/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "FirmwarePlugin.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include <QDebug> const char* guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle = "Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."; bool FirmwarePlugin::isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities) { Q_UNUSED(capabilities); return false; } QList<VehicleComponent*> FirmwarePlugin::componentsForVehicle(AutoPilotPlugin* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return QList<VehicleComponent*>(); } QString FirmwarePlugin::flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const { QString flightMode; struct Bit2Name { uint8_t baseModeBit; const char* name; }; static const struct Bit2Name rgBit2Name[] = { { MAV_MODE_FLAG_MANUAL_INPUT_ENABLED, "Manual" }, { MAV_MODE_FLAG_STABILIZE_ENABLED, "Stabilize" }, { MAV_MODE_FLAG_GUIDED_ENABLED, "Guided" }, { MAV_MODE_FLAG_AUTO_ENABLED, "Auto" }, { MAV_MODE_FLAG_TEST_ENABLED, "Test" }, }; Q_UNUSED(custom_mode); if (base_mode == 0) { flightMode = "PreFlight"; } else if (base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED) { flightMode = QString("Custom:0x%1").arg(custom_mode, 0, 16); } else { for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(rgBit2Name)/sizeof(rgBit2Name[0]); i++) { if (base_mode & rgBit2Name[i].baseModeBit) { if (i != 0) { flightMode += " "; } flightMode += rgBit2Name[i].name; } } } return flightMode; } bool FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode(const QString& flightMode, uint8_t* base_mode, uint32_t* custom_mode) { Q_UNUSED(flightMode); Q_UNUSED(base_mode); Q_UNUSED(custom_mode); qWarning() << "FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode called on base class, not supported"; return false; } int FirmwarePlugin::manualControlReservedButtonCount(void) { // We don't know whether the firmware is going to used any of these buttons. // So reserve them all. return -1; } bool FirmwarePlugin::adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); Q_UNUSED(message); // Generic plugin does no message adjustment return true; } void FirmwarePlugin::adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); Q_UNUSED(message); // Generic plugin does no message adjustment } void FirmwarePlugin::initializeVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); // Generic Flight Stack is by definition "generic", so no extra work } bool FirmwarePlugin::sendHomePositionToVehicle(void) { // Generic stack does not want home position sent in the first position. // Subsequent sequence numbers must be adjusted. // This is the mavlink spec default. return false; } QList<MAV_CMD> FirmwarePlugin::supportedMissionCommands(void) { // Generic supports all commands return QList<MAV_CMD>(); } void FirmwarePlugin::missionCommandOverrides(QString& commonJsonFilename, QString& fixedWingJsonFilename, QString& multiRotorJsonFilename) const { // No overrides commonJsonFilename.clear(); fixedWingJsonFilename.clear(); multiRotorJsonFilename.clear(); } void FirmwarePlugin::getParameterMetaDataVersionInfo(const QString& metaDataFile, int& majorVersion, int& minorVersion) { Q_UNUSED(metaDataFile); majorVersion = -1; minorVersion = -1; } bool FirmwarePlugin::isGuidedMode(const Vehicle* vehicle) const { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return false; } void FirmwarePlugin::setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode) { Q_UNUSED(vehicle); Q_UNUSED(guidedMode); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } bool FirmwarePlugin::isPaused(const Vehicle* vehicle) const { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); return false; } void FirmwarePlugin::pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle) { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeRTL(Vehicle* vehicle) { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeLand(Vehicle* vehicle) { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel) { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); Q_UNUSED(altitudeRel); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeGotoLocation(Vehicle* vehicle, const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord) { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); Q_UNUSED(gotoCoord); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeChangeAltitude(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel) { // Not supported by generic vehicle Q_UNUSED(vehicle); Q_UNUSED(altitudeRel); qgcApp()->showMessage(guided_mode_not_supported_by_vehicle); } const FirmwarePlugin::remapParamNameMajorVersionMap_t& FirmwarePlugin::paramNameRemapMajorVersionMap(void) const { static const remapParamNameMajorVersionMap_t remap; return remap; } int FirmwarePlugin::remapParamNameHigestMinorVersionNumber(int majorVersionNumber) const { Q_UNUSED(majorVersionNumber); return 0; }