// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // This header provides functions to help creating random instaces of the // vehicle routing problem; random capacities and random time windows. #ifndef OR_TOOLS_EXAMPLES_CVRPTW_LIB_H_ #define OR_TOOLS_EXAMPLES_CVRPTW_LIB_H_ #include #include #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/base/random.h" #include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing.h" namespace operations_research { typedef std::function RoutingNodeEvaluator2; // Random seed generator. int32 GetSeed(bool deterministic); // Location container, contains positions of orders and can be used to obtain // Manhattan distances/times between locations. class LocationContainer { public: LocationContainer(int64 speed, bool use_deterministic_seed); void AddLocation(int64 x, int64 y) { locations_.push_back(Location(x, y)); } void AddRandomLocation(int64 x_max, int64 y_max); void AddRandomLocation(int64 x_max, int64 y_max, int duplicates); int64 ManhattanDistance(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex from, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex to) const; int64 NegManhattanDistance(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex from, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex to) const; int64 ManhattanTime(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex from, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex to) const; bool SameLocation(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex node1, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex node2) const; int64 SameLocationFromIndex(int64 node1, int64 node2) const; private: class Location { public: Location(); Location(int64 x, int64 y); int64 DistanceTo(const Location& location) const; bool IsAtSameLocation(const Location& location) const; private: static int64 Abs(int64 value); int64 x_; int64 y_; }; MTRandom randomizer_; const int64 speed_; absl::StrongVector locations_; }; // Random demand. class RandomDemand { public: RandomDemand(int size, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex depot, bool use_deterministic_seed); void Initialize(); int64 Demand(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex from, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex to) const; private: std::unique_ptr demand_; const int size_; const RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex depot_; const bool use_deterministic_seed_; }; // Service time (proportional to demand) + transition time callback. class ServiceTimePlusTransition { public: ServiceTimePlusTransition(int64 time_per_demand_unit, RoutingNodeEvaluator2 demand, RoutingNodeEvaluator2 transition_time); int64 Compute(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex from, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex to) const; private: const int64 time_per_demand_unit_; RoutingNodeEvaluator2 demand_; RoutingNodeEvaluator2 transition_time_; }; // Stop service time + transition time callback. class StopServiceTimePlusTransition { public: StopServiceTimePlusTransition(int64 stop_time, const LocationContainer& location_container, RoutingNodeEvaluator2 transition_time); int64 Compute(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex from, RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex to) const; private: const int64 stop_time_; const LocationContainer& location_container_; RoutingNodeEvaluator2 demand_; RoutingNodeEvaluator2 transition_time_; }; // Route plan displayer. // TODO(user): Move the display code to the routing library. void DisplayPlan( const operations_research::RoutingIndexManager& manager, const operations_research::RoutingModel& routing, const operations_research::Assignment& plan, bool use_same_vehicle_costs, int64 max_nodes_per_group, int64 same_vehicle_cost, const operations_research::RoutingDimension& capacity_dimension, const operations_research::RoutingDimension& time_dimension); using NodeIndex = RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex; int32 GetSeed(bool deterministic) { if (deterministic) { return ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed(); } else { return ACMRandom::HostnamePidTimeSeed(); } } LocationContainer::LocationContainer(int64 speed, bool use_deterministic_seed) : randomizer_(GetSeed(use_deterministic_seed)), speed_(speed) { CHECK_LT(0, speed_); } void LocationContainer::AddRandomLocation(int64 x_max, int64 y_max) { AddRandomLocation(x_max, y_max, 1); } void LocationContainer::AddRandomLocation(int64 x_max, int64 y_max, int duplicates) { const int64 x = randomizer_.Uniform(x_max + 1); const int64 y = randomizer_.Uniform(y_max + 1); for (int i = 0; i < duplicates; ++i) { AddLocation(x, y); } } int64 LocationContainer::ManhattanDistance(NodeIndex from, NodeIndex to) const { return locations_[from].DistanceTo(locations_[to]); } int64 LocationContainer::NegManhattanDistance(NodeIndex from, NodeIndex to) const { return -ManhattanDistance(from, to); } int64 LocationContainer::ManhattanTime(NodeIndex from, NodeIndex to) const { return ManhattanDistance(from, to) / speed_; } bool LocationContainer::SameLocation(NodeIndex node1, NodeIndex node2) const { if (node1 < locations_.size() && node2 < locations_.size()) { return locations_[node1].IsAtSameLocation(locations_[node2]); } return