#include "QGCMapToolBar.h" #include "QGCMapWidget.h" #include "ui_QGCMapToolBar.h" QGCMapToolBar::QGCMapToolBar(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::QGCMapToolBar), map(NULL), optionsMenu(this), trailPlotMenu(this), updateTimesMenu(this), trailSettingsGroup(new QActionGroup(this)), updateTimesGroup(new QActionGroup(this)) { ui->setupUi(this); } void QGCMapToolBar::setMap(QGCMapWidget* map) { this->map = map; if (map) { connect(ui->goToButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), map, SLOT(showGoToDialog())); connect(ui->goHomeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), map, SLOT(goHome())); connect(ui->lastPosButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), map, SLOT(loadSettings())); connect(map, SIGNAL(OnTileLoadStart()), this, SLOT(tileLoadStart())); connect(map, SIGNAL(OnTileLoadComplete()), this, SLOT(tileLoadEnd())); connect(map, SIGNAL(OnTilesStillToLoad(int)), this, SLOT(tileLoadProgress(int))); connect(ui->ripMapButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), map, SLOT(cacheVisibleRegion())); ui->followCheckBox->setChecked(map->getFollowUAVEnabled()); connect(ui->followCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), map, SLOT(setFollowUAVEnabled(bool))); // Edit mode handling ui->editButton->hide(); const int uavTrailTimeList[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // seconds const int uavTrailTimeCount = 10; const int uavTrailDistanceList[] = {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500}; // meters const int uavTrailDistanceCount = 9; // Set exclusive items trailSettingsGroup->setExclusive(true); updateTimesGroup->setExclusive(true); // Build up menu trailPlotMenu.setTitle(tr("&Add trail dot every..")); updateTimesMenu.setTitle(tr("&Limit map view update rate to..")); // FIXME MARK CURRENT VALUES IN MENU QAction* action = trailPlotMenu.addAction(tr("No trail"), this, SLOT(setUAVTrailTime())); action->setData(-1); action->setCheckable(true); trailSettingsGroup->addAction(action); for (int i = 0; i < uavTrailTimeCount; ++i) { QAction* action = trailPlotMenu.addAction(tr("%1 second%2").arg(uavTrailTimeList[i]).arg((uavTrailTimeList[i] > 1) ? "s" : ""), this, SLOT(setUAVTrailTime())); action->setData(uavTrailTimeList[i]); action->setCheckable(true); trailSettingsGroup->addAction(action); if (static_cast<mapcontrol::UAVTrailType::Types>(map->getTrailType()) == mapcontrol::UAVTrailType::ByTimeElapsed && map->getTrailInterval() == uavTrailTimeList[i]) { // This is the current active time, set the action checked action->setChecked(true); } } for (int i = 0; i < uavTrailDistanceCount; ++i) { QAction* action = trailPlotMenu.addAction(tr("%1 meter%2").arg(uavTrailDistanceList[i]).arg((uavTrailDistanceList[i] > 1) ? "s" : ""), this, SLOT(setUAVTrailDistance())); action->setData(uavTrailDistanceList[i]); action->setCheckable(true); trailSettingsGroup->addAction(action); if (static_cast<mapcontrol::UAVTrailType::Types>(map->getTrailType()) == mapcontrol::UAVTrailType::ByDistance && map->getTrailInterval() == uavTrailDistanceList[i]) { // This is the current active time, set the action checked action->setChecked(true); } } // Set no trail checked if no action is checked yet if (!trailSettingsGroup->checkedAction()) { action->setChecked(true); } optionsMenu.addMenu(&trailPlotMenu); // Add update times menu for (int i = 100; i < 5000; i+=400) { float time = i/1000.0f; // Convert from ms to seconds QAction* action = updateTimesMenu.addAction(tr("%1 seconds").arg(time), this, SLOT(setUpdateInterval())); action->setData(time); action->setCheckable(true); if (time == map->getUpdateRateLimit()) { action->blockSignals(true); action->setChecked(true); action->blockSignals(false); } updateTimesGroup->addAction(action); } // If the current time is not part of the menu defaults // still add it as new option if (!updateTimesGroup->checkedAction()) { float time = map->getUpdateRateLimit(); QAction* action = updateTimesMenu.addAction(tr("uptate every %1 seconds").arg(time), this, SLOT(setUpdateInterval())); action->setData(time); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(true); updateTimesGroup->addAction(action); } optionsMenu.addMenu(&updateTimesMenu); ui->optionsButton->setMenu(&optionsMenu); } } void QGCMapToolBar::setUAVTrailTime() { QObject* sender = QObject::sender(); QAction* action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender); if (action) { bool ok; int trailTime = action->data().toInt(&ok); if (ok) { (map->setTrailModeTimed(trailTime)); ui->posLabel->setText(tr("Trail mode: Every %1 second%2").arg(trailTime).arg((trailTime > 1) ? "s" : "")); } } } void QGCMapToolBar::setUAVTrailDistance() { QObject* sender = QObject::sender(); QAction* action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender); if (action) { bool ok; int trailDistance = action->data().toInt(&ok); if (ok) { map->setTrailModeDistance(trailDistance); ui->posLabel->setText(tr("Trail mode: Every %1 meter%2").arg(trailDistance).arg((trailDistance == 1) ? "s" : "")); } } } void QGCMapToolBar::setUpdateInterval() { QObject* sender = QObject::sender(); QAction* action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender); if (action) { bool ok; float time = action->data().toFloat(&ok); if (ok) { map->setUpdateRateLimit(time); ui->posLabel->setText(tr("Map update rate limit: %1 second%2").arg(time).arg((time != 1.0f) ? "s" : "")); } } } void QGCMapToolBar::tileLoadStart() { ui->posLabel->setText(tr("Starting to load tiles..")); } void QGCMapToolBar::tileLoadEnd() { ui->posLabel->setText(tr("Finished")); } void QGCMapToolBar::tileLoadProgress(int progress) { if (progress == 1) { ui->posLabel->setText(tr("1 tile to load..")); } else if (progress > 0) { ui->posLabel->setText(tr("%1 tiles to load..").arg(progress)); } else { tileLoadEnd(); } } QGCMapToolBar::~QGCMapToolBar() { delete ui; delete trailSettingsGroup; delete updateTimesGroup; // FIXME Delete all actions }