/*===================================================================== PIXHAWK Micro Air Vehicle Flying Robotics Toolkit (c) 2009, 2010 PIXHAWK PROJECT This file is part of the PIXHAWK project PIXHAWK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PIXHAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PIXHAWK. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Line chart plot widget * * @author Lorenz Meier * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LinechartWidget.h" #include "LinechartPlot.h" #include "LogCompressor.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "MG.h" LinechartWidget::LinechartWidget(int systemid, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), sysid(systemid), activePlot(NULL), curvesLock(new QReadWriteLock()), plotWindowLock(), curveListIndex(0), curveListCounter(0), listedCurves(new QList()), curveLabels(new QMap()), curveMeans(new QMap()), curveMedians(new QMap()), curveVariances(new QMap()), curveMenu(new QMenu(this)), logFile(new QFile()), logindex(1), logging(false), logStartTime(0), updateTimer(new QTimer()) { // Add elements defined in Qt Designer ui.setupUi(this); this->setMinimumSize(300, 200); // Add and customize curve list elements (left side) curvesWidget = new QWidget(ui.curveListWidget); ui.curveListWidget->setWidget(curvesWidget); curvesWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout(curvesWidget); curvesWidgetLayout->setMargin(2); curvesWidgetLayout->setSpacing(4); //curvesWidgetLayout->setSizeConstraint(QSizePolicy::Expanding); curvesWidgetLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 0); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 80); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(3, 50); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(4, 50); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(5, 50); // horizontalLayout->setColumnStretch(median, 50); curvesWidgetLayout->setColumnStretch(6, 50); curvesWidget->setLayout(curvesWidgetLayout); // Create curve list headings QLabel* label; QLabel* value; QLabel* mean; QLabel* variance; //horizontalLayout->addWidget(checkBox); int labelRow = curvesWidgetLayout->rowCount(); selectAllCheckBox = new QCheckBox("", this); connect(selectAllCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(selectAllCurves(bool))); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(selectAllCheckBox, labelRow, 0, 1, 2); label = new QLabel(this); label->setText("Name"); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(label, labelRow, 2); // Value value = new QLabel(this); value->setText("Val"); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(value, labelRow, 3); // Unit //curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Unit")), labelRow, 4); // Mean mean = new QLabel(this); mean->setText("Mean"); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(mean, labelRow, 5); // Variance variance = new QLabel(this); variance->setText("Variance"); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(variance, labelRow, 6); // Add and customize plot elements (right side) // Create the layout createLayout(); // Add the last actions //connect(this, SIGNAL(plotWindowPositionUpdated(int)), scrollbar, SLOT(setValue(int))); //connect(scrollbar, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setPlotWindowPosition(int))); updateTimer->setInterval(300); connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refresh())); readSettings(); } LinechartWidget::~LinechartWidget() { writeSettings(); stopLogging(); delete listedCurves; listedCurves = NULL; } void LinechartWidget::selectAllCurves(bool all) { QMap::iterator i; for (i = curveLabels->begin(); i != curveLabels->end(); ++i) { activePlot->setVisible(i.key(), all); } } void LinechartWidget::writeSettings() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("LINECHART"); if (timeButton) settings.setValue("ENFORCE_GROUNDTIME", timeButton->isChecked()); if (unitsCheckBox) settings.setValue("SHOW_UNITS", unitsCheckBox->isChecked()); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); } void LinechartWidget::readSettings() { QSettings settings; settings.sync(); settings.beginGroup("LINECHART"); if (activePlot) { timeButton->setChecked(settings.value("ENFORCE_GROUNDTIME", timeButton->isChecked()).toBool()); activePlot->enforceGroundTime(settings.value("ENFORCE_GROUNDTIME", timeButton->isChecked()).toBool()); } if (unitsCheckBox) unitsCheckBox->setChecked(settings.value("SHOW_UNITS").toBool()); settings.endGroup(); } void LinechartWidget::createLayout() { // Create actions createActions(); // Setup the plot group box area layout QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(ui.diagramGroupBox); mainLayout = layout; layout->setSpacing(4); layout->setMargin(2); // Create plot container widget activePlot = new LinechartPlot(this, sysid); // Activate automatic scrolling activePlot->setAutoScroll(true); // TODO Proper Initialization needed // activePlot = getPlot(0); // plotContainer->setPlot(activePlot); layout->addWidget(activePlot, 0, 0, 1, 6); layout->setRowStretch(0, 10); layout->setRowStretch(1, 1); // Linear scaling button scalingLinearButton = createButton(this); scalingLinearButton->setDefaultAction(setScalingLinear); scalingLinearButton->setCheckable(true); scalingLinearButton->setToolTip(tr("Set linear scale for Y axis")); scalingLinearButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Set linear scale for Y axis")); layout->addWidget(scalingLinearButton, 1, 0); layout->setColumnStretch(0, 0); // Logarithmic scaling button scalingLogButton = createButton(this); scalingLogButton->setDefaultAction(setScalingLogarithmic); scalingLogButton->setCheckable(true); scalingLogButton->setToolTip(tr("Set logarithmic scale for Y axis")); scalingLogButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Set logarithmic scale for Y axis")); layout->addWidget(scalingLogButton, 1, 1); layout->setColumnStretch(1, 0); // Averaging spin box averageSpinBox = new QSpinBox(this); averageSpinBox->setToolTip(tr("Sliding window size to calculate mean and variance")); averageSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("Sliding window size to calculate mean and variance")); averageSpinBox->setMinimum(2); averageSpinBox->setValue(200); setAverageWindow(200); averageSpinBox->setMaximum(9999); layout->addWidget(averageSpinBox, 1, 2); layout->setColumnStretch(2, 0); connect(averageSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAverageWindow(int))); // Log Button logButton = new QToolButton(this); logButton->setToolTip(tr("Start to log curve data into a CSV or TXT file")); logButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Start to log curve data into a CSV or TXT file")); logButton->setText(tr("Start Logging")); layout->addWidget(logButton, 1, 3); layout->setColumnStretch(3, 0); connect(logButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startLogging())); // Ground time button timeButton = new QCheckBox(this); timeButton->setText(tr("Ground Time")); timeButton->setToolTip(tr("Overwrite timestamp of data from vehicle with ground receive time. Helps if the plots are not visible because of missing or invalid onboard time.")); timeButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Overwrite timestamp of data from vehicle with ground receive time. Helps if the plots are not visible because of missing or invalid onboard time.")); bool gTimeDefault = true; if (activePlot) activePlot->enforceGroundTime(gTimeDefault); timeButton->setChecked(gTimeDefault); layout->addWidget(timeButton, 1, 4); layout->setColumnStretch(4, 0); connect(timeButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), activePlot, SLOT(enforceGroundTime(bool))); connect(timeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeSettings())); unitsCheckBox = new QCheckBox(this); unitsCheckBox->setText(tr("Show units")); unitsCheckBox->setChecked(true); unitsCheckBox->setToolTip(tr("Enable unit display in curve list")); unitsCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("Enable unit display in curve list")); layout->addWidget(unitsCheckBox, 1, 5); connect(unitsCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeSettings())); ui.diagramGroupBox->setLayout(layout); // Add actions averageSpinBox->setValue(activePlot->getAverageWindow()); // Connect notifications from the user interface to the plot connect(this, SIGNAL(curveRemoved(QString)), activePlot, SLOT(hideCurve(QString))); // Update scrollbar when plot window changes (via translator method setPlotWindowPosition() connect(activePlot, SIGNAL(windowPositionChanged(quint64)), this, SLOT(setPlotWindowPosition(quint64))); // Update plot when scrollbar is moved (via translator method setPlotWindowPosition() connect(this, SIGNAL(plotWindowPositionUpdated(quint64)), activePlot, SLOT(setWindowPosition(quint64))); // Set scaling connect(scalingLinearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), activePlot, SLOT(setLinearScaling())); connect(scalingLogButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), activePlot, SLOT(setLogarithmicScaling())); } void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, QString curve, double value, quint64 usec) { static const QString unit("-"); if (isVisible()) { // Order matters here, first append to plot, then update curve list activePlot->appendData(curve+unit, usec, value); // Store data QLabel* label = curveLabels->value(curve+unit, NULL); // Make sure the curve will be created if it does not yet exist if(!label) { addCurve(curve, unit); } } // Log data if (logging) { if (activePlot->isVisible(curve+unit)) { if (logStartTime == 0) logStartTime = usec; qint64 time = usec - logStartTime; if (time < 0) time = 0; logFile->write(QString(QString::number(time) + "\t" + QString::number(uasId) + "\t" + curve + "\t" + QString::number(value,'g',18) + "\n").toLatin1()); logFile->flush(); } } } void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString& unit, double value, quint64 usec) { if (isVisible()) { // Order matters here, first append to plot, then update curve list activePlot->appendData(curve+unit, usec, value); // Store data QLabel* label = curveLabels->value(curve+unit, NULL); // Make sure the curve will be created if it does not yet exist if(!label) { //qDebug() << "ADDING CURVE IN APPENDDATE DOUBLE"; addCurve(curve, unit); } } // Log data if (logging) { if (activePlot->isVisible(curve+unit)) { if (logStartTime == 0) logStartTime = usec; qint64 time = usec - logStartTime; if (time < 0) time = 0; logFile->write(QString(QString::number(time) + "\t" + QString::number(uasId) + "\t" + curve + "\t" + QString::number(value,'g',18) + "\n").toLatin1()); logFile->flush(); } } } void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString& unit, int value, quint64 usec) { if (isVisible()) { // Order matters here, first append to plot, then update curve list activePlot->appendData(curve+unit, usec, value); // Store data QLabel* label = curveLabels->value(curve+unit, NULL); // Make sure the curve will be created if it does not yet exist if(!label) { intData.insert(curve+unit, 0); addCurve(curve, unit); } // Add int data intData.insert(curve+unit, value); } // Log data if (logging) { if (activePlot->isVisible(curve+unit)) { if (logStartTime == 0) logStartTime = usec; qint64 time = usec - logStartTime; if (time < 0) time = 0; logFile->write(QString(QString::number(time) + "\t" + QString::number(uasId) + "\t" + curve + "\t" + QString::number(value) + "\n").toLatin1()); logFile->flush(); } } } void LinechartWidget::refresh() { QString str; // Value QMap::iterator i; for (i = curveLabels->begin(); i != curveLabels->end(); ++i) { if (intData.contains(i.key())) { str.sprintf("% 11i", intData.value(i.key())); } else { double val = activePlot->getCurrentValue(i.key()); int intval = static_cast(val); if (intval >= 100000 || intval <= -100000) { str.sprintf("% 11i", intval); } else if (intval >= 10000 || intval <= -10000) { str.sprintf("% 11.2f", val); } else if (intval >= 1000 || intval <= -1000) { str.sprintf("% 11.4f", val); } else { str.sprintf("% 11.6f", val); } } // Value i.value()->setText(str); } // Mean QMap::iterator j; for (j = curveMeans->begin(); j != curveMeans->end(); ++j) { double val = activePlot->getMean(j.key()); int intval = static_cast(val); if (intval >= 100000 || intval <= -100000) { str.sprintf("% 11i", intval); } else if (intval >= 10000 || intval <= -10000) { str.sprintf("% 11.2f", val); } else if (intval >= 1000 || intval <= -1000) { str.sprintf("% 11.4f", val); } else { str.sprintf("% 11.6f", val); } j.value()->setText(str); } // QMap::iterator k; // for (k = curveMedians->begin(); k != curveMedians->end(); ++k) // { // // Median // str.sprintf("%+.2f", activePlot->getMedian(k.key())); // k.value()->setText(str); // } QMap::iterator l; for (l = curveVariances->begin(); l != curveVariances->end(); ++l) { // Variance str.sprintf("% 8.3e", activePlot->getVariance(l.key())); l.value()->setText(str); } } void LinechartWidget::startLogging() { // Store reference to file // Append correct file ending if needed bool abort = false; // Check if any curve is enabled if (!activePlot->anyCurveVisible()) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText("No curves selected for logging."); msgBox.setInformativeText("Please check all curves you want to log. Currently no data would be logged, aborting the logging."); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); return; } // Let user select the log file name //QDate date(QDate::currentDate()); // QString("./pixhawk-log-" + date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + QString::number(logindex) + ".log") QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Specify log file name"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation), tr("Logfile (*.csv *.txt);;")); if (!fileName.contains(".")) { // .csv is default extension fileName.append(".csv"); } while (!(fileName.endsWith(".txt") || fileName.endsWith(".csv")) && !abort && fileName != "") { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText("Unsuitable file extension for logfile"); msgBox.setInformativeText("Please choose .txt or .csv as file extension. Click OK to change the file extension, cancel to not start logging."); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); if(msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Cancel) { abort = true; break; } fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Specify log file name"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation), tr("Logfile (*.txt, *.csv);;")); } // Check if the user did not abort the file save dialog if (!abort && fileName != "") { logFile = new QFile(fileName); if (logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { logging = true; logStartTime = 0; curvesWidget->setEnabled(false); logindex++; logButton->setText(tr("Stop logging")); disconnect(logButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startLogging())); connect(logButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopLogging())); } } } void LinechartWidget::stopLogging() { logging = false; curvesWidget->setEnabled(true); if (logFile->isOpen()) { logFile->flush(); logFile->close(); // Postprocess log file compressor = new LogCompressor(logFile->fileName(), logFile->fileName()); connect(compressor, SIGNAL(finishedFile(QString)), this, SIGNAL(logfileWritten(QString))); connect(compressor, SIGNAL(logProcessingStatusChanged(QString)), MainWindow::instance(), SLOT(showStatusMessage(QString))); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); msgBox.setText(tr("Starting Log Compression")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Should empty fields (e.g. due to packet drops) be filled with the previous value of the same variable (zero order hold)?")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); int ret = msgBox.exec(); bool fill; if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) { fill = true; } else { fill = false; } compressor->startCompression(fill); } logButton->setText(tr("Start logging")); disconnect(logButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopLogging())); connect(logButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startLogging())); } /** * The average window size defines the width of the sliding average * filter. It also defines the width of the sliding median filter. * * @param windowSize with (in values) of the sliding average/median filter. Minimum is 2 */ void LinechartWidget::setAverageWindow(int windowSize) { if (windowSize > 1) activePlot->setAverageWindow(windowSize); } void LinechartWidget::createActions() { setScalingLogarithmic = new QAction("LOG", this); setScalingLinear = new QAction("LIN", this); } /** * @brief Add a curve to the curve list * * @param curve The id-string of the curve * @see removeCurve() **/ void LinechartWidget::addCurve(const QString& curve, const QString& unit) { LinechartPlot* plot = activePlot; // QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout; QCheckBox *checkBox; QLabel* label; QLabel* value; QLabel* unitLabel; QLabel* mean; QLabel* variance; int labelRow = curvesWidgetLayout->rowCount(); checkBox = new QCheckBox(this); checkBox->setCheckable(true); checkBox->setObjectName(curve+unit); checkBox->setToolTip(tr("Enable the curve in the graph window")); checkBox->setWhatsThis(tr("Enable the curve in the graph window")); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(checkBox, labelRow, 0); QWidget* colorIcon = new QWidget(this); colorIcon->setMinimumSize(QSize(5, 14)); colorIcon->setMaximumSize(4, 14); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(colorIcon, labelRow, 1); label = new QLabel(this); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(label, labelRow, 2); //checkBox->setText(QString()); label->setText(curve); QColor color = plot->getColorForCurve(curve+unit); if(color.isValid()) { QString colorstyle; colorstyle = colorstyle.sprintf("QWidget { background-color: #%X%X%X; }", color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()); colorIcon->setStyleSheet(colorstyle); colorIcon->setAutoFillBackground(true); } // Value value = new QLabel(this); value->setNum(0.00); value->setStyleSheet(QString("QLabel {font-family:\"Courier\"; font-weight: bold;}")); value->setToolTip(tr("Current value of %1 in %2 units").arg(curve, unit)); value->setWhatsThis(tr("Current value of %1 in %2 units").arg(curve, unit)); curveLabels->insert(curve+unit, value); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(value, labelRow, 3); // Unit unitLabel = new QLabel(this); unitLabel->setText(unit); unitLabel->setStyleSheet(QString("QLabel {color: %1;}").arg("#AAAAAA")); //qDebug() << "UNIT" << unit; unitLabel->setToolTip(tr("Unit of ") + curve); unitLabel->setWhatsThis(tr("Unit of ") + curve); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(unitLabel, labelRow, 4); unitLabel->setVisible(unitsCheckBox->isChecked()); connect(unitsCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), unitLabel, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); // Mean mean = new QLabel(this); mean->setNum(0.00); mean->setStyleSheet(QString("QLabel {font-family:\"Courier\"; font-weight: bold;}")); mean->setToolTip(tr("Arithmetic mean of %1 in %2 units").arg(curve, unit)); mean->setWhatsThis(tr("Arithmetic mean of %1 in %2 units").arg(curve, unit)); curveMeans->insert(curve+unit, mean); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(mean, labelRow, 5); // // Median // median = new QLabel(form); // value->setNum(0.00); // curveMedians->insert(curve, median); // horizontalLayout->addWidget(median); // Variance variance = new QLabel(this); variance->setNum(0.00); variance->setStyleSheet(QString("QLabel {font-family:\"Courier\"; font-weight: bold;}")); variance->setToolTip(tr("Variance of %1 in (%2)^2 units").arg(curve, unit)); variance->setWhatsThis(tr("Variance of %1 in (%2)^2 units").arg(curve, unit)); curveVariances->insert(curve+unit, variance); curvesWidgetLayout->addWidget(variance, labelRow, 6); /* Color picker QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(Qt::green, this); if (color.isValid()) { colorLabel->setText(color.name()); colorLabel->setPalette(QPalette(color)); colorLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true); } */ // Set stretch factors so that the label gets the whole space // Load visibility settings // TODO // Connect actions connect(selectAllCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), checkBox, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); QObject::connect(checkBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(takeButtonClick(bool))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(curveVisible(QString, bool)), plot, SLOT(setVisible(QString, bool))); // Set UI components to initial state checkBox->setChecked(false); plot->setVisible(curve+unit, false); } /** * @brief Remove the curve from the curve list. * * @param curve The curve to remove * @see addCurve() **/ void LinechartWidget::removeCurve(QString curve) { Q_UNUSED(curve) //TODO @todo Ensure that the button for a curve gets deleted when the original curve is deleted // Remove name } void LinechartWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { Q_UNUSED(event); setActive(true); } void LinechartWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { Q_UNUSED(event); setActive(false); } void LinechartWidget::setActive(bool active) { if (activePlot) { activePlot->setActive(active); } if (active) { updateTimer->start(updateInterval); } else { updateTimer->stop(); } } /** * @brief Set the position of the plot window. * The plot covers only a portion of the complete time series. The scrollbar * allows to select a window of the time series. The right edge of the window is * defined proportional to the position of the scrollbar. * * @param scrollBarValue The value of the scrollbar, in the range from MIN_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE to MAX_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE **/ void LinechartWidget::setPlotWindowPosition(int scrollBarValue) { plotWindowLock.lockForWrite(); // Disable automatic scrolling immediately int scrollBarRange = (MAX_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE - MIN_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE); double position = (static_cast(scrollBarValue) - MIN_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE) / scrollBarRange; quint64 scrollInterval; // Activate automatic scrolling if scrollbar is at the right edge if(scrollBarValue > MAX_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE - (MAX_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE - MIN_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE) * 0.01f) { activePlot->setAutoScroll(true); } else { activePlot->setAutoScroll(false); quint64 rightPosition; /* If the data exceeds the plot window, choose the position according to the scrollbar position */ if(activePlot->getDataInterval() > activePlot->getPlotInterval()) { scrollInterval = activePlot->getDataInterval() - activePlot->getPlotInterval(); rightPosition = activePlot->getMinTime() + activePlot->getPlotInterval() + (scrollInterval * position); } else { /* If the data interval is smaller as the plot interval, clamp the scrollbar to the right */ rightPosition = activePlot->getMinTime() + activePlot->getPlotInterval(); } emit plotWindowPositionUpdated(rightPosition); } // The slider position must be mapped onto an interval of datainterval - plotinterval, // because the slider position defines the right edge of the plot window. The leftmost // slider position must therefore map to the start of the data interval + plot interval // to ensure that the plot is not empty // start> |-- plot interval --||-- (data interval - plotinterval) --| setWindowPosition(rightPosition); plotWindowLock.unlock(); } /** * @brief Receive an updated plot window position. * The plot window can be changed by the arrival of new data or by * other user interaction. The scrollbar and other UI components * can be notified by calling this method. * * @param position The absolute position of the right edge of the plot window, in milliseconds **/ void LinechartWidget::setPlotWindowPosition(quint64 position) { plotWindowLock.lockForWrite(); // Calculate the relative position double pos; // A relative position makes only sense if the plot is filled if(activePlot->getDataInterval() > activePlot->getPlotInterval()) { //TODO @todo Implement the scrollbar enabling in a more elegant way //scrollbar->setDisabled(false); quint64 scrollInterval = position - activePlot->getMinTime() - activePlot->getPlotInterval(); pos = (static_cast(scrollInterval) / (activePlot->getDataInterval() - activePlot->getPlotInterval())); } else { //scrollbar->setDisabled(true); pos = 1; } plotWindowLock.unlock(); emit plotWindowPositionUpdated(static_cast(pos * (MAX_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE - MIN_TIME_SCROLLBAR_VALUE))); } /** * @brief Set the time interval the plot displays. * The time interval of the plot can be adjusted by this method. If the * data covers less time than the interval, the plot will be filled from * the right to left * * @param interval The time interval to plot **/ void LinechartWidget::setPlotInterval(quint64 interval) { activePlot->setPlotInterval(interval); } /** * @brief Take the click of a curve activation / deactivation button. * This method allows to map a button to a plot curve.The text of the * button must equal the curve name to activate / deactivate. * * @param checked The visibility of the curve: true to display the curve, false otherwise **/ void LinechartWidget::takeButtonClick(bool checked) { QCheckBox* button = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(button != NULL) { activePlot->setVisible(button->objectName(), checked); } } /** * @brief Factory method to create a new button. * * @param imagename The name of the image (should be placed at the standard icon location) * @param text The button text * @param parent The parent object (to ensure that the memory is freed after the deletion of the button) **/ QToolButton* LinechartWidget::createButton(QWidget* parent) { QToolButton* button = new QToolButton(parent); button->setMinimumSize(QSize(20, 20)); button->setMaximumSize(60, 20); button->setGeometry(button->x(), button->y(), 20, 20); return button; }