/****************************************************************************** * $Id: sbnsearch.c,v 1.2 2016-12-05 12:44:05 erouault Exp $ * * Project: Shapelib * Purpose: Implementation of search in ESRI SBN spatial index. * Author: Even Rouault, even dot rouault at mines dash paris dot org * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org> * * This software is available under the following "MIT Style" license, * or at the option of the licensee under the LGPL (see COPYING). This * option is discussed in more detail in shapelib.html. * * -- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ #include "shapefil.h" #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> SHP_CVSID("$Id: sbnsearch.c,v 1.2 2016-12-05 12:44:05 erouault Exp $") #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 # define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef USE_CPL #if defined(_MSC_VER) # if _MSC_VER < 1900 # define snprintf _snprintf # endif #elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) # ifndef snprintf # define snprintf _snprintf # endif #endif #endif #define READ_MSB_INT(ptr) \ (((ptr)[0] << 24) | ((ptr)[1] << 16) | ((ptr)[2] << 8) | (ptr)[3]) #define CACHED_DEPTH_LIMIT 8 typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef int coord; /*typedef uchar coord;*/ typedef struct { uchar *pabyShapeDesc; /* Cache of (nShapeCount * 8) bytes of the bins. May be NULL. */ int nBinStart; /* Index of first bin for this node. */ int nShapeCount; /* Number of shapes attached to this node. */ int nBinCount; /* Number of bins for this node. May be 0 if node is empty. */ int nBinOffset; /* Offset in file of the start of the first bin. May be 0 if node is empty. */ int bBBoxInit; /* TRUE if the following bounding box has been computed. */ coord bMinX; /* Bounding box of the shapes directly attached to this node. */ coord bMinY; /* This is *not* the theoretical footprint of the node. */ coord bMaxX; coord bMaxY; } SBNNodeDescriptor; struct SBNSearchInfo { SAHooks sHooks; SAFile fpSBN; SBNNodeDescriptor *pasNodeDescriptor; int nShapeCount; /* Total number of shapes */ int nMaxDepth; /* Tree depth */ double dfMinX; /* Bounding box of all shapes */ double dfMaxX; double dfMinY; double dfMaxY; #ifdef DEBUG_IO int nTotalBytesRead; #endif }; typedef struct { SBNSearchHandle hSBN; coord bMinX; /* Search bounding box */ coord bMinY; coord bMaxX; coord bMaxY; int nShapeCount; int nShapeAlloc; int *panShapeId; /* 0 based */ uchar abyBinShape[8 * 100]; #ifdef DEBUG_IO int nBytesRead; #endif } SearchStruct; /************************************************************************/ /* SwapWord() */ /* */ /* Swap a 2, 4 or 8 byte word. */ /************************************************************************/ static void SwapWord( int length, void * wordP ) { int i; uchar temp; for( i=0; i < length/2; i++ ) { temp = ((uchar *) wordP)[i]; ((uchar *)wordP)[i] = ((uchar *) wordP)[length-i-1]; ((uchar *) wordP)[length-i-1] = temp; } } /************************************************************************/ /* SBNOpenDiskTree() */ /************************************************************************/ SBNSearchHandle SBNOpenDiskTree( const char* pszSBNFilename, SAHooks *psHooks ) { int i; SBNSearchHandle hSBN; uchar abyHeader[108]; int nShapeCount; int nMaxDepth; int nMaxNodes; int nNodeDescSize; int nNodeDescCount; uchar* pabyData = NULL; SBNNodeDescriptor* pasNodeDescriptor = NULL; uchar abyBinHeader[8]; int nCurNode; int nNextNonEmptyNode; int nExpectedBinId; int bBigEndian; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish the byte order on this machine. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ i = 1; if( *((unsigned char *) &i) == 1 ) bBigEndian = FALSE; else bBigEndian = TRUE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize the handle structure. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hSBN = (SBNSearchHandle) calloc(sizeof(struct SBNSearchInfo),1); if (psHooks == NULL) SASetupDefaultHooks( &(hSBN->sHooks) ); else memcpy( &(hSBN->sHooks), psHooks, sizeof(SAHooks) ); hSBN->fpSBN = hSBN->sHooks.FOpen(pszSBNFilename, "rb"); if (hSBN->fpSBN == NULL) { free(hSBN); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check file header signature. