/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_COORDINATESYSTEMNODE #define OSG_COORDINATESYSTEMNODE 1 #include <osg/Group> #include <osg/Matrixd> namespace osg { const double WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378137.0; const double WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR = 6356752.3142; /** EllipsoidModel encapsulates the ellipsoid used to model astronomical bodies, * such as sun, planets, moon etc. * All distance quantities (i.e. heights + radius) are in meters, * and latitude and longitude are in radians.*/ class EllipsoidModel : public Object { public: /** WGS_84 is a common representation of the earth's spheroid */ EllipsoidModel(double radiusEquator = WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR, double radiusPolar = WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR): _radiusEquator(radiusEquator), _radiusPolar(radiusPolar) { computeCoefficients(); } EllipsoidModel(const EllipsoidModel& et,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY): Object(et,copyop), _radiusEquator(et._radiusEquator), _radiusPolar(et._radiusPolar) { computeCoefficients(); } META_Object(osg,EllipsoidModel); void setRadiusEquator(double radius) { _radiusEquator = radius; computeCoefficients(); } double getRadiusEquator() const { return _radiusEquator; } void setRadiusPolar(double radius) { _radiusPolar = radius; computeCoefficients(); } double getRadiusPolar() const { return _radiusPolar; } inline void convertLatLongHeightToXYZ(double latitude, double longitude, double height, double& X, double& Y, double& Z) const; inline void convertXYZToLatLongHeight(double X, double Y, double Z, double& latitude, double& longitude, double& height) const; inline void computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight(double latitude, double longitude, double height, osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const; inline void computeLocalToWorldTransformFromXYZ(double X, double Y, double Z, osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const; inline void computeCoordinateFrame(double latitude, double longitude, osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const; inline osg::Vec3d computeLocalUpVector(double X, double Y, double Z) const; // Convenience method for determining if EllipsoidModel is a stock WGS84 ellipsoid inline bool isWGS84() const {return(_radiusEquator == WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR && _radiusPolar == WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR);} // Compares two EllipsoidModel by comparing critical internal values. // Ignores _eccentricitySquared since it's just a cached value derived from // the _radiusEquator and _radiusPolar members. friend bool operator == ( const EllipsoidModel & e1, const EllipsoidModel& e2) {return(e1._radiusEquator == e2._radiusEquator && e1._radiusPolar == e2._radiusPolar);} protected: void computeCoefficients() { double flattening = (_radiusEquator-_radiusPolar)/_radiusEquator; _eccentricitySquared = 2*flattening - flattening*flattening; } double _radiusEquator; double _radiusPolar; double _eccentricitySquared; }; /** CoordinateFrame encapsulates the orientation of east, north and up.*/ typedef Matrixd CoordinateFrame; /** CoordinateSystem encapsulate the coordinate system that is associated with objects in a scene. For an overview of common earth bases coordinate systems see http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/coordsys/coordsys_f.html */ class OSG_EXPORT CoordinateSystemNode : public Group { public: CoordinateSystemNode(); CoordinateSystemNode(const std::string& format, const std::string& cs); /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/ CoordinateSystemNode(const CoordinateSystemNode&,const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); META_Node(osg,CoordinateSystemNode); /** Set the coordinate system node up by copying the format, coordinate system string, and ellipsoid model of another coordinate system node.*/ void set(const CoordinateSystemNode& csn); /** Set the coordinate system format string. Typical values would be WKT, PROJ4, USGS etc.*/ void setFormat(const std::string& format) { _format = format; } /** Get the coordinate system format string.*/ const std::string& getFormat() const { return _format; } /** Set the CoordinateSystem reference string, should be stored in a form consistent with the Format.