uasControl 0 0 222 172 0 0 222 172 267 194 Form Control widget to send basic control actions to the micro air vehicle Qt::Horizontal 31 159 0 0 UNCONNECTED Qt::AlignCenter 0 Qt::Horizontal 30 159 0 12 Activate Engine 40 12 Start :/images/control/launch.svg:/images/control/launch.svg 40 12 Land :/images/control/land.svg:/images/control/land.svg 40 12 Halt :/images/actions/system-log-out.svg:/images/actions/system-log-out.svg 0 12 40 12 Set Mode :/images/devices/network-wireless.svg:/images/devices/network-wireless.svg 40 16 Set Origin :/images/actions/go-home.svg:/images/actions/go-home.svg 0 12 No actions executed so far Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop