common.xml Available autopilot modes for ualberta uav Raw input pulse widts sent to output Inputs are normalized using calibration, the converted back to raw pulse widths for output dfsdfs dfsfds dfsdfsdfs Navigation filter mode AHRS mode INS/GPS initialization mode INS/GPS mode Mode currently commanded by pilot sdf dfs Rotomotion mode Accelerometer and Gyro biases from the navigation filter Timestamp (microseconds) b_f[0] b_f[1] b_f[2] b_f[0] b_f[1] b_f[2] Complete set of calibration parameters for the radio Aileron setpoints: left, center, right Elevator setpoints: nose down, center, nose up Rudder setpoints: nose left, center, nose right Tail gyro mode/gain setpoints: heading hold, rate mode Pitch curve setpoints (every 25%) Throttle curve setpoints (every 25%) System status specific to ualberta uav System mode, see UALBERTA_AUTOPILOT_MODE ENUM Navigation mode, see UALBERTA_NAV_MODE ENUM Pilot mode, see UALBERTA_PILOT_MODE