*/ void setCoordinateSystem(const std::string& cs) { _cs = cs; } /** Get the CoordinateSystem reference string.*/ const std::string& getCoordinateSystem() const { return _cs; } /** Set EllipsoidModel to describe the model used to map lat, long and height into geocentric XYZ and back. */ void setEllipsoidModel(EllipsoidModel* ellipsode) { _ellipsoidModel = ellipsode; } /** Get the EllipsoidModel.*/ EllipsoidModel* getEllipsoidModel() { return _ellipsoidModel.get(); } /** Get the const EllipsoidModel.*/ const EllipsoidModel* getEllipsoidModel() const { return _ellipsoidModel.get(); } /** Compute the local coordinate frame for specified point.*/ CoordinateFrame computeLocalCoordinateFrame(const Vec3d& position) const; /** Compute the local up-vector for specified point.*/ osg::Vec3d computeLocalUpVector(const Vec3d& position) const; protected: virtual ~CoordinateSystemNode() {} std::string _format; std::string _cs; ref_ptr<EllipsoidModel> _ellipsoidModel; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement inline methods. // inline void EllipsoidModel::convertLatLongHeightToXYZ(double latitude, double longitude, double height, double& X, double& Y, double& Z) const { // for details on maths see http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/gif/llhxyz.gif double sin_latitude = sin(latitude); double cos_latitude = cos(latitude); double N = _radiusEquator / sqrt( 1.0 - _eccentricitySquared*sin_latitude*sin_latitude); X = (N+height)*cos_latitude*cos(longitude); Y = (N+height)*cos_latitude*sin(longitude); Z = (N*(1-_eccentricitySquared)+height)*sin_latitude; } inline void EllipsoidModel::convertXYZToLatLongHeight(double X, double Y, double Z, double& latitude, double& longitude, double& height) const { // http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/gif/xyzllh.gif double p = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y); double theta = atan2(Z*_radiusEquator , (p*_radiusPolar)); double eDashSquared = (_radiusEquator*_radiusEquator - _radiusPolar*_radiusPolar)/ (_radiusPolar*_radiusPolar); double sin_theta = sin(theta); double cos_theta = cos(theta); latitude = atan( (Z + eDashSquared*_radiusPolar*sin_theta*sin_theta*sin_theta) / (p - _eccentricitySquared*_radiusEquator*cos_theta*cos_theta*cos_theta) ); longitude = atan2(Y,X); double sin_latitude = sin(latitude); double N = _radiusEquator / sqrt( 1.0 - _eccentricitySquared*sin_latitude*sin_latitude); height = p/cos(latitude) - N; } inline void EllipsoidModel::computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight(double latitude, double longitude, double height, osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const { double X, Y, Z; convertLatLongHeightToXYZ(latitude,longitude,height,X,Y,Z); localToWorld.makeTranslate(X,Y,Z); computeCoordinateFrame(latitude, longitude, localToWorld); } inline void EllipsoidModel::computeLocalToWorldTransformFromXYZ(double X, double Y, double Z, osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const { double latitude, longitude, height; convertXYZToLatLongHeight(X,Y,Z,latitude,longitude,height); localToWorld.makeTranslate(X,Y,Z); computeCoordinateFrame(latitude, longitude, localToWorld); } inline void EllipsoidModel::computeCoordinateFrame(double latitude, double longitude, osg::Matrixd& localToWorld) const { // Compute up vector osg::Vec3d up ( cos(longitude)*cos(latitude), sin(longitude)*cos(latitude), sin(latitude)); // Compute east vector osg::Vec3d east (-sin(longitude), cos(longitude), 0); // Compute north vector = outer product up x east osg::Vec3d north = up ^ east; // set matrix localToWorld(0,0) = east[0]; localToWorld(0,1) = east[1]; localToWorld(0,2) = east[2]; localToWorld(1,0) = north[0]; localToWorld(1,1) = north[1]; localToWorld(1,2) = north[2]; localToWorld(2,0) = up[0]; localToWorld(2,1) = up[1]; localToWorld(2,2) = up[2]; } inline osg::Vec3d EllipsoidModel::computeLocalUpVector(double X, double Y, double Z) const { // Note latitude is angle between normal to ellipsoid surface and XY-plane double latitude; double longitude; double altitude; convertXYZToLatLongHeight(X,Y,Z,latitude,longitude,altitude); // Compute up vector return osg::Vec3d( cos(longitude) * cos(latitude), sin(longitude) * cos(latitude), sin(latitude)); } } #endif