Java Reference
Java Reference
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
▼Ncom | |
▼Ngoogle | |
▼Nortools | |
►Nalgorithms | |
►CKnapsackSolver | This library solves knapsack problems |
CSolverType | Enum controlling which underlying algorithm is used |
►Nconstraintsolver | |
CAssignment | An Assignment is a variable -> domains mapping, used to report solutions to the user |
CAssignmentElement | |
CAssignmentIntContainer | |
CAssignmentIntervalContainer | |
CAssignmentSequenceContainer | |
CBaseIntExpr | This is the base class for all expressions that are not variables |
CBaseLns | This is the base class for building an Lns operator |
CBaseObject | A BaseObject is the root of all reversibly allocated objects |
CBasePathFilter | Generic path-based filter class |
CBooleanVar | |
CCastConstraint | Cast constraints are special channeling constraints designed to keep a variable in sync with an expression |
CChangeValue | Defines operators which change the value of variables; each neighbor corresponds to one modified variable |
CConstraint | A constraint is the main modeling object |
►CConstraintSolverParameters | |
CBuilder | |
CTrailCompression | |
CConstraintSolverParametersOrBuilder | |
CCPFeasibilityFilter | This filter accepts deltas for which the assignment satisfies the constraints of the Solver |
CDecision | A Decision represents a choice point in the search tree |
CDecisionBuilder | A DecisionBuilder is responsible for creating the search tree |
CDecisionVisitor | A DecisionVisitor is used to inspect a decision |
CDefaultPhaseParameters | This struct holds all parameters for the default search |
CDemon | A Demon is the base element of a propagation queue |
CDisjunctiveConstraint | |
►CFirstSolutionStrategy | |
CBuilder | |
CValue | Protobuf enum |
CFirstSolutionStrategyOrBuilder | |
CGlobalVehicleBreaksConstraint | GlobalVehicleBreaksConstraint ensures breaks constraints are enforced on all vehicles in the dimension passed to its constructor |
CImprovementSearchLimit | |
CIntervalVar | Interval variables are often used in scheduling |
CIntervalVarElement | |
CIntExpr | The class IntExpr is the base of all integer expressions in constraint programming |
CIntIntToLongFunction | Represents a function that accepts two int-valued arguments and produces a long-valued result |
CIntTupleSet | |
CIntVar | The class IntVar is a subset of IntExpr |
CIntVarElement | |
CIntVarIterator | The class Iterator has two direct subclasses |
CIntVarLocalSearchFilter | |
CIntVarLocalSearchHandler | |
CIntVarLocalSearchOperator | |
CIntVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate | Base operator class for operators manipulating variables |
CJavaDecisionBuilder | This class acts as a intermediate step between a c++ decision builder and a java one |
CLocalSearchFilter | Local Search Filters are used for fast neighbor pruning |
►CLocalSearchFilterManager | Filter manager: when a move is made, filters are executed to decide whether the solution is feasible and compute parts of the new cost |
CFilterEvent | |
►CLocalSearchMetaheuristic | |
CBuilder | |
CValue | Protobuf enum |
CLocalSearchMetaheuristicOrBuilder | |
CLocalSearchMonitor | |
CLocalSearchOperator | This class represent a reversible FIFO structure |
CLocalSearchPhaseParameters | |
CLongTernaryOperator | Represents an operation upon three |
CLongTernaryPredicate | Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) uppon three |
CmainConstants | |
CModelCache | Implements a complete cache for model elements: expressions and constraints |
CModelVisitor | Model visitor |
COptimizeVar | This class encapsulates an objective |
CPack | |
CPathOperator | Base class of the local search operators dedicated to path modifications (a path is a set of nodes linked together by arcs) |
CPropagationBaseObject | NOLINT The PropagationBaseObject is a subclass of BaseObject that is also friend to the Solver class |
CPropagationMonitor | |
CRegularLimit | Usual limit based on wall_time, number of explored branches and number of failures in the search tree |
►CRegularLimitParameters | |
CBuilder | |
CRegularLimitParametersOrBuilder | |
CRevBool | This class adds reversibility to a POD type |
CRevInteger | This class adds reversibility to a POD type |
CRevLong | This class adds reversibility to a POD type |
CRevPartialSequence | --— RevPartialSequence --— |
CRoutingDimension | Dimensions represent quantities accumulated at nodes along the routes |
CRoutingEnums | |
CRoutingIndexManager | Manager for any NodeIndex <-> variable index conversion |
►CRoutingModel | |
►CVehicleTypeContainer | Struct used to sort and store vehicles by their type |
