/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtLocation 5.3 import QtPositioning 5.3 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QGroundControl 1.0 import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0 import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0 import QGroundControl.FlightMap 1.0 /// QGCmapPolyline map visuals Item { id: _root property var qgcView ///< QGCView for popping dialogs property var mapControl ///< Map control to place item in property var mapPolyline ///< QGCMapPolyline object property bool interactive: mapPolyline.interactive property int lineWidth: 3 property color lineColor: "#be781c" property var _polylineComponent property var _dragHandlesComponent property var _splitHandlesComponent property real _zorderDragHandle: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 3 // Highest to prevent splitting when items overlap property real _zorderSplitHandle: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 2 function addVisuals() { _polylineComponent = polylineComponent.createObject(mapControl) mapControl.addMapItem(_polylineComponent) } function removeVisuals() { _polylineComponent.destroy() } function addHandles() { if (!_dragHandlesComponent) { _dragHandlesComponent = dragHandlesComponent.createObject(mapControl) _splitHandlesComponent = splitHandlesComponent.createObject(mapControl) } } function removeHandles() { if (_dragHandlesComponent) { _dragHandlesComponent.destroy() _dragHandlesComponent = undefined } if (_splitHandlesComponent) { _splitHandlesComponent.destroy() _splitHandlesComponent = undefined } } /// Calculate the default/initial polyline function defaultPolylineVertices() { var x = map.centerViewport.x + (map.centerViewport.width / 2) var yInset = map.centerViewport.height / 4 var topPointCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(x, map.centerViewport.y + yInset), false /* clipToViewPort */) var bottomPointCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(x, map.centerViewport.y + map.centerViewport.height - yInset), false /* clipToViewPort */) return [ topPointCoord, bottomPointCoord ] } /// Add an initial 2 point polyline function addInitialPolyline() { if (mapPolyline.count < 2) { mapPolyline.clear() var initialVertices = defaultPolylineVertices() mapPolyline.appendVertex(initialVertices[0]) mapPolyline.appendVertex(initialVertices[1]) } } /// Reset polyline back to initial default function resetPolyline() { mapPolyline.clear() addInitialPolyline() } onInteractiveChanged: { if (interactive) { addHandles() } else { removeHandles() } } Component.onCompleted: { addVisuals() if (interactive) { addHandles() } } Component.onDestruction: { removeVisuals() removeHandles() } QGCPalette { id: qgcPal } QGCFileDialog { id: kmlLoadDialog qgcView: _root.qgcView folder: QGroundControl.settingsManager.appSettings.missionSavePath title: qsTr("Select KML File") selectExisting: true nameFilters: [ qsTr("KML files (*.kml)") ] onAcceptedForLoad: { mapPolyline.loadKMLFile(file) close() } } Menu { id: menu property int removeVertex MenuItem { text: qsTr("Remove vertex" ) onTriggered: mapPolyline.removeVertex(parent.removeVertex) } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Load KML...") onTriggered: kmlLoadDialog.openForLoad() } } Component { id: polylineComponent MapPolyline { line.width: lineWidth line.color: lineColor path: mapPolyline.path } } Component { id: splitHandleComponent MapQuickItem { id: mapQuickItem anchorPoint.x: splitHandle.width / 2 anchorPoint.y: splitHandle.height / 2 property int vertexIndex sourceItem: Rectangle { id: splitHandle width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5 height: width radius: width / 2 border.color: "white" color: "transparent" opacity: .50 z: _zorderSplitHandle QGCLabel { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter text: "+" } QGCMouseArea { fillItem: parent onClicked: mapPolyline.splitSegment(mapQuickItem.vertexIndex) } } } } Component { id: splitHandlesComponent Repeater { model: mapPolyline.path delegate: Item { property var _splitHandle property var _vertices: mapPolyline.path function _setHandlePosition() { var nextIndex = index + 1 var distance = _vertices[index].distanceTo(_vertices[nextIndex]) var azimuth = _vertices[index].azimuthTo(_vertices[nextIndex]) _splitHandle.coordinate = _vertices[index].atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance / 2, azimuth) } Component.onCompleted: { if (index + 1 <= _vertices.length - 1) { _splitHandle = splitHandleComponent.createObject(mapControl) _splitHandle.vertexIndex = index _setHandlePosition() mapControl.addMapItem(_splitHandle) } } Component.onDestruction: { if (_splitHandle) { _splitHandle.destroy() } } } } } // Control which is used to drag polygon vertices Component { id: dragAreaComponent MissionItemIndicatorDrag { id: dragArea z: _zorderDragHandle property int polylineVertex property bool _creationComplete: false Component.onCompleted: _creationComplete = true onItemCoordinateChanged: { if (_creationComplete) { // During component creation some bad coordinate values got through which screws up draw mapPolyline.adjustVertex(polylineVertex, itemCoordinate) } } onClicked: { if (polylineVertex == 0) { menu.removeVertex = polylineVertex menu.popup() } else { mapPolyline.removeVertex(polylineVertex) } } } } Component { id: dragHandleComponent MapQuickItem { id: mapQuickItem anchorPoint.x: dragHandle.width / 2 anchorPoint.y: dragHandle.height / 2 z: _zorderDragHandle property int polylineVertex sourceItem: Rectangle { id: dragHandle width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5 height: width radius: width / 2 color: "white" opacity: .90 QGCLabel { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter text: "..." color: "black" visible: polylineVertex == 0 } } } } // Add all polygon vertex drag handles to the map Component { id: dragHandlesComponent Repeater { model: mapPolyline.pathModel delegate: Item { property var _visuals: [ ] Component.onCompleted: { var dragHandle = dragHandleComponent.createObject(mapControl) dragHandle.coordinate = Qt.binding(function() { return object.coordinate }) dragHandle.polylineVertex = Qt.binding(function() { return index }) mapControl.addMapItem(dragHandle) var dragArea = dragAreaComponent.createObject(mapControl, { "itemIndicator": dragHandle, "itemCoordinate": object.coordinate }) dragArea.polylineVertex = Qt.binding(function() { return index }) _visuals.push(dragHandle) _visuals.push(dragArea) } Component.onDestruction: { for (var i=0; i<_visuals.length; i++) { _visuals[i].destroy() } _visuals = [ ] } } } } }