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (hSBN->sHooks.FRead(abyHeader, 108, 1, hSBN->fpSBN) != 1 || abyHeader[0] != 0 || abyHeader[1] != 0 || abyHeader[2] != 0x27 || (abyHeader[3] != 0x0A && abyHeader[3] != 0x0D) || abyHeader[4] != 0xFF || abyHeader[5] != 0xFF || abyHeader[6] != 0xFE || abyHeader[7] != 0x70) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( ".sbn file is unreadable, or corrupt." ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read shapes bounding box. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ memcpy(&hSBN->dfMinX, abyHeader + 32, 8); memcpy(&hSBN->dfMinY, abyHeader + 40, 8); memcpy(&hSBN->dfMaxX, abyHeader + 48, 8); memcpy(&hSBN->dfMaxY, abyHeader + 56, 8); if( !bBigEndian ) { SwapWord(8, &hSBN->dfMinX); SwapWord(8, &hSBN->dfMinY); SwapWord(8, &hSBN->dfMaxX); SwapWord(8, &hSBN->dfMaxY); } if( hSBN->dfMinX > hSBN->dfMaxX || hSBN->dfMinY > hSBN->dfMaxY ) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Invalid extent in .sbn file." ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read and check number of shapes. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nShapeCount = READ_MSB_INT(abyHeader + 28); hSBN->nShapeCount = nShapeCount; if (nShapeCount < 0 || nShapeCount > 256000000 ) { char szErrorMsg[64]; snprintf(szErrorMsg, sizeof(szErrorMsg), "Invalid shape count in .sbn : %d", nShapeCount ); hSBN->sHooks.Error( szErrorMsg ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* Empty spatial index */ if( nShapeCount == 0 ) { return hSBN; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute tree depth. */ /* It is computed such as in average there are not more than 8 */ /* shapes per node. With a minimum depth of 2, and a maximum of 24 */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nMaxDepth = 2; while( nMaxDepth < 24 && nShapeCount > ((1 << nMaxDepth) - 1) * 8 ) nMaxDepth ++; hSBN->nMaxDepth = nMaxDepth; nMaxNodes = (1 << nMaxDepth) - 1; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check that the first bin id is 1. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( READ_MSB_INT(abyHeader + 100) != 1 ) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Unexpected bin id" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read and check number of node descriptors to be read. */ /* There are at most (2^nMaxDepth) - 1, but all are not necessary */ /* described. Non described nodes are empty. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nNodeDescSize = READ_MSB_INT(abyHeader + 104); nNodeDescSize *= 2; /* 16-bit words */ /* each bin descriptor is made of 2 ints */ nNodeDescCount = nNodeDescSize / 8; if ((nNodeDescSize % 8) != 0 || nNodeDescCount < 0 || nNodeDescCount > nMaxNodes ) { char szErrorMsg[64]; snprintf(szErrorMsg, sizeof(szErrorMsg), "Invalid node descriptor size in .sbn : %d", nNodeDescSize ); hSBN->sHooks.Error( szErrorMsg ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* coverity[tainted_data] */ pabyData = (uchar*) malloc( nNodeDescSize ); pasNodeDescriptor = (SBNNodeDescriptor*) calloc ( nMaxNodes, sizeof(SBNNodeDescriptor) ); if (pabyData == NULL || pasNodeDescriptor == NULL) { free(pabyData); free(pasNodeDescriptor); hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Out of memory error" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read node descriptors. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (hSBN->sHooks.FRead(pabyData, nNodeDescSize, 1, hSBN->fpSBN) != 1) { free(pabyData); free(pasNodeDescriptor); hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Cannot read node descriptors" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } hSBN->pasNodeDescriptor = pasNodeDescriptor; for(i = 0; i < nNodeDescCount; i++) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Each node descriptor contains the index of the first bin that */ /* described it, and the number of shapes in this first bin and */ /* the following bins (in the relevant case). