#ifndef MAVLINKSIMULATIONWAYPOINTPLANNER_H #define MAVLINKSIMULATIONWAYPOINTPLANNER_H #include <QObject> #include <vector> #include "MAVLinkSimulationLink.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" enum PX_WAYPOINTPLANNER_STATES { PX_WPP_IDLE = 0, PX_WPP_SENDLIST, PX_WPP_SENDLIST_SENDWPS, PX_WPP_GETLIST, PX_WPP_GETLIST_GETWPS, PX_WPP_GETLIST_GOTALL }; class MAVLinkSimulationWaypointPlanner : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MAVLinkSimulationWaypointPlanner(MAVLinkSimulationLink *parent, int systemid); signals: void messageSent(const mavlink_message_t& msg); public slots: void handleMessage(const mavlink_message_t& msg); protected: MAVLinkSimulationLink* link; bool idle; ///< indicates if the system is following the waypoints or is waiting uint16_t current_active_wp_id; ///< id of current waypoint bool yawReached; ///< boolean for yaw attitude reached bool posReached; ///< boolean for position reached uint64_t timestamp_lastoutside_orbit;///< timestamp when the MAV was last outside the orbit or had the wrong yaw value uint64_t timestamp_firstinside_orbit;///< timestamp when the MAV was the first time after a waypoint change inside the orbit and had the correct yaw value std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*> waypoints1; ///< vector1 that holds the waypoints std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*> waypoints2; ///< vector2 that holds the waypoints std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*>* waypoints; ///< pointer to the currently active waypoint vector std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*>* waypoints_receive_buffer; ///< pointer to the receive buffer waypoint vector PX_WAYPOINTPLANNER_STATES current_state; uint16_t protocol_current_wp_id; uint16_t protocol_current_count; uint8_t protocol_current_partner_systemid; uint8_t protocol_current_partner_compid; uint64_t protocol_timestamp_lastaction; unsigned int protocol_timeout; uint64_t timestamp_last_send_setpoint; uint8_t systemid; uint8_t compid; unsigned int setpointDelay; float yawTolerance; bool verbose; bool debug; bool silent; void send_waypoint_ack(uint8_t target_systemid, uint8_t target_compid, uint8_t type); void send_waypoint_current(uint16_t seq); void send_setpoint(uint16_t seq); void send_waypoint_count(uint8_t target_systemid, uint8_t target_compid, uint16_t count); void send_waypoint(uint8_t target_systemid, uint8_t target_compid, uint16_t seq); void send_waypoint_request(uint8_t target_systemid, uint8_t target_compid, uint16_t seq); void send_waypoint_reached(uint16_t seq); float distanceToSegment(uint16_t seq, float x, float y, float z); float distanceToPoint(uint16_t seq, float x, float y, float z); float distanceToPoint(uint16_t seq, float x, float y); void mavlink_handler(const mavlink_message_t* msg); }; #endif // MAVLINKSIMULATIONWAYPOINTPLANNER_H