/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2010 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Definition of the waypoint protocol handler * * @author Petri Tanskanen <mavteam@student.ethz.ch> * */ #ifndef UASWAYPOINTMANAGER_H #define UASWAYPOINTMANAGER_H #include <QObject> #include <QList> #include <QTimer> #include <QPointer> #include "MissionItem.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" class UAS; class UASInterface; class Vehicle; /** * @brief Implementation of the MAVLINK waypoint protocol * * This class handles the communication with a waypoint manager on the MAV. * All waypoints are stored in the QList waypoints, modifications can be done with the WaypointList widget. * Notice that currently the access to the internal waypoint storage is not guarded nor thread-safe. This works as long as no other widget alters the data. * * See http://qgroundcontrol.org/waypoint_protocol for more information about the protocol and the states. */ class UASWaypointManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: enum WaypointState { WP_IDLE = 0, ///< Waiting for commands WP_SENDLIST, ///< Initial state for sending waypoints to the MAV WP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS,///< Sending waypoints WP_GETLIST, ///< Initial state for retrieving waypoints from the MAV WP_GETLIST_GETWPS, ///< Receiving waypoints WP_CLEARLIST, ///< Clearing waypoint list on the MAV WP_SETCURRENT ///< Setting new current waypoint on the MAV }; ///< The possible states for the waypoint protocol public: UASWaypointManager(Vehicle* vehicle, UAS* uas); ///< Standard constructor ~UASWaypointManager(); bool guidedModeSupported(); void goToWaypoint(MissionItem *wp); /** @name Received message handlers */ /*@{*/ void handleWaypointCount(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, quint16 count); ///< Handles received waypoint count messages void handleWaypoint(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_item_t *wp); ///< Handles received waypoint messages void handleWaypointAck(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_ack_t *wpa); ///< Handles received waypoint ack messages void handleWaypointRequest(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_request_t *wpr); ///< Handles received waypoint request messages void handleWaypointReached(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_item_reached_t *wpr); ///< Handles received waypoint reached messages void handleWaypointCurrent(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_current_t *wpc); ///< Handles received set current waypoint messages /*@}*/ /** @name Remote operations */ /*@{*/ void clearWaypointList(); ///< Sends the waypoint clear all message to the MAV void readWaypoints(bool read_to_edit=false); ///< Requests the MAV's current waypoint list. void writeWaypoints(); ///< Sends the waypoint list to the MAV int setCurrentWaypoint(quint16 seq); ///< Sends the sequence number of the waypoint that should get the new target waypoint to the UAS int setCurrentEditable(quint16 seq); ///< Changes the current waypoint in edit tab /*@}*/ /** @name MissionItem list operations */ /*@{*/ const QList<MissionItem *> &getWaypointEditableList(void) { return waypointsEditable; ///< Returns a const reference to the waypoint list. } const QList<MissionItem *> &getWaypointViewOnlyList(void) { return waypointsViewOnly; ///< Returns a const reference to the waypoint list. } const QList<MissionItem *> getGlobalFrameWaypointList(); ///< Returns a global waypoint list const QList<MissionItem *> getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList(); ///< Returns a global waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out. const QList<MissionItem *> getNavTypeWaypointList(); ///< Returns a waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out. int getIndexOf(MissionItem* wp); ///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list int getGlobalFrameIndexOf(MissionItem* wp); ///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only global waypoints int getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeIndexOf(MissionItem* wp); ///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only global AND navigation mode waypoints int getNavTypeIndexOf(MissionItem* wp); ///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only navigation mode waypoints int getLocalFrameIndexOf(MissionItem* wp); ///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only local waypoints int getMissionFrameIndexOf(MissionItem* wp); ///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only mission waypoints int getGlobalFrameCount(); ///< Get the count of global waypoints in the list int getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeCount(); ///< Get the count of global waypoints in navigation mode in the list int getNavTypeCount(); ///< Get the count of global waypoints in navigation mode in the list int getLocalFrameCount(); ///< Get the count of local waypoints in the list /*@}*/ UAS* getUAS(); float getAltitudeRecommendation(); int getFrameRecommendation(); float