#ifndef QGCCOMBOBOX_H #define QGCCOMBOBOX_H #include <QWidget> #include <QAction> #include <QtDesigner/QDesignerExportWidget> #include "QGCToolWidgetItem.h" class QGCUASParamManagerInterface; namespace Ui { class QGCComboBox; } class QGCComboBox : public QGCToolWidgetItem { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QGCComboBox(QWidget *parent = 0); ~QGCComboBox(); virtual void setEditMode(bool editMode); public slots: /** @brief Queue parameter for sending to the MAV (add to pending list)*/ void setParamPending(); /** @brief Update the UI with the new parameter value */ void setParameterValue(int uas, int componentId, int paramCount, int paramIndex, QString parameterName, const QVariant value); void writeSettings(QSettings& settings); void readSettings(const QString& pre,const QVariantMap& settings); void readSettings(const QSettings& settings); /** @brief request that the parameter for this widget be refreshed */ void refreshParameter(); void setActiveUAS(UASInterface *uas); void selectComponent(int componentIndex); void selectParameter(int paramIndex); /** @brief Show descriptive text next to slider */ void showInfo(bool enable); /** @brief Show tool tip of calling element */ void showTooltip(); protected slots: /** @brief Request the parameter of this widget from the MAV */ void requestParameter(); /** @brief Button click to add a new item to the combobox */ void addButtonClicked(); /** @brief Button click to remove the currently selected item from the combobox */ void delButtonClicked(); /** @brief Updates current parameter based on new combobox value */ void comboBoxIndexChanged(QString val); protected: QGCUASParamManagerInterface *paramMgr; ///< Access to parameter manager bool visibleEnabled; QString visibleParam; int visibleVal; QMap<QString,QString> comboBoxTextToParamMap; QMap<int,QPixmap> comboBoxIndexToPixmap; QMap<QString,int> comboBoxTextToValMap; ///< Comboboxtext/parameter value map QString parameterName; ///< Key/Name of the parameter QVariant parameterValue; ///< Value of the parameter double parameterScalingFactor; ///< Factor to scale the parameter between slider and true value float parameterMin; bool isDisabled; float parameterMax; int componentId; ///< ID of the MAV component to address //double scaledInt; void changeEvent(QEvent *e); private: Ui::QGCComboBox *ui; }; #endif // QGCCOMBOBOX_H