CVehicleClassEntry | |
►CRoutingModelParameters | |
CBuilder | |
CRoutingModelParametersOrBuilder | |
CRoutingModelVisitor | Routing model visitor |
CRoutingParameters | |
►CRoutingSearchParameters | |
CBuilder | |
►CImprovementSearchLimitParameters | |
CBuilder | |
CImprovementSearchLimitParametersOrBuilder | |
►CLocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators | |
CBuilder | |
CLocalSearchNeighborhoodOperatorsOrBuilder | |
CSchedulingSolver | |
CRoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder | |
CSearchLimit | Base class of all search limits |
CSearchLimitProtobuf | |
CSearchLog | The base class of all search logs that periodically outputs information when the search is running |
CSearchMonitor | A search monitor is a simple set of callbacks to monitor all search events |
CSequenceVar | A sequence variable is a variable whose domain is a set of possible orderings of the interval variables |
CSequenceVarElement | The SequenceVarElement stores a partial representation of ranked interval variables in the underlying sequence variable |
CSequenceVarLocalSearchHandler | |
CSequenceVarLocalSearchOperator | |
CSequenceVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate | Base operator class for operators manipulating variables |
CSolutionCollector | This class is the root class of all solution collectors |
CSolutionPool | This class is used to manage a pool of solutions |
►CSolver | Solver Class A solver represents the main computation engine |
CFailException | This exceptions signal that a failure has been raised in the C++ world |
CIntegerCastInfo | Holds semantic information stating that the 'expression' has been cast into 'variable' using the Var() method, and that 'maintainer' is responsible for maintaining the equality between 'variable' and 'expression' |
CSolverParameters | |
CSymmetryBreaker | A symmetry breaker is an object that will visit a decision and create the 'symmetrical' decision in return |
CTypeIncompatibilityChecker | Checker for type incompatibilities |
CTypeRegulationsChecker | |
CTypeRegulationsConstraint | The following constraint ensures that incompatibilities and requirements between types are respected |
CTypeRequirementChecker | Checker for type requirements |
►Ngraph | |
►CLinearSumAssignment | |
CStatus | |
►CMaxFlow | |
CStatus | |
CMinCostFlow | |
►CMinCostFlowBase | |
CStatus | |
►Nlinearsolver | |
CLinearSolver | |
►CMPAbsConstraint | |
CBuilder | |
CMPAbsConstraintOrBuilder | |
►CMPArrayConstraint | |
CBuilder | |
CMPArrayConstraintOrBuilder | |
►CMPArrayWithConstantConstraint | |
CBuilder | |
CMPArrayWithConstantConstraintOrBuilder | |
CMPConstraint | The class for constraints of a Mathematical Programming (MP) model |
►CMPConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CMPConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CMPGeneralConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CGeneralConstraintCase | |
CMPGeneralConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CMPIndicatorConstraint | |
CBuilder | |
CMPIndicatorConstraintOrBuilder | |
►CMPModelDeltaProto | |
CBuilder | |
CMPModelDeltaProtoOrBuilder | |
CMPModelExportOptions | Export options |
►CMPModelProto | |
CBuilder | |
CMPModelProtoOrBuilder | |
►CMPModelRequest | |
CBuilder | |
CSolverType | |
CMPModelRequestOrBuilder | |
CMPObjective | A class to express a linear objective |
►CMPQuadraticConstraint | |
CBuilder | |
CMPQuadraticConstraintOrBuilder | |
►CMPQuadraticObjective | |
CBuilder | |
CMPQuadraticObjectiveOrBuilder | |
►CMPSolutionResponse | Protobuf type |
CBuilder | Protobuf type |
CMPSolutionResponseOrBuilder | |
►CMPSolver | This mathematical programming (MP) solver class is the main class though which users build and solve problems |
CBasisStatus | Advanced usage: possible basis status values for a variable and the slack variable of a linear constraint |
COptimizationProblemType | The type of problems (LP or MIP) that will be solved and the underlying solver (GLOP, GLPK, CLP, CBC or SCIP) that will solve them |
CResultStatus | The status of solving the problem |
►CMPSolverCommonParameters | |
CBuilder | |
CLPAlgorithmValues | Protobuf enum |
CMPSolverCommonParametersOrBuilder | |
►CMPSolverParameters | This class stores parameter settings for LP and MIP solvers |
CDoubleParam | Enumeration of parameters that take continuous values |
CIncrementalityValues | Advanced usage: Incrementality options |
CIntegerParam | Enumeration of parameters that take integer or categorical values |
CLpAlgorithmValues | LP algorithm to use |
CPresolveValues | For each categorical parameter, enumeration of possible values |