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nBinStart = READ_MSB_INT(pabyData + 8 * i); int nNodeShapeCount = READ_MSB_INT(pabyData + 8 * i + 4); pasNodeDescriptor[i].nBinStart = nBinStart > 0 ? nBinStart : 0; pasNodeDescriptor[i].nShapeCount = nNodeShapeCount; if ((nBinStart > 0 && nNodeShapeCount == 0) || nNodeShapeCount < 0 || nNodeShapeCount > nShapeCount) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Inconsistent shape count in bin" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } } free(pabyData); pabyData = NULL; /* Locate first non-empty node */ nCurNode = 0; while(nCurNode < nMaxNodes && pasNodeDescriptor[nCurNode].nBinStart <= 0) nCurNode ++; if( nCurNode >= nMaxNodes) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "All nodes are empty" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } pasNodeDescriptor[nCurNode].nBinOffset = (int) hSBN->sHooks.FTell(hSBN->fpSBN); /* Compute the index of the next non empty node. */ nNextNonEmptyNode = nCurNode + 1; while(nNextNonEmptyNode < nMaxNodes && pasNodeDescriptor[nNextNonEmptyNode].nBinStart <= 0) nNextNonEmptyNode ++; nExpectedBinId = 1; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Traverse bins to compute the offset of the first bin of each */ /* node. */ /* Note: we could use the .sbx file to compute the offsets instead.*/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ while( hSBN->sHooks.FRead(abyBinHeader, 8, 1, hSBN->fpSBN) == 1 ) { int nBinId; int nBinSize; nExpectedBinId ++; nBinId = READ_MSB_INT(abyBinHeader); nBinSize = READ_MSB_INT(abyBinHeader + 4); nBinSize *= 2; /* 16-bit words */ if( nBinId != nExpectedBinId ) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Unexpected bin id" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } /* Bins are always limited to 100 features */ /* If there are more, then they are located in continuous bins */ if( (nBinSize % 8) != 0 || nBinSize <= 0 || nBinSize > 100 * 8) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Unexpected bin size" ); SBNCloseDiskTree(hSBN); return NULL; } if( nNextNonEmptyNode < nMaxNodes && nBinId == pasNodeDescriptor[nNextNonEmptyNode].nBinStart ) { nCurNode = nNextNonEmptyNode; pasNodeDescriptor[nCurNode].nBinOffset = (int) hSBN->sHooks.FTell(hSBN->fpSBN) - 8; /* Compute the index of the next non empty node. */ nNextNonEmptyNode = nCurNode + 1; while(nNextNonEmptyNode < nMaxNodes && pasNodeDescriptor[nNextNonEmptyNode].nBinStart <= 0) nNextNonEmptyNode ++; } pasNodeDescriptor[nCurNode].nBinCount ++; /* Skip shape description */ hSBN->sHooks.FSeek(hSBN->fpSBN, nBinSize, SEEK_CUR); } return hSBN; } /***********************************************************************/ /* SBNCloseDiskTree() */ /************************************************************************/ void SBNCloseDiskTree( SBNSearchHandle hSBN ) { int i; int nMaxNodes; if (hSBN == NULL) return; if( hSBN->pasNodeDescriptor != NULL ) { nMaxNodes = (1 << hSBN->nMaxDepth) - 1; for(i = 0; i < nMaxNodes; i++) { if( hSBN->pasNodeDescriptor[i].pabyShapeDesc != NULL ) free(hSBN->pasNodeDescriptor[i].pabyShapeDesc); } } /* printf("hSBN->nTotalBytesRead = %d\n", hSBN->nTotalBytesRead); */ hSBN->sHooks.FClose(hSBN->fpSBN); free(hSBN->pasNodeDescriptor); free(hSBN); } /************************************************************************/ /* SfRealloc() */ /* */ /* A realloc cover function that will access a NULL pointer as */ /* a valid input. */ /************************************************************************/ static void * SfRealloc( void * pMem, int nNewSize ) { if( pMem == NULL ) return( (void *) malloc(nNewSize) ); else return( (void *) realloc(pMem,nNewSize) ); } /************************************************************************/ /* SBNAddShapeId() */ /************************************************************************/ static int SBNAddShapeId( SearchStruct* psSearch, int nShapeId ) { if (psSearch->nShapeCount == psSearch->nShapeAlloc) { int* pNewPtr; psSearch->nShapeAlloc = (int) (((psSearch->nShapeCount + 100) * 5) / 4); pNewPtr = (int *) SfRealloc( psSearch->panShapeId, psSearch->nShapeAlloc * sizeof(int) ); if( pNewPtr == NULL ) { psSearch->hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Out of memory error" ); return FALSE; } psSearch->panShapeId = pNewPtr; } psSearch->panShapeId[psSearch->nShapeCount] = nShapeId; psSearch->nShapeCount ++; return TRUE; } /************************************************************************/ /* SBNSearchDiskInternal() */ /************************************************************************/ /* Due to the way integer coordinates are rounded, */ /* we can use a strict intersection test, except when the node */ /* bounding box or the search bounding box is degenerated. */ #define SEARCH_BB_INTERSECTS(_bMinX, _bMinY, _bMaxX, _bMaxY) \ (((bSearchMinX < _bMaxX && bSearchMaxX > _bMinX) || \ ((_bMinX == _bMaxX || bSearchMinX == bSearchMaxX) && \ bSearchMinX <= _bMaxX && bSearchMaxX >= _bMinX)) && \ ((bSearchMinY < _bMaxY && bSearchMaxY > _bMinY) || \ ((_bMinY == _bMaxY || bSearchMinY == bSearchMaxY ) && \ bSearchMinY <= _bMaxY && bSearchMaxY >= _bMinY))) static int SBNSearchDiskInternal( SearchStruct* psSearch, int nDepth, int nNodeId, coord bNodeMinX, coord bNodeMinY, coord bNodeMaxX, coord bNodeMaxY ) { SBNSearchHandle hSBN; SBNNodeDescriptor* psNode; coord bSearchMinX = psSearch->bMinX; coord bSearchMinY = psSearch->bMinY; coord bSearchMaxX = psSearch->bMaxX; coord bSearchMaxY = psSearch->bMaxY; hSBN = psSearch->hSBN; psNode = &(hSBN->pasNodeDescriptor[nNodeId]); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if this node contains shapes that intersect the search */ /* bounding box. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( psNode->bBBoxInit && !(SEARCH_BB_INTERSECTS(psNode->bMinX, psNode->bMinY, psNode->bMaxX, psNode->bMaxY)) ) { /* No intersection, then don't try to read the shapes attached */ /* to this node */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If this node contains shapes that are cached, then read them. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (psNode->pabyShapeDesc != NULL) { int j; uchar* pabyShapeDesc = psNode->pabyShapeDesc; /* printf("nNodeId = %d, nDepth = %d\n", nNodeId, nDepth); */ for(j = 0; j < psNode->nShapeCount; j++) { coord bMinX = pabyShapeDesc[0]; coord bMinY = pabyShapeDesc[1]; coord bMaxX = pabyShapeDesc[2]; coord bMaxY = pabyShapeDesc[3]; if( SEARCH_BB_INTERSECTS(bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY) ) { int nShapeId; nShapeId = READ_MSB_INT(pabyShapeDesc + 4); /* Caution : we count shape id starting from 0, and not 1 */ nShapeId --; /*printf("shape=%d, minx=%d, miny=%d, maxx=%d, maxy=%d\n", nShapeId, bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY);*/ if( !SBNAddShapeId( psSearch, nShapeId ) ) return FALSE; } pabyShapeDesc += 8; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If the node has attached shapes (that are not (yet) cached), */ /* then retrieve them from disk. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if (psNode->nBinCount > 0) { uchar abyBinHeader[8]; int nBinSize, nShapes; int nShapeCountAcc = 0; int i, j; /* printf("nNodeId = %d, nDepth = %d\n", nNodeId, nDepth); */ hSBN->sHooks.FSeek(hSBN->fpSBN, psNode->nBinOffset, SEEK_SET); if (nDepth < CACHED_DEPTH_LIMIT) psNode->pabyShapeDesc = (uchar*) malloc(psNode->nShapeCount * 8); for(i = 0; i < psNode->nBinCount; i++) { uchar* pabyBinShape; #ifdef DEBUG_IO psSearch->nBytesRead += 8; #endif if( hSBN->sHooks.FRead(abyBinHeader, 8, 1, hSBN->fpSBN) != 1) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "I/O error" ); free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; return FALSE; } if ( READ_MSB_INT(abyBinHeader + 0) != psNode->nBinStart + i ) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Unexpected bin id" ); free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; return FALSE; } nBinSize = READ_MSB_INT(abyBinHeader + 4); nBinSize *= 2; /* 16-bit words */ nShapes = nBinSize / 8; /* Bins are always limited to 100 features */ if( (nBinSize % 8) != 0 || nShapes <= 0 || nShapes > 100) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Unexpected bin size" ); free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; return FALSE; } if( nShapeCountAcc + nShapes > psNode->nShapeCount) { free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Inconsistent shape count for bin" ); return FALSE; } if (nDepth < CACHED_DEPTH_LIMIT && psNode->pabyShapeDesc != NULL) { pabyBinShape = psNode->pabyShapeDesc + nShapeCountAcc * 8; } else { pabyBinShape = psSearch->abyBinShape; } #ifdef DEBUG_IO psSearch->nBytesRead += nBinSize; #endif if (hSBN->sHooks.FRead(pabyBinShape, nBinSize, 1, hSBN->fpSBN) != 1) { hSBN->sHooks.Error( "I/O error" ); free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; return FALSE; } nShapeCountAcc += nShapes; if (i == 0 && !psNode->bBBoxInit) { psNode->bMinX = pabyBinShape[0]; psNode->bMinY = pabyBinShape[1]; psNode->bMaxX = pabyBinShape[2]; psNode->bMaxY = pabyBinShape[3]; } for(j = 0; j < nShapes; j++) { coord bMinX = pabyBinShape[0]; coord bMinY = pabyBinShape[1]; coord bMaxX = pabyBinShape[2]; coord bMaxY = pabyBinShape[3]; if( !psNode->bBBoxInit ) { #ifdef sanity_checks /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Those tests only check that the shape bounding box in the bin */ /* are consistent (self-consistent and consistent with the node */ /* they are attached to). They are optional however (as far as */ /* the safety of runtime is concerned at least). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !(((bMinX < bMaxX || (bMinX == 0 && bMaxX == 0) || (bMinX == 255 && bMaxX == 255))) && ((bMinY < bMaxY || (bMinY == 0 && bMaxY == 0) || (bMinY == 255 && bMaxY == 255)))) || bMaxX < bNodeMinX || bMaxY < bNodeMinY || bMinX > bNodeMaxX || bMinY > bNodeMaxY ) { /*printf("shape %d %d %d %d\n", bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY); printf("node %d %d %d %d\n", bNodeMinX, bNodeMinY, bNodeMaxX, bNodeMaxY);*/ hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Invalid shape bounding box in bin" ); free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; return FALSE; } #endif if (bMinX < psNode->bMinX) psNode->bMinX = bMinX; if (bMinY < psNode->bMinY) psNode->bMinY = bMinY; if (bMaxX > psNode->bMaxX) psNode->bMaxX = bMaxX; if (bMaxY > psNode->bMaxY) psNode->bMaxY = bMaxY; } if( SEARCH_BB_INTERSECTS(bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY) ) { int nShapeId; nShapeId = READ_MSB_INT(pabyBinShape + 4); /* Caution : we count shape id starting from 0, and not 1 */ nShapeId --; /*printf("shape=%d, minx=%d, miny=%d, maxx=%d, maxy=%d\n", nShapeId, bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY);*/ if( !SBNAddShapeId( psSearch, nShapeId ) ) return FALSE; } pabyBinShape += 8; } } if( nShapeCountAcc != psNode->nShapeCount) { free(psNode->pabyShapeDesc); psNode->pabyShapeDesc = NULL; hSBN->sHooks.Error( "Inconsistent shape count for bin" ); return FALSE; } psNode->bBBoxInit = TRUE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Look up in child nodes. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nDepth + 1 < hSBN->nMaxDepth ) { nNodeId = nNodeId * 2 + 1; if( (nDepth % 2) == 0 ) /* x split */ { coord bMid = (coord) (1 + ((int)bNodeMinX + bNodeMaxX) / 2); if( bSearchMinX <= bMid - 1 && !SBNSearchDiskInternal( psSearch, nDepth + 1, nNodeId + 1, bNodeMinX, bNodeMinY, bMid - 1, bNodeMaxY ) ) { return FALSE; } if( bSearchMaxX >= bMid && !SBNSearchDiskInternal( psSearch, nDepth + 1, nNodeId, bMid, bNodeMinY, bNodeMaxX, bNodeMaxY ) ) { return FALSE; } } else /* y split */ { coord bMid = (coord) (1 + ((int)bNodeMinY + bNodeMaxY) / 2); if( bSearchMinY <= bMid - 1 && !SBNSearchDiskInternal( psSearch, nDepth + 1, nNodeId + 1, bNodeMinX, bNodeMinY, bNodeMaxX, bMid - 1 ) ) { return FALSE; } if( bSearchMaxY >= bMid && !SBNSearchDiskInternal( psSearch, nDepth + 1, nNodeId, bNodeMinX, bMid, bNodeMaxX, bNodeMaxY ) ) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /************************************************************************/ /* compare_ints() */ /************************************************************************/ /* helper for qsort */ static int compare_ints( const void * a, const void * b) { return (*(int*)a) - (*(int*)b); } /************************************************************************/ /* SBNSearchDiskTree() */ /************************************************************************/ int* SBNSearchDiskTree( SBNSearchHandle hSBN, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax, int *pnShapeCount ) { double dfMinX, dfMinY, dfMaxX, dfMaxY; double dfDiskXExtent, dfDiskYExtent; int bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY; *pnShapeCount = 0; dfMinX = padfBoundsMin[0]; dfMinY = padfBoundsMin[1]; dfMaxX = padfBoundsMax[0]; dfMaxY = padfBoundsMax[1]; if( dfMinX > dfMaxX || dfMinY > dfMaxY ) return NULL; if( dfMaxX < hSBN->dfMinX || dfMaxY < hSBN->dfMinY || dfMinX > hSBN->dfMaxX || dfMinY > hSBN->dfMaxY ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute the search coordinates in [0,255]x[0,255] coord. space */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ dfDiskXExtent = hSBN->dfMaxX - hSBN->dfMinX; dfDiskYExtent = hSBN->dfMaxY - hSBN->dfMinY; if ( dfDiskXExtent == 0.0 ) { bMinX = 0; bMaxX = 255; } else { if( dfMinX < hSBN->dfMinX ) bMinX = 0; else { double dfMinX_255 = (dfMinX - hSBN->dfMinX) / dfDiskXExtent * 255.0; bMinX = (int)floor(dfMinX_255 - 0.005); if( bMinX < 0 ) bMinX = 0; } if( dfMaxX > hSBN->dfMaxX ) bMaxX = 255; else { double dfMaxX_255 = (dfMaxX - hSBN->dfMinX) / dfDiskXExtent * 255.0; bMaxX = (int)ceil(dfMaxX_255 + 0.005); if( bMaxX > 255 ) bMaxX = 255; } } if ( dfDiskYExtent == 0.0 ) { bMinY = 0; bMaxY = 255; } else { if( dfMinY < hSBN->dfMinY ) bMinY = 0; else { double dfMinY_255 = (dfMinY - hSBN->dfMinY) / dfDiskYExtent * 255.0; bMinY = (int)floor(dfMinY_255 - 0.005); if( bMinY < 0 ) bMinY = 0; } if( dfMaxY > hSBN->dfMaxY ) bMaxY = 255; else { double dfMaxY_255 = (dfMaxY - hSBN->dfMinY) / dfDiskYExtent * 255.0; bMaxY = (int)ceil(dfMaxY_255 + 0.005); if( bMaxY > 255 ) bMaxY = 255; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Run the search. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ return SBNSearchDiskTreeInteger(hSBN, bMinX, bMinY, bMaxX, bMaxY, pnShapeCount); } /************************************************************************/ /* SBNSearchDiskTreeInteger() */ /************************************************************************/ int* SBNSearchDiskTreeInteger( SBNSearchHandle hSBN, int bMinX, int bMinY, int bMaxX, int bMaxY, int *pnShapeCount ) { SearchStruct sSearch; int bRet; *pnShapeCount = 0; if( bMinX > bMaxX || bMinY > bMaxY ) return NULL; if( bMaxX < 0 || bMaxY < 0 || bMinX > 255 || bMinY > 255 ) return NULL; if( hSBN->nShapeCount == 0 ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Run the search. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ memset( &sSearch, 0, sizeof(sSearch) ); sSearch.hSBN = hSBN; sSearch.bMinX = (coord) (bMinX >= 0 ? bMinX : 0); sSearch.bMinY = (coord) (bMinY >= 0 ? bMinY : 0); sSearch.bMaxX = (coord) (bMaxX <= 255 ? bMaxX : 255); sSearch.bMaxY = (coord) (bMaxY <= 255 ? bMaxY : 255); sSearch.nShapeCount = 0; sSearch.nShapeAlloc = 0; sSearch.panShapeId = (int*) calloc(1, sizeof(int)); #ifdef DEBUG_IO sSearch.nBytesRead = 0; #endif bRet = SBNSearchDiskInternal(&sSearch, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255); #ifdef DEBUG_IO hSBN->nTotalBytesRead += sSearch.nBytesRead; /* printf("nBytesRead = %d\n", sSearch.nBytesRead); */ #endif if( !bRet ) { free( sSearch.panShapeId ); *pnShapeCount = 0; return NULL; } *pnShapeCount = sSearch.nShapeCount; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Sort the id array */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qsort(sSearch.panShapeId, *pnShapeCount, sizeof(int), compare_ints); return sSearch.panShapeId; } /************************************************************************/ /* SBNSearchFreeIds() */ /************************************************************************/ void SBNSearchFreeIds( int* panShapeId ) { free( panShapeId ); }