// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Frequency Assignment Problem // The Radio Link Frequency Assignment Problem consists in assigning frequencies // to a set of radio links defined between pairs of sites in order to avoid // interferences. Each radio link is represented by a variable whose domain is // the set of all frequencies that are available for this link. // The essential constraint involving two variables of the problem F1 and F2, // which represent two frequencies in the spectrum, is // |F1 - F2| > k12, where k12 is a predefined constant value. // The Frequency Assignment Problem is an NP-complete problem as proved by means // of reduction from k-Colorability problem for undirected graphs. // The solution of the problem can be based on various criteria: // - Simple satisfaction // - Minimizing the number of distinct frequencies used // - Minimizing the maximum frequency used, i.e minimizing the total width of // the spectrum // - Minimizing a weighted sum of violated constraints if the problem is // inconsistent // More on the Frequency Assignment Problem and the data format of its instances // can be found at: http://www.inra.fr/mia/T/schiex/Doc/CELAR.shtml#synt // // Implementation // Two solvers are implemented: The HardFapSolver finds the solution to // feasible instances of the problem with objective either the minimization of // the largest frequency assigned or the minimization of the number of // frequencies used to the solution. // The SoftFapSolver is optimizes the unfeasible instances. Some of the // constraints of these instances may actually be soft constraints which may be // violated at some predefined constant cost. The SoftFapSolver aims to minimize // the total cost of violated constraints, i.e. to minimize the sum of all the // violation costs. // If the latter solver is forced to solve a feasible instance, the main // function redirects to the former, afterwards. // #include #include #include #include #include "examples/cpp/fap_model_printer.h" #include "examples/cpp/fap_parser.h" #include "examples/cpp/fap_utilities.h" #include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/base/map_util.h" #include "ortools/constraint_solver/constraint_solver.h" ABSL_FLAG(std::string, directory, "", "Specifies the directory of the data."); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, value_evaluator, "", "Specifies if a value evaluator will be used by the " "decision builder."); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, variable_evaluator, "", "Specifies if a variable evaluator will be used by the " "decision builder."); ABSL_FLAG(int, time_limit_in_ms, 0, "Time limit in ms, <= 0 means no limit."); ABSL_FLAG(int, choose_next_variable_strategy, 1, "Selection strategy for variable: " "1 = CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, " "2 = CHOOSE_MIN_SIZE_LOWEST_MIN, " "3 = CHOOSE_MIN_SIZE_HIGHEST_MAX, " "4 = CHOOSE_RANDOM, "); ABSL_FLAG(int, restart, -1, "Parameter for constant restart monitor."); ABSL_FLAG(bool, find_components, false, "If possible, split the problem into independent sub-problems."); ABSL_FLAG(bool, luby, false, "Use luby restart monitor instead of constant restart monitor."); ABSL_FLAG(bool, log_search, true, "Create a search log."); ABSL_FLAG(bool, soft, false, "Use soft solver instead of hard solver."); ABSL_FLAG(bool, display_time, true, "Print how much time the solving process took."); ABSL_FLAG(bool, display_results, true, "Print the results of the solving process."); namespace operations_research { // Decision on the relative order that the two variables of a constraint // will have. It takes as parameters the components of the constraint. class OrderingDecision : public Decision { public: OrderingDecision(IntVar* const variable1, IntVar* const variable2, int value, std::string operation) : variable1_(variable1), variable2_(variable2), value_(value), operator_(std::move(operation)) {} ~OrderingDecision() override {} // Apply will be called first when the decision is executed. void Apply(Solver* const s) override { // variable1 < variable2 MakeDecision(s, variable1_, variable2_); } // Refute will be called after a backtrack. void Refute(Solver* const s) override { // variable1 > variable2 MakeDecision(s, variable2_, variable1_); } private: void MakeDecision(Solver* s, IntVar* variable1, IntVar* variable2) { if (operator_ == ">") { IntExpr* difference = (s->MakeDifference(variable2, variable1)); s->AddConstraint(s->MakeGreater(difference, value_)); } else if (operator_ == "=") { IntExpr* difference = (s->MakeDifference(variable2, variable1)); s->AddConstraint(s->MakeEquality(difference, value_)); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "No right operator specified."; } } IntVar* const variable1_; IntVar* const variable2_; const int value_; const std::string operator_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OrderingDecision); }; // Decision on whether a soft constraint will be added to a model // or if it will be violated. class ConstraintDecision : public Decision { public: explicit ConstraintDecision(IntVar* const constraint_violation) : constraint_violation_(constraint_violation) {} ~ConstraintDecision() override {} // Apply will be called first when the decision is executed. void Apply(Solver* const s) override { // The constraint with which the builder is dealing, will be satisfied. constraint_violation_->SetValue(0); } // Refute will be called after a backtrack. void Refute(Solver* const s) override { // The constraint with which the builder is dealing, will not be satisfied. constraint_violation_->SetValue(1); } private: IntVar* const constraint_violation_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ConstraintDecision); }; // The ordering builder resolves the relative order of the two variables // included in each of the constraints of the problem. In that way the // solving becomes much more efficient since we are branching on the // disjunction implied by the absolute value expression. class OrderingBuilder : public DecisionBuilder { public: enum Order { LESS = -1, EQUAL = 0, GREATER = 1 }; OrderingBuilder(const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::vector& variables, const std::vector& violated_constraints, const std::map& index_from_key) : data_variables_(data_variables), data_constraints_(data_constraints), variables_(variables), violated_constraints_(violated_constraints), index_from_key_(index_from_key), size_(data_constraints.size()), iter_(0), checked_iter_(0) { for (const auto& it : data_variables_) { int first_element = (it.second.domain)[0]; minimum_value_available_.push_back(first_element); variable_state_.push_back(EQUAL); } CHECK_EQ(minimum_value_available_.size(), variables_.size()); CHECK_EQ(variable_state_.size(), variables_.size()); } ~OrderingBuilder() override {} Decision* Next(Solver* const s) override { if (iter_ < size_) { FapConstraint constraint = data_constraints_[iter_]; const int index1 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key_, constraint.variable1); const int index2 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key_, constraint.variable2); IntVar* variable1 = variables_[index1]; IntVar* variable2 = variables_[index2]; // checked_iter is equal to 0 means that whether the constraint is to be // added or dropped hasn't been checked. // If it is equal to 1, this has already been checked and the ordering // of the constraint is to be done. if (!checked_iter_ && !constraint.hard) { // New Soft Constraint: Check if it will be added or dropped. ConstraintDecision* constraint_decision = new ConstraintDecision(violated_constraints_[iter_]); s->SaveAndAdd(&checked_iter_, 1); return s->RevAlloc(constraint_decision); } // The constraint is either hard or soft and checked already. if (violated_constraints_[iter_]->Bound() && violated_constraints_[iter_]->Value() == 0) { // If the constraint is added, do the ordering of its variables. OrderingDecision* ordering_decision; Order hint = Hint(constraint); if (hint == LESS || hint == EQUAL) { ordering_decision = new OrderingDecision( variable1, variable2, constraint.value, constraint.operation); } else { ordering_decision = new OrderingDecision( variable2, variable1, constraint.value, constraint.operation); } // Proceed to the next constraint. s->SaveAndAdd(&iter_, 1); // Assign checked_iter_ back to 0 to flag a new unchecked constraint. s->SaveAndSetValue(&checked_iter_, 0); return s->RevAlloc(ordering_decision); } else { // The constraint was dropped. return nullptr; } } else { // All the constraints were processed. No decision to take. return nullptr; } } private: Order Variable1LessVariable2(const int variable1, const int variable2, const int value) { minimum_value_available_[variable2] = std::max(minimum_value_available_[variable2], minimum_value_available_[variable1] + value); return LESS; } Order Variable1GreaterVariable2(const int variable1, const int variable2, const int value) { minimum_value_available_[variable1] = std::max(minimum_value_available_[variable1], minimum_value_available_[variable2] + value); return