function geoid = geoid_load(name, dir) %GEOID_LOAD Load a geoid model % % geoid = GEOID_LOAD % geoid = GEOID_LOAD(geoidname) % geoid = GEOID_LOAD(geoidname, geoiddir) % % Loads geoid data into the workspace. geoid_height uses this function % to load the geoid data it needs. The possible geoids are % % egm84-30 egm84-15 % egm96-15 egm96-5 % egm2008-5 egm2008-2_5 egm2008-1 % % The first part of the name is the geoid model. The second part gives % the resolution of the gridded data (in arc-seconds). Thus egm2008-2_5 % is the egm2008 geoid model at a resolution of 2.5". % % If geoidname is not specified (or is empty), the environment variable % GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_NAME is used; if this is not defined then egm96-5 % is used. % % GEOID_LOAD determines the directory with the geoid data as follows % (here an empty string is the same as undefined): % % * if geoiddir is specified, then look there; otherwise ... % * if the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PATH is defined, % look there; otherwise ... % * if the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA is defined, look in % [GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA '/geoids']; otherwise ... % * look in /usr/local/share/GeographicLib/geoids (for non-Windows % systems) or C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib/geoids (for Windows % systems). % % If your geoid models are installed in /usr/share/GeographicLib/geoids, % for example, you can avoid the need to supply the geoiddir argument % with % % setenv GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA /usr/share/GeographicLib % % The geoid data is loaded from the image file obtained by concatenating % the components to give geoiddir/geoidname.pgm. These files store a % grid of geoid heights above the ellipsoid encoded as 16-bit integers. % % The returned geoid can be passed to geoid_height to determine the % height of the geoid above the ellipsoid. % % Information on downloading and installing the data for the supported % geoid models is available at % % % % See also GEOID_HEIGHT. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2015-2019) . narginchk(0, 2) if nargin < 1 file = geoid_file; elseif nargin < 2 file = geoid_file(name); else file = geoid_file(name, dir); end geoid = geoid_load_file(file); end