CScalingValues | Advanced usage: Scaling options |
CMPSolverResponseStatus | |
►CMPSosConstraint | |
CBuilder | |
CType | Protobuf enum |
CMPSosConstraintOrBuilder | |
CMPVariable | The class for variables of a Mathematical Programming (MP) model |
►CMPVariableProto | |
CBuilder | |
CMPVariableProtoOrBuilder | |
►COptionalDouble | |
CBuilder | |
COptionalDoubleOrBuilder | |
►CPartialVariableAssignment | |
CBuilder | |
CPartialVariableAssignmentOrBuilder | |
►Nsat | |
►CAllDifferentConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CAllDifferentConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CAutomatonConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CAutomatonConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CBoolArgumentProto | |
CBuilder | |
CBoolArgumentProtoOrBuilder | |
►CCircuitConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CCircuitConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
CConstraint | Wrapper around a ConstraintProto |
►CConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CConstraintCase | |
CConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CCpModel | Main modeling class |
CMismatchedArrayLengths | Exception thrown when parallel arrays have mismatched lengths |
CWrongLength | Exception thrown when an array has a wrong length |
►CCpModelProto | |
CBuilder | |
CCpModelProtobuf | |
CCpModelProtoOrBuilder | |
►CCpObjectiveProto | |
CBuilder | |
CCpObjectiveProtoOrBuilder | |
CCpSolver | Wrapper around the SAT solver |
►CCpSolverResponse | |
CBuilder | |
CCpSolverResponseOrBuilder | |
CCpSolverSolutionCallback | Parent class to create a callback called at each solution |
CCpSolverStatus | |
►CCumulativeConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CCumulativeConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CDecisionStrategyProto | |
►CAffineTransformation | |
CBuilder | |
CAffineTransformationOrBuilder | |
CBuilder | |
CDomainReductionStrategy | |
CVariableSelectionStrategy | |
CDecisionStrategyProtoOrBuilder | |
►CElementConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CElementConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CIntegerArgumentProto | |
CBuilder | |
CIntegerArgumentProtoOrBuilder | |
►CIntegerVariableProto | |
CBuilder | |
CIntegerVariableProtoOrBuilder | |
►CIntervalConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CIntervalConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
CIntervalVar | An interval variable |
CIntVar | An integer variable |
►CInverseConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CInverseConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CLinearArgumentProto | Protobuf type |
CBuilder | Protobuf type |
CLinearArgumentProtoOrBuilder | |
►CLinearConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CLinearConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
CLinearExpr | A linear expression interface that can be parsed |
►CLinearExpressionProto | Protobuf type |
CBuilder | Protobuf type |
CLinearExpressionProtoOrBuilder | |
CLiteral | Interface to describe a boolean variable or its negation |
►CNoOverlap2DConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CNoOverlap2DConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CNoOverlapConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CNoOverlapConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
CNotBooleanVariable | The negation of a boolean variable |
►CPartialVariableAssignment | |
CBuilder | |
CPartialVariableAssignmentOrBuilder | |
►CReservoirConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CReservoirConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►CRoutesConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CRoutesConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
CSatHelper | |
►CSatParameters | |
CBinaryMinizationAlgorithm | |
CBuilder | |
CClauseOrdering | |
CClauseProtection | |
CConflictMinimizationAlgorithm | |
CFPRoundingMethod | |
CMaxSatAssumptionOrder | |
CMaxSatStratificationAlgorithm | |
CPolarity | |
CRestartAlgorithm | |
CSearchBranching | |
CVariableOrder | |
CSatParametersOrBuilder | |
CSatParametersOuterClass | |
CScalProd | A linear expression interface that can be parsed |
CSolutionCallback | |
CSumOfVariables | A linear expression interface that can be parsed |
►CTableConstraintProto | |
CBuilder | |
CTableConstraintProtoOrBuilder | |
►Nutil | |
CDomain | We call domain any subset of Int64 = [kint64min, kint64max] |
COptionalBoolean | |
COptionalBooleanOuterClass | |
CSortedDisjointIntervalList | This class represents a sorted list of disjoint, closed intervals |
CCMakeTest | |
CLoader | Load native libraries needed for using ortools-java |