GREATER; } // The Hint() function takes as parameter a constraint of the model and // returns the most probable relative order that the two variables // involved in the constraint should have. // The function reaches such a decision, by taking into consideration if // variable1 or variable2 or both have been denoted as less (state = -1) // or greater (state = 1) than another variable in a previous constraint // and tries to maintain the same state in the current constraint too. // If both variables have the same state, the variable whose minimum value is // the smallest is set to be lower than the other one. // If none of the above are applicable variable1 is set to be lower than // variable2. This ordering is more efficient if used with the // Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE value selection strategy. // It returns 1 if variable1 > variable2 or -1 if variable1 < variable2. Order Hint(const FapConstraint& constraint) { const int id1 = constraint.variable1; const int id2 = constraint.variable2; const int variable1 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key_, id1); const int variable2 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key_, id2); const int value = constraint.value; CHECK_LT(variable1, variable_state_.size()); CHECK_LT(variable2, variable_state_.size()); CHECK_LT(variable1, minimum_value_available_.size()); CHECK_LT(variable2, minimum_value_available_.size()); if (variable_state_[variable1] > variable_state_[variable2]) { variable_state_[variable1] = GREATER; variable_state_[variable2] = LESS; return Variable1GreaterVariable2(variable1, variable2, value); } else if (variable_state_[variable1] < variable_state_[variable2]) { variable_state_[variable1] = LESS; variable_state_[variable2] = GREATER; return Variable1LessVariable2(variable1, variable2, value); } else { if (variable_state_[variable1] == 0 && variable_state_[variable2] == 0) { variable_state_[variable1] = LESS; variable_state_[variable2] = GREATER; return Variable1LessVariable2(variable1, variable2, value); } else { if (minimum_value_available_[variable1] > minimum_value_available_[variable2]) { return Variable1GreaterVariable2(variable1, variable2, value); } else { return Variable1LessVariable2(variable1, variable2, value); } } } } // Passed as arguments from the function that creates the Decision Builder. const std::map data_variables_; const std::vector data_constraints_; const std::vector variables_; const std::vector violated_constraints_; const std::map index_from_key_; // Used by Next() for monitoring decisions. const int size_; int iter_; int checked_iter_; // Used by Hint() for indicating the most probable ordering. std::vector variable_state_; std::vector minimum_value_available_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OrderingBuilder); }; // A comparator for sorting the constraints depending on their impact. bool ConstraintImpactComparator(FapConstraint constraint1, FapConstraint constraint2) { if (constraint1.impact == constraint2.impact) { return (constraint1.value > constraint2.value); } return (constraint1.impact > constraint2.impact); } int64 ValueEvaluator( absl::flat_hash_map >* value_evaluator_map, int64 variable_index, int64 value) { CHECK(value_evaluator_map != nullptr); // Evaluate the choice. Smaller ranking denotes a better choice. int64 ranking = -1; for (const auto& it : *value_evaluator_map) { if ((it.first != variable_index) && (it.second.first == value)) { ranking = -2; break; } } // Update the history of assigned values and their rankings of each variable. absl::flat_hash_map >::iterator it; int64 new_value = value; int64 new_ranking = ranking; if ((it = value_evaluator_map->find(variable_index)) != value_evaluator_map->end()) { std::pair existing_value_ranking = it->second; // Replace only if the current choice for this variable has smaller // ranking or same ranking but smaller value of the existing choice. if (!