false; } int64 LocationContainer::SameLocationFromIndex(int64 node1, int64 node2) const { // The direct conversion from constraint model indices to routing model // nodes is correct because the depot is node 0. // TODO(user): Fetch proper indices from routing model. return SameLocation(NodeIndex(node1), NodeIndex(node2)); } LocationContainer::Location::Location() : x_(0), y_(0) {} LocationContainer::Location::Location(int64 x, int64 y) : x_(x), y_(y) {} int64 LocationContainer::Location::DistanceTo(const Location& location) const { return Abs(x_ - location.x_) + Abs(y_ - location.y_); } bool LocationContainer::Location::IsAtSameLocation( const Location& location) const { return x_ == location.x_ && y_ == location.y_; } int64 LocationContainer::Location::Abs(int64 value) { return std::max(value, -value); } RandomDemand::RandomDemand(int size, NodeIndex depot, bool use_deterministic_seed) : size_(size), depot_(depot), use_deterministic_seed_(use_deterministic_seed) { CHECK_LT(0, size_); } void RandomDemand::Initialize() { const int64 kDemandMax = 5; const int64 kDemandMin = 1; demand_ = absl::make_unique(size_); MTRandom randomizer(GetSeed(use_deterministic_seed_)); for (int order = 0; order < size_; ++order) { if (order == depot_) { demand_[order] = 0; } else { demand_[order] = kDemandMin + randomizer.Uniform(kDemandMax - kDemandMin + 1); } } } int64 RandomDemand::Demand(NodeIndex from, NodeIndex /*to*/) const { return demand_[from.value()]; } ServiceTimePlusTransition::ServiceTimePlusTransition( int64 time_per_demand_unit, RoutingNodeEvaluator2 demand, RoutingNodeEvaluator2 transition_time) : time_per_demand_unit_(time_per_demand_unit), demand_(std::move(demand)), transition_time_(std::move(transition_time)) {} int64 ServiceTimePlusTransition::Compute(NodeIndex from, NodeIndex to) const { return time_per_demand_unit_ * demand_(from, to) + transition_time_(from, to); } StopServiceTimePlusTransition::StopServiceTimePlusTransition( int64 stop_time, const LocationContainer& location_container, RoutingNodeEvaluator2 transition_time) : stop_time_(stop_time), location_container_(location_container), transition_time_(std::move(transition_time)) {} int64 StopServiceTimePlusTransition::Compute(NodeIndex from, NodeIndex to) const { return location_container_.SameLocation(from, to) ? 0 : stop_time_ + transition_time_(from, to); } void DisplayPlan( const RoutingIndexManager& manager, const RoutingModel& routing, const operations_research::Assignment& plan, bool use_same_vehicle_costs, int64 max_nodes_per_group, int64 same_vehicle_cost, const operations_research::RoutingDimension& capacity_dimension, const operations_research::RoutingDimension& time_dimension) { // Display plan cost. std::string plan_output = absl::StrFormat("Cost %d\n", plan.ObjectiveValue()); // Display dropped orders. std::string dropped; for (int64 order = 0; order < routing.Size(); ++order) { if (routing.IsStart(order) || routing.IsEnd(order)) continue; if (plan.Value(routing.NextVar(order)) == order) { if (dropped.empty()) { absl::StrAppendFormat(&dropped, " %d", manager.IndexToNode(order).value()); } else { absl::StrAppendFormat(&dropped, ", %d", manager.IndexToNode(order).value()); } } } if (!dropped.empty()) { plan_output += "Dropped orders:" + dropped + "\n"; } if (use_same_vehicle_costs) { int group_size = 0; int64 group_same_vehicle_cost = 0; std::set visited; for (int64 order = 0; order < routing.Size(); ++order) { if (routing.IsStart(order) || routing.IsEnd(order)) continue; ++group_size; visited.insert(plan.Value(routing.VehicleVar(order))); if (group_size == max_nodes_per_group) { if (visited.size() > 1) { group_same_vehicle_cost += (visited.size() - 1) * same_vehicle_cost; } group_size = 0; visited.clear(); } } if (visited.size() > 1) { group_same_vehicle_cost += (visited.size() - 1) * same_vehicle_cost; } LOG(INFO) << "Same vehicle costs: " << group_same_vehicle_cost; } // Display actual output for each vehicle. for (int route_number = 0; route_number < routing.vehicles(); ++route_number) { int64 order = routing.Start(route_number); absl::StrAppendFormat(&plan_output, "Route %d: ", route_number); if (routing.IsEnd(plan.Value(routing.NextVar(order)))) { plan_output += "Empty\n"; } else { while (true) { operations_research::IntVar* const load_var = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(order); operations_research::IntVar* const time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(order); operations_research::IntVar* const slack_var = routing.IsEnd(order) ? nullptr : time_dimension.SlackVar(order); if (slack_var != nullptr && plan.Contains(slack_var)) { absl::StrAppendFormat( &plan_output, "%d Load(%d) Time(%d, %d) Slack(%d, %d)", manager.IndexToNode(order).value(), plan.Value(load_var), plan.Min(time_var), plan.Max(time_var), plan.Min(slack_var), plan.Max(slack_var)); } else { absl::StrAppendFormat(&plan_output, "%d Load(%d) Time(%d, %d)", manager.IndexToNode(order).value(), plan.Value(load_var), plan.Min(time_var), plan.Max(time_var)); } if (routing.IsEnd(order)) break; plan_output += " -> "; order = plan.Value(routing.NextVar(order)); } plan_output += "\n"; } } LOG(INFO) << plan_output; } } // namespace operations_research #endif // OR_TOOLS_EXAMPLES_CVRPTW_LIB_H_