getAcceptanceRadiusRecommendation(); float getHomeAltitudeOffsetDefault(); private: /** @name Message send functions */ /*@{*/ void sendWaypointClearAll(); void sendWaypointSetCurrent(quint16 seq); void sendWaypointCount(); void sendWaypointRequestList(); void sendWaypointRequest(quint16 seq); ///< Requests a waypoint with sequence number seq void sendWaypoint(quint16 seq); ///< Sends a waypoint with sequence number seq void sendWaypointAck(quint8 type); ///< Sends a waypoint ack /*@}*/ public slots: void timeout(); ///< Called by the timer if a response times out. Handles send retries. /** @name MissionItem list operations */ /*@{*/ void addWaypointEditable(MissionItem *wp, bool enforceFirstActive=true); ///< adds a new waypoint to the end of the editable list and changes its sequence number accordingly void addWaypointViewOnly(MissionItem *wp); ///< adds a new waypoint to the end of the view-only list and changes its sequence number accordingly MissionItem* createWaypoint(bool enforceFirstActive=true); ///< Creates a waypoint int removeWaypoint(quint16 seq); ///< locally remove the specified waypoint from the storage void moveWaypoint(quint16 cur_seq, quint16 new_seq); ///< locally move a waypoint from its current position cur_seq to a new position new_seq void saveWaypoints(const QString &saveFile); ///< saves the local waypoint list to saveFile void loadWaypoints(const QString &loadFile); ///< loads a waypoint list from loadFile void notifyOfChangeEditable(MissionItem* wp); ///< Notifies manager to changes to an editable waypoint void notifyOfChangeViewOnly(MissionItem* wp); ///< Notifies manager to changes to a viewonly waypoint, e.g. some widget wants to change "current" /*@}*/ void handleLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* mav, double x, double y, double z, quint64 time); void handleGlobalPositionChanged(UASInterface* mav, double lat, double lon, double altAMSL, double altWGS84, quint64 time); signals: void waypointEditableListChanged(void); ///< emits signal that the list of editable waypoints has been changed void waypointEditableListChanged(int uasid); ///< emits signal that the list of editable waypoints has been changed void waypointEditableChanged(int uasid, MissionItem* wp); ///< emits signal that a single editable waypoint has been changed void waypointViewOnlyListChanged(void); ///< emits signal that the list of editable waypoints has been changed void waypointViewOnlyListChanged(int uasid); ///< emits signal that the list of editable waypoints has been changed void waypointViewOnlyChanged(int uasid, MissionItem* wp); ///< emits signal that a single editable waypoint has been changed void currentWaypointChanged(quint16); ///< emits the new current waypoint sequence number void updateStatusString(const QString &); ///< emits the current status string void waypointDistanceChanged(double distance); ///< Distance to next waypoint changed (in meters) void loadWPFile(); ///< emits signal that a file wp has been load void readGlobalWPFromUAS(bool value); ///< emits signal when finish to read Global WP from UAS void _startProtocolTimer(void); ///< emits signal to start protocol timer void _stopProtocolTimer(void); ///< emits signal to stop protocol timer private slots: void _startProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void); ///< Starts the protocol timer void _stopProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void); ///< Starts the protocol timer void _updateWPonTimer(void); ///< Starts requesting WP on timer timeout private: Vehicle* _vehicle; quint32 current_retries; ///< The current number of retries left quint16 current_wp_id; ///< The last used waypoint ID in the current protocol transaction quint16 current_count; ///< The number of waypoints in the current protocol transaction WaypointState current_state; ///< The current protocol state quint8 current_partner_systemid; ///< The current protocol communication target system quint8 current_partner_compid; ///< The current protocol communication target component bool read_to_edit; ///< If true, after readWaypoints() incoming waypoints will be copied both to "edit"-tab and "view"-tab. Otherwise, only to "view"-tab. QList<MissionItem *> waypointsViewOnly; ///< local copy of current waypoint list on MAV QList<MissionItem *> waypointsEditable; ///< local editable waypoint list QPointer<MissionItem> currentWaypointEditable; ///< The currently used waypoint QList<mavlink_mission_item_t *> waypoint_buffer; ///< buffer for waypoints during communication QTimer protocol_timer; ///< Timer to catch timeouts QTimer _updateWPlist_timer; ///< update WP list if modified by another instance onboard bool standalone; ///< If standalone is set, do not write to UAS int uasid; ///< The ID of the current UAS. Retrieved via `uas->getUASID();`, stored as an `int` to match its return type. // XXX export to settings static const float defaultAltitudeHomeOffset; ///< Altitude offset in meters from home for new waypoints QString _offlineEditingModeMessage; }; #endif // UASWAYPOINTMANAGER_H