(existing_value_ranking.second > ranking || (existing_value_ranking.second == ranking && existing_value_ranking.first > value))) { new_value = existing_value_ranking.first; new_ranking = existing_value_ranking.second; } } std::pair new_value_ranking = std::make_pair(new_value, new_ranking); gtl::InsertOrUpdate(value_evaluator_map, variable_index, new_value_ranking); return new_ranking; } // The variables which participate in more constraints and have the // smaller domain should be in higher priority for assignment. int64 VariableEvaluator(const std::vector& key_from_index, const std::map& data_variables, int64 variable_index) { FapVariable variable = gtl::FindOrDie(data_variables, key_from_index[variable_index]); int64 result = -(variable.degree * 100 / variable.domain_size); return result; } // Creates the variables of the solver from the parsed data. void CreateModelVariables(const std::map& data_variables, Solver* solver, std::vector* model_variables, std::map* index_from_key, std::vector* key_from_index) { CHECK(solver != nullptr); CHECK(model_variables != nullptr); CHECK(index_from_key != nullptr); CHECK(key_from_index != nullptr); const int number_of_variables = static_cast(data_variables.size()); model_variables->resize(number_of_variables); key_from_index->resize(number_of_variables); int index = 0; for (const auto& it : data_variables) { CHECK_LT(index, model_variables->size()); (*model_variables)[index] = solver->MakeIntVar(it.second.domain); gtl::InsertOrUpdate(index_from_key, it.first, index); (*key_from_index)[index] = it.first; if ((it.second.initial_position != -1) && (it.second.hard)) { CHECK_LT(it.second.mobility_cost, 0); solver->AddConstraint(solver->MakeEquality((*model_variables)[index], it.second.initial_position)); } index++; } } // Creates the constraints of the instance from the parsed data. void CreateModelConstraints(const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::vector& variables, const std::map& index_from_key, Solver* solver) { CHECK(solver != nullptr); for (const FapConstraint& ct : data_constraints) { const int index1 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, ct.variable1); const int index2 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, ct.variable2); CHECK_LT(index1, variables.size()); CHECK_LT(index2, variables.size()); IntVar* var1 = variables[index1]; IntVar* var2 = variables[index2]; IntVar* absolute_difference = solver->MakeAbs(solver->MakeDifference(var1, var2))->Var(); if (ct.operation == ">") { solver->AddConstraint(solver->MakeGreater(absolute_difference, ct.value)); } else if (ct.operation == "=") { solver->AddConstraint( solver->MakeEquality(absolute_difference, ct.value)); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid operator detected."; return; } } } // According to the value of a command line flag, chooses the strategy which // determines the selection of the variable to be assigned next. void ChooseVariableStrategy(Solver::IntVarStrategy* variable_strategy) { CHECK(variable_strategy != nullptr); switch (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_choose_next_variable_strategy)) { case 1: { *variable_strategy = Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND; LOG(INFO) << "Using Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND " "for variable selection strategy."; break; } case 2: { *variable_strategy = Solver::CHOOSE_MIN_SIZE_LOWEST_MIN; LOG(INFO) << "Using Solver::CHOOSE_MIN_SIZE_LOWEST_MIN " "for variable selection strategy."; break; } case 3: { *variable_strategy = Solver::CHOOSE_MIN_SIZE_HIGHEST_MAX; LOG(INFO) << "Using Solver::CHOOSE_MIN_SIZE_HIGHEST_MAX " "for variable selection strategy."; break; } case 4: { *variable_strategy = Solver::CHOOSE_RANDOM; LOG(INFO) << "Using Solver::CHOOSE_RANDOM " "for variable selection strategy."; break; } default: { LOG(FATAL) << "Should not be here"; return; } } } // According to the values of some command line flags, adds some monitors // for the search of the Solver. void CreateAdditionalMonitors(OptimizeVar* const objective, Solver* solver, std::vector* monitors) { CHECK(solver != nullptr); CHECK(monitors != nullptr); // Search Log if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_log_search)) { SearchMonitor* const log = solver->MakeSearchLog(100000, objective); monitors->push_back(log); } // Time Limit if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_time_limit_in_ms) != 0) { LOG(INFO) << "Adding time limit of " << absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_time_limit_in_ms) << " ms."; SearchLimit* const limit = solver->MakeLimit( absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_time_limit_in_ms), kint64max, kint64max, kint64max); monitors->push_back(limit); } // Search Restart SearchMonitor* const restart = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_restart) != -1 ? (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_luby) ? solver->MakeLubyRestart(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_restart)) : solver->MakeConstantRestart(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_restart))) : nullptr; if (restart) { monitors->push_back(restart); } } // The Hard Solver is dealing with finding the solution to feasible // instances of the problem with objective either the minimization of // the largest frequency assigned or the minimization of the number // of frequencies used to the solution. void HardFapSolver(const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::string& data_objective, const std::vector& values) { Solver solver("HardFapSolver"); std::vector monitors; // Create Model Variables. std::vector variables; std::map index_from_key; std::vector key_from_index; CreateModelVariables(data_variables, &solver, &variables, &index_from_key, &key_from_index); // Create Model Constraints. CreateModelConstraints(data_constraints, variables, index_from_key, &solver); // Order the constraints according to their impact in the instance. std::vector ordered_constraints(data_constraints); std::sort(ordered_constraints.begin(), ordered_constraints.end(), ConstraintImpactComparator); std::vector violated_constraints; solver.MakeIntVarArray(ordered_constraints.size(), 0, 0, &violated_constraints); // Objective: // Either minimize the largest assigned frequency or // minimize the number of different frequencies assigned. IntVar* objective_var; OptimizeVar* objective; if (data_objective == "Minimize the largest assigned value.") { LOG(INFO) << "Minimize the largest assigned value."; // The objective_var is set to hold the maximum value assigned // in the variables vector. objective_var = solver.MakeMax(variables)->Var(); objective = solver.MakeMinimize(objective_var, 1); } else if (data_objective == "Minimize the number of assigned values.") { LOG(INFO) << "Minimize the number of assigned values."; std::vector cardinality; solver.MakeIntVarArray(static_cast(values.size()), 0, static_cast(variables.size()), &cardinality); solver.AddConstraint(solver.MakeDistribute(variables, values, cardinality)); std::vector value_not_assigned; for (int val = 0; val < values.size(); ++val) { value_not_assigned.push_back( solver.MakeIsEqualCstVar(cardinality[val], 0)); } CHECK(!value_not_assigned.empty()); // The objective_var is set to maximize the number of values // that have not been assigned to a variable. objective_var = solver.MakeSum(value_not_assigned)->Var(); objective = solver.MakeMaximize(objective_var, 1); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "No right objective specified."; return; } monitors.push_back(objective); // Ordering Builder OrderingBuilder* ob = solver.RevAlloc( new OrderingBuilder(data_variables, ordered_constraints, variables, violated_constraints, index_from_key)); // Decision Builder Configuration // Choose the next variable selection strategy. Solver::IntVarStrategy variable_strategy; ChooseVariableStrategy(&variable_strategy); // Choose the value selection strategy. DecisionBuilder* db; absl::flat_hash_map > history; if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_value_evaluator) == "value_evaluator") { LOG(INFO) << "Using ValueEvaluator for value selection strategy."; Solver::IndexEvaluator2 index_evaluator2 = [&history](int64 var, int64 value) { return ValueEvaluator(&history, var, value); }; LOG(INFO) << "Using ValueEvaluator for value selection strategy."; db = solver.MakePhase(variables, variable_strategy, index_evaluator2); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Using Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE for value selection strategy."; db = solver.MakePhase(variables, variable_strategy, Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE); } DecisionBuilder* final_db = solver.Compose(ob, db); // Create Additional Monitors. CreateAdditionalMonitors(objective, &solver, &monitors); // Collector SolutionCollector* const collector = solver.MakeLastSolutionCollector(); collector->Add(variables); collector->Add(objective_var); monitors.push_back(collector); // Solve. LOG(INFO) << "Solving..."; const int64 time1 = solver.wall_time(); solver.Solve(final_db, monitors); const int64 time2 = solver.wall_time(); // Display Time. if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_display_time)) { PrintElapsedTime(time1, time2); } // Display Results. if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_display_results)) { PrintResultsHard(collector, variables, objective_var, data_variables, data_constraints, index_from_key, key_from_index); } } // Splits variables of the instance to hard and soft. void SplitVariablesHardSoft(const std::map& data_variables, std::map* hard_variables, std::map* soft_variables) { for (const auto& it : data_variables) { if (it.second.initial_position != -1) { if (it.second.hard) { CHECK_LT(it.second.mobility_cost, 0); gtl::InsertOrUpdate(hard_variables, it.first, it.second); } else { CHECK_GE(it.second.mobility_cost, 0); gtl::InsertOrUpdate(soft_variables, it.first, it.second); } } } } // Splits constraints of the instance to hard and soft. void SplitConstraintHardSoft(const std::vector& data_constraints, std::vector* hard_constraints, std::vector* soft_constraints) { for (const FapConstraint& ct : data_constraints) { if (ct.hard) { CHECK_LT(ct.weight_cost, 0); hard_constraints->push_back(ct); } else { CHECK_GE(ct.weight_cost, 0); soft_constraints->push_back(ct); } } } // Penalize the modification of the initial position of soft variable of // the instance. void PenalizeVariablesViolation( const std::map& soft_variables, const std::map& index_from_key, const std::vector& variables, std::vector* cost, Solver* solver) { for (const auto& it : soft_variables) { const int index = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, it.first); CHECK_LT(index, variables.size()); IntVar* const displaced = solver->MakeIsDifferentCstVar( variables[index], it.second.initial_position); IntVar* const weight = solver->MakeProd(displaced, it.second.mobility_cost)->Var(); cost->push_back(weight); } } // Penalize the violation of soft constraints of the instance. void PenalizeConstraintsViolation( const std::vector& constraints, const std::vector& soft_constraints, const std::map& index_from_key, const std::vector& variables, std::vector* cost, std::vector* violated_constraints, Solver* solver) { int violated_constraints_index = 0; for (const FapConstraint& ct : constraints) { CHECK_LT(violated_constraints_index, violated_constraints->size()); if (!ct.hard) { // The violated_constraints_index will stop at the first soft constraint. break; } IntVar* const hard_violation = solver->MakeIntVar(0, 0); (*violated_constraints)[violated_constraints_index] = hard_violation; violated_constraints_index++; } for (const FapConstraint& ct : soft_constraints) { const int index1 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, ct.variable1); const int index2 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, ct.variable2); CHECK_LT(index1, variables.size()); CHECK_LT(index2, variables.size()); IntVar* const absolute_difference = solver ->MakeAbs( solver->MakeDifference(variables[index1], variables[index2])) ->Var(); IntVar* violation = nullptr; if (ct.operation == ">") { violation = solver->MakeIsLessCstVar(absolute_difference, ct.value); } else if (ct.operation == "=") { violation = solver->MakeIsDifferentCstVar(absolute_difference, ct.value); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid operator detected."; } IntVar* const weight = solver->MakeProd(violation, ct.weight_cost)->Var(); cost->push_back(weight); CHECK_LT(violated_constraints_index, violated_constraints->size()); (*violated_constraints)[violated_constraints_index] = violation; violated_constraints_index++; } CHECK_EQ(violated_constraints->size(), constraints.size()); } // The Soft Solver is dealing with the optimization of unfeasible instances // and aims to minimize the total cost of violated constraints. Returning value // equal to 0 denotes that the instance is feasible. int SoftFapSolver(const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::string& data_objective, const std::vector& values) { Solver solver("SoftFapSolver"); std::vector monitors; // Split variables to hard and soft. std::map hard_variables; std::map soft_variables; SplitVariablesHardSoft(data_variables, &hard_variables, &soft_variables); // Order instance's constraints by their impact and then split them to // hard and soft. std::vector ordered_constraints(data_constraints); std::sort(ordered_constraints.begin(), ordered_constraints.end(), ConstraintImpactComparator); std::vector hard_constraints; std::vector soft_constraints; SplitConstraintHardSoft(ordered_constraints, &hard_constraints, &soft_constraints); // Create Model Variables. std::vector variables; std::map index_from_key; std::vector key_from_index; CreateModelVariables(data_variables, &solver, &variables, &index_from_key, &key_from_index); // Create Model Constraints. CreateModelConstraints(hard_constraints, variables, index_from_key, &solver); // Penalize variable and constraint violations. std::vector cost; std::vector violated_constraints(ordered_constraints.size(), nullptr); PenalizeVariablesViolation(soft_variables, index_from_key, variables, &cost, &solver); PenalizeConstraintsViolation(ordered_constraints, soft_constraints, index_from_key, variables, &cost, &violated_constraints, &solver); // Objective // Minimize the sum of violation penalties. IntVar* objective_var = solver.MakeSum(cost)->Var(); OptimizeVar* objective = solver.MakeMinimize(objective_var, 1); monitors.push_back(objective); // Ordering Builder OrderingBuilder* ob = solver.RevAlloc( new OrderingBuilder(data_variables, ordered_constraints, variables, violated_constraints, index_from_key)); // Decision Builder Configuration // Choose the next variable selection strategy. DecisionBuilder* db; if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_variable_evaluator) == "variable_evaluator") { LOG(INFO) << "Using VariableEvaluator for variable selection strategy and " "Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE for value selection strategy."; Solver::IndexEvaluator1 var_evaluator = [&key_from_index, &data_variables](int64 index) { return VariableEvaluator(key_from_index, data_variables, index); }; db = solver.MakePhase(variables, var_evaluator, Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Using Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND for variable selection " "strategy and Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE for value selection " "strategy."; db = solver.MakePhase(variables, Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE); } DecisionBuilder* final_db = solver.Compose(ob, db); // Create Additional Monitors. CreateAdditionalMonitors(objective, &solver, &monitors); // Collector SolutionCollector* const collector = solver.MakeLastSolutionCollector(); collector->Add(variables); collector->Add(objective_var); monitors.push_back(collector); // Solve. LOG(INFO) << "Solving..."; const int64 time1 = solver.wall_time(); solver.Solve(final_db, monitors); const int64 time2 = solver.wall_time(); int violation_sum = collector->Value(collector->solution_count() - 1, objective_var); // Display Time. if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_display_time)) { PrintElapsedTime(time1, time2); } // Display Results. if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_display_results)) { PrintResultsSoft(collector, variables, objective_var, hard_variables, hard_constraints, soft_variables, soft_constraints, index_from_key, key_from_index); } return violation_sum; } void SolveProblem(const std::map& variables, const std::vector& constraints, const std::string& objective, const std::vector& values, bool soft) { // Print Instance! FapModelPrinter model_printer(variables, constraints, objective, values); model_printer.PrintFapObjective(); model_printer.PrintFapVariables(); model_printer.PrintFapConstraints(); model_printer.PrintFapValues(); // Create Model & Solve! if (!soft) { LOG(INFO) << "Running HardFapSolver"; HardFapSolver(variables, constraints, objective, values); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Running SoftFapSolver"; int violation = SoftFapSolver(variables, constraints, objective, values); if (violation == 0) { LOG(INFO) << "The instance is feasible. " "Now the HardFapSolver will be executed."; LOG(INFO) << "Running HardFapSolver"; HardFapSolver(variables, constraints, objective, values); } } } } // namespace operations_research int main(int argc, char** argv) { absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); CHECK(!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_directory).empty()) << "Requires --directory="; LOG(INFO) << "Solving instance in directory " << absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_directory); // Parse! std::map variables; std::vector constraints; std::string objective; std::vector values; absl::flat_hash_map components; operations_research::ParseInstance( absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_directory), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_find_components), &variables, &constraints, &objective, &values, &components); if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_find_components)) { operations_research::SolveProblem(variables, constraints, objective, values, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_soft)); } else { int component_id = 1; LOG(INFO) << "Number of components in the RLFAP graph " << components.size(); for (const auto& component : components) { LOG(INFO) << "Solving Component " << component_id; operations_research::SolveProblem(component.second.variables, component.second.constraints, objective, values, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_soft)); component_id++; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }