Do nothing if system is the same or NULL if ((active == NULL) || mav == active) return; if (mav) { // Disconnect old system disconnect(mav, SIGNAL(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float)), this, SLOT(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float))); disconnect(mav, SIGNAL(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant))); foreach (QGCToolWidget* tool, toolWidgets) { delete tool; } } // Reset current state resetCalibrationRC(); // Connect new system mav = active; connect(active, SIGNAL(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float)), this, SLOT(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float))); connect(active, SIGNAL(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant))); mav->requestParameters(); QString defaultsDir = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/files/" + mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower() + "/widgets/"; QGCToolWidget* tool; // Load calibration tool = new QGCToolWidget("", this); if (tool->loadSettings(defaultsDir + "px4_calibration.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); ui->sensorLayout->addWidget(tool); } // Load multirotor attitude pid tool = new QGCToolWidget("", this); if (tool->loadSettings(defaultsDir + "px4_mc_attitude_pid_params.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); ui->multiRotorAttitudeLayout->addWidget(tool); } // Load multirotor position pid tool = new QGCToolWidget("", this); if (tool->loadSettings(defaultsDir + "px4_mc_position_pid_params.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); ui->multiRotorPositionLayout->addWidget(tool); } // Load fixed wing attitude pid tool = new QGCToolWidget("", this); if (tool->loadSettings(defaultsDir + "px4_fw_attitude_pid_params.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); ui->fixedWingAttitudeLayout->addWidget(tool); } // Load fixed wing position pid tool = new QGCToolWidget("", this); if (tool->loadSettings(defaultsDir + "px4_fw_position_pid_params.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); ui->fixedWingPositionLayout->addWidget(tool); } updateStatus(QString("Reading from system %1").arg(mav->getUASName())); } void QGCVehicleConfig::resetCalibrationRC() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanMax; ++i) { rcMin[i] = INT_MAX; rcMax[i] = INT_MIN; } } /** * Sends the RC calibration to the vehicle and stores it in EEPROM */ void QGCVehicleConfig::writeCalibrationRC() { if (!mav) return; QString minTpl("RC%1_MIN"); QString maxTpl("RC%1_MAX"); QString trimTpl("RC%1_TRIM"); QString revTpl("RC%1_REV"); // Do not write the RC type, as these values depend on this // active onboard parameter for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanMax; ++i) { mav->setParameter(0, minTpl.arg(i), rcMin[i]); mav->setParameter(0, trimTpl.arg(i), rcTrim[i]); mav->setParameter(0, maxTpl.arg(i), rcMax[i]); mav->setParameter(0, revTpl.arg(i), (rcRev[i]) ? -1 : 1); } // Write mappings mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_ROLL", rcMapping[0]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_PITCH", rcMapping[1]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_THROTTLE", rcMapping[2]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_YAW", rcMapping[3]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_MODE_SW", rcMapping[4]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_AUX1", rcMapping[5]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_AUX2", rcMapping[6]); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_AUX3", rcMapping[7]); } void QGCVehicleConfig::requestCalibrationRC() { if (!mav) return; QString minTpl("RC%1_MIN"); QString maxTpl("RC%1_MAX"); QString trimTpl("RC%1_TRIM"); QString revTpl("RC%1_REV"); // Do not request the RC type, as these values depend on this // active onboard parameter for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanMax; ++i) { mav->requestParameter(0, minTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); mav->requestParameter(0, trimTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); mav->requestParameter(0, maxTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); mav->requestParameter(0, revTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); } } void QGCVehicleConfig::writeParameters() { updateStatus(tr("Writing all onboard parameters.")); writeCalibrationRC(); } void QGCVehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val) { // /* scale around the mid point differently for lower and upper range */ // if (ppm_buffer[i] > _rc.chan[i].mid + _parameters.dz[i]) { // _rc.chan[i].scaled = ((ppm_buffer[i] - _parameters.trim[i]) / (_parameters.max[i] - _parameters.trim[i])); // } else if ((ppm_buffer[i] < _rc_chan[i].mid - _parameters.dz[i])) { // _rc.chan[i].scaled = -1.0 + ((ppm_buffer[i] - _parameters.min[i]) / (_parameters.trim[i] - _parameters.min[i])); // } else { // /* in the configured dead zone, output zero */ // _rc.chan[i].scaled = 0.0f; // } if (chan < 0 || static_cast(chan) >= chanMax) return; if (val < rcMin[chan]) { rcMin[chan] = val; } if (val > rcMax[chan]) { rcMax[chan] = val; } if (chan == rcMapping[0]) { // ROLL if (rcRoll >= rcTrim[chan]) { rcRoll = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]); } else { rcRoll = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]); } rcValue[0] = val; rcRoll = qBound(-1.0f, rcRoll, 1.0f); } else if (chan == rcMapping[1]) { // PITCH if (rcPitch >= rcTrim[chan]) { rcPitch = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]); } else { rcPitch = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]); } rcValue[1] = val; rcPitch = qBound(-1.0f, rcPitch, 1.0f); } else if (chan == rcMapping[2]) { // YAW if (rcYaw >= rcTrim[chan]) { rcYaw = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]); } else { rcYaw = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]); } rcValue[2] = val; rcYaw = qBound(-1.0f, rcYaw, 1.0f); } else if (chan == rcMapping[3]) { // THROTTLE if (rcThrottle >= rcTrim[chan]) { rcThrottle = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]); } else { rcThrottle = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]); } rcValue[3] = val; rcThrottle = qBound(-1.0f, rcThrottle, 1.0f); } else if (chan == rcMapping[4]) { // MODE SWITCH if (rcMode >= rcTrim[chan]) { rcMode = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]); } else { rcMode = (val - rcMin[chan])/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]); } rcValue[4] = val; rcMode = qBound(-1.0f, rcMode, 1.0f); } else if (chan == rcMapping[5]) { // AUX1 rcAux1 = val; rcValue[5] = val; } else if (chan == rcMapping[6]) { // AUX2 rcAux2 = val; rcValue[6] = val; } else if (chan == rcMapping[7]) { // AUX3 rcAux3 = val; rcValue[7] = val; } changed = true; //qDebug() << "RC CHAN:" << chan << "PPM:" << val; } void QGCVehicleConfig::parameterChanged(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value) { Q_UNUSED(uas); Q_UNUSED(component); // Channel calibration values QRegExp minTpl("RC?_MIN"); minTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); QRegExp maxTpl("RC?_MAX"); maxTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); QRegExp trimTpl("RC?_TRIM"); trimTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); QRegExp revTpl("RC?_REV"); revTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); // Do not write the RC type, as these values depend on this // active onboard parameter if (minTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { bool ok; unsigned int index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok); if (ok && (index > 0) && (index < chanMax)) { rcMin[index] = value.toInt(); } } if (maxTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { bool ok; unsigned int index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok); if (ok && (index > 0) && (index < chanMax)) { rcMax[index] = value.toInt(); } } if (trimTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { bool ok; unsigned int index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok); if (ok && (index > 0) && (index < chanMax)) { rcTrim[index] = value.toInt(); } } if (revTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { bool ok; unsigned int index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok); if (ok && (index > 0) && (index < chanMax)) { rcRev[index] = (value.toInt() == -1) ? true : false; unsigned int mapindex = rcMapping[index]; switch (mapindex) { case 0: ui->invertCheckBox->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 1: ui->invertCheckBox_2->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 2: ui->invertCheckBox_3->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 3: ui->invertCheckBox_4->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 4: ui->invertCheckBox_5->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 5: ui->invertCheckBox_6->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 6: ui->invertCheckBox_7->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 7: ui->invertCheckBox_8->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; } } } // mav->setParameter(0, trimTpl.arg(i), rcTrim[i]); // mav->setParameter(0, maxTpl.arg(i), rcMax[i]); // mav->setParameter(0, revTpl.arg(i), (rcRev[i]) ? -1 : 1); // } if (rcTypeUpdateRequested > 0 && parameterName == QString("RC_TYPE")) { rcTypeUpdateRequested = 0; updateStatus(tr("Received RC type update, setting parameters based on model.")); rcType = value.toInt(); // Request all other parameters as well requestCalibrationRC(); } // Order is: roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, mode sw, aux 1-3 if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_ROLL")) { rcMapping[0] = value.toInt(); ui->rollSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[0]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_PITCH")) { rcMapping[1] = value.toInt(); ui->pitchSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[1]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_YAW")) { rcMapping[2] = value.toInt(); ui->yawSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[2]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_THROTTLE")) { rcMapping[3] = value.toInt(); ui->throttleSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[3]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_MODE_SW")) { rcMapping[4] = value.toInt(); ui->modeSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[4]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_AUX1")) { rcMapping[5] = value.toInt(); ui->aux1SpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[5]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_AUX2")) { rcMapping[6] = value.toInt(); ui->aux1SpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[6]); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_MAP_AUX3")) { rcMapping[7] = value.toInt(); ui->aux1SpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[7]); } // Scaling if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_ROLL")) { rcScaling[0] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_PITCH")) { rcScaling[1] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_YAW")) { rcScaling[2] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_THROTTLE")) { rcScaling[3] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_MODE_SW")) { rcScaling[4] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_AUX1")) { rcScaling[5] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_AUX2")) { rcScaling[6] = value.toInt(); } if (parameterName.contains("RC_SCALE_AUX3")) { rcScaling[7] = value.toInt(); } } void QGCVehicleConfig::updateStatus(const QString& str) { ui->statusLabel->setText(str); ui->statusLabel->setStyleSheet(""); } void QGCVehicleConfig::updateError(const QString& str) { ui->statusLabel->setText(str); ui->statusLabel->setStyleSheet(QString("QLabel { margin: 0px 2px; font: 14px; color: %1; background-color: %2; }").arg(QGC::colorDarkWhite.name()).arg(QGC::colorMagenta.name())); } void QGCVehicleConfig::setRCType(int type) { if (!mav) return; // XXX TODO Add handling of RC_TYPE vs non-RC_TYPE here mav->setParameter(0, "RC_TYPE", type); rcTypeUpdateRequested = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); QTimer::singleShot(rcTypeTimeout+100, this, SLOT(checktimeOuts())); } void QGCVehicleConfig::checktimeOuts() { if (rcTypeUpdateRequested > 0) { if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - rcTypeUpdateRequested > rcTypeTimeout) { updateError(tr("Setting remote control timed out - is the system connected?")); } } } void QGCVehicleConfig::updateView() { if (changed) { if (rc_mode == RC_MODE_1) { ui->rollSlider->setValue(rcRoll); ui->pitchSlider->setValue(rcThrottle); ui->yawSlider->setValue(rcYaw); ui->throttleSlider->setValue(rcPitch); } else if (rc_mode == RC_MODE_2) { ui->rollSlider->setValue(rcRoll); ui->pitchSlider->setValue(rcPitch); ui->yawSlider->setValue(rcYaw); ui->throttleSlider->setValue(rcThrottle); } else if (rc_mode == RC_MODE_3) { ui->rollSlider->setValue(rcYaw); ui->pitchSlider->setValue(rcThrottle); ui->yawSlider->setValue(rcRoll); ui->throttleSlider->setValue(rcPitch); } else if (rc_mode == RC_MODE_4) { ui->rollSlider->setValue(rcYaw); ui->pitchSlider->setValue(rcPitch); ui->yawSlider->setValue(rcRoll); ui->throttleSlider->setValue(rcThrottle); } ui->chanLabel->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[0]).arg(rcRoll)); ui->chanLabel_2->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[1]).arg(rcPitch)); ui->chanLabel_3->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[2]).arg(rcYaw)); ui->chanLabel_4->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[3]).arg(rcThrottle)); ui->modeSwitchSlider->setValue(rcMode); ui->chanLabel_5->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[4]).arg(rcMode)); ui->aux1Slider->setValue(rcAux1); ui->chanLabel_6->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[5]).arg(rcAux1)); ui->aux2Slider->setValue(rcAux2); ui->chanLabel_7->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[6]).arg(rcAux2)); ui->aux3Slider->setValue(rcAux3); ui->chanLabel_8->setText(QString("%1/%2").arg(rcValue[7]).arg(rcAux3)